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Advertising : 2,048 wordsON board the Perthshire just as she was about to anchor (says Tuesday's "Sydney Morning Herald"), a "Herald" reporter saw Mrs. Barnett, of Marlborough Station, ...
Article : 913 wordsNEWS received from Samoa to-night states that the situation there is peaceful. Four thousand rifles have been surrendered, and the general disarmament of the whole of the natives ...
Article : 247 wordsH.M.S. Porpoise, with Captain Sturdee and Lieutenant Gaunt, who played so brave a part in "Samoa during the recent crisis, arrived in Sydney to-day. One of them most satisfactory ...
Article : 88 wordsREPURTS from South Africa state that the Boers en the vicinity of Kimberley are now actively engaged in drilling. The Premier of Case Colony, Mr. W. P. ...
Article : 156 wordsParliament was opened to-day. The Governor's Speech included a reference to the acceptance of the Commonwealth Bill by South Australia, to the majority vote in. ...
Article : 175 wordsTHE annual concert in connection with the Biarra Cricket Club was held at Biarra on Friday, the 16th instant. There was a large audience. Mr. F. Seib presided, and Mr. E. F. ...
Article : 551 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 347 wordsTHE following extract from the Sydney "Daily Telegraph," of to-day (June 9), will indicate the possibilities of the poultry export trade in New South Wales:—" The poultry ...
Article : 1,228 wordsUNDER the auspices of the Ipswich Technical College the first of a series of three lectures on the subject of " Electricity" was delivered in the School of Arts last Thursday night by Mr. ...
Article : 766 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 103 wordsTHE weather still keeps dull and cloudy, with occasional light showers, though no heavy rain has fallen since my last. Limited quantities of maize come to hand and the week's truckings ...
Article : 428 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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