Guide to the Papers of Arthur Capell


MS Acc07.169, Acc09.019, Acc14.069, Acc15.106

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Collection Summary

Arthur Capell
Papers of Arthur Capell
Date Range
Collection Number
MS Acc07.169, Acc09.019, Acc14.069, Acc15.106
23.25 metres (51 archives cartons + 2 ms boxes)
Language of Materials
Special Collections (Manuscripts)


Scope and Contents

This collection contains manuscripts, correspondence and research material written and collected by Arthur Capell, relating to linguistics, ethnography, education, sociology, musicology, religion, mission studies and poetry covering Papua New Guinea, European, Indian sub-continent, Proto-Oceanic, Fijian, South-East and East Asian, Melanesian, Polynesian, Micronesian, Proto-Austronesian, Timor, Irian Jayan and Indonesian subjects.

Conditions Governing Access

Please refer to the collection's catalogue record for the access conditions (

Conditions Governing Use

Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.

Preferred Citation

Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Arthur Capell, National Library of Australia, [class number, box number and series and/or file number]'.

Finding Aid Source(s)

Please note: This finding aid may comprise or contain descriptive information provided by donors, researchers and/or volunteers.

Collection Retrieval Advice

Please note: each consignment in this collection has a separate box number sequence (i.e. there are multiple Box 1's). Please cite the relevant Class number as well as the Box number when requesting retrieval of material from the collection.

Item Descriptions

Class MS Acc07.169. Original Consignment

Comprises manuscripts, correspondence and research material written and collected by Arthur Capell that relates to Melanesian, Polynesian, Micronesian, Taiwanese and Indonesian linguistics, ethnography, education, sociology, musicology, religion, mission studies and politics. The collection is arranged geographically.

Contained in 31 cartons.

Series. Abelam

Between Mid Numalib and Upper Panchi Rivers (File AC2_PNGESABE1) - Carton 20

Series. Adzera - Yarus

Upper Markham River (File AC2_PNGMORADZ2) - Carton 16
Upper Markham River (File AC2_PNGMORADZ1) - Carton 16

Series. Aeka

Upper Opi River (File AC2_PNGNPAEK1) - Carton 17

Series. Agarabi

Upper Ramu River (File AC2_PNGEHAGA1) - Carton 8

Series. Aiome

S. Bank, Mid Ramu River (File AC2_PNGMAAIO1) - Carton 12

Series. Akoye (Obi)

Valleys between Nabo Range and the Albert Mountains Lohiki River (File AC2_PNGGPAKO1) - Carton 11

Series. Ali

Coastal region from Paup to Yakoimu (File AC2_PNGWSALI1) - Carton 21

Series. Alor

Alor Island (File AC2_INALOR2) - Carton 4

Series. Ambrym Dictionary (Paton)

Ambrym I. (File AC2_VAMBRYM3) - Carton 30
Ambrym I. (File AC2_VAMBRYM4) - Carton 30

Series. Ambrym language dialects

Ambrym I., Central Vanuatu (File AC2_VAMBRYM1) - Carton 30
Ambrym I. (File AC2_VAMBRYM2) - Carton 30

Series. Amele Dialects

Astrolabe Bay Hinterland (File AC2_PNGMAAME1) - Carton 12

Series. Aneityum

Grammatical notes vocabularies, Aneityum I. (File AC2_VANEIT1) - Carton 30
Grammatical notes vocabularies, Aneityum I. (File AC2_VANEIT3) - Carton 30

Series. Angaataha

Btw Langmur Mid-Watut Rivers (File AC2_PNGMORANG1) - Carton 16

Series. Angoram

Along both banks of the Lower Sepik River Lower Yuat River (File AC2_PNGESANG1) - Carton 20

Series. Anngor

E of Mid Green River in Amanab District (File AC2_PNGWSANN1) - Carton 21

Series. Anomake

Torricelli Mts inland from Aitape (File AC2_PNGWSANA1) - Carton 21

Series. Aoba, Nduindui, Waluriki, Wallaka

Aoba Island (File AC2_VAOBA1) - Carton 30

Series. Aomie

SW of Mount Lamington (File AC2_PNGNPAOM1) - Carton 17

Series. Arapesh

Torricelli Prince Alexander Mtns and coastal plains (File AC2_PNGESARA1) - Carton 20

Series. Arifama - Maniafia

Collingwood Bay Dyke Ackland Bay (File AC2_PNGNPARM1) - Carton 17

Series. Aro and Kai Islands languages

Aro Kai Islands (File AC2_INIJAK1) - Carton 3

Series. Arop - Lukep

Rai Coast, East of Saidov, Long and Tolokiwa Is, Part of Umboi Is. (File AC2_PNGMAALP1) - Carton 12

Series. Arosi

W. San Cristobal I. (File AC2_SIARO1) - Carton 27

Series. Arosi other languages

West San Cristobal (File AC2_SIARO2) - Carton 27

Series. Asaro

S of Bismark Range, W side of Upper Asaro River (File AC2_PNGEHASA1) - Carton 8

Series. Atchin (Maleluka)

Language notes, vocabularies (File AC2_VATC1) - Carton 29
Language notes, vocabularies (File AC2_VATC2) - Carton 29

Series. Au

Lumï area around the Upper mid Yula and Wagana Rivers (File AC2_PNGWSAU1) - Carton 21

Series. Austronesian

Theoretical Studies in Austronesian Languages. NPartial drafts and notes by Capell on W Austronesian languages (File AC2_TSAN11) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian Languages. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN13) - Carton 1

