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Detailed lists, results, guides : 378 wordsVALEDICTORY—We beg to call special attention to an advertisement elsewhere relative to departure of the Rev. Mr. Wright from this District. The Election.—Very little excitement was ...
Article : 941 wordsCharles Ratcliffe was charged on the information of Richard Hooper with feloniously forging or uttering a forced cheque on the 20th inst., viz, a cheque purporting to be drawn by Charles Scot on the Bank ...
Article : 1,200 wordsThe Chamber of Commerce has sent an influential deputation to the acting Commissioner of Crown Lands to urge on him the absolute necessity of immediately taking active steps to secure ...
Article : 409 wordsWalter Graham, James Bunney, Thomas Alfred Grippith, Otto Stoopendal, and Nelson Stole, fire seamen of the barque Inverary, charged by Thomas Hutton, master of the vessel, with refusing to do ...
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Southern Argus (Port Elliot, SA : 1866 - 1954), Fri 4 Apr 1873, Page 2
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