Guide to the Papers of Bessie Rischbieth
MS 2004
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Online Items
Series 1. Family and personal correspondence
The letters, written between 1911 and 1959, are arranged chronologically. They are mostly written by Bessie Rischbieth to her family whilst she was travelling, and include a large number of letters written from London during the Second World War. Comprises Items 1-195.
Family and personal correspondence, 1911 - 1913 (File 1) - Box 1
Correspondents include Olive Evans and Anna Donnelly. Covers travels to Japan in 1911 and observations of the militant suffrage movement while staying in the United Kingdom in 1913. Comprises items 1-12.
Family and personal correspondence, 1923 - 1933 (File 2) - Box 1
Correspondents include Olive Evans, Elsie Morgan, Julia Rapke, Ethel Osborne, and A. May Moss. Correspondence is primarily with her sister Olive Evans, covering topics including her travels to the United Kingdom, Hawaii, India, Palestine, Egypt. Includes experiences of touring schools and work sites that informed her social activism, and observations at conferences. Also includes a copy of an article submission, and a card from Princess Alexandrine Gr. Cantacuzene. Comprises items 13-41.
Family and personal correspondence, 1935 - 1938 (File 3) - Box 1
Correspondence primarily with her family covering her travels as a League of Nations delegate and to the 1935 I.W.S.A. Congresses. Other correspondents include M. Jamison Williams, Kerstin Hesselgren, Ethel P., Mary Hughes. Comprises items 42-80.
Family and personal correspondence, 1939 - 1940 (File 4) - Box 1
Correspondence with her family while travelling in South Africa, Europe and the United Kingdom. Comprises items 81-107.
Correspondence to her family, 1940 (File 5) - Box 1
Correspondence to her family while living in the United Kingdom. Includes experiences of London air-raids. Comprises items 108-135.
Correspondence to her family, 1941 - 1946 (File 6) - Box 1
Correspondence to her family while living in the United Kingdom. Includes experiences of London air-raids and the progress of World War II. Comprises items 136-176.
Personal correspondence with members of women's organisations, 1946 - 1959 (File 7) - Box 1
Correspondents include Katherine Bompas, Evelyn Rowland, Amy Wheaton, Stella Newsome, Harold White, Janet Roberts, Jessie Groom, Gertrude Ruston, and Molly Lukis. Topics include alliances between women's organisations, the production of The Dawn newspaper, and correspondence with various suffrage activists seeking material for an archive/exhibit on the international women's suffrage movement. Comprises items 177-184, A1-A5.
Series 2. Diaries, notes, articles and broadcasts
The series contains diaries for 1927, 1946 and 1957 written while travelling; notes for articles together with copies of articles and broadcasts given by Bessie Rischbieth between 1936 and 1950, and a number of invitations to official functions. Comprises Items 1-158.
Notebooks as League of Nations delegate 1946; address books 1950s; (File 1) - Box 1
Correspondence log kept by Bessie Rischbieth in 1927 as president of AFWV; correspondence log 1946; notebooks as a delegate to the United Nations 1946; address books 1950s. Comprises items 1-7.
Travel notes and ephemera, 1931 - 1946 (File 2) - Box 1
Notebooks and travel ephemera including tags, postcards and programs. Comprises items 8-16.
Notes for articles (File 3) - Box 2
Notes for articles and prompt cards for speeches. Content is primarily focussed on global politics during the operation of the League of Nations. Comprises items 17-43, A1.
Articles, 1936 - 1950 (File 5) - Box 2
Copies of article submissions to various publications. Comprises items 44-57.
Articles, 1936 - 1950 (File 6) - Box 2
Copies of article submissions to various publications. Comprises items 58-70.
Articles, 1936 - 1950 (File 7) - Box 2
Copies of article submissions to various publications. Comprises items 71-93, A7.
Broadcast addresses, 1936 - 1959 (File 8) - Box 2
Copies of broadcast addresses. Comprises items 94-108, A8-A9.
Series 3. English women's suffrage
This series documents in considerable detail the women's suffrage movement in England between 1908 and 1928, when English women finally achieved equal suffrage. The militant suffrage movement led by Emmeline Pankhurst of the Women's Social and Political Union (W.S.P.U.) forms the core of this series, but the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (N.U.W.S.S.), known as the law-abiding or constitutionalist suffragists are also represented. Of special interest are the medals, flags and other memorabilia collected by Bessie Rischbieth from several English suffrage activists. There are letters from 1911 to 1963, a pictorial volume of the movement in 1911-1913, pamphlets, copies of the newspapers The Suffragette and Votes for Women; court orders for the appearance of suffragettes who were charged for various offences and biographical notes on various women. Comprises Items 1-449.
Correspondence with British suffrage campaigners, 1910 - 1963 (File 1) - Box 2
Correspondents include Muriel Matters-Porter, Violet Tillard, Mary Law, Mary Probyer, Edith How-Martyn, Stella Newsome, Winifred Mayo, G. Horton, Louisa Cullen, Ruth Dawson, Letitia Withall, Mary Murphy, and Mary Howard. Includes accounts of incidents during suffrage campaigns, and also offers of memorabilia items to Bessie Rischbieth for her collection. Comprises items 1-40.
Album: "A Pictorial History of the Suffrage Movement in Great Britain 1906-1913" (Item 2004/3/41) - Folio-Box 44
Album of captioned photographs and postcards relating to the British Suffrage movement in the United Kingdom. Possibly collated by Bessie Rischbieth.
Newspaper cuttings relating to the suffrage movement, 1908 - 1936 (File 2) - Box 2
Newspaper cuttings reporting incidents in the militant suffrage movement. File also includes notes and labels created by Bessie Rischbieth to exhibit these materials. Item 43 missing. Comprises items 42-62.
Newspaper cuttings relating to the suffrage movement (File 3) - Box 3
Newspaper cuttings of reports and retrospectives on the militant suffrage movement. File also includes notes and labels created by Bessie Rischbieth to exhibit these materials. Item 94 missing. Comprises items 63-114. Please note that item 79 has been rehoused for preservation purposes and is now described in File 3A and located in Map folio 3A.
Assorted police notices, letters, and copies of pamphlets relating to the suffrage movement (File 4) - Box 3
Correspondents include Stella Newsome. Includes police notices for Annie Williams, Lady Constance Lytton, and Minnie Turner. Also includes copies of pamphlets about the militant suffrage movement. Item 2004/3/123 was repatriated to item 2004/3/126, and the number 3/123 is no longer in use. Comprises items 114-128.
A Pageant of Great Women, Cicely Hamilton, 1948 (Item 119-120 (File 4))
Published by Marian Lawson for the Suffragette Fellowship. Item 2004/3/119 has been signed by Edith How-Martyn and contains cuttings and labels. Second copy 2004/3/120 has not been digitised.
The Militant Suffrage Campaign in Perspective, Mary Phillips (Item 121 (File 4))
Published by the Suffrage Fellowship.
Suffrage Speeches from the Dock: Conspiracy Trial, Old Bailey, May 15th - 22nd, 1912 (Item 122 (File 4))
Published by The Woman's Press for the Women's Social and Political Union.
Women's Votes and Wages, F.W. Pethick Lawrence (Item 124 (File 4))
Published by the Woman's Press for the Women's Social and Political Union.