Series. Austronesian Papuan languages

Comparative language classification (File AC2_PNGMORLC1) - Carton 16
Comparative vocabularies (File AC2_PNGMORCV1) - Carton 16
Sth of Chapman, Whatton and Owen Stanley Ranges between Kevori and Baibara (File AC2_PNGCPCV1) - Carton 6
Polynesia (File AC2_PNALCG1) - Carton 25
Polynesia (File AC2_PNALCG2) - Carton 25
Polynesia (File AC2_PNALCG3) - Carton 25

Series. Austronesian Studies

Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Micronesia and Oceania (File AC2_TSAN1) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN2) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN3) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN4) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN5) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Micronesian languages (File AC2_TSAN6) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Proto-Austronesian Studies (File AC2_TSAN7) - Carton 1
Theoretical Studies in Austronesian Languages. Micronesian languages. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN12) - Carton 1
Willaumez Peninsula, Willaumez Sub-Family, Bulu-Bola-Xarua (File AC2_PNGWNBWIL1) - Carton 24
Cape Gloucester, E to Borgen Bay and S towards Sag-Sag (File AC2_PNGWNBKIL1) - Carton 24
NOTE: See 'Folio 1' for details (File AC2_PNGCPSINA1) - Carton 6
Banaba (OceanN Island), Kiribati, Republic W. Pacific (File AC2_MNANBAN1) - Carton 25
Willaumez Peninsula, Wangare Bay to Rei (File AC2_PNGWNBBOL1) - Carton 24
Willaumez Peninsula from Wangare Bay S to Reibeck Bay and the Kula River (File AC2_PNGWNBBOL2) - Carton 24
Lifou Island and offshore islands (File AC2_NCLIDEH1) - Carton 5
East Ouvea, Lifou and Mare (File AC2_NCLILS1) - Carton 5
Hood Peninsula (Hood Bay and Coral Sea) (File AC2_PNGCPHUL1) - Carton 6
Coastal Area East, West and Inland from Hood Bay (File AC2_PNGCPKEA1) - Carton 6
S of the Kunimaipa River to Kunai Range (File AC2_PNGCPKOV1) - Carton 6
Taramei and Ulumanu Rivers to the coast (File AC2_PNGCPMAG1) - Carton 6
Sag-Sag, E to the Itne River and S to Aisega, Aumo and Cape Bushing (File AC2_PNGWNBMAL1) - Carton 24
Manus and Admiralty Islands (File AC2PNGMANPMAN1) - Carton 13
Manus and Admiralty Islands (File AC2PNGMANPMA2) - Carton 13
Manus and Admiralty Islands (File AC2PNGMANPMA3) - Carton 13
PNG National Capital District and Port Moresby (File AC2_PNGCPMOT1) - Carton 6
Mare and offshore islands (File AC2_NCLINEN1)
Coastal region between Kevore and Delena (File AC_PNGCPROR1) - Carton 6
N of Bangulu Bay, coastal plain and inland to Nakanai Mountains (File AC2_PNGWNBWNA2) - Carton 24
N of Bangulu Bay, coastal plain and inland to Nakanai Mountains (File AC2_PNGWNBWNA1) - Carton 24

Series. Averi

SE of Mt Lamington (File AC2_PNGNPAVE1) - Carton 17

Series. Awa

Junction of Azana and Lamari Rivers (File AC2_PNGEHAWA1) - Carton 8

Series. Awad Bing

Rai Coast, Beliau Hinterland E W of Mot River (File AC2_PNGMAAWB1) - Carton 12

Series. Awara

On Leron River (File AC2_PNGMORAWA1) - Carton 16

Series. Babatana

Choiseul I. (File AC2_SIBABA1) - Carton 26
Central W coast and Hinterland, Choiseul I. (File AC2_SIBABA2) - Carton 26

Series. Baguu, N. Malaita Dialect

Coast inland, Indispensable Strait, North Malaita (File AC2_SIBAGU1) - Carton 26

Series. Banks Islands/Mota

Banks Islands (File AC2_VBANMT1) - Carton 29

Series. Banoni Dialects

Central W Coast Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBBAN1) - Carton 18

Series. Bargam

Cape Crossilles and hinterland from Isumrud Strait (File AC2_PNGMABAR1) - Carton 12

Series. Bariji (Agabereko)

Sth bank of Bariji Rover, toward Sibium Mountains (File AC2_PNGMPBARI1) - Carton 17

Series. Barim

Central South coast of Umboi (Rooke) Island, Vitiaz Strait (File AC2_PNGMORBAR1) - Carton 16

Series. Baruya

Head of Azana and Iomaiyaiga Rivers, Kratke Range (File AC2_PNGEHBAR1) - Carton 8

Series. Batak

North Central Mountain Region, Sumatra (File AC2_INSBAT2) - Carton 4
Sumatra (NW) (File AC2_INSBAT1) - Carton 4

Series. Bauro/Narihua

East San Cristobal (Makira) I. (File AC2_SIBAUR1) - Carton 27

Series. Biak, Nufor

Biak, Nufor and parts of Waigei and Yapen Islands (File AC2_IJBINUF1) - Carton 4

Series. Bilau (Papuan)

Vella LaVella I. (File AC2_SIBIL1) - Carton 26
Vella LaVella I. (File AC2_SIBIL2) - Carton 26
Vella LaVella I. (File AC2_SIBIL3) - Carton 26

Series. Binandere dialects

Maiaima River to Opi River (File AC2_PNGNPBIN4) - Carton 17
Maiaima River to Opi River (File AC2_PNGNPBIN3) - Carton 17
Maiaima River to Opi River (File AC2_PNGNPBIN2) - Carton 17
Maiaima River to Opi River (File AC2_PNGNPBIN1) - Carton 17

Series. Binandere languages

Northern Province (File AC2_PNGNPBIN5) - Carton 17

Series. Boianaki (Gayavi, Galeva)

