The usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Council was held yesterday afternoon. There were present: The Mayor and Aldermen Watson W [?], Francis, Macfarlane, Hargreaves, Brown, ...
Article : 1,756 wordsThe reported rallying of the Aboukir garrison to the Khedive turns out to be a ruse, as they refuse to proceed to Alexandria. Ourabi Boy has written to the Sultan stating that ...
Article : 361 wordsThe rebels have taken possession of Port Said, at the entrance to the Suez Canal, which place they are now hard at work fortifying strongly. An official despatch received by the Government ...
Article : 90 wordsThe report that Ourabi Pasha has offered his submission to the Khedive, on condition that he is allowed to retire to a monastery with some of his colleagues, is confirmed, and parleying to that end is ...
Article : 53 wordsBridget Kendrick summoned Martin Dever[?]x, a child of tender years, for having used insulting language to her, on the 20th instant, at Newtown. Mr. Chubb appeared for the complainant, and Mr. ...
Article : 462 wordsWe have received a copy of the report of the Secretary of Public Instruction for the year 1881. To Mr. Inspector Caine was allotted the south-eastern district (western division), which included ...
Article : 1,563 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 429 words[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents.] ...
Article : 17 wordsSIR,—I see that "A Subscriber" is auxious for the appointment of Government nominees on the Committee of Management of the above institution. Let the Government nominate everything and anything ...
Article : 693 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 700 words"Rugby" is the word now with footballers in Brisbane. Some of those who have taken part in this game within the last week or two have "proudly [?]" signs of fierce encounter on their faces and in ...
Article : 1,126 wordsWe need scarcely again call attention to the fact that the celebrated lecturer Professor Gilbert, opens for a too-brief season at the School of Arts in this town to-night, when those who many be present will ...
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Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), Tue 1 Aug 1882, Page 3
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