Votes and Wages, Maude Royden, 1911 (Item 125 (File 4))
Published by the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies.
Single copies of suffrage newspapers and copy of play "The Spring of Power" (File 5) - Box 3
Copies of publications include: The Woman's Leader and the Common Cause; The Policewoman's Review; Votes for Women. File also includes copy of the play "Springs of Power" by E.G. Walker; and exhibit labels. Comprises items 129-136.
Copies of The Suffragette newspaper, 1913 - 1914 (File)
Itemised individually.
Objects relating to suffrage campaigns, 1908 - 1929 (File 6) - Box 3
File comprises items 3/156 - photocopy image of silk flag (object missing); 3/A1 - strips of crepe paper; 3/A2 - piece of ivory silk ribbon; 3/159f - crepe paper streamers in red and green. Other object have been transferred to folio box and are itemised individually.
Needle book in W.S.P.U. colours, with exhibition label written by Bessie Rischbieth (Item 2004/3/153) - Folio-Box 44
Table cloth with embroidered signatures of Holloway Prison inmates and friends (Item 2004/3/154) - Elephant-Folio 39
Engraved medal "Presented to Miss Vida Goldstein in commemoration of her devotion & successful labours in the cause of women's suffrage in Victoria 1909" (Item 2004/3/155) - Folio-Box 47
"Votes for Women Official Souvenir Program" (W.S.P.U.) paper and cloth napkin with purple and green border of violets (Item 2004/3/157) - Elephant-Folio 41
Printed crepe paper napkin hand-stitched onto a cloth backing. Design is by S. Burgess, and was reused for different events. Design is of etchings of suffragettes, and has a border of violets in purple and green. This souvenir program is likely for the W.S.P.U. demonstration held in Hyde Park, London on 14 July 1912.
"Votes for Women Official Souvenir Program" (W.S.P.U.) paper and cloth napkin with Union Jack border design (Item 2004/3/158) - Elephant-Folio 41
Printed crepe paper napkin machine-stitched onto a cloth backing. Design is by S. Burgess. Design is of etchings of suffragettes, and has a border of Union Jack flags. This souvenir program is for the W.S.P.U. demonstration held in Hyde Park, London on 18 June 1910.
"Souvenir in Commemoration of Great Law-Abiding Women's Suffrage Pilgrimage" (N.U.W.S.S.) paper and cloth napkin with pink floral border design (Item 2004/3/159b) - Elephant-Folio 41
Printed crepe paper napkin hand-stitched onto a cloth backing. Design is by S. Burgess. Design is of Demonstration program, with a border of pink flower posies. This souvenir program is for the N.U.W.S.S. demonstration held in Hyde Park, London on 26 and 27 July, 1913.
Piece of handspun cotton purchased in 1929 by Bessie Rischbieth at Mahatma Gandhi's Ashram, India, 1929 (Item 2004/3/159c) - Elephant-Folio 40
Exhibition label by Bessie Rischbieth states: "Handspun cotton: Spun at Gandhi's Ashram India - 1929 (at his village uplift school & purchased by B.M. Rischbieth who was with Miss Josephine Storey & Miss Henny of Hollow visited the Ashram in 1929 as Ghandi's guests)"
Photographs of suffrage demonstrations and campaigning activities (File 8) - Box 3
Copies of photographs of demonstrations including the Hyde Park march in 1908, and other campaign activities, supplied to Bessie Rischbieth for her exhibit. Comprises items 191-214.
Suffragette items from Louisa C. Cullen (File 11) - Box 4
Photographs, postcards and clippings from Louisa C. Cullen. Objects from this folder (2004/3/206, 2004/3/309) have been rehoused in folio boxes. Comprises items 276-312, A6-A10.
Holloway Prison brooch belonging to Louisa Cullen (Item 2004/3/309) - Folio-Box 47
Louisa C. (Louie) Cullen was presented this brooch by Emmeline Pankhurst at Albert Hall, in recognition of Cullen's imprisonment. Similar brooches were was given to all those who served prison sentences for their activities in the suffrage movement. This brooch is referred to in correspondence from Louie Cullen (see item number 2004/3/35).
Suffragette songs and music (File 12) - Box 4
Lyrics and music for popular suffragette songs. Comprises items 313-333.
Suffragette cards and notepapers (File 13) - Box 4
A small collection of notepapers with emblems of suffrage organisations, as well as cards, postcards, speakers programs, and a copy of a speech delivered by Lady Balfour of Burleigh at the presentation of portraits to Frederick and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, W.S.P.U. leaders. Comprises items 334-339.
Pamphlets and reports relating to the Fawcett Society and the Women's Service Library (File 14) - Box 4
Annual reports of the Fawcett Society (1956 and 1958); copies of The Catholic Citizen newsletter with articles relating to the Fawcett Society's Women's Service Library. Comprises items 340-344.
Pamphlets and correspondence relating to the Association of Moral and Social Hygiene (File 15) - Box 4
Correspondents include Dorothea Cass, Alison Neilans, Thomas Paterson (Minister for the Interior). Also includes a copy of The Shield: A Review of Moral and Social Hygiene, and a memorial booklet for Alison Neilans. Comprises items 345-350.
Newsletters of the Suffragette Fellowship (File 17) - Box 4
Editions of Calling All Women newsletter of the Suffragette Fellowship. Sporadic coverage of 1948-1961. Comprises items 397-409.
Series 4. Australian women's suffrage
This series documents the movement for women's suffrage in Australia. There is correspondence from 1900 to 1959 with the leading Australian women of the movement, as well as pamphlets, newspaper cuttings and copies of Woman's Sphere and The Woman Voter, which were both edited in Victoria by Vida Goldstein. There is a collection of biographies of Australian women, particularly Vida Goldstein. Comprises Items 1-447.
Correspondence from Australian suffrage and women's rights leaders, 1900 - 1959 (File 1) - Box 4
Correspondents include Vida Goldstein, Beatrice Harraden, Ellie Weymyss, John Vale, Emmeline Pethick Lawrence, Bessie Rischbieth, Harriet Newcomb, Florence Rankin, Eleanor Hinder, Anna Golding, Alice Henry, Edith How-Martyn, Dame Enid Lyons, Senator Annabelle Rankins, Aileen Goldstein, Prime Minister John Curtin, Margery Corbett Ashby, Winifred Kiek, Amelie Walford, Ruby Rich, and J. Cuthbert. Comprises items 1-44.
Newspaper cuttings and pamphlets relating to Australian women (File 2) - Box 4
Women's rally programs, biographical articles, pamphlets, photographs, and "exhibit labels" made by Bessie Rischbieth. Comprises items 45-71.
Album with inscription: "Presented to the Suffragette Fellowship by Mrs. H.F. Bennett of Sydney N.S.W." (Item 2004/4/72) - Folio-Box 45
Newspaper cuttings and photographs relating to Australian women (File 3) - Box 5
Newspaper cuttings and photographs relating to Australian female parliamentarians and women associated with politics. Comprises items 73-86, A1-A2.
Autograph album with cover inscription "Presented to Bessie Rischbieth, O.B.E... February 1938" (Item 2004/4/87) - Folio-Box 45
Photographs of Australian women (File 4) - Box 5
Photographs of early female trade unionists, and related pamphlets and flyers. Comprises items 88-96.