Milne Bay Province Sth Coast of Goodenough Bay (File AC2_PNGMBBOIA1) - Carton 15
Milne Bay Province Sth Coast of Goodenough Bay (File AC2_PNGMBBOIA1) - Carton 17

Series. Boiken

Island, Coastal Hinterland of Wewak (File AC2_PNGESBOI1) - Carton 20

Series. Bom

Astrolabe Bay (File AC2_PNGMABOM1) - Carton 12

Series. Bougainville languages

Buka Islands, Bougainville (File AC2_NSBCVOC2) - Carton 18

Series. Bugotu (Austronesian)

South-west Santa Isobel I. (File AC2_SIBUG1) - Carton 26
South-west Santa Isobel I. (File AC2_SIBUG2) - Carton 26
South-west Santa Isobel I. (File AC2_SIBUG3) - Carton 26

Series. Bugotu, Gao

SE Santa Isabel I. (File AC2_SIBUG2) - Carton 27

Series. Buin

SE Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBBUI1) - Carton 18

Series. Bukawac

Markham River Estuary east to beyond Butaia, Huon Gulf area (File AC2_PNGMORBUK1) - Carton 16

Series. Buli

Halmahera, Maluku, Indonesia Grammar of Buli. (File AC2_INHALMB1) - Carton 5

Series. Bunak (Papuan Lang)

Central Timor Island. Initial phonemes; pronouns; prefixes. (File AC2_TBUN1) - Carton 28

Series. Bungain

SE of Wewak, around Farok in the Turupu District (File AC2_PNGESBUNG1) - Carton 20

Series. Calvados

Islands off shore from Misema Tagula Islands (File AC2_PNGCALSE1) - Carton 14

Series. Central Maewo

Maewo Island (File AC2_VMAEWO1) - Carton 29

Series. Comparative vocabs

Shores of Collingwood Goodenough Bays (File AC2_PNGMBCV1) - Carton 14
Louisiades, Trobriands, D'Entrecasteaux, Misima (File AC2_PNGMBCV2) - Carton 14
Milne Bay Province (File AC2_PNGMBCV1) - Carton 15

Series. Daga (Dimuga)

Owen Stanley Mountains, Bamata and Abau, Sub-districts (File AC2_PNGCPDAG1) - Carton 6

Series. Degenan

Rai Coast, around town of Seure (File AC2_PNGMADEG1) - Carton 12

Series. Dem

North side of Yamo River (File AC2_IJDEM1) - Carton 3

Series. Dobu

Dobu adjacent islands (File AC2_PNGMBDOB2) - Carton 14
Dobu and adjacent islands (File AC2_PNGMBDOB3) - Carton 14
Dobu Island, D'Entrecasteaux Group (File AC2_PNGMBDOB4) - Carton 14

Series. Doromu-Kokila

Junction of Adai and Kemp Welch Rivers, foothills of Owen Stanleys (File AC2_PNGCPDOR1) - Carton 6

Series. Duwau

Sth Normanby Island, D'Entrecasteaux Group (File AC2_PNGMBDUA2) - Carton 14

Series. East Timorese NAN comparative studies

Comparative studies and English transcription (File AC2_TETNAN1) - Carton 28

Series. Eastern Islands

Comparative word lists (File AC2_VCOMVO1) - Carton 29

Series. Efate Languages dialects

Efate offshore Islands (File AC2_VEFAT1) - Carton 31
Efate offshore Islands (File AC2_VEFAT2) - Carton 31
Efate offshore Islands (File AC2_VEFAT3) - Carton 31
Efate offshore Islands (File AC2_VEFAT4) - Carton 31

Series. Efatese

Religious tracts (File AC2_VEFAT5) - Carton 31

Series. Ekagi

Lake Paiai Region (File AC2_IJEKAG2) - Carton 3

Series. Ekagi and dialects

W. Nassaus Mountains (File AC2_IJEKAG1) - Carton 3

Series. Emae

Emae Island, language notes (File AC2_VEMAE1) - Carton 29
Emae Island, language notes (File AC2_VEMAE2) - Carton 29

Series. Enga

As above (File AC2_PNGEPENG3) - Carton 10

Series. Enga (Baiyer) - Kyaka

Mount Hagen Range (File AC2_PNGEPENG1) - Carton 10

Series. Enga, Wabag Dialects

Lagaip and Lai Rivers, Wabag and Region between Central and Mt Hagen Ranges (File AC2_PNGEPENG2) - Carton 10

Series. Enggano

Enggano other Islands SW of Sumatra (File AC2_INENGG1) - Carton 4

Series. Epi languages dialects

Epi I., Central Vanuatu (File AC2_VEPI1) - Carton 30
Epi I., Central Vanuatu (File AC2_VEPI2) - Carton 30

Series. Eromanga etc

Field Notebooks (File AC2_VFN1) - Carton 29

Series. Erromanga language dialects

Erromanga language and dialects (File AC2_VERO1) - Carton 30
Erromanga language and dialects (File AC2_VERO2) - Carton 30
Erromanga language and dialects (File AC2_VERO3) - Carton 30

Series. Espiritu Santo

Languages, dialects, ethnog. (File AC2_VES1) - Carton 29
Languages, dialects, ethnog. (File AC2_VES2) - Carton 29
Languages, dialects, ethnog. (File AC2_VES3) - Carton 29
Languages, dialects, ethnog. (File AC2_VES4) - Carton 29
Languages, dialects, ethnog. (File AC2_VES5) - Carton 29

