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  2. The Contributor.

    There is nothing in human affairs so important that it may not be over-valued, and there is nothing in human affairs of such small moment that it may not be ...

    Article : 4,444 words
  3. The Explorer.

    The South Australian branch of the Geographical Society held a very successful meeting in the Exchange-room of the Town Hall, on Friday evening, for the purpose of hearing ...

    Article : 5,878 words
  4. Mining Intelligence.

    A new development has taken place in the Central in the north drive. The galena which had been previously driven on gave place to-day to oxidised staff, consisting principally of ...

    Article : 733 words

    We have received a copy of a little brochure by Mr. J. C. F. Johnson, M.P., entitled "Practical Mining, and the Genesiology of Gold." It consists of a series of articles having ...

    Article : 985 words