It is said that there will be no war between the Chinese and the Japanese, the former paying the latter five hundred thousand taels to leave Formosa. Cardinal Manning has published a letter in answer ...
Article : 123 wordsA large portion of the face in the Brisbane Company's working fell in this morning, killing a man named Jacob Bolding, a German, who was in the act of trying to extricate some of his mates. He leaves a ...
Article : 53 wordsA railway porter has been killed on the line at Goulburn. He fell down and a truck passed over his stomach. Some charred human, remains have been found in ...
Article : 64 wordsThere was an immense concourse of people at Dr. Tracey's funeral. A boy has been shot dead while rabbit-shooting near Lake Conneware. ...
Article : 66 wordsLONDON, November 7.—The failure of Mr. Abraham De Pass reported in consequence of heavy losses on the Stock Exchange. The Melbourne firm of Messrs. De Pass Brothers are not affected by the stoppage. ...
Article : 762 wordsSome time ago we drew attention to a petition which had been got up and numerously signed by the residents of the Western Suburbs respecting the necessity for a crossing of some description on the ...
Article : 1,843 wordsWilliam Anderson was brought up in custody on the above separate charges. He pleaded "Guilty" to drunkenness, and on the evidence of Constable Wood-craft he found guilty of the second offence, and ...
Article : 1,862 wordsThe anniversary services in connection with the Sunday-school were held on last Sabbath, when the Rev. F. H. Browne, pastor of the congregation, conducted three services, all of them having reference to ...
Article : 648 wordsThe Primitive Methodists held a series of services in connection with their church and Sabbath-school at the Basin Pocket. On Sunday two impressive sermons were preached by the Rev. J. Addison, ...
Article : 302 wordsOn Sunday last special services were held at the above church at Rosewood Scrub. Mr. T. Woolley, from Ipswich, conducted the morning service, preaching from Phil., 4 cap. and 19th verse—" But my God ...
Article : 502 wordsSIR,—The most desirable lot of immigrants ever brought to this colony arrived a couple of days ago in the ship Darling Downs. There may be one or two doubtful characters among them, but the general body ...
Article : 357 wordsSir,—Our long and tedious voyage having happily come to an end, we, the saloon passengers, cannot separate without expressing our warmest thank-to you for your uniform kindness and attention to us ...
Article : 151 wordsSIR,—A letter appearing in your issue of Tuesday, signed "Lawyer," having been imputed to me, I beg you will disabuse the idea of my being the author. I was not at the meeting, therefore could not judge the ...
Article : 141 wordsSIR,—Could you or some of your numerous readers favour me with a reply to the following queries:— Is it true that a certain barrister made himself very conspicuous at the railway terminus on Monday ...
Article : 178 wordsSIR,—Much has been said with reference to the subject of praying for rain, but no steps seem to have been taken by the Government to proclaim a national fast day. Now, sir, I for one believe in the efficacy ...
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