Series. Fataluku and nearby languages

Timor Island. Comparisons; vocabularies; a story. (File AC2_TFATA1) - Carton 28

Series. Flores

Flores Islands (File AC2_INFLOR1) - Carton 4

Series. Fly River comparative vocabularies

Wassa Kussa River, Fly River, Segero River (File AC2_PNGWPFCV1) - Carton 22

Series. Fore

N of upper Purari, Yami and Azana Rivers (File AC2_PNGEHFOR1) - Carton 8

Series. Futuna, Aniwa

Futuna and Aniwa Islands (File AC2_VFA1) - Carton 29
Futuna Aniwa Isles (File AC2_VFA1) - Carton 30

Series. Gahuku

East of Azaro River, Goroko Region (File AC2_PNGEHGAH1) - Carton 8

Series. Galoli (AN Lang)

Timor Island Nth coast hinterland. Phrase sets. (File AC2_TGAL1) - Carton 28

Series. Gapapaiwa

Goodenough Bay (File AC2_PNGMBGAP1) - Carton 14

Series. Gau

Inland SE of Yankok (File AC2_PNGWSGAU1) - Carton 21

Series. Gazili

Btw Midoro and a Waria River Tributary (File AC2_PNGMORGAZ1) - Carton 16

Series. Gedaged

Coastal Area Between Mandang Alexishafen (File AC2_PNGMAGED1) - Carton 12

Series. Gela (Nggela)

Florida Islands (File AC2_SIGELA1) - Carton 27

Series. Gende

Bismarck Range, both sides of Imbrum River (File AC2_PNGMAGEN1) - Carton 12

Series. Gende / Bundi

Bismarck Range, Both sides of Imbrun River (File AC2_PNGMAGEN2) - Carton 12

Series. Ghanongga (Kubokota)

North Ranongga I. (File AC2_SIGHAN1) - Carton 27

Series. Goilala

Large Area bounded by the Kurai, Chapman, Otara Mt Cameron Ranges (File AC2_PNGCPGOI1) - Carton 7

Series. Guhu - Samane

N and S of Mid-Waria River (File AC2_PNGMORGUS1) - Carton 16

Series. Gwedena, Ginuman

Goodenough Bay inland between Ruaba Ugu Rivers (File AC2_PNGMBGWED1) - Carton 14

Series. Hagen and Chimbu, New Guinea Highlands

Western Highlands and Chimbu Provinces, Hagen and Chimbu Languages (File AC2_PNGWHPMED3) - Carton 23

Series. Hagen/Medlpa

Mt Hagen north to River Jimi (File AC2_PNGWHPMED1) - Carton 23
Mt Hagen north to River Jimi (File AC2_PNGWHPMED2) - Carton 23

Series. Hahon

N Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBHAH1) - Carton 18

Series. Halia

E N Buka Is. (File AC2_NSBHAL1) - Carton 18

Series. Halia / Haku

N Coast Buka Is. (File AC2_NSBHALHK1) - Carton 18

Series. Halia / Hanakan

NE Buka Is. (File AC2_NSBHALHN1) - Carton 18

Series. Halia / Lehona or Lontis

Eastern half of Buka Is. (File AC2_NSBHALLE1) - Carton 18

Series. Halia / Selan

Tipo Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBHALSE1) - Carton 18

Series. Hamtai dialects

Gulf and Morobe Provinces (File AC2_PNGGPHAM1) - Carton 11

Series. Highlands Papuan languages

Comparative vocabularies (File AC2_PNGMWEPCV1) - Carton 12

Series. Hiw/ Loh

Torres I. languages (File AC2_VTOR1) - Carton 30

Series. Hoava

New Georgia I., NE Coast (File AC2_SIHOAV1) - Carton 27

Series. Hote

Inland from Huon Gulf beyond Malalo and North of Francisco River (File AC2_PNGMORHOT1) - Carton 16

Series. Hunjara

Between Mambare River Mid-Kumusi River (File AC2_PNGNPHUNJ1) - Carton 17

Series. Iwam

Sepik and May river region (File AC2_PNGESIWA1) - Carton 20

Series. Javanese dialects

Java Island (File AC2_INJAV1) - Carton 4

Series. Kabakada

East of Cape Liguan to Talili Bay and South to Karaira Bay (File AC2_PNGENBKAB1) - Carton 9

Series. Kaeti / Wambom

Irian Jaya / PNG border (File AC2_IJKAET1) - Carton 3

Series. Kahua

East San Cristobal (File AC2_SIKAH1) - Carton 27

Series. Kairi (Dumu, Rumu)

North of Kikori (File AC2_PNGGPKAI1) - Carton 11

Series. Kaiwa

Huon Gulf Coast Inland (File AC2_PNGMORKAI1) - Carton 16

Series. Kalam

Schrader Range (File AC2_PNGMAKAL1) - Carton 12

Series. Kalimantan

Borneo Island, Kalimantan (File AC2_INKALL1) - Carton 4

Series. Kamano

N S of Upper Danantina River (File AC2_PNGEHKAM1) - Carton 8

Series. Kare

Mid Gogol River, West of Mabanob (File AC2_PNGMAKAR1) - Carton 12

Series. Kâte - E. Huon

West Inland North and South of Song River (File AC2_PNGMORKAT1) - Carton 16
As above (File AC2_PNGMORKAT2) - Carton 16

Series. Kaukobaran family (Moando)

SE of Bogia to Malalo Harbour (File AC2_PNGMAKAU1) - Carton 12

Series. Kehelala (Tavara)

Sideia Basilaki Islands (File AC2_PNGMBKEH1) - Carton 14

Series. Kela (Laukann)

Huon Gulf coast between Lababia Kui; also Francisco River Estuary (File AC2_PNGMORKEL1) - Carton 16

Series. Kerewo adjacent languages

Turama River Mouth and creeks east to Vailala River (File AC2_PNGGPKWO2) - Carton 11

