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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading

    The football match on Saturday— Victoria versus Adelasde—was won by the visitors by two goals after an exciting match. A return match took ...

    Article : 1,210 words
  3. Under Oath.

    AN old lawyer says that many men, whose common conversation can generally be relied on, are prone to prevaricate when they are placed under oath. In common ...

    Article : 557 words
  4. Sittings, Local and Otherwise.

    A few miners arrived from Cooktown per Changsha, hoping to find something to do here. Now, if the Government had the good sense to ...

    Article : 788 words
  5. A Visitor's Impressions of the Katherine.

    To reach the Katherine crossing from the north side is a proceeding not unattended with danger, as an awkward descent has to be negotiated before the water is reached; ...

    Article : 1,876 words

    Sir—Within the last fortnight a horde of Chinese (numbering about 40) passed here on their way to the Macarthur River and the Tablelands. ...

    Article : 1,798 words

    RAILWAY REVENUE.—For week ended 13th June—£231. GOVERNMENT TENDERS.—Eleven tenders, all from Chinese, were received for the work ...

    Article : 2,269 words