Fix this text
Fix this text1873.
Fix this textQUEENSLAND.
Fix this textPresented to botli Houses of Parliament by Command.
Fix this textMaryvale, 20th December, 1872.
Fix this textSir,
Fix this textMy telegram of the 20th November announced to you the safe return, at Junction Creek, of the
Fix this textNorthern Exploration party, the leadership of which the Government had flatteringly entrusted to me.
Fix this textBefore I enter upon a full report of my proceedings in relation to the conduct and explorations of the
Fix this textparty, I will state in detail the various stages of progress in connection with the expedition, the great object
Fix this textof which was the ascertaining, as far north as the 14th parallel of latitude, the character of the country and
Fix this textits mineral resources, with the view to future settlement and occupation.
Fix this textMy telegram of the 26th February announced to you my arrival at Maryvale with horses and outfit,
Fix this textand that matters were being expedited with the view of starting by the time agreed upon between the Govern-
Fix this textment and myself, and also seeking information with respect to the Geologist to the expedition.
Fix this textOn the 15th April I announced by letter the completion of all my arrangements, including the names
Fix this textof the members of my party, and that it was my intention to start on the following day. I further gave a
Fix this textsketch of my proposed movements up to a certain point.
Fix this textOn the date stated in my letter (15th April) the start was made, when I accompanied my party to
Fix this textMaekinnon’s Station, where I left it, instructing my party meanwhile to proceed to Junction Creek and await
Fix this textmy arrival there, whilst I proceeded to the Etheridge to supply myself with some necessaries which I found
Fix this textI needed, and at the same time announce to the Government the first stop in my movements.
Fix this textFrom the Etheridge, my telegram of the 25th April announced my intended departure from that field
Fix this texton the 27th following, and that I proposed proceeding with the Expedition to the Mitchell River, with the
Fix this textview of prospecting the country between that and the Lynd waters. I further stated that 1 would return in
Fix this texttwo mouths from thence with specimens and report of my proceedings.
Fix this textOn the 26th April I received your telegram of the same date, announcing that Mr. Taylor was on his
Fix this textway up to join the party as Geologist to the Expedition; and on the day following (27th April) I received,
Fix this textthrough post, your telegram of the 13th of the same month, announcing Mr. Taylor’s appointment to that post.
Fix this textOn the 29th April I received your telegram of the 27th previous, requesting me to meet Mr. Taylor
Fix this texteither at Cardwell or Townsville, or to provide for his conveyance to the party; and, further, that I should
Fix this texttelegraph to him at Rockhampton with this view.
Fix this textMy telegram of the 3rd May, from Junction Creek, announced to you that I was then on my way down
Fix this textto meet Mr. Taylor, and that I had telegraphed to him announcing that, should horses not be in Townsville
Fix this texton his arrival there, they would certainly be there on the 11th following, so that he might come up and join
Fix this textme at my station.
Fix this textAfter leaving the Etheridge I met two members of my party at Carpentaria Downs Station, where I
Fix this texthad stores; —these were taken on by them to Junction Creek, where my party was in camp.
Fix this textMr. Taylor arrived at Maryvale on the 18th May, and on the 21st we started for Junction Creek,
Fix this textwhere we arrived on the 28th. On that date I telegraphed these particulars from that station, and, further,
Fix this textthat I was on the point of starting with him, on the same day, for the Etheridge, with the view of enabling
Fix this texthim*to examine and report on that gold field; —that after that I proposed to proceed across country to Fossil-
Fix this textbrook, in order that we might examine the nature and capabilities of that part of the country, and thus enable
Fix this texthim to report on its geological formation and character.
Fix this textOn the 7th June I telegraphed to you from Georgetown “ that Mr. Taylor had been round the district
Fix this text“ and made a collection, which will be forwarded by the Commissioner as desired. Mr. Taylor thinks that
Fix this text“ there is a large area of rich reefing country, and that although the occurrence of gold reefs in granite is
Fix this text“ uncommon, still there is every probability of the diggings being a permanent one.”
Fix this textAnd here I would beg to call your attention to the fact that the period between the 26th April and
Fix this textthe 28th May was time consumed in matters connected with Mr. Taylor, who may be said not to have been in
Fix this texta position to enter upon any of the duties of the expedition until the latter date; and I trust that the
Fix this textGovernment will bear in mind that the delay in the departure of the expedition was not owing to any remis-
Fix this textness or want of energy on my part, but solely to the arrangements of the Government in connection with Mr.
Fix this textTaylor’s appointment.
Fix this textOn the 10th Juno I announced by telegram from the Etheridge that I had secured the services of Dr.
Fix this textTate (late of the unfortunate New Guinea expedition), as botanist and naturalist to the expedition, and hoped
Fix this textthat the Government would sanction his employment as such, in consideration of his not receiving more than
Fix this text£IOO for such services, inclusive of outfit; and further stated that I had started, accompanied by Messrs.
Fix this textTaylor
Fix this textIt's easy and takes two shakes of a lamb's tail!
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Northern Expedition & Hann, William & Queensland. Parliament. (1873). Report from Mr. W. Hann, leader of the Northern Expedition Retrieved March 23, 2025, from
Northern Expedition, Hann, William and Queensland. Parliament. Report from Mr. W. Hann, leader of the Northern Expedition Brisbane: Government Printer, 1873. Web. 23 March 2025 <>
Northern Expedition & Hann, William & Queensland. Parliament. 1873, Report from Mr. W. Hann, leader of the Northern Expedition Government Printer, Brisbane viewed 23 March 2025
| author1=Northern Expedition.
| author2=Hann, William.
| author3=Queensland. Parliament.
| title=Report from Mr. W. Hann, leader of the Northern Expedition
| year=1873
| section=13 p. ; 34 cm.
| location=Brisbane
| publisher=Government Printer
| url=
| id=nla.obj-2645029326
| access-date=23 March 2025
| via=Trove
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