Series. Kerewo dialects

West and east of Omati River (File AC2_PNGGPKWO1) - Carton 11

Series. Keuru dialects

Mouth of Purari River East to Bairu River (File AC2_PNGGPKEU1) - Carton 11

Series. Kezo

Between Upper reaches of Chimbu and Asaro Rivers, Bismarck Range (File AC2_PNGEHKEZ1) - Carton 7

Series. Kia

North-west Santa Isabel I. (File AC2_SIKIA1) - Carton 26

Series. Kiriwina

Trobriand Islands (File AC2_PNGMBKIR1) - Carton 14

Series. Kol

Isan River and tributaries (File AC2_PNGENBKOL1) - Carton 9

Series. Komba

Kwama River Basin (File AC2_PNGMORKOM1) - Carton 16

Series. Konua

N.W. Coast Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBKON1) - Carton 18
NW Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBKON2) - Carton 18

Series. Korafe

Tufi District and Cape Nelson (File AC2_PNGNPKOR1) - Carton 17
Nth Collingwood Bay, NE Coast of Dyke Ackland Bay (File AC2_PNGNPKOR1) - Carton 17

Series. Kukuya

SW Fergusson Island (File AC2_PNGMBKUK1) - Carton 14

Series. Kuman - Kuman - Golin

Chimbu Province (File AC2_PNGCHKUM4) - Carton 7
East/West of Chimbu River, South to Waghi River, North to Bismark Range (File AC2_PNGCHKUM1) - Carton 7
Chimbu Province (File AC2_PNGCHKUM3) - Carton 7
Nr confluence of Oima and Tua Rivers (File AC2_PNGCHGOL1) - Carton 7

Series. Kupang, some Tetum

Map of Kupang usage. Vocab and grammar notes. (File AAC2_TKUPA1) - Carton 28

Series. Kusaghe

NE New Georgia I. (File AC2_SIKUSA1) - Carton 27

Series. Kwaio

Central Malaita I. (File AC2_SIKWAI1) - Carton 26
Central Malaita I. (File AC2_SIKWAI2) - Carton 26

Series. Kwara'ae

North-west Malaita I. (File AC2_SIKWAR1) - Carton 26

Series. Kwoma

Flood plains and swamps of Mid Sepik River (File AC2_PNGESKWO1) - Carton 20

Series. Labu

South Bank Estuary of Lower Markham River (File AC2_PNGMORLAB1) - Carton 16

Series. Lau

NE Malaita East coast of Maramasike I. (File AC2_SILAU1) - Carton 27

Series. Lavukaleve

Russell Islands (File AC2_SILAVU1) - Carton 27

Series. Lenakel

Tanna Island language (File AC2_VTLEN1) - Carton 29
Tanna Island language (File AC2_VTLEN2) - Carton 29
Tanna Island language (File AC2_VTLEN3) - Carton 29
Tanna Island language (File AC2_VTLEN4) - Carton 29

Series. Loloda comparison with Galela

Nth Halmahera Island, Moluka, Indonesia. (File AC2_INHALMLO1) - Carton 5

Series. Lōnahaja (YLahgu)

Santa Isabel I., Central south coast (File AC2_SILAH1) - Carton 27

Series. Longgu

NE coast Guadalcanal I. (File AC2_SILONG1) - Carton 27
Southern Ranongga I. (File AC2_SILUNGG1) - Carton 27

Series. Ma (Maiwan, Mebu)

SW of Saidor on Rai Coast (File AC2_PNGMAMA1) - Carton 12

Series. Madang / Astrolabe Bay

Ethnographic Studies (File AC2_PNGMAETH1) - Carton 12

Series. Madura (An)

Madura Island (File AC2_INMAD1) - Carton 4

Series. Maewo

Maewo Island (File AC2_VMAEWO2) - Carton 29

Series. Mailu

No details (File AC2_PNGCPMAIL1) - Carton 6
No details (File AC2_PNGCPMAIL2) - Carton 6
No details (File AC2_PNGCPMAIL3) - Carton 6
Mailu Island and shores around Amazon Bay (File AC2_PNGCPMAIL1) - Carton 11

Series. Maisin Dialects

Collingwood Bay Coast Hinterland W of Musa River (File AC2_PNGNPMAIS4) - Carton 17
Collingwood Bay Coast Hinterland W of Musa River (File AC2_PNGNPMAIS1) - Carton 17
Collingwood Bay Coast Hinterland W of Musa River (File AC2_PNGNPMAIS2) - Carton 17
Collingwood Bay Coast Hinterland W of Musa River (File AC2_PNGNPMAIS3) - Carton 17

Series. Malay Languages

Bangka Other (File AC2_INMALAY) - Carton 4

Series. Malekula

Ethnography (File AC2_VETHN3) - Carton 30
Malekula Island (File AC2_VMAL1) - Carton 29

Series. Malo

Malo Island (File AC2_VMALO1) - Carton 31

Series. Manam

Manam Island (File AC2_PNGMAMAN1) - Carton 12

Series. Manam

Manam Island (File AC2_PNGMAMAN2) - Carton 12

Series. Manga Buang

Huon Coast and Interior (File AC2_PNGMORBUA1) - Carton 16

Series. Maprik

Headwaters of the Screw River (File AC2_PNGESMAP1) - Carton 20

Series. Marau

SE coast offshore, Guadalcanal I. (File AC2_SIMARA1) - Carton 27

Series. Marind comparison with Kamoro

Kolopom Island and along coast to Merauke hinterland (File AC2_IJMAR1) - Carton 3

