The squatters may well chuckle over the superb triumph they accomplished last night. It was understood that before the final acceptance of the Report of the Committee, it was to be formally ...
Article : 338 wordsOn Wednesday the two Chinamen, Hing Tzan and Chong Sigh, underwent the extreme penalty of the law for the murder of Sophia Lewis. During the period of their confinement, but particularly ...
Article : 844 wordsA large and influential meeting of ratepayers took place at the Criterion last evening, for the purpose of calling upon all the members of the Town Council to resign their seats. ...
Article : 339 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 3,686 wordsWESLEYAN CHAPEL, CALIFORNIA GULLY.—A tea meeting was held yesterday afternoon in the latelyerected Wesley an Chapel, California Gully, which was opened for service on Sunday last. The attendance, ...
Article : 244 wordsA TIPPLER.—James Hayter was brought up on a charge of drunkenness, and a fine of 5s. inflicted upon him by the Bench. SUSPICION OF ROBBERY.—Richard White was ...
Article : 238 wordsWe have received the following letter from the Hon. Secretary of this Institution, in reference to a [?] which appeared in our issue of yesterday. From an expression in the letter, it seems doubtful whether Mr. ...
Article : 224 wordsMECHANICS' INSTITUTE—Mr. Hamilton attended this evening to give the first of a course of Leetures on Phrenology. The attendance, we are sorry to say, was more select than numerous, and the Lacturer under ...
Article : 205 wordsPreviously to the question being put, that the report be adopted, Mr. Ebden, in calling upon the Chairman to state whether in his hearing the Solicitor-General had promised that the Bill should ...
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Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), Fri 4 Sep 1857, Page 3
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