REID (ADMINISTRATRIX) v. WHITE AND ANOTHER. Mr. Ingleby, on behalf of the defendant Michael White, put it to the Court that the cattle in question being in the jurisdiction of Victoria and not in South ...
Article : 2,182 wordsWilmot Edger Robarts was charged with embezzling £20, the property of John Allen, blacksmith, Gawler. Mr. Dempster for prisoner. John Allen deposed that prisoner was his clerk. About 4th September gave him ...
Article : 134 wordsPresent.—Messrs. Bennett (Chairman), Miller, and Gottschalch. Mr. A. Hull to be paid £5 for work done on road. Received memorial from Messrs. Melrose, Godfree, and others with reference to roads; to be ...
Article : 80 wordsOn Friday afternoon, September 21, an inquest was held by the Coroner (Mr. R. Ingleby) at the Hospital, on the body of a woman named Jane Fulton, who had died very suddenly on the preceding evening. A Jury ...
Article : 1,107 wordsMr. Earl, B.A., paid Willunga a visit and preached at the Oddfellows' Hall on Sunday night. It was thought that the audience would be scanty owing to the stormy weather, and no doubt it was fortunate for ...
Article : 363 wordsCHILD BEATING.—Bridget Juilan was charged with assaulting the children of Jane Cowan. Fined 1s. and the Court fees, £1 1s. in all STEALING.—Mary Ann Smith was brought up on a ...
Article : 200 wordsMessrs. Brown & Thompson have obtained the contract for the foundations of the new Post-Office and Telegraph Offices. The news from the Darling by Thurday's mail ...
Article : 8,392 words{No abstract available}
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South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1867), Sat 22 Sep 1866, Page 4
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