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  2. The Nobelist.

    A few years ago, said Doctor Meruel, two Americans made their appearance, or rather their re-appearance at my house,—two Yankees, two free citizens of the freest of ...

    Article : 2,627 words
  3. Ladies' Column.

    [We propose in each issue of this journal, to devote some space to subjects of special interest to women. It is our hope that the ladies of Western Australia will help us in ...

    Article : 62 words

    When Bishop Parry first started the idea of establishing a high class school for girls,—one in which our children might receive an education such as we have long vainly hoped that ...

    Article : 781 words

    Take this rose and very gently Place it on the tender, deep Mosses where our little darling, Araluen, lies asleep. ...

    Article : 525 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 129 words
  7. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 109 words
  8. THE Best Australian.

    THE W. A. Times has run its course; and in this first issue of the "West Australian" which now takes its place as a candidate for public favour, it is desirable, that the ...

    Article : 580 words
  9. [?]itbont the Globes.

    SAMPSON: I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it. ABEAM: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? SAMPSON: I do bite my thumb, sir. ABRAM: ...

    Article : 1,359 words

    The annual general meeting of the above association was held in the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon, the 13th. inst. (the day after the show). Among those present were the Hon. R. ...

    Article : 1,466 words