Series. Maringe

East Santa Isabel I. (File AC2_SIMARI1) - Carton 26

Series. Marova

New Georgia I., Central Nth Coast (File AC2_SIMARO1) - Carton 27

Series. Matema

Santa Cruz - Reef Islands (File AC2_SIRSCM1) - Carton 27

Series. Mele

Mele Island, South Efate (File AC2_VMELE1) - Carton 29

Series. Mentawai / Simulgi, Sakalagan, Silabu, Taikallu

Island Group off SE Sumatra (File AC2_INMENT1) - Carton 4

Series. Min/An Languages

Comparative lists (File AC2_INCVOC1) - Carton 4

Series. Minangbabau

NE Sumatra (File AC2_INSUMIN1) - Carton 4

Series. Mindiri

Rai Coast, West of Yaganon River estuary (File AC2_PNGMAMIN1) - Carton 12

Series. Misima

Misima Island, Deboyne and Calvados Chains (File AC2_PNGMBMIS1) - Carton 14

Series. Molima

Sth Central Fergusson Island (File AC2_PNGMBMOL1) - Carton 14

Series. Moni and dialects

South Sudirman Mountains (File AC2_IJMONI1) - Carton 3

Series. Mono (Shortland/Alu Group)

Treasury Island (File AC2_SIMONO1) - Carton 27

Series. Mota and related languages

Banks I. (File AC2_VBANMT1) - Carton 30

Series. Mountain Ok - Kelafomin

On the River Gray (File AC2_PNGWSKEL1) - Carton 21

Series. Mukawa (Are)

Mukawa - Cape Vogel Area (File AC2_PNGMBMUR1) - Carton 14
Mukawa - Cape Vogel Area (File AC2_PNGMBMUR2) - Carton 14

Series. Mumeng and Dialects

Upper Watut Wampit Rivers, Mid Snake River (File AC2_PNGMORMUM1) - Carton 16

Series. Muyuw

Woodlark Marshall Bennett Islands (File AC2_PNGMBMUY1) - Carton 14
Woodlark and Marshall Bennett Islands (File AC2_PNGMBMUY2) - Carton 14

Series. Nabak

Upper Busu River Saruwaged Range, Huon Peninsula (File AC2_PNGMORNAP1) - Carton 16

Series. Nagovisi

S Central Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBNAG1) - Carton 18

Series. Namkuran

Makuran I., South Tongoa (File AC2_VMAK1) - Carton 30
Makuran I., South Tongoa (File AC2_VMAK2) - Carton 30

Series. Nasioi

SE Coast Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBNAS1) - Carton 18

Series. Ndao

Ndao Island, Lesser Sunda Is (File AC2_INLSND1) - Carton 4

Series. Nehan

Nissan Islands (Green Is.) (File AC2_NSBNEH1) - Carton 18

Series. Ngaing

Mid Mot River, Sth of Beliau (File AC2_PNGMANGA1) - Carton 12

Series. Nias

Nias Batu Islands (File AC2_INNIAS1) - Carton 4

Series. Nimowa, Sabari dialect

Sabari Island, Calvados Chain (File AC2_PNGMBNIM1) - Carton 14

Series. Nobonob

Madang Province Hinterland (File AC2_PNGMANOB1) - Carton 12
Madang Province Hinterland (File AC2_PNGMANOB2) - Carton 12

Series. North Efatese

N. Tongoa I., Nguna, North Efate I. (File AC2_VTONNE) - Carton 29
North Efate, Nguma I. (File AC2_VNEFAT1) - Carton 31
North Efate, Nguma I., Tongoa I. (File AC2_VNEFAT2) - Carton 31

Series. North Efatese, Tongoa

N. Tongoa I., Nguna, North Efate I. (File AC2_VTONNE1) - Carton 31

Series. North Malaita,: To'abaita, Baelelea, Baeguu, Fatateka

North Malaita I. dialects (File AC2_SINMALA1) - Carton 26

Series. North Malekula

Above Bushman's Bay and Dixon Reef (File AC2_VNMALV1) - Carton 29

Series. North Tanna

Tanna Island, North (File AC2_VNT1) - Carton 29

Series. Notu (Ewa Ge)

Coastal Regions on Holnicote and Dyke Ackland Bays (File AC2_PNGNPNOT1) - Carton 17
Coastal Regions on Holnicote and Dyke Ackland Bays (File AC2_PNGNPNOT2) - Carton 17

Series. Nth West and West Solomons

Comparative vocabularies. Languages as listed (File AC2_SICOMPV1) - Carton 27

Series. Oceanic

Oceanic Languages and Dialects. All regions of Oceania (File AC2_OLVOC4) - Carton 2

Series. Oceanic and other areas (including Polynesia, Micronesia and Indonesia)

Oceania - PNG, Solomons, Vanuatu etc. (File AC2_OLVOC2) - Carton 2

Series. Oceanic Languages

Various vocabs (File AC2_OLVOC4) - Carton 4

Series. Onin and Sekar

Sth Head Sth Coast, McCluer Gulf (File AC2_IJONSEK1) - Carton 3

Series. Onjob - Dagan

Inland from Collingwood Bay (File AC2_PNGNPONJ1) - Carton 17

Series. Ono

Nanda and Kalasa District, Huon Peninsula (File AC2_PNGMORONO1) - Carton 16

Series. Opau

North of Uaripi language region (File AC2_PNGGPOPA1) - Carton 11

Series. Oroha

Malaita-Maramasike I. (Sth Malaita) (File AC2_SIOROH1) - Carton 27

Series. Orokaiva

Mid Kumusi River to Dyke Ackland Bay around Garuro (File AC2_PNGNPORO2) - Carton 17
Mid Kumusi River to Dyke Ackland Bay, around Gururo (File AC2_PNGNPORO1) - Carton 17