Cuttings, pamphlets and notes on Australian women (File 5) - Box 5
Includes biographical pamphlets, newspaper cuttings and notes about Australian women, including Annette Bear-Crawford, Vida Goldstein, Cecilia John, Ethel Osborne, Ellinor Walker, Joan Rosanove, Annie Besant, Blanche Stephens, Eleanor Hinder, and Edna Lucy Holmes. Also includes articles and speech notes on women's progress in Australia, a political poster, and commemorative items including a Women's Suffrage Roll of Honour. Item 105 missing. Comprises items 97-133.
"'Mother of the North': the Late Mrs. E. M. Withnell" magazine cutting mounted on board., 1 June 1928 (Item 2004/4/134) - Folio-Box (Shared), Folio-Box 46
Obituary for Mrs E. M. Withnell, J.P. Article is adhered to a card backing, and includes a descriptive label by Bessie Rischbieth. Oversized -transferred to folio box.
Pamphlets and articles by Vida Goldstein and copies of The Woman Voter (File 6) - Box 5
Editions of The Woman Voter covering 1919, and articles and pamphlets by Vida Goldstein. Comprises items 135-157.
A bound volume of The Woman Voter 1909-1911, inscribed to Vida Goldstein (Item 7) - Box 5
A bound volume of editions of The Woman Voter: The Monthly Letter of the Women's Political Association August 1909 (No.1) to 7 February 1911 (No.16). Cover is stamped with V.G. in gold lettering, with inside inscription to Vida Goldstein. Comprises item 158.
Pamphlets and publications relating to Vida Goldstein (File 8) - Box 5
Pamphlets, flyers and small publications relating to Vida Goldstein; copies of "The Woman Voter" No.1-17. Folder has been selectively digitised, excluding duplicate copies of "The Woman Voter". Comprises items 159-187.
Articles and photographs relating to Vida Goldstein (File 9) - Box 5
Articles written by Vida Goldstein, and photographs and biographical articles about Vida Goldstein. Item 206 missing. Comprises items 188-225.
Notes and correspondence copies by Vida Goldstein (File 10) - Box 5
Notes and correspondence (copies) by Vida Goldstein. Item 226 missing. Comprises items 227-250.
Cuttings and notes relating to Alice Henry (File 11) - Box 6
Newspaper cuttings and notes relating to Alice Henry, a prominent trade unionist. Selectively digitised due to deterioration of some newspaper cuttings. Comprises items 251-259.
Correspondence, cuttings, newsletters about Australian women's suffrage and Australian activists (File 12) - Box 6
Of special interest is a letter from Members of the National Council of Women of the United States to Catherine Spence congratulating women of South Australia on achieving the vote in 1895. File also includes newspaper cuttings about Australian women. Item 265 missing. Comprises items 260-287.
Cuttings, pamphlets and notes on Australian women (File 13) - Box 6
Includes newspaper cuttings and notes about Australian women, many of which are mounted and presented as labels (or draft labels) for Bessie Rischbieth's exhibit on women's suffrage. Comprises items 288-310.
Copies of Woman's Sphere September 1900 - February 1905 (Item 2004/4/311-344) - Folio-Box 43
Editions of "Woman's Sphere" from September 1900 (issue 1) - February 1905. Items and pages have been reordered and renumbered for digitisation in date sequence. Some copies are missing pages. Also includes copies of flyers relating to the election campaigns of Vida Goldstein. Comprises items 311-344.
Cuttings, pamphlets and notes on Australian women (File 14) - Box 6
Includes newspaper cuttings and notes about Australian women, many of which are mounted and presented as labels (or draft labels) for Bessie Rischbieth's exhibit on women's suffrage Comprises items 346-372.
Cuttings, photographs and biographical material on Australian women (File 15) - Box 6
Photographs, pamphlets, cuttings and notes on Australian women, including early female parliamentarians. Comprises items 373-399.
Material relating to the Edith Cowan memorial and cuttings on Australian activists and parliamentarians (File 16) - Box 6
Cuttings and notes on Edith Cowan and the development of Cowan's memorial in Perth. File also includes various notes, cuttings and scraps on Australian suffragists, activists and early female parliamentarians. Comprises items 400-447.
Large exhibition labels (File 17) - Folio-Box (Shared), Folio-Box 46
Large labels made for exhibitions and fundraising events. One example "Punch and Judy", likely relates to a children's fair that Bessie Rischbieth hosted at her home "Unalla" in Western Australia in 1957. Items in file are unnumbered.
Series 5. Australian women's organisations
Contained in this series are records of the Australian Federation of Women Voters (A.F.W.V., formerly Australian Federation of Women's Societies for Equal Citizenship), formed in 1921, including correspondence from 1901 to 1966 with other women's organisations and with the Commonwealth Government. The Federation was formed out of the Women's Service Guilds. It lobbied for change across a range of issues related to the rights and welfare of women, children, indigenous Australians, and other groups. The Federation was part of a worldwide network of women's organisations, and was able to put forward woman delegates for various international congresses and conferences, as well as successfully lobby for woman delegates to the League of Nations. Bessie Rischbieth was the first President of the Federation from 1921-1942. In this series, there are also records relating to the National Council of Women, the United Association of Women of New South Wales, the League of Women Voters of Queensland, the Women's Non-party Association of South Australia, the Women's Non-party League of Tasmania, the Women's Service Guilds of Western Australia and the League of Women Voters of Victoria. Comprises Items 1-3032.
A.F.W.S. correspondence and papers, 1921 (File 2) - Box 6
Correspondence regarding the history and formation of the first Advisory Committee, and the Australian Federation of Women's Societies for Equal Citizenship, 1921 (later known as the Australian Federation of Women Voters). Comprises items 27-78.
A.F.W.S. notes, papers, minutes and newspaper cuttings, 1923 - 1924 (File 3) - Box 6
Newspaper cuttings primarily relate to reporting on A.F.W.S. business, and travel for conferences. Comprises items 79-116.
A.F.W.S. correspondence and papers, 1901 - 1922 (File 4) - Box 6
File contains Australian Federation of Women Voters correspondence regarding equal pay and equal work, maternity allowance, financial and annual reports; correspondence regarding constitution and the formation of the British Dominions Women Citizens Union Australian Federation, and later correspondence under the new name Australian Federation of Women's Societies. Also included are papers relating to national and international activities, congress and meeting reports. Comprises items 117-163.
A.F.W.S. correspondence, 1923 (File 5) - Box 7
Correspondence regarding international activities, conferences, congresses and national affiliations. Comprises items 164-200.
A.F.W.S. correspondence, 1923 - 1924 (File 7) - Box 7
Much of the correspondence is with international women's organisations on conferences, congresses and discussions of international affiliations. Comprises items 271-336.
A.F.W.S. correspondence, 1926 (File 8) - Box 7
Incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence, mainly about organisation of delegations to congresses, and Rischbieth's appointment to the Board of the International Women's Suffrage Alliance. Comprises items 337-406.
