It is now feared that Mrs. Amelia Earhart Putnam, the American airwoman, and her navigator (Captain Noonan), after having been down five days in the Pacific Ocean without being located, will perish. ...
Article : 961 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 40 wordsHope of finding Mrs. Putnam and Captain Noonan, her navigator, receded last night, when an intensive search of the area 281 miles north of ...
Article : 394 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 185 wordsTwo members of the Victorian police i wireless patrols had a running pistol duel with two suspects in Brunswick early on Sunday morning. Six shots ...
Article : 293 wordsNo trace of Mrs. Putnam and Captain Fred Noonan. her navigator, had been found at, the end of the third day of the search for the fliers, who ...
Article : 545 wordsThe relentless taxation authorities have won an unusual battle against a foreign income tax evader who bought an old steamer and fitted it ...
Article : 95 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 13 wordsA motor truck containing two men went off the road while descending a hill on the Pacific Highway, near Mooney Creek bridge (N.S.W.) on ...
Article : 163 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 51 wordsContrary to expectations, Mr. A. J. A. Koch, of Lameroo, did not nominate for the L.C.L. plebiscite for the Albert seat in the House of Assembly. ...
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Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thu 8 Jul 1937, Page 41
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