Series. Orokolo

Mouth of Purati River to Valaila River (File AC2_PNGGPORO1) - Carton 11

Series. Oyan Raluana

Shores of Blanche Bay incl. part of Rabaul, Gazelle Peninsula (File AC2_PNGENBRAL2) - Carton 9

Series. Paama

Paama Lofeur Islands (File AC2_VPAAPAA1) - Carton 31
Paama Lopevi Islands (File AC2_VPAAPAA1) - Carton 29

Series. Panayeti (Misima)

Panaete Adjacent Islands (File AC2_PNGMBPANA1) - Carton 14
Panaete Adjacent Islands (File AC2_PNGMBPANA2) - Carton 14

Series. Papapana

Teperoi Village near Numanuma, NE coast, Bougainville (File AC2_NSBPAP1) - Carton 18

Series. Papuan Austronesian languages

Comparative Vocabularies (File AC2_PNGMACV2) - Carton 12
Comparative Vocabularies (File AC2_PNGMACVC3) - Carton 12
Melanesian Grammatical Studies. Irian Jaya, PNG, Solomons, Vanuatu (File AC2_MELGRAM1) - Carton 2
Oceanic Linguistics Grammar Studies and Proto Studies. Melanesia, Polynesia (File AC2_OLGS1) - Carton 2
Capell Field Note Book. Various Oceanic Vocabularies, Sentences, Grammatical Notes. Buka Island, Bougainville Island, and E Highland Province (File AC2_OLVOC5) - Carton 2
PNG, all mainland Provinces (File AC2_PNGCPLS1) - Carton 2
Oceania - PNG, W Irian, Solomons etc. (File AC2_OLVOC1) - Carton 2

Series. Papuan languages

PNG Comparative Culture Studies (Highlands). Central Highland Chain, Muller Range to Kratke Range (File AC2_PNGHCCS1) - Carton 2
Comparative vocabularies (File AC2_PNGMACV1) - Carton 12
Comparative vocabularies (File AC2_PNGESCV1) - Carton 20
Comparative vocabularies (File AC2_PNGESCV2) - Carton 20
Comparative grammars (File AC2_PNGESCG1) - Carton 20
Western Highlands and other Provinces. Religious Texts (File AC2_PNGPAPRT1) - Carton 23

Series. Papuan, Austronesian/Papua and New Guinea

PNG, all districts. Area Surveys (Language and Education) (File AC2_PNGCAPSR1) - Carton 2

Series. Papuan/Abia-Mori

Mori River (E bank) to Owen Stanley Range (File AC2_PNGCPABIM1) - Carton 6

Series. Papuan/Awin-PA Family

E tributaries of the Fly River system (File AC2_PNGWPAWI1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Bamu Kiwai and dialects

Islands and both banks of the Bamu River Estuary (File AC2_PNGWPBKI1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Bamukiwai-Sisiame

Both banks of the Lower and Mid Gama River (or Gaima River) (File AC2_PNGWPBKS1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Bine-Kunini, Masingara

Lower Binatura River (File AC2_PNGWPKUN1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Coastal Kiwai

From W of Tirio south along south coast of the Fly River then W to Mabaduan (File AC2_PNGWPCW1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Doumori (South Kiwai dialect)

Doumori Island and E coast of the Fly River (File AC2_PNGWPDOU1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Fasu

E of Hegigo River, W of Digimu River to confluence (File AC2_PNGSHFAS1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Foe (a Kutubu Eastern language)

A large area around Lake Kutubu (File AC2_PNGSHFOE1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Fuyuge-Dilava

Headwaters of Dilava River and Aroa River to Cameron Range (File AC2_PNGCPFUY1) - Carton 6

Series. Papuan/Gogodala

From N bank of Fly River mouth inland to Aramia River (File AC2_PNGWPGOG1) - Carton 22
From N bank of Fly River actuary inland to Aramia River (File AC2_PNGWPGOG2) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Huli (part of the Enga family)

Muller Range, Tagari River system to Waga River (File AC2_PNGSHHUL1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Karima-Kibene, Kikorian family

N bank and inland from Lower Turama River (File AC2_PNGCPKAR1) - Carton 6

Series. Papuan/Kewa and dialects

SE of Mendi, between Mendi, Erave, and Ankura Rivers (File AC2_PNGSHKEW1) - Carton 19
Western and Gulf Provinces. Fly, Bamu and Kikon River Estuaries (File AC2_PNGWPKIW1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Kiwai and other coastal comparative vocabularies

Western and Gulf Provinces. From Fly River to Purari River and Inland. (File AC2_PNGWGPCV1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Kiwai Family

Mainly Western and some Gulf Province. Pakoturi River Estuary via Fly River to Deception Bay (File AC2_PNGWPKIW2) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Koiari (Grass and Mountains)

Coast and inland to Sirinumu River, E of Moresby (File AC2_PNGCPKOI1) - Carton 6

Series. Papuan/Kuni-Boazi

Lake Murray Region (File AC2_PNGWPKBI1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Kunimaipa

Central Ranges and head of Kunimaipa River (File AC2_PNGCPKUN1) - Carton 6

Series. Papuan/Kutubu

S and W of Lake Kutubu (File AC2_PNGSHKUT1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Kware (Bosavi family)

Headwaters of Wawoi River, crosses into Western Province (File AC2_PNGSHKWA1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Lowland OK Subfamily

W and E of Fly-Alice River system and across Irian Jaya border (File AC2_PNGWPLOK1) - Carton 22
W and E of Fly River system and across Irian Jaya border (File AC2_PNGWPLOK2) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Mendi (Angal)

Mendi and Lai River Valleys (File AC2_PNGSHMEN2) - Carton 19
Mendi and Lai River Valleys (File AC2_PNGSHMEN1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Mendi-Augu