A.F.W.S. correspondence, 1927 (File 9) - Box 7
Incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence regarding affiliations, conferences and activities. Includes correspondence between the Australian Federation of Women Voters (A.F.W.V.) and the Prime Minister regarding the potential reservation of land in Canberra for future use of Australian Women's Organisations. Comprises items 407-534.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1928 (File 10) - Box 7
Incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence. Topics include nominations of delegates to the League of Nations Assembly. Comprises items 535-606.
Folder of A.V.F.W. correspondence titles "Equal Citizenship Australian Federation State Correspondence Victoria", 1928 - 1930 (File 11) - Box 7
Folder of correspondence comprising incoming and copies of outgoing between the Federal office and the Victorian Office. Comprises items 607-763.
A.F.W.V. Correspondence, 1929 (File 12) - Box 7
Incoming and outgoing correspondence relating to her position as President of the A.F.W.V. Correspondents include Mary Driver, Carrie Chapman Catt, Sir Eric Drummond, C. Ross Patterson, Daisy Solomon, Ruby Rich, Eva Bowes, Edith Waterworth, Blanche Stephens, the Hon. Dr Earle Page, Edith How Martyn, Marjorie King, Gladys Harrison, Sir George Julius, the Hon J.G. Latham, E.A. Mann, Mildred Muscio, Emily Bennett, E. Hinder, Ethel Osborne, Dr. E.M. Stang, Katherine Bompas, Rosa Manus, Dr. Georgina Sweet, Mrs Britomarte James, Ada Bromham, Prime Minister the Right Hon. Stanley Bruce, Taylor Darbyshire, J.E. Ogden, Ellinor Walker, Mrs Carlisle McDonnell, Senator the Hon J.J. Daly. Topics include business for "The Dawn" magazine, organising delegates for Conferences of the British Commonwealth League and for Congresses of the I.W.S.A., appointment and administrative matters of the A.F.W.V. state branches. Comprises items 764-854.
A.F.W.V. Correspondence, 1929 (File 13) - Box 8
Incoming and outgoing correspondence by the A.F.W.V. Correspondents include Prime Minister the Right Hon. Stanley Bruce, Ellinor Walker, Evelyn Caspersz, Ada Bromham, Ruby Rich, Mrs Carlisle McDonnell, Roberta Jull, Irene Longman, Mary Driver, Eleanor Rigo de Righi, Blanche Stephens, Dame Janet Campbell, the Right Hon. Margaret Bonfield, Susan Lawrennce, C. Ross Petterson, D. Solomon, Katherine Bompas, W. Ramsay Smith. Many letters are copies of mailouts to politicians and women's movement leaders to lobby for support on particular matters such as ending use of poisonous gasses in warfare, widow's pensions, and maternity hygiene. Includes certificates of introduction from the Prime Minister and Premier of Western Australia for Rischbieth's chairing of the delegation of A.F.W.V. to the 1929 Congress of the International Suffrage Alliance in Berlin. Comprises items 855-956.
Folder of A.F.W.V. correspondence titled "Equal Citizenship Australian Federation State Correspondence N.S.W.", 1928 - 1929 (File 14) - Box 8
Incoming and outgoing correspondence for the A.F.W.V., primarily of an administrative nature. A folder of letters grouped as item number 957.
Folder of A.F.W.V. correspondence titled "Equal Citizenship Australian Federation State Correspondence Western Australia", 1929 - 1930 (File 15) - Box 8
Incoming and outgoing correspondence for the A.F.W.V, primarily of an administrative nature. A folder of letters grouped as item number 958.
A.F.W.V. correspondence and papers, 1930 (File 16) - Box 8
Correspondence regarding conferences, affiliations, and nominations of delegates to the League of Nations Assembly. Comprises items 959-1064.
A.F.W.V. correspondence and papers, 1930 (File 17) - Box 8
Correspondence regarding meetings, conferences, affiliations, organisational nominations and letters of introduction. Comprises items 1065-1147.
A.F.W.V. correspondence and papers, January to June, 1931 (File 18) - Box 8
Correspondence regarding nominations of international delegates, organisational nominations, conferences, affiliations, the Sugar Agreement and maternity allowance payments. Comprises items 1148-1239.
A.F.W.V. correspondence and papers, July to December, 1931 (File 19) - Box 8
Correspondence regarding maternity allowance payments, disarmament, international delegates and general activities. Comprises items 1240-1347.
A.F.W.V. correspondence and notes, 1932 (File 20) - Box 9
Incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence mostly regarding the women's delegates to the Disarmament Conference in Geneva, the Assembly of the League of Nations, the Broadcasting Commission, maternity allowance and pensions. Comprises items 1348-1494.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1933 (File 21) - Box 9
Incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence regarding conferences, disarmament, the 'Dawn' publication, Open Door International. Comprises items 1495-1579.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1933 (File 22) - Box 9
Incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence regarding conferences, the Assembly of the League of Nations; newspaper cuttings and correspondence regarding censorship. Comprises items 1580-1670.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1934 - 1936 (File 23) - Box 9
Correspondence regarding conferences, meetings and activities, international delegate nominations. Comprises items 1671-1806.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1937 (File 24) - Box 9
Correspondence and newspaper cuttings regarding disarmament and the international Peace Congress in Brussels. Comprises items 1807-1827.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1938 - 1939 (File 25) - Box 9
Includes introductions of Jessie Street to women's organisations in the United States of America and Europe for her travel. Comprises items 1828-1890.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1939 - 1945 (File 26) - Box 9
Correspondence regarding congresses, conferences and activities. Comprises items 1891-1917.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, notes, collected ephemera, 1946 - 1947 (File 27) - Box 10
A notebook into which is pasted incoming and copies of outgoing A.F.W.V. correspondence. Pamphlets, cards, notes, small publications and various tags are in back of notebook. A folder of letters and inclusions grouped as item number 1918.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1947 (File 28) - Box 10
Incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence. Primary correspondents include Ruby Rich and Edith How-Martyn. Comprises items 1919-1932.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, 1947 - 1949 (File 29) - Box 10
Correspondents include Ruby Rich, Constance Davey, Mrs. J.M. McDonnell, Edith How-Martyn, Elizabeth Griffiths, Enid Lyons, and Amy Wheaton. Comprises items 1933-1949.
A.F.W.V. correspondence, notes, collected ephemera, 1950 - 1953 (File 30) - Box 10
Correspondence regarding conferences and activities. Includes Bessie Rischbieth's correspondence with the National Library of Australia, particularly with National Librarian Harold White, about donating her collection. Comprises items 1950-2025.
A.F.W.V. correspondence and notes, 1954 - 1958 (File 31) - Box 10
Also includes personal correspondence. Includes Bessie Rischbieth's correspondence with the National Library of Australia, particularly with National Librarian Harold White, about donating her collection. Comprises items 2026-2054.
A.F.W.V. correspondence and notes, 1958 - 1966 (File 32) - Box 10
Correspondence regarding congresses and conferences, and the donation of Bessie Rischbieth and Vida Goldstein's collection to the National Library of Australia. Also includes personal correspondence. Comprises items 2055-2073.
Scrapbook entitled "A.F.W. Voters Press Cuttings 1924-27-28-30-33-1936", 1924 - 1936 (Item 2004/5/2074) - Box 10
A scrapbook with press cuttings about A.F.W.V. matters. Scrapbook and inclusions are grouped as item number 2074.
