An advertisement elsewhere requests the members of the Ipswich Football Club to attend practice, this afternoon, in fall strength, to prepare for the contest against the Brisbane, on Saturday. The ...
Article : 2,935 wordsM. Delyannie, the Greek Premier, to-day tendered his resignation and that of his colleagues to King George, but his Majesty declined to accept their resignations, and urged M. Dclyanuis and the members ...
Article : 124 wordsThat the circulation of the War Cry, in Ipswich, is now 600, having "jumped," as the Cry puts it, 100 during the past few weeks. That 264 entries were received for the Sir Joseph ...
Article : 1,087 words[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents.] ...
Article : 15 wordsSIR,—In your last issue you published a summary of evidence given at a police inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of Andre Louis Barlo[?], who met with an accident at the Bremer Basin ...
Article : 204 wordsSIR,—My reason for presuming to write anything on the above is that I feel a deep interest in and concern for the prosperity of our Church, particularly the country portion of it. A man is said to has a ...
Article : 344 wordsSIR,—As one interested, would you allow me scope to publish a few facts relating to the school building of the above place? We are assured, on competent authority, that, on ...
Article : 1,350 wordsThere is a movement on foot here for the formation of a chess and draught club. A well attended meeting was recently held, at which it was decided to form a club, which will be designated the ...
Article : 1,804 wordsThe members of the Australian Eleven visited the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, to-day, and were received by the Executive Commissioners Australian colonies. Mr. B[?] ...
Article : 81 wordsThe sittings at the Supreme Court were concluded to-day. In the case of Thomas Carsis V. John [?] of Bundaberg, de[?] of character, a [?] given for the plaintiff damages being [?] ...
Article : 58 wordsA quantity of railway plant is being landed on the Wharf by M. Smith, the co[?] ...
Article : 19 wordsThe Premier received a number of depu[?] local matters to-day. The L[?] voyage at noon. A good crowd [?] parture, and [?] the Ministers. ...
Article : 30 wordsThe Premier, Sir. P. A. J[?], to-day, received from Sir Saul Samuel the following [?] subject of wise duties:—"[?] yesternight, that a treaty with[?] ...
Article : 94 wordsMr. Clarke, acting-Agent General, [?] to the Premier that Mr. H. C. E. Childers made [?] representations to Earl Granville, the [?] State for the Colonies, to supports the de[?] ...
Article : 301 words{No abstract available}
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