MS 6858
National Library of Australia
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Collection Summary
- Creator
Roy Stuart Lee
- Title
Papers of Roy Stuart Lee
- Date Range
- Collection Number
MS 6858
- Extent
5.12 metres (32 boxes + folios)
- Language of Materials
- Repository
National Library of Australia
Conditions Governing Access
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Conditions Governing Use
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Preferred Citation
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Roy Stuart Lee, National Library of Australia, MS 6858, [box number and series and/or file number]'.
Item Descriptions
Class. Original Consignment
Series 1. Photographs
Photographs of Lee (plus two photos in folio run) (File 1)
Photograph of student group at Orange High School. (File 2)
Photographs of students at St Paul's College, Sydney University, and sporting teams, 1918 - 22 (plus 2 photos in folio run) (File 3)
Photographs of Australian Student Christian Movement conference (plus two photos in folio run) (File 4-6)
Photographs of ordination as deacon and priest, 1922 - 23 (File 7)
Photographs of conferences and places in Europe, 1926 - 27 (File 8)
Photographs of St John's College, Morpeth, 1926 - 31 & 1932 - 34 (File 9)
Series 2. Diaries
Diaries, 1944 - 60 (File 10)
Diaries, 1960 - 61 (File 11)
Pocket diaries, 1961 - 81 (File 12)
Address book and address cards (File 13)
Series 3. Newspaper Cuttings
Newspaper cuttings (File 14-16) - Box 3
Series 4. Theses And Lecture Notes
'Dissociation', M.A. Sydney University, 1922 (File 17) - Box 3
Lecture notes including abstract of 'Freud and Christianity' (File 18) - Box 3
'Religion as a factor in the synthesis of personality', Bachelor of letters, Oxford, 1921 (File 19) - Box 3
'Freud and Christianity', by R.S. Lee, PhD., Oxford (File 20) - Box 4
Abstracts of thesis 'Freud and Christianity' (File 21) - Box 4
Series 5. Sermons
Bundle of sermons, mostly manuscripts, 1923 - 74 (File 22-25) - Box 4
Series 6. Lectures And Addresses
Notes for lectures, St John's College, 1930 (File 26) - Box 5
Sermons given in London, 1939-40 (File 27) - Box 5
Addresses, lectures, lists of lectures and correspondence about lectures, 1948 - 70 (File 28-32) - Box 5
Series 7. Broadcasts
Wartime broadcasts (B.B.C.) by C. Lee, 1942 (File 33-34) - Box 6
Series 8. Books
Typescript draft of unpublished book on thinking of Jesus (File 35-36) - Box 6
Typescript of Growing up into Religion (File 37) - Box 6
Correspondence with publishers (File 38-39) - Box 6
Correspondence with publishers (File 40-45) - Box 7
Correspondence with overseas publisher. (File 46) - Box 7
Correspondence with publishers - royalty statements (File 47) - Box 7
Proof copy of Psychology and worship (File 48) - Box 8
Correspondence regarding Psychology and worship (File 49) - Box 8
Series 9. Articles And Reviews
Files containing small number of manuscripts, typescripts and offprints of articles and reviews by Lee, including article on Bishop E.H. Burgmann. (File 50) - Box 8
Series 10. Correspondence
Miscellaneous letters, mostly relating to Oxford, 1967- 74 (File 51) - Box 8
Correspondence concerning presentation of Gilbert Murray papers to National Library, 1957 (File 52) - Box 8
Correspondence concerning references for appointments, 1954 - 61 (File 53) - Box 8
Miscellaneous correspondence including letters from Bishop of Ballarat, 1950 - 59 (File 54-55) - Box 9
Correspondence chiefly regarding Montgomery lecture, 1961 - 64 (File 56-58) - Box 9
Series 11. Coherent Files
Notes taken from books (File 59-60) - Box 10
St. Mary's Church ; Oxford - sermon notes, printed services and cuttings. (File 61) - Box 10
Concert programs, sermons and invitations. (File 62-63) - Box 10
Work for Edinburgh University, 1973 (File 64) - Box 10
Lecture notes on experimental psychology, 1920's (File 65-66) - Box 11
Papers concerning Faculty of Theology, Oxford, 1969 - 70 (File 67) - Box 11
Series 12. Interests And Projects
Miscellaneous publications, journals, roneoed items on historical and religious subjects. (File 68-71) - Box 11
Correspondence and papers on Institute of Religion and Medicine, and related matters, 1967-69 (File 72-73) - Box 12
Correspondence on Association of Psychotherapists, 1957-63 (File 74) - Box 12
Correspondence and papers mostly on Churches Council of Healing, 1959 - 65 (File 75) - Box 12
Richmond Fellowship for Mental Welfare and Rehabilitation, 1966-67 (File 76) - Box 12
Sandford Centre, Oxford, 1967 - 73 (File 77) - Box 12
University Teachers Group of Student Christian Movement, 1961 - 64 (File 78) - Box 12
Oxford Spirituality Group, 1967 - 69 (File 79-80) - Box 13
Conference papers on training for ministry, 1968 (File 81) - Box 13
Religious education, 1968 (File 82) - Box 13
Lady Spencer Churchill College of Education, 1968 (File 82) - Box 13
Lecture by Rev. D. Kemsley, St Mark's Library, Canberra, 1964 (File 83) - Box 13
Reports, papers and correspondence on Institute of Religion and Medicine, 1969 - 71 (File 84-86) - Box 13
Series 13. Nuffield College
Correspondence, circulars and reports of Nuffield College, 1948-68 (File 87-90) - Box 14
Series 14. St Catherine's College
Agendas (File 91-99) - Box 14,15
Minutes of meetings and agendas (File 100) - Box 16
Agendas, minutes of meetings, circulars (File 101) - Box 16
Minutes of meetings (File 102-104) - Box 16
Governing body (File 105) - Box 16
Governing body, minutes, committee lists (File 106-107) - Box 17
Stated general meeting. (File 108) - Box 17
Reports (File 109) - Box 17
Correspondence (File 110-112) - Box 17
Chapel (File 113-114) - Box 18
Chapel services and correspondence. (File 115) - Box 18
Chapel services and committee papers. (File 116) - Box 18
Course on pastoral counselling (File 117) - Box 18
Letters about the development of pastoral counselling (File 117) - Box 18
Course on pastoral counselling (File 118-119) - Box 18
Notes and lectures (File 118-119) - Box 18
Notes on lectures (File 120) - Box 18
St Catherine's Association Who's Who, 1972 (File 120) - Box 18
Building committee minutes (File 121-122) - Box 19
By-Laws and statutes (File 123) - Box 19
Booklets (File 124) - Box 19
Series 15. Student Counselling Service
Correspondence and papers on Oxford Counselling Service, 1955-61 (File 125) - Box 19
Series 16. U.S.A.