Papers, notes and cuttings relating to the 1st and 2nd Triennial Conferences of the A.F.W.V., 1924 - 1927 (File 33) - Box 10
Comprises items 2075-2098.
Papers, notes and attendees badges relating to the 3rd Triennial Conference of the A.F.W.V., 1930 (File 34) - Box 11
Comprises items 2099-2140.
Papers and notes relating to the 3rd Triennial Conference of the A.F.W.V., 1930 (File 35) - Box 11
Contains some unnumbered items. Comprises items 2141-2149.
Papers and notes relating to the 4th Triennial Conference of the A.F.W.V., 1933 (File 36) - Box 11
Comprises items 2150-2209.
Papers and notes relating to the 5th and 7th Triennial Conference of the A.F.W.V., 1936 - 1945 (File 37) - Box 11
Comprises items 2210-2234.
Papers, notes and collected ephemera relating to the 8th and 9th Triennial Conferences of the A.F.W.V., 1948 - 1951 (File 38) - Box 11
Comprises items 2235-2256.
Paper, notes and photographs relating to the 10th and 11th Triennial Conferences of the A.F.W.V., 1954 - 1957 (File 39) - Box 11
Comprises items 2257-2267.
A.F.W.V. Board meeting minutes and papers, 1927 - 1938 (File 40) - Box 11
Comprises items 2268-2294.
A.F.W.V. Board meeting minutes, 1948 - 1958 (File 41) - Box 11
Item 2295 missing. Comprises items 2296-2333.
A.F.W.V. meeting papers 1931, and papers relating to the Jubilee Federal Conference 1951 (File 43) - Box 11
Comprises items 2349-2353.
A.F.W.V. miscellaneous items, 1926 - 1951 (File 45) - Box 12
Includes photographs (portraits), notes and papers. Comprises items 2358-2407.
Photograph of delegates to the 1st Triennial Interstate Conference of the A.F.W.V., 1924 (File 47) - Box 12
Comprises item 2004/5/2466.
Minutes, notes and correspondence relating to the Australian Joint Standing Committee of the Women's Federal Organisations, 1928 - 1933 (File 48) - Box 12
Folder of correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating the to Committee c.1928, and minutes and papers of the 1933 meeting. Comprises items 2467-2476.
Agendas, papers and correspondence relating to the Australian Women's Co-operating Committee of Federal Organisations, 1929 (File 49) - Box 12
Papers and correspondence are held in two original folders. Comprises items 2477-2478.
Correspondence, notes and newsletters relating to the National Council of Women, 1923 - 1956 (File 50) - Box 12
Comprises items 2479-2518.
Correspondence from the United Associations of Women of New South Wales to the A.F.W.V., 1930 - 1957 (File 51) - Box 12
Comprises items 2519-2542.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with N.S.W. women's organisations and copies of "Equality" newsletter (File 52) - Box 12
Correspondence is from 1928-1958. "Equality" is the newsletter of the N.S.W. League of Women Voters. Sporadic coverage from July 1961 - June 1965. File comprises items 2543-2556.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with Queensland women's organisations and related newspaper cuttings and pamphlets, 1926 - 1933 (File 53) - Box 13
Comprises items 2557-2601.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with South Australian women's organisations, and related newspaper cuttings and pamphlets, 1923 - 1963 (File 54) - Box 13
Includes newspaper cuttings celebrating the 60th anniversary of South Australian women attaining suffrage. Comprises items 2602-2702.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with the Tasmanian Women's Non-Party Political League, 1924 - 1933 (File 55) - Box 13
Comprises items 2703-2724.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with Western Australian women's organisations, and correspondence of the Women's Service Guilds of Western Australia, 1928 - 1959 (File 56) - Box 13
Comprises items 2724B-2771.
Women's Services Guilds of Western Australia minutes and bulletins 1928-1954 and newspaper cuttings and photographs (File 57) - Box 13
Includes portraits and photographs of representatives of the W.S.G. Comprises items 2772-2849.
Women's Service Guilds of Western Australia papers relating to the Children's Festival 1957, and papers, photographs and drafts relating to "Dawn" (File 58) - Box 13
Comprises items 2850-2854 plus additional unnumbered material given items numbers A1-A30.
Folder of correspondence and cuttings relating to the Good Neighbour Council of W.A., and correspondence relating to the Women's Service Guilds of Western Australia (File 59) - Box 13
Comprises items 2855-2864.
A.F.W.V. correspondence relating to Victorian women's organisations, 1928 - 1959 (File 60) - Box 13
Comprises items 2865-2908.
Correspondence, newspaper cuttings and programs relating to the Women's Centenary Council Victoria, 1934 (File 61) - Box 14
Comprises items 2909-2925.
Pamphlets of women's organisations in Australia and copies of speeches, articles and reports (File 62) - Box 14
Comprises items 2926-2954.
Notes, articles, newspaper cuttings, and broadsides from Australia (File 63) - Box 14
Items 2966-2988 missing. Comprises items 2955-3017.
Notes and copies of articles on Australian women's organisations (File 64) - Box 14
Comprises items 3018-3024.
Series 6. Pan-Pacific Women's Association
The Pan-Pacific Women's Association (P.P.W.A.) was formed in 1928 when its first triennial conference was held. It was renamed the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women's Association (P.P.S.E.A.W.A.) in 1955. There is correspondence from 1929 to 1957, photographs, newspaper cuttings and copies of proceedings of each conference, most of which Bessie Rischbieth attended, including as leader of the Australian delegations. Comprises Items 1-575.
P.P.W.A. and Australian Women's Cooperating Committee correspondence, 1928 - 1930 (File 1) - Box 14
Items 5-6, 42-46, 55 missing. Comprises items 1-61.
Notebook of correspondence copies and article drafts relating to Pan-Pacific work and I.W.S.A. Berlin, 1928 - 1929 (File 3) - Box 14
Comprises item 152.
P.P.W.A. correspondence, 1929 - 1930 (File 4) - Box 15
Folder of letters grouped under item number 153.
Correspondence, notes and cuttings relating to the Australian Pan-Pacific Women's Committee, 1929 - 1932 (File 5) - Box 15
Folder of letters grouped under item number 154.
Correspondence and photographs relating to the Australian Pan-Pacific Women's Committee, 1932 - 1933 (File 6) - Box 15
Comprises items 155-244.
Folder of correspondence and reports relating to the Australian Womens Co-operating Committee and the Pan-Pacific State Subcommittee, 1929 - 1939 (File 7) - Box 15
Folder of letters grouped as item number 245.
Proceedings and reports of the P.P.W.A. 1st Conference, Honolulu, 1928 (File 9) - Box 15
Comprises items 261-264.
Reports relating to the P.P.W.A. 1st Conference, Honolulu, 1928 (File 10) - Box 16
Comprises items 265-286.
Reports relating to the P.P.W.A. 1st Conference, Honolulu, 1928 (File 11) - Box 16
Includes reports on the history of suffrage in Japan. Comprises items 287-324.
Reports, notes and newspaper cuttings relating to the P.P.W.A. 1st Conference, Honolulu, 1928 (File 12) - Box 16
Comprises items 325-342.
