The above institution—the first of the kind established in the colony—has become of late one of the most successful and efficient educational establishments in the colonies. Ever since this school was opened it ...
Article : 1,695 wordsThe weather for the last week or two has been very hot, so much so as to make one feel more inclined to take a "bange" under the umbrageous branches of the native apple-trees then to attend to the ...
Article : 1,204 wordsA magisterial inquiry was held at Harrisville, Ipswich Reserve, on the 15th instant, by Mr. William Warland, J.P., touching the death of Charles Nutley, a farmer residing near Harrieville, when the following ...
Article : 261 wordsA few days ago we gave a description contributed by "A Brisbane Bat" to the Courier of the first two days' play at the international cricket match. From the same journal we take the following continuation ...
Article : 2,018 wordsA BRUTAL HUSBAND.—The most serious case of assault that we have had to record for some time was brought before the Police Court, Newcastle, on the 2nd instant. A man named Donald Ross (the Pilot ...
Article : 1,295 wordsAn outgoing English mail will be made up at the Ipswich Post-office this evening at 8 o'clock. A Royal-Arch Purple meeting in connection with No. 17 Lodge, L.O.L., will take place this evening, ...
Article : 4,007 wordsA visit to some of the farms near the Racecourse has brought under our notice a variety wheat which appears to promise remarkably well. Mr. John Fahey, a farmer in that locality showed us a ...
Article : 1,060 wordsVegetable Marrow Preserve.—Peel the marrows, remove all the seeds, cut the marrows in pieces the size of large plume, boil them with their weight of sugar till the pieces become transparent (no water ...
Article : 327 words{No abstract available}
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