Revenge is a kind of wild justice. In the early days the blacks about the Gregory River in Northern Australia were very treacherous and troublesome, and many a bullet has found ...
Article : 1,636 wordsShakespeare's off-repeated quotation respecting the comparative value of stealing a person's purse, and robbing him (by slander) of his good names shows that the deplorable vice of ...
Article : 819 wordsThe first thing that seems to occur to men when gathered together is to scandalise someone. If they could only see how cowardly this is they would not think of doing it. Even a ...
Article : 327 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 324 wordsI think the honors are about equality divided between men and women. Among men the prevalent idea seems to be that women meet over afternoon tea for the purpose of discussing their ...
Article : 552 wordsTheir chances should be equal, but I am afraid these times that the business girl gets very little chance to become domesticated and is so very particular about spoiling her hands that ...
Article : 467 wordsWoman should be regarded by man as something above him. If woman propose he will think her beneath him. If for nothing else than the reason that the is asking for him. It is, of ...
Article : 394 wordsYes! Where they have the wealth and loved is mutual, Yes! where there is a difference In station of life that will false the man and not lower the women. Yes! when the fair ...
Article : 293 wordsI think there ought to be perfect freedom of will in both parties, During the past quarter of a century or so women have been proving their equality to men in many respects, and we ...
Article : 275 words30. The young man of the period—describe him: indicate his shortcomings and his merits. Letters not later than April 24. 31. the young girl of the Period—describe her ...
Article : 383 wordsPriority of publication in these columns is [?] intended to be significant of order of merit. Always forward full names and address with your contributions to facilitate payment of ...
Article : 27 words{No abstract available}
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Globe (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1914), Wed 10 Apr 1912, Page 8
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