Folder of newspaper cuttings relating to the P.P.W.A. 1st Conference, Honolulu, 1928 (File 13) - Box 16
Item 343.
Photographs relating to the P.P.W.A. 1st Conference, Honolulu, 1928 (File 14) - Box 16
Includes photographs of delegates, and locations visited. Comprises items 344-369.
Minutes of the Australian Coordinating Committee of the P.P.W.A., 1929 - 1936 (File 15) - Box 16
Comprises items 370-392.
Correspondence, reports and bulletins relating to the P.P.W.A. 2nd Conference, Honolulu, 1930 (File 16) - Box 17
Comprises items 393-398.
Reports relating to the P.P.W.A. 3rd and 4th Conferences, 1934 - 1937 (File 17) - Box 17
Comprises items 399-401.
Reports and programs of the P.P.W.A. 4th Conference, Vancouver, 1937 (File 18) - Box 17
Comprises items 402-412.
Reports, correspondence and programs relating to the P.P.W.A. 5th Conference, 1940 - 1949 (File 19) - Box 17
Comprises items 413-431.
Reports relating to the P.P.W.A. 6th Conference, Christchurch 1952, and general correspondence on conferences 1945-1955., 1941 - 1955 (File 20) - Box 17
Comprises items 432-461.
Reports, photographs and souvenir postcards relating to the Women of the Pacific and Southeast Asia 9th Conference, 1961 (File 21) - Box 17
Photographs are of delegates and locations. Items 476-478 missing. Comprises items 462-479.
Papers, newspaper cuttings and notes relating to P.P.W.A. proceedings, 1952 - 1953 (File 22) - Box 17
Comprises items 480-493.
Minutes, bulletins, circulars and newspaper cuttings relating to the Australian Pan-Pacific Women's Committee, 1933 - 1937 (File 23) - Box 17
Comprises items 494-541.
Series 7. International women's organisations
This series mainly includes records of the British Commonwealth League, which was formed in 1925 as a branch of the International Woman's Suffrage Alliance. There is correspondence from 1925 to 1949, reports of meetings and annual conferences as well as miscellaneous records of a few other international committees. The British Commonwealth League is now known as the Commonwealth Countries League. Comprises Items 1-616.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with international women's organisations, 1923 - 1959 (File 1) - Box 18
Correspondence is primarily to Bessie Rischbieth. Correspondents include Florence Underwood, E.M. Turner, Norah March, Princess Alexandrine Cantacuzene, Dr Noel, Alison Neilans, Marie-Louise Berg, Belle Sherwin, Elizabeth Hawes, Louise Stanley, Margery Corbett Ashby, Alice Parsons, Clara Novello Davies, Prime Minister John Curtin, Mary Wingman, Dr A.W. Henny, Dorothy Woodman, M.S. Niblock, Daisy Bates, Katherine Bompas, Elizabeth Gainsworthy, Sylvia Moore, Joseph Green, Sir Keith Officer, Norah McCarthy. Comprises items 1-60.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with international women's organisations, 1924 - 1930 (File 2) - Box 18
Correspondence is primarily between Bessie Rischbieth and leaders of the British Commonwealth League and the International Women Suffrage Alliance. Correspondents include Rosa manus, Carrie Chapman-Catt, Margery Corbett Ashby, Mrs. John Jones, M. Chave Collison, Ada Bromham, Julia Rapke, Daisy Solomon, E.M. Duncan, Ruby Rich, Irene Parker Crane. Items 76 and 111 missing. Comprises items 61-117.
A.F.W.V. correspondence with British Commonwealth League, 1931 - 1949 (File 3) - Box 18
Correspondence is primarily between Bessie Rischbieth and leaders of the British Commonwealth League and the International Women Suffrage Alliance. Correspondents include Linda Littlejohn, Ruby Rich, M.Chave Collison, Daisy Solomon, M. Jeremiah Cook, Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. Carlisle McDonnell, Dorothy Innes, Ethel Osbourne, Mrs Jamieson Williams, Isabel Johnston, and H.M. Toddhunter. Items 145-147 missing. Comprises items 118-191.
Correspondence, notes and cuttings on the British Commonwealth League, including the 1928 lecture tour of Maude Royden to Australia, 1927 - 1929 (File 4) - Box 18
Comprises items 192-202.
Articles and reports relating to conferences of the British Commonwealth League, 1926 - 1954 (File 5) - Box 18
Item 207 missing. Comprises items 203-230.
Correspondence and conference reports relating to the British Commonwealth League, 1927 - 1951 (File 6) - Box 18
Comprises items 231-281.
Correspondence and reports relating to the British Commonwealth League, 1926 - 1954 (File 7) - Box 18
Item 308 missing. Comprises items 282-317.
Notes, reports and cuttings related to the British Commonwealth League, 1925 - 1952 (File 8) - Box 18
Comprises items 318-360.
Notes and newsletters relating to the Women's International Democratic Federation, 1946 (File 9) - Box 19
Comprises items 361-376.
Correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to the World Woman's Party, 1938 - 1939 (File 10) - Box 19
Comprises items 377-392.
Circulars and newsletters relating to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1929 - 1952 (File 11) - Box 19
Comprises items 393-396.
Broadcast addresses, speeches, notes and pamphlets on International Women's Day, 1943 - 1948 (File 12) - Box 19
Comprises items 397-429.
Copies of International Women's News, 1928 - 1958 (File 13) - Box 19
Organ of the International Alliance of Women. Earlier editions are called The International Woman Suffrage News: The monthly organ of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. The Alliance changed its name 1946. Sporadic coverage from 1928-1958. Comprises items 430-453.
Copies of International Women's News, 1934 - 1964 (File 14) - Box 19
Organ of the International Alliance of Women. Earlier editions are called The International Woman Suffrage News: The monthly organ of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. The Alliance changed its name 1946. Sporadic coverage from 1934-1964. Comprises items 454-494.
Notes and newspaper cuttings on international women's issues, 1923 - 1946 (File 15) - Box 19
Comprises items 495-541.
Publication: An Experiment in Co-Operation, 1925-1945: The history of the liaison committee of women's international organisations, 1946 (File 16) - Box 19
Comprises item 542.
Miscellaneous articles on international subjects, newspaper cuttings and pamphlets, 1929 - 1957 (File 17) - Box 19
Comprises items 543-585.
Photographs relating to international engagements and representations, 1923 - 1964 (File 18) - Box 19
Item 614 shows Bessie Rischbieth wearing the Order of the British Empire medal after her investiture at Buckingham Palace July 1935. Other photos include portraits of women associated with international congresses including Margaret Corbet Ashby, Ruby Rich, and photographs of groups of delegates. Items 612-613 missing. Comprises items 585-616.
Series 8. International Women's Suffrage Alliance
This series contains records of the International Women's Suffrage Alliance (I.W.S.A.), founded in 1904. From 1926 it became the International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, and in 1946 became the International Alliance of Women (I.A.W.). There is correspondence between Mrs Rischbieth and the Alliance from 1919 to 1962, reports and photographs of triennial congresses from 1923 to 1961, and minutes of board meetings of the Alliance. Comprises Items 1-963.
I.W.S.A. correspondence, 1923 - 1927 (File 2) - Box 20
Items 105-107 missing. Comprises items 33-109.
