SIR,—In your issue of July the 17th, is an extract from a note of athe well-known wool-brokers, Messrs. Hughes & Son, giving an opinion on a sample of wool forwarded for ...
Article : 3,130 wordsAN Irish immigrant hearing the sunset gun at Portsmouth, asked a sailor "What's that?" "Why, that's sunset," was the reply. "Sunset!" exclaimed Pat; "and does the sun go ...
Article : 4,622 wordsThe erotic fashion follows Comte's law. Primarily we have the superstitious stage represented by first love, in which two young people rub their cheeks together, like a couple of calves, ...
Article : 1,179 wordsThe 'Moniteur du Soir,' alluding in its bulletin to the recent speech of Mr. Disraeli at Merchant Taylors', says:— Mr. Disraeli has very exactly summed up the ...
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The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (WA : 1864 - 1874), Fri 11 Sep 1868, Page 3
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