Considerable anxiety was occasioned during yesterday in Sandhurst by various rumors that were flying about of a collision that was likely to take place between a numerous class of Irishmen, who ...
Article : 620 wordsSir,—As the present state of political affairs present rather a stormy aspect, I beg, through the medium of your columns, to make a few remarks to those who may be carried away by the ...
Article : 987 wordsThe condemned criminal, Henry Cooley, suffered the extreme penalty of the law yesterday morning, at the Melbourne Gaol. The prisoner met his death with firmness and resignation, ...
Article : 783 wordsAn extraordinary number of the Gazette, issued on Thursday, contains the following proclamation:— FURTHER PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT, AND ...
Article : 290 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,297 wordsSir,—In justice to myself, as at present the object of an unlimited amount of prejudice, and in contradiction to statements contained in Scott's letter, read at the meeting of the Royal Society on ...
Article : 672 wordsThe following is from Thursday's Geelong Advertiser:—"Mr. J. D. Wood has received requisitions from Kyneton and Williamstown, but we understand it is not his intention to seek for a new constituency ...
Article : 597 wordsShortly before ten o'clock yesterday the sheriff and chief medical officer arrived at the gaol, and, at the appointed hour, the wretched man was advised that the sentence must now be carried out. He ...
Article : 899 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), Sat 13 Jul 1861, Page 3
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