I.W.S.A. correspondence, 1928 - 1929 (File 3) - Box 20
Item 115 is a folder of 1929 correspondence. Comprises items 110-115.
I.W.S.A. correspondence, 1931 - 1947 (File 4) - Box 20
Item 116 is a folder of correspondence. Items 118 and 129 missing. Comprises items 116-143.
I.W.S.A. history 1904-1929, newsletters, and newspaper cuttings (File 6) - Box 20
Comprises items 173-194.
I.W.S.A. 9th Congress, Rome, 1923 (Item 2004/8/195-244) - Folio-Box 45
Photographs and notes on the 1923 Rome Congress, which was opened by Prime Minister of Italy Benito Mussolini, before Italian women had achieved suffrage.
Reports, notes, newsletters and photographs relating to the I.W.S.A. 9th Congress, Rome, 1923 (File 7) - Box 20
Item 258 missing. Comprises items 245-262.
Reports, notes, newsletters and photographs relating to the I.W.S.A. 10th Congress, Paris, 1926 (File 8) - Box 20
Comprises items 263-324.
Reports, notes, newsletters and photographs relating to the I.W.S.A. 11th Congress, Berlin, 1929 (File 9) - Box 21
Comprises items 325-392.
Correspondence and reports relating to the I.W.S.A. 11th Congress, Berlin, 1929 (File 10) - Box 21
Grouped in an original file, but individually numbered. Comprises items 393-502.
Broadsides (File 11) - Box 21
Multiple copies of broadsides on topics including "Why non-party government is necessary in Australia", "Finance and industry", "The basic wage", "Equal pay", sponsored by various organisations. Comprises items 503-510.
Reports, notes, newsletters and photographs relating to the I.W.S.A. 12th Congress, Istanbul, 1935 (File 12) - Box 21
Includes extensive photographic coverage of the Congress, including delegates, Congress proceedings and travel in Turkey. Of special interest are photographs of Bessie Rischbieth and Ruby Rich as delegates. Comprises items 511-616.
Ephemera and newspaper cuttings on the funeral procession of King George V, 1936 (File 13) - Box 21
Includes news articles, funeral program, and two tickets to the Royal Funeral Procession. Comprises items 617-626.
Notes, pamphlets and photographs relating to the I.W.S.A. 13th Congress, Copenhagen, 1939 (File 14) - Box 21
Comprises items 627-650.
Correspondence and reports relating to the Women's International Congress, Paris, 1945 (File 15) - Box 21
Congress International des Femmes. Comprises items 651-676.
Correspondence and copies of speeches and resolutions relating to the 14th (1946) and 16th (1952) Congresses of the I.W.S.A. and the Special Committee, 1933 (File 16) - Box 21
Comprises items 677-710.
Album: International Alliance of Women Golden Jubilee Congress 1955 (Item 2004/8/711) - Folio-Box 45
Correspondence, reports, pamphlets and photographs relating to the I.W.S.A. 17th Congress, Colombia, 1955 (File 17) - Box 22
Comprises items 712-772.
Correspondence, reports, and copies of speeches relating to the I.W.S.A. 17th Congress, Colombia, 1955 (File 18) - Box 22
Comprises items 773-789.
Reports, and broadcast addresses, meeting proceedings and newspaper cuttings relating to the I.W.S.A. 17th Congress, Colombia, 1955 - 1956 (File 19) - Box 22
Comprises items 790-820.
Notes, meeting proceedings and travel pamphlets relating to the 18th (1958) and 19th (1961) Congresses of the I.W.S.A. (File 20) - Box 22
Comprises items 821-837.
Committee minutes, Board minutes and constitution of the I.W.S.A., 1926 - 1930 (File 21) - Box 22
Comprises items 838-846.
Correspondence and agendas relating to Board meetings of the I.W.S.A., 1933 - 1939 (File 22) - Box 22
Comprises items 847-874.
Committee and Board reports of the I.W.S.A., 1954 - 1962 (File 23) - Box 22
Comprises items 875-920.
Biographical materials including French pamphlets of I.W.S.A. personalities (File 24) - Box 22
Includes Carrie Chapman-Catt, Mrs Malaterre-Sellier, Emilie Gourd, Bessie Rischbieth, Maud Wood Park, Jame Page, Rosa Manus, Princesse Alexandrine Gr. Cantacuzene, Mrs F.F. Plaminkova, Belle Sherwin, Ruth Morgan, Lilly Rose Cabrera (Marquise of Ter and Countess of Morella), Dr Paulina Luisi, Dr Alice Salomon, and Frances Sterling. Comprises items 921-940.
Series 9. League of Nations
The Australian Federation of Women Voters worked to get women delegates appointed to the League. The series contains reports of sessions attended by Australian women, photographs of delegates, correspondence and notes on different sessions of the League, especially for 1935 when Bessie Rischbieth was an alternate delegate. Also included is material on the International Peace Campaign. Comprises Items 1-542.
Pamphlets, publications and photographs relating to the International Labour Organisation (I.L.O.) and related conferences, 1923 - 1962 (File 1) - Box 23
Items 26 and 29 missing from file. Comprises items 1-37.
Photographs and cuttings of League of Nations delegates, 1920s and 1930s, 1920 - 1946 (File 2) - Box 23
Comprises items 38-56.
Reports 1926-1929, and copies of the Journal of the 10th Assembly (1929), 1926 - 1929 (File 4) - Box 23
Comprises items 78-97, A1-A5.
Correspondence relating to the selection of woman delegates to the League, 1926 and 1927, 1926 - 1927 (File 3) - Box 23
Item 59 missing. Comprises items 57-77.
Correspondence, reports, notes and photographs relating to the League, 1923 - 1932 (File 5) - Box 23
Comprises items 98-137.
Correspondence and reports relating to the Disarmament Committee, 1929 - 1939 (File 6) - Box 23
Item 138 missing from numbering. Comprises items 138-188.
Committee proceedings, resolution drafts, and copies of the Official Journal, 1933 - 1935 (File 7) - Box 23
Comprises items 189-208.
Photographs of League of Nations Assembly, Geneva, 1935 (File 8) - Box 23
Item 209 missing. Comprises items 210-231.
Notes for press interviews on League of Nations Assembly, Geneva, 1935 (File 10) - Box 24
Comprises items 239-271.
Correspondence, reports, minutes and cuttings relating to the League, 1933 - 1936 (File 11) - Box 24
282-290 missing from numbering. Comprises items 272-331.
Reports and official minutes of League Assemblies and Committees, 1932-1937, 1941 (File 12) - Box 24
Comprises items 332-341.
League of Nations, Thirteenth Assembly, 26th September to 17th October, 1932, Report of the Australian Delegation, 1932 (Item 332) - Box 24
League of Nations Official Journal : Special Supplement No. 105, Records of the Thirteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly. Meetings of the Committees : Minutes of the First Committee (Constitutional and Legal Questions), 1932 (Item 333) - Box 24
Typescript - Commonwealth of Australia, Department of External Affairs, 'Australian Delegation to the 16th Assembly of the League of Nations 1935. Notes on the Agenda', c. 1935 (Item 335) - Box 24
League of Nations, Advisory Committee on Social Questions, First Session (April 15th, 1937), Summary of annual reports for 1935/36, prepared by the Secretariat, 1937 (Item 336) - Box 24
Series of League of Nations Publications. IV : Social, 1937, IV 3.
