In the early history of this country bushranging was more or less traceable to the convict system then in operation. settlements proved that the inhuman ...
Article : 2,792 wordsDear Sir,-Your correspondent, "Amelia," flies too high altogether in her estimate of woman's wisdom. In my estimation, a woman's home, her ...
Article : 259 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 802 wordsSlake half a bushel of unslaked line with boil ing water: cover during the Process, to keep in steam: strain the liquid through a fine sieve or strainer, and add to it a peck of salt, previously ...
Article : 110 wordsThe milk of healthy cows is Practically sterile on leaving the udder, and subsequent contamina tion comes from the dust or dirt always floating in the air; even In the cleanest places a few ...
Article : 223 wordsThe following method of crystallising fruit is given in the "Agricultural Journal" of the Cape of Good Hope (July, 1908):-The means of preserving fresh fruits in a crystal ...
Article : 416 wordsThe present is a favorable time for sowing the seeds of many varieties of beautiful climbing plants. The writer purposes briefly describing in this article ...
Article : 812 wordsIn the previous article the conflict of political interests exiting between mem bers of the Federal and State Labor Politicians was a subject of reference ...
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Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954), Sat 20 Nov 1909, Page 2
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