ILLEGALLY HAWKING WOOD.—Robert Everson, charged by Mr. Ryan, the Market Inspector, with evading the market tolls by selling firewood within the Municipality, in contravention of the by-law, ...
Article : 128 wordsILLEGAL DETENTION OF A HORSE.—Jacob Williams again appeared before the Bench, charged with illegally detaining a mare, the property of Thomas Hanley, of Huntly. (The case had been ...
Article : 1,037 wordsSir,—It is an old saying that when things are at their worst, they must mend. Believing in that. I [?] hopeful that there will soon be some great change in the way matters are at present managed, ...
Article : 556 wordsSir,—Allow me to ask what the contractors of the railway mean by subtracting sixpence per week off each workman for medical attendance, when there is no medical attendance allowed them. ...
Article : 154 wordsAMERICAN GULLY REEF.—Gibson and Archer v. Arthur and others. (Adjourned case.) It was decided that the claim had not been fairly worked by the defendants in proportion to the time of its ...
Article : 406 wordsThe following letter, received yesterday by Mr. Denovan from Mr. Grant, M.P., has been handed to us for publication:— Dear Sir,—In reply to your letter, written at the ...
Article : 191 wordsSir,—I think it beneath me to answer the scurrilous attack in Mr. Bannerman's letter of to-day. A person who is cowardly enough thus to attack a woman is beneath contempt. ...
Article : 78 wordsLadies and Gentlemen, — You have been favored, through the ADVERTISER, with two letters from Mr. William Bannerman. As one of the committee elected for the ...
Article : 698 wordsLast night the performances were for the benefit of Miss Kate Warde, under the patronage of the members of the Sandhurst Amateur Dramatic Club. The inauspicious state, of the weather prevented ...
Article : 569 wordsYesterday evening several Italians, resident in Melbourne, met for the purpose of deliberating upon the best means of testifying their deep interest in the struggle at present going on in ...
Article : 213 wordsYesterday morning the two criminals Chamberlain and Armstrong, convicted of firing at Trooper Greon with intent to murder, suffered the extreme penalty of the law in the Central Gaol. The dreadful murder, ...
Article : 562 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,560 wordsStory v. Jones.—In this case, where the p[?] sued for medical services rendered, and medicines supplied to defendant, and which had been heard at the last sittings, the objection had been raised by Mr. ...
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Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), Thu 14 Jul 1859, Page 3
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