The death of Mr. Frederick Herbert Stubbs, which took place suddenly on December 28, was a great shock to the community, and deep sympathy is expressed for ...
Article : 437 wordsA pall of sadness hung over Windsor at Christmastide, when it became known early on the morning of December 23 that Mr. Cecil Vere Farlow, a single man, and one ...
Article : 906 wordsAfter much suffering with the dread disease, tuberculosis, Miss Mary Catherine Hipwell died at the residence of Miss Dunstan, Pitt Town Bottoms, on January 2nd ...
Article : 174 wordsDied on Monday last, at "Monttord," Beecroft-road, Cheltenham, William Moses, late of Windsor, at the age of 78 years. The deceased was for many years in ...
Article : 472 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 21 wordsThe boy, James Edward Smith, aged 13 years, who was drowned in the Hawkesbury River at Lower Portland on January 3rd, was, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom ...
Article : 304 wordsThe temperature in Richmond was well over the century mark on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The engagement is announced of Miss ...
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Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1971), Thu 12 Jan 1922, Page 10
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