League of Nations, Advisory Commission for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Young People, Report on the work of the Commission in 1935, 1937 (Item 337) - Box 24
Series of League of Nations Publications. IV : Social, 1935, IV 2.
League of Nations, Advisory Commission for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Young People, Report on the work of the Commission in 1934, 1934 (Item 338) - Box 24
Series of League of Nations Publications. IV : Social, 1934, IV 5.
League of Nations, Child welfare : report submitted by the Fifth Committee to the Assembly, 1935 (Item 339) - Box 24
Rapporteur : M. Gajardo (Chile).
Newspaper cuttings including interviews on return from League Assembly, 1935 - 1937 (File 13) - Box 24
Comprises a folder of newspaper cuttings grouped as item number 342.
Series 10. United Nations
The series commences with notes and cuttings on the Dumbarton Oaks conference (August-October 1944) and the London International Assembly (of which Bessie Rischbieth was a member), which preluded the United Nations Organisation in 1945. The bulk of this series consists of reports of the United Nations Commission on the status of women. Comprises Items 1-140.
Reports, minutes and resolutions relating to the London International Assembly 1942-1944, and cuttings relating to the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 1944, 1941 - 1945 (File 1) - Box 25
Comprises items 1-32.
Reference papers and reports for United Nations General Assemblies and committees, 1945 - 1948 (File 2) - Box 25
Comprises items 33-50.
Reports of the Status of Women Commission (United Nations Economic and Social Council), 1948 - 1949 (File 3) - Box 25
Comprises items 51-63.
Meeting papers of the Commission on the Status of Women, 1952, and papers on human rights 1949-1952, 1949 - 1952 (File 4) - Box 25
Comprises items 64-78.
Meeting papers of the Commission on the Status of Women, 1952 (File 5) - Box 25
Comprises items 79-97.
Series 11. Files on countries and related research subjects
The series consists of items (mainly pamphlets and cuttings) collected by Bessie Rischbieth when visiting various countries, or gathering research material for reports. Some files include correspondence related to visits, and many include photographs, copies of reports and speeches presented at international conferences and congresses as they relate to the country/region subject of each file. Comprises Items 1-870.
Collected ephemera and cuttings on Royal Visits to Australia, 1901, 1927, 1934, 1926 - 1934 (File 5) - Box 26
Includes copies of an Address of Welcome to the Duke of Gloucester from the A.F.W.V. in 1934. Also includes invitations to receptions, and Banquet program. Comprises items 53-89.
Song books (File 6) - Box 26
Includes Australian songs, several national anthems, and Christmas carol song books. Comprises items 90-105.
Australian newspaper cuttings and miscellaneous notes, 1930 - 1942 (File 7) - Box 26
Comprises items 106-162.
Music - Madam Clara Novello Davies (File 12) - Box 27
446-455 missing from item numbering. Comprises items 389-466.
Material collected while traveling in Britain, 1924 - 1936 (File 13) - Box 27
Cuttings, pamphlets and notes. Comprises items 467-486.
Series 12. Files on special subjects
This series consists of research material collected on specific subjects, but also includes correspondence often generated by involvement of the Australian Federation of Women Voters in these subjects. Particularly valuable is the correspondence on constitutional reform in Australia (1924-1931), material relating to the Status of Women (including the nationality of women and equal pay) and correspondence relating to the Commonwealth Sugar agreement (1930-1931)...
Aboriginal peoples - correspondence and cuttings, 1927 - 1934 (File 1) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive including images of deceased persons. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
First Nation peoples - correspondence, 1935 - 1942 (File 2) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other First Nation people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive. Please be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
Aboriginal peoples - correspondence, 1944 - 1955 (File 3) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive. Please be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
Aboriginal peoples - newspaper cuttings, 1930s (File 4) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive. Please be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
Aboriginal peoples - various, 1930s-1950s (File 5) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive including names of deceased persons. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
Aboriginal peoples - policy pamphlet and notes, 1930s (File 6) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive including names of deceased persons. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
Aboriginal peoples - pamphlets and reports, 1930s (File 7) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive including names of deceased persons. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
Aboriginal peoples - newspaper cuttings and notes, 1930s-1940s (File 8) - Box 29
Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this file may contain content that is distressing and/or culturally sensitive including names and images of deceased persons. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive...
Constitutional review, 1930s (File 26) - Box 32
This file includes articles, notes and pamphlets on electoral reform and constitutional review. Notes include The Need for a Greater Australian Plan. Item 855 has been removed from folder and is itemised separately. Comprises items 854-873.
Constitutional review, 1930s (File 27) - Box 32
This file includes notes and newspaper clippings related to constitutional review. Comprises items 874-929.
Documents relating to the Royal Commission on the Federal Constitution, n.d. (File 29) - Box 32
This file includes Royal Commission of the Constitution of the Commonwealth - Minutes of Evidence Part 3 and Pith of the Report of the Royal Commission of the Constitution of the Commonwealth, 1929, 2 copies. Comprises items 931-934.
Western Australian secession movement, 1930s (File 30) - Box 32
This file includes copies of The Case for Union: A Reply to the Case for the Succession of the State of Western Australia, L.F. Johnston. It also includes notes and newspaper clippings relating to electoral reform. Comprises items 935-940.
Constitutional review, 1930s-1950s (File 31) - Box 32
Content advisory notice: Please be advised that this file contains language, terms and descriptions that could cause offence and may not be considered appropriate today including terms and descriptions relating to people from New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)...
Report of Joint Committee on Constitutional Review, 1957 - 1959 (File 32) - Box 32
This file includes Report from the Joint Committee on Constitutional Review, 1958 and 1959 and Australian Commonwealth Constitution Review Committee - Meeting in Perth. Comprises items 996-1000.
Constitutional review -Australian Federation of Women Voters (A.F.W.V.) correspondence and newspaper cuttings, 1931 - 1933 (File 33) - Box 32
Comprises items 1001-1069.
Commonwealth Sugar Agreement - correspondence, 1930 - 1931 (File 74) - Box 37
This file includes newspaper cuttings relating to women's work and the Women Citizens Movement. Comprises items 2719-2762.
Commonwealth Sugar Agreement - newspaper cuttings and pamphlets, 1930 - 1931 (File 75) - Box 37
Content advisory notice: Please be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the author's attitude, or that of the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive. Including discussions relating to labour hire workers...
Unemployment - correspondence, 1930 - 1943 (File 76) - Box 37
Correspondence relating to youth employment and problems facing youth. Comprises items 2785-2814.
Unemployment - pamphlets and committee papers, 1930 - 1937 (File 77) - Box 37
This file includes newspaper cuttings and correspondence relating to youth unemployment, youth delinquency and problems facing youth. Comprises items 2816-2884.
Unemployment - newspaper cuttings - pamphlets - circulars, n.d. (File 78) - Box 37
This file includes newspaper cuttings and pamphlets relating to youth employment, youth unemployment and youth delinquency. Pamphlets include Memorandum on the Establishment and Conduct of Courses of Instruction for Unemployed Boys and Girls - England and Wales, 1935. Comprises items 2886-2981.