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Advertising : 520 wordsMATTERS in connection with the threatened look-out in the boomaking trade have reached a climax. The manufacturers have taken a firm stand, and present a united front, and ...
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Advertising : 1,406 wordsWE abridge the following from the S. M. Herald's report of the recent cruise of H.M.S. Undine, among the South Sea Islands:—Early on the morning of the 16th August, the Undine ...
Article : 1,670 wordsJIM ELLISON used to say, "This yere School Board's the best thing wet ever come up," for Jim ha[?] never been troubled by the visitors, and he was unspeakably proud of ...
Article : 3,060 wordsSTUDENTS of the religions of various races have observed that the paradise of one is the inferno of another, and that a Zulu or Bed Indian would get no keen enjoyment ...
Article : 1,293 wordsTwo or three years ago I was out of work, and wrote to the chief engineer in one of her Majesty's dockyards, asking him if he could give me employment. I afterwards saw him ...
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wed 26 Nov 1884, Page 3
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