Printed services and sermons, 1965 (File 126) - Box 19
Services and parish magazines, 1956 - 57 (File 127) - Box 19
Services and parish magazines, 1957 (File 128-133) - Box 20
Letters, 1957 (File 134) - Box 21
Itinerary (File 134) - Box 21
Correspondence, 1964 - 67 (File 135-136) - Box 21
Correspondence and appointment book, 1962 (File 137) - Box 21
Series 17. Canada
Letters and conference papers, 1968, 1970 (File 138-142) - Box 21,22
Series 18. Memorial Service And Obituaries
Memorial service and obituaries, 1981 (File 143) - Box 22
Series 19. Lectures, Talks And Sermons
A lecture to the Science Society (Sydney University) in 1921 (File 144) - Box 22
A collection of talks, articles and sermons, 1949 - 61 (File 145-146) - Box 22
Series 20. Personal
Postcards and trivia among his papers. (File 147) - Box 22
Class. Consignment added 14 June and 11 September 1985
St Mark's Review, Nov. 1967 (File 148) - Box 22
'The St. Johns College Union' news sheets, 1929, 1930 (File 148) - Box 22
The Morpeth Revue, Easter, 1930 (File 148) - Box 22
Workers' Educational Association pamphlets, 1929,1930 (File 148) - Box 22
(photocopies) Material regarding Bishop of Goulburn, E.H. Burgmann, including correspondence. (File 148) - Box 22
Class. Consignment added 10 February 1988
Series. Letters to Catherine Lee (nee Doyle)
Letters, 1928 (File 149) - Box 23
Letters, 1929 (File 150-154) - Box 23
Letters, Jan. - May, 1930 (File 155-163) - Box 24
Letters, June - Dec., 1931 (File 164-172) - Box 25
Letters, 1931 (File 173) - Box 26
Letters, 1932 (File 174) - Box 26
Letters, 1933 (File 175-176) - Box 26
Letters, 1934 (File 177) - Box 26
Letters, 1935 (File 178-180) - Box 26
Letters, 1936 (File 181-183) - Box 27
Letters, 1938 (File 184) - Box 27
Letters, July - Dec., 1939 (File 185-189) - Box 27
Letters, June - Dec., 1940 (File 190-192) - Box 28
Letters, Jan - Dec., 1941 (File 193-197) - Box 28
Letters, Jan. - Dec., 1942 (File 198-202) - Box 29
Letters, Jan. - Dec. 1943 (File 203-206) - Box 29
Letters, 1944 (File 207-209) - Box 30
Letters, 1945 (File 210) - Box 30
Letters, 1945 - 46, 1948 (File 211) - Box 30
Letters, 1950 (File 212) - Box 30
Letters, 1956 - 57 (File 213) - Box 30
Letters, 1959 - 68 (File 214) - Box 30
Series. Letters From Catherine Lee
Letters, 1935 - 36 (File 215-218) - Box 31
Letters, 1950 (File 219) - Box 31
Series. Miscellaneous Material
Photographs and 1 small diary, 1979 - 80 (File 220) - Box 32
Miscellaneous correspondence (mostly business). (File 221) - Box 32
Newspaper cuttings and printed material. (File 222-223) - Box 32
The Science Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, 1925 (File 224) - Box 32
The Science Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, 1926 (File 224) - Box 32
The Australian Intercollegian, April - July 1928 (File 224) - Box 32
Vox Studentium, vol. 6, July - Dec. 1929 (File 224) - Box 32
1 annotated book Towards the Conversion of England (File 224) - Box 32
Group photo of A.S.C.M. conference. (File 225) - Box 32
Class. Consignment added 25 July 2002
Letter from Lee to David Garnsey, 1930 (File 226) - Box 32
Copy of the St John's College Union newsletter, The News Sheet, (File 226) - Box 32
[Title not available], September 1930 (File 226) - Box 32
Article by C.M. Lee about the town of Morpeth, published in the Sydney (File 226) - Box 32
Morning Herald, 1931 (File 226) - Box 32
Letter from Peter Garnsey, 1999 (File 226) - Box 32