The Acting-Colonial Secretary of Western Australia has telegraphed to Sir P. Jennings asking what reply the Government of this colony propose to make to the Eastern ...
Article : 986 wordsWE (Argus) have receivcd files of the Western Mail, published at Perth, Western Australia, to 24th April, and from them take the following particulars with regard to the ...
Article : 1,495 wordsWE have received two communications in reply to the statements embodied in a long letter written on behalf of some members of the cricket association, which appeared in our issue ...
Article : 1,882 wordsVISITORS to the late race meeting of the Brisbane Bicycling Club who have generally attended the meetings of that club must have been impressed with a vague feeling of ...
Article : 1,513 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 213 wordsTHIS mutch was played in the Queen's Park on Saturday afternoon last, and as expected, was productive of an exciting and fairly fast game, the senior club not having things quite ...
Article : 4,629 wordsMr. Kates, M.L.A., will address the electors of the Darling Downs at the School of Arts at Allora on Monday evening next. MARYBOROUGH, May 15. ...
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Mon 17 May 1886, Page 6
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