After some years there is a prospect of a contested election for the Burnett. Mr. Ivory, since his first election, has maintained his seat undisturbed, but never entirely to the satisfaction of many of this ...
Article : 363 wordsDuring one of the recent thunderstorms in this district, a tree was struck by the lightning close to Newtown dwelling-house Large blocks of the tree ire scattered in varoue directions, and the ...
Article : 430 wordsI wonder is there any sympathetic chord vibrating between Veswv as and Charlevile? The former, we carn is in a state of eruption; end, simultancously, the latter has "broken out in a fresh place," or rather ...
Article : 1,443 wordsMr. Jacob Low, late the representative of the Balonne, addressed a large and influential body of electors at the Court-house, Burst, on the evening of the 7th October, Mr. J. A. Phillips in the chair. ...
Article : 235 wordsSTRUCK DUMB.—With reference to the man who was recently struck dumb at Jamestown a correspondent of the Port Pirie Gazette writes the following:—"A young man in the employ of S. A. ...
Article : 723 wordsThe following notifications appeared in the Government Gazette of Saturday last:— Appointments.—Henry Charles Stanley to be Chief Engineer of all lines of railway within the Southern ...
Article : 1,527 words[The late Dr. Norman M'Leod, minister of Barony Parish, Glasgow, possessed a rich vein of genial humour, which often revealed itself in freaks of inimitable drollery. He had a favourite dog named ...
Article : 597 wordsMARRIAGE OF THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT.—The Earl of Beaconsfield addressed the House on this subject as follows:—My Lords, in asking your lordships to consider the gracious message from the Crown, I ...
Article : 744 words{No abstract available}
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