[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents.] ...
Article : 2 wordsDEAR SIR,—Allow me, through the columns of your valuable paper, to draw your attention to the convenience myself and others are put to by the present system of trains running on the Frssifern ...
Article : 194 wordsThe ceremony in connection with the opening for public warship of the recently-erected Roman Catholic Church at the Peak Mountain took place on Sunday morning last, and was witnessed by a very large ...
Article : 1,132 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 401 wordsQueensland attained the twenty-third year of its existence as a separate colony on Sunday, and the event was celebrated yesterday in the customary manner. Probably at no previous period in its ...
Article : 289 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 820 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 667 wordsA one-innings match was also played at Bundanba between the Southern Star Club (of Ipswich)and the Bundanba a School Cricket Club. The Bundanba captain won the toss and sent his opponents to the ...
Article : 100 wordsThe sporting men of Helidon took advantage of the holiday yesterday, and held a very successful race-meeting. The course was the open land on the opposite side of the railway to, and a little below, the ...
Article : 1,412 wordsThe annual treat to the children attending the above school took place yesterday, and was as usual held in the paddock near the cemetery belonging to Messrs. Cribb and Foote, which was kindly placed ...
Article : 491 wordsThe anniversary services in connection with the above were celebrated on Sunday last, the Rev. I. Castlehow, of Fassifern, preaching the sermons to large congregations. Yesterday, the annual ...
Article : 255 wordsIt is officially notified that a reserve of two acres, for a school, has been proclaimed in the county of Churchill, parish of Fassifern. The weights for the Wivenhoe Handicap have been ...
Article : 3,321 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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