E and W of Mid Wagi River (File AC2_PNGSHAUG1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Mendi-Wala

Between upper reach of Nembi River and Mid Ka River (File AC2_PNGSHWAL1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Mountain OK Subfamily

Sepik Province, Upper Fly and Strickland River systems, Victor Emmanuel Range (File AC2_PNGWPMOK1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/OK Family

W Sepik Prov and Irian Jaya, Upper Fly and Strickland River systems (File AC2_PNGWPOKF1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Sau (Samberigi)

Samberigi Valley and S of Erave River (File AC2_PNGSHSAU1) - Carton 19

Series. Papuan/Tauada and dialects

NE Goilala District - Headwaters of Diluva, Aroa, Alabule and Vanapa Rivers (File AC2_PNGCPTAU1) - Carton 6

Series. Papuan/Tirio-Maturu

Upper S bank and islands, Fly River (File AC2_PNGWPTIR1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Waboda and dialects

Wabuda Island, adjacent islands and N bank of the Fly Estuary (File AC2_PNGWPWAB1) - Carton 22

Series. Papuan/Waghi, dialects and communolects

Western Highlands and Chimbu Provinces, N and S of Waghi River from Banz to near Kerowagi (File AC2_PNGWHPWAH1) - Carton 23

Series. Pem

4 miles east of Posa Posa Harbour (File AC2_PNGMBPEM1) - Carton 14

Series. Petats

Offshore Is. West Buka Is. (File AC2_NSBPETA1) - Carton 18

Series. Petats / Matsungan

Matzungan Is. (File AC2_NSBPETM1) - Carton 18

Series. Pileni

Polynesian Outlier, Duff Isles (File AC2_SIRSCP1) - Carton 26

Series. Piva Amun

Torokina River and Amun (File AC2_NSBPIV1) - Carton 18

Series. PNG Gulf languages

Delta Region, Comparative vocabulaies (File AC2_PNGGPDRCV1) - Carton 11

Series. Polynesian Cultural Studies/Maori

Across Polynesia (File AC2_PNCMAO1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian Languages

Cultural Papers - Tongan Island GroupN (File AC2_PNCTONG1) - Carton 25
New Zealand (File AC2_PNLMAO1) - Carton 25
SW Central Pacific (File AC2_PNLTONG1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian Outlier/Niue

E of Tonga Island Group (File AC2_PNLNIU1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Cook Islands Maori (Rarotongan)

Cook Islands Group, Central Pacific (File AC2_PNCIMRA1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/East Futuna (Wallisean)

Futuna and Alofi Islands. N of Fiji, W of Samoa (File AC2_PNLEFWAL1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/East Uvea (Wallisean)

Wallis Island, Central Pacific, W of Samoa and N of Futuna Island (File AC2_PNLEUWAL2) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Hawaiian

Hawaiian Islands (File AC2_PNLHAWI1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Munggava (Mangareva)

Tuamoto Archipelago, Central East Pacific (File AC2_PNLMANG1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Paumoto (Tuamotuan)

Taumoto Archipelago, French Polynesia (File AC2_PNLPAUM1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Pukapuka

Danger Island and adjacent islands, NE of Samoan Islands (File AC2_PNLPUKA1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Rapanui

Easter Island, SE Pacific (File AC2_PNLRAPAN1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Rotuman

SW Pacific, N of Fiji, Rotuma Island (File AC2_PNLROTU1) - Carton 25
Rotuma Island, Central Pacific (File AC2_PNLROTU2) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Samoan (Formal/Casual)

Samoan Islands, South Central Pacific (File AC2_PNLSAMO1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Tahitian

The Society Islands, Central Pacific (File AC2_PNLTAHI1) - Carton 25

Series. Polynesian/Tuvalu

Ellice Islands, N of Fiji (File AC2_PNLTUV1) - Carton 25

Series. Ponorwol, Sa

South Pentecost (File AC2_VSPEN1) - Carton 29

Series. Porome

Aird Hills, NE of Kikori (File AC2_PNGGPPOR1) - Carton 11

Series. Proto Indonesian and other regional languages

Theoretical Studies in Austronesian languages. Proto Indonesian and other languages. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN8) - Carton 1

Series. Proto/Early Austronesian

Proto/Early Austronesian Papers. Various locations (File AC2_TSAN9) - Carton 1

Series. Purari (Koriki, Namau)

Port Romilly to Putari River and hinterland (File AC2_PNGGPPUR2) - Carton 11
Port Romilly to Putari River and hinterland (File AC2_PNGGPPUR1) - Carton 11

Series. Raga

Pentecost Island North (File AC2_VPENRA1) - Carton 29

Series. Rai Coast Languages

Sth Astrolabe Bay and Rai Coast (File AC2_PNGMARAI1) - Carton 12

Series. Raluana, Tolai Dialect

Shores of Blanche Bay incl. part of Rabaul, Gazelle Peninsula (File AC2_PNGENBRAL1) - Carton 9

Series. Rawa

Upper Ramu and Raj Coast (File AC2_PNGMARAW1) - Carton 12

Series. Reef/Santa Cruz Islands

Solomon I. Polynesian/ Austranesian outliers (File AC2_SIRSCP2) - Carton 26

Series. Rempi, Em

Coastal Region Nth of Alexishafen (File AC2_PNGMAREM1) - Carton 12

Series. Rennellese

Rennell Bellona Islands (File AC2_SIRENN1) - Carton 27

Series. Rerep

East-central coast, Malekula I. (File AC2_VRER1) - Carton 30

Series. Rites and Customs

San Cristobal I. (File AC2_SISCRC1) - Carton 26

Series. Roti / Lelenuk

Roti Island (File AC2_INROTI1) - