The outgoing English mail will close at the Ipswich Post-office on Friday next as under:—For registered letters and money-orders at 4 p.m., for newspapers at 5 p.m., and for ordinary letters at 5.30 p.m. Our ...
Article : 1,227 wordsRebecca Wilson pleaded guilty to the above charge. She was also further charged with using obscene language, to which she pleaded guilty, and repeated the language to the Bench, with the provocation she ...
Article : 1,762 wordsOn Thursday evening last the members of No. 2 Company Q.V.R.B. assembled in strong force at their drill-room to say farewell to their captain previous to his departure for Europe. ...
Article : 673 wordsSIR,—Having taken up a homestead, and having put in the boundary pegs as required by the Act, and residing on and improving the same; and being annoyed by parties cutting up the ground by making ...
Article : 166 wordsThe following hints to sheep-breeders are given in a letter to the Dubbo Dispatch of last week: "Sir, To a pastoral paper, a few words from an old hand respecting sheep and ...
Article : 549 wordsThere is perhaps not another section of the civilized portion of humanity on the wide face of the globe amongst whom science is so little diffused as amongst the million and a half inhabiting Australia. Whilst ...
Article : 1,381 wordsThe Etheridge correspondent of the Courier writes, under date December 81, as follows respecting a serious emeute that has recently taken place at Cloncurry, between the Europeans and Chinese, and the final ...
Article : 772 wordsThe correspondent of the Cleveland Bay Express, under date January 21, writes as follows:— As the Coquette returns to port through stress of weather I am enabled to send you few particulars ...
Article : 356 wordsWe extract the following report of the preliminary investigation of the charges made against G. A. N. Russell, formerly of Brisbane, at the Townsville Police Court, from the Cleveland Ray Express of the 3rd ...
Article : 1,065 wordsMary Queen of Scots—or Marie, as some fair writers will insist on calling her—has become one of the greatest torments in the whole gallery of bores. We shall never, so far as we can see, hear the last of her ...
Article : 1,055 wordsA German agricultural journal observes that farmers usually pay very little attention to the length of the furrows to be ploughed in a field, and yet great waste ...
Article : 169 wordsMARYBOROUGH, February 14.—The gold escort from Gympie, with 4681ozs. 9dwts., arrived here to-day. SYDNEY, February 14.—The opposition candidates ...
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