Friday last was the children's day at the exhibition and the little ones turned up in great force. Quite a feature of the day was the children's "pound," a most ingenious and ...
Article : 193 wordsA representative of the Courier learnt from Professor Shelton that the scale on which the judging of the district exhibits was done was based on the theory that certain of the great national ...
Article : 569 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 243 wordsA very interesting development in the political situation has occurred. During the debate on the address-in-reply in the Legislative Council last week a strong opinion was expressed that ...
Article : 148 wordsDeep and general regret was expressed throughout the town when it became known that the Hon. John Clarke Foote, M.LC., had died at his residence, at the corner of Thorn and South ...
Article : 1,577 wordsNotwithstanding the wave of financial depression which has swept over these colonies during the past few years, it is gratifying to note that the progress of that eminently sound ...
Article : 425 wordsIt was reported at the Boonah police station, early on Sunday morning last, by Mr. Carl Sonnenberg, that a man named Charles Oertel, who resides about four miles from Boonah, on ...
Article : 568 wordsThe Rev. A. R. Bartlett, the new rector of the above Church, preached his introductory sermon to a very large congregation on Sunday morning last. He based his remarks on the ...
Article : 1,359 wordsA series of services, which are being conducted in a tent erected on a vacant piece of ground in Wharf-street by Messrs. G. B. Starr and George Teasdale, evangelists under the ...
Article : 570 wordsThe anniversary celebration of the North Ipswich Wesleyan Sunday-school will be held on Sunday, October 6. ...
Article : 18 wordsEarly this evening—says the Maryborough (V.) correspondent of the Melbourne Argus under date 13th instant—news was received of a terrible tragedy at Timer, four miles distant ...
Article : 998 words"The pleasures of anticipation" is a theme extolled perhaps immoderately by poets and prose writers. Anticipation to those who go down to the sea in ships requires no Byron, ...
Article : 1,955 words{No abstract available}
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