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  2. Mr. E. H. Dunstan

    Mr. Richard Henry Dunstan, ol Julia, who died on July 15, was born at Kapunda on December 13, 1851. He early life was spent there. He was taken ...

    Article : 234 words
  3. Mr. W. B. Connor

    Mr. William Richard Connor 54, of Port Pirie West, died at the Port Pirie Hospital on Saturday. He was born at Alberton and was the son of the ...

    Article : 184 words
  4. Mrs. W. E. Lucas

    Mrs. Maria Ernstine Lucas, 70, who died at her home at Kangaroo Flat, was born at Hoffmunstal, near Lyndoch. She was the eldest daughter of ...

    Article : 106 words
  5. Mrs. H. A. Kroemer

    Mrs. H. A. Kroemer, 78. who died recently at Yapoona farm, the property of her son, Mimbadoggie, was one of the oldest residents of the ...

    Article : 131 words
  6. Mrs. A. M. Rechner

    Mrs. Anna Marie Rechner. 77. who died at her home, Yorketown. on July 12. survived her husband. Mr. F. O. G. Rechner, only a few ...

    Article : 181 words

    Mr. Hector George Gilis, a resident of the Millicent district, and a veteran of two wars, died in the Mount Gambier Hospital on July 26. Born at ...

    Article : 297 words
  8. Mr. J. H. Frost

    Mr. Joseph Henry Frost, who died at his home at Saddleworth last week, was an old and respected resident of the district. He was born at "Park Hill ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 313 words
  9. Mr. J. Kennedy

    Mr. John Kennedy, a pioneer of Quorn, who died recently, was born at Willaston in 1861. He learnt his trade as a wheelwright at Gawler. On ...

    Article : 120 words
  10. Mr. M. Cullinan

    Mr. Martin Cullinan, who died at Quorn at the age of 84 years. was born at Ballyvaughan, County Clare, Ireland, and arrived in South ...

    Article : 144 words
  11. Mrs. J. F. Whillas

    Mrs. J. F. Whillas, of Blackwood who died recently, was born at Belleek, County Fermanagh, Ireland, on August 14, 1849. She was 15 when she sailed ...

    Article : 143 words
  12. Mr. G. Ward

    At the age of 95. Mr. George Ward, formerly a resident of Parkside. died on July 15 at Broken Hill. Born in England. Mr. Ward arrived at Port ...

    Article : 110 words

    Unusual scenes marked a meeting of the N.S.W. ALP. executive last week. Two representatives of the Miners' Federation, which is the largest union ...

    Article : 218 words
  14. Mrs. Bridget Kennedy

    Mrs. Bridget Kennedy (relict of Mr. Matthew Kennedy), who died on July 23 at her home, "Gum View," Laura, in her 93rd year, was born in ...

    Article : 200 words
  15. Mrs. G. Sproule

    Mrs. Gertrude Sproute, who died recently at Virginia, was postmistress there for 27 years. She was born at Rosewater on February 24, 1871, and ...

    Article : 83 words
  16. Miss M. C. Law

    Miss Marion C. Law, whose death occurred in the Murray Bridge Soldiers' Memorial Hospital on Thursday evening, was a member of a pioneer family ...

    Article : 204 words
  17. Mrs. M. A. H. Seidel

    Mrs. Marie Auguste Helene Seidel. 61, who died recently at Sanderston, was born at Palmer. She married Mr W. Seidel in 1902, when she moved to ...

    Article : 56 words
  18. Mr. A. Patterson

    Mr. Archibald Patterson, of Katnook, Penola, who died on August 1, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Neil Fletcher, of Wallan. ...

    Article : 113 words
  19. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 27 words
  20. The Chronicle Doctor Adviser

    Answers, supplied by a fully qualified medical practitioner, to questions sent in by readers will be published in "The Chronicle" each week. Headers desiring advice should send particulars to "Medical." care of "The Advertiser" Office, Adelaide, and replies will be given through "The Chronicle." ...

    Article : 1,935 words

    A man had to crawl along the ground beneath flames to release a horse which was trapped in burning stables in Redmond street. Leichhardt (N.S.W.) ...

    Article : 162 words