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  2. Huge Balloon Planned For 15-Mile Ascent

    The world's biggest balloon is now being constructed for an attempt to ascend 15 miles into the Stratosphere. According to the aviation correspondent of the ...

    Article : 199 words

    TWELVE of a gang of 80 boys, aged between 11 and 17, who are alleged to have committed 19 murders, were ...

    Article : 543 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 98 words
  5. 71 TODAY

    EARL BALDWIN of Bewdley, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, who is 71 today. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 15 words
  6. Marriages Wrecked Because Wife Is Poor Cook

    "Many modern marriages go on the rocks because the wives don't know how to cook or manage a home." "The sanctity of the home should be a primary ...

    Article : 703 words
  7. Gaol Delays Marriage

    "You probably saw an opportunity to make money," said Mr. E. McGinn, R.M., when he sentenced Alfred ...

    Article : 159 words

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 452 words
  9. Civic Commission

    Denial was given today by Mr. H. S. Raphael to the statement that he had never visited a place in St. George's Terrace referred to by him in Parliament. Mr. Raphael is chairman of the Royal ...

    Article : 962 words
  10. Boy Thieves Swarm Shops

    Hundreds of boys, according to a detective, throng City shops at lunch time on robbery bent. "I blame the firms for not keeping proper supervision over their displays," said Magistrate Schroeder ...

    Article : 300 words
  11. They Find S. Africa Loyal

    Having been entertained at homes in all sections of the people, members of the Australian Goodwill Farmers ...

    Article : 164 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 563 words
  13. Leichhardt Mystery

    South Australia's Government will send a small expedition not exceeding five members to the Simpson Desert in the far north of South Australia to check up the discovery reported by Mr. Edwin Lowe of the ...

    Article : 256 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 623 words
  15. Mr. Panton's Election

    SIR,—Under the heading of "Parliament Will Open Thursday," you publish a statement in Tuesday's issue, "Mr. Panton. has to be sworn ...

    Article : 85 words
  16. Mystery Surrounds Earlier Finds

    Although definite traces of Leichhardt's party have been found from time to time considerable mystery surrounds ...

    Article : 369 words
  17. Interstate Baseballers Arrive

    Central railway station was bright with color today when the New South Wales, South Australian and Victorian ...

    Article : 283 words