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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading

    Solomon has given notice that he will move, on the 15th July, for a detailed return showing receipts and expenditure in the administration of ...

    Article : 1,566 words
  3. N. T. Racing Club.

    The following nominations for the Palmerston Cup and Flying Handicap were received by the Secretary on Wednesday:— ...

    Article : 259 words
  4. A Visitor's Impressions of the Katherine.

    EIGHT miles or so from Springvale are what we must now call the "Kintore" cave, after the travelling Governor, who, while passing through ...

    Article : 1,488 words
  5. N. T. Goldfields

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 487 words
  6. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 99 words
  7. The Higher Life.

    As a writer on social topics, in a styl[?] that is elevating in thought, as well as e[?]egant in [?]tion[?] Mrs. Lynn L[?]toa has achieved a decided reputation. In her article on the ...

    Article : 1,162 words
  8. Government Gaze[?].

    LATE Letter Bags are carried on the trains running between Palmerston and Pine Creek. Letters posted in those bags must bear in postage stamps a fee of ...

    Article : 78 words
  9. Notice to Mariners.

    REFERRING to Notice to Mariners, No. 2 of 1890, notice is hereby given that the Black Buoy has been replaced on the N. W. end of the "Henry Ellis" Reef, ...

    Article : 64 words
  10. NOTICE.

    COMPLAINTS having been made by persons interested in mining that the boundary pegs and trenches of lea[?]ed lands are rarely to be found, so that those who ...

    Article : 152 words
  11. Notice to Masters and Owners of Vessels.

    NOTICE is hereby given that the Buoys moored off the Railway Jetty are for the use of vessels going to and from the jetty, and not for vessels to moor to. ...

    Article : 146 words
  12. Rainfall.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 513 words

    COPIES of the above may n[?]w be obtained at this office. Prices, 1s. and 6d. respectively. Crows Lands Office, ...

    Article : 46 words
  14. Siftings, Local and Otherwise.

    Melbourne Cup of 1891 has 10,000 so[?] added to it, besides a trophy worth £150. One totalizator dividend at the late ...

    Article : 579 words

    LATE letters bags are carried on the trains running between Palmerston and Burrundie. Letters for despatch in the late letter bags must ...

    Article : 88 words
  16. Notice to Shipmasters.

    FROM and after this date shipmaster[?] will not be allowed to beach vessels on the flat in front of the Cable Company's[?] Offices, between Fort Hill and the next point ...

    Article : 53 words
  17. Maps and Charts.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 409 words
  18. Proclamation[?]

    WHEREAS power has been granted to the Government Resident by the Northern Territory Gold Mining Act of 1873, to make regulations for ...

    Article : 154 words