{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 120 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 364 wordsRanken, Rea, and Co. report:—The progress of lambing would appear to show better results that was at one time anticipated, and although it will fall considerably short of a first-rate season, we can speak from ...
Article : 173 wordsDALMAHOY, CAMPBELL & Co. report—FAT CATTLE.—During the past fortnight 2543 head has passed through the yards, prices continue to rule high, say for prime quality lots the average is from ...
Article : 261 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 49 wordsTHE presence of the GOVERNOR in our town, and the occasion which has led to his passing visit, naturally suggest reflections in reference to the representation of royalty and imperial ...
Article : 1,268 wordsIt is stated in the Sydney Morning Herald that the Commissioners appointed to determine on the best site for the metropolis of New Zealand, have fixed upon Wellington as the future seat of Government. ...
Article : 63 wordsThe steamer South Australia sailed on Saturday for the northern settlement at Adams Bay. The Governor and the Ministers were present to witness the departure of the vessel. ...
Article : 36 wordsIn the New South Wales Assembly the members, after a discussion which occupied the whole of Friday night, refused to re-open the charge of corruption against the Minister for Works. ...
Article : 255 wordsObserving that another immigrant vessel has arrived in Moreton Bay, we would seriously urge on the Government the propriety of forwarding a considerable number of the new arrivals direct to Ipswich, where the ...
Article : 1,097 wordsJohn Robertson was fined 20s. for drunkenness: John James Scott, 10s.; Michael Irwin, 5s.; and Mary Ann Phillips, Edward Burns, and Alexander D. Smith, were discharged. ...
Article : 188 wordsSIR,—Perhaps you will give the accompanying letter to Bishop Quinn a place in your next issue. I posted a copy of it to the North Australian newspaper on the evening of the 26th inst., in order that it might be ...
Article : 125 wordsSIR,—My attention has been directed to a letter of yours, addressed to me, which, appeared in the North Australian, newspaper of yesterday, and which—considering its extremely polite tone—if allowed to pass ...
Article : 455 wordsSIR,—As you have been good enough to insert several communications exposing the conduct of the Drayton Council, I have to solicit space from you to expose the proceedings of the election day, when Messrs. ...
Article : 1,060 wordsThe population on our Burnett Gold Field continues steadily to increase. The "finds" up to the present time have not been very considerable, but all who are working,—in the literal acceptation of the term,—are making ...
Article : 435 wordsThe hopes raised by the showers of Tuesday last have been disappointed. They refreshed vegetation, but did not penetrate to any depth in the hard earth, and we still suffer from a drought, which, if it continues much longer, we ...
Article : 1,731 wordsA case of attempted spurious gold-selling occurred a few days ago—the first which has yet come under notice on Peak Downs. As usual, the offenders were Chinamen, and we may so doubt attribute the affair to ...
Article : 407 wordsWe publish the following letter from the Colonial Secretary of Queensland to the Colonial Secretary of South Australia. So long as the Government of this colony refuse to their was people the right to import ...
Article : 783 wordsLady Bowen from Sydney: 2 hogsheads rum, F. W. Roche: 1 case boots and shoes, Bennett 2 trunks boots and shoes, J. Mathewson; 9 packages rope, 1 package leather, 2 bundles shovels, 3 casks 1 case glass, ...
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Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), Tue 1 Nov 1864, Page 3
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