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Advertising : 552 wordsEvery few years the attempt is made to enlarge on the saving that will be effected if farmer's, and particularly canegrowers, purchase their fertilizer ...
Article : 1,559 wordsThe Brisbane City Soccer Team spent the week-end at Buderim, and played a match with the local team on Central Park grounds, on Saturday afternoon. ...
Article : 739 wordsIt takes time for a settlemen: to become sufficiently populated to warran: a public ball: but until that time arrive. Low irksome for the few who ...
Article : 2,080 wordsThe usual fortnightly meeting of the Hope of Maroochy Tent No. 42 I.O.R. was held in the Protestant hold on Tuesday last. Bro. J. E. [?] Chief Ruler, presided over a fair ...
Article : 174 wordsOwing to the local team being in a good position for the Power Cup considerable interest is now showing the matches. A large number of residents ...
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Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser (Qld. : 1922 - 1954), Fri 1 Aug 1924, Page 8
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