By the crowded appearance of the Haymarket Theatre last night, caused by the announcement that Professor Anderson was to appear in the character of Hoy, it seemed as if the fame which ...
Article : 770 wordsSir,—Bendigo is dull. Thousands are in want of means whereon to subsist, and yet the miners of the White Hiils are crying out against leasing. What is to be done? Shall I tell you? Use your ...
Article : 203 wordsSir,—In rending over your repoiis of the leasinq meeting, held at the White Hills Hamlet, on Saturday evening, it strikes one as passing Btrange that none of the members of the Mining ...
Article : 342 wordsAn inquest was held on Saturday last at Williams's Hotel, 109, Elizabeth-street, on the body of Charles Trimnells, who died suddenly on the 1st instant. It appeared that the deceased, a native ...
Article : 526 wordsWilliam Christie, charged with the wilful murder of Julia Fenterstock, at Newstead, was found by the jury to be of unsound mind. THE JONES'S CREEK MURDER. ...
Article : 1,759 wordsThe Milwaukie arrived yesterday from San Francisco. She brings two days' later intelligence from that city, and some interesting particulars additional to what had been previously received respecting the new goldfields ...
Article : 1,546 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,421 wordsLast evening the fourth public concert given by the members of Mr. Pollard's Choral Singing [?] was held at the Prosbyterian Schoolroom. Notwithstanding the counter attractions at the ...
Article : 538 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), Tue 5 Jul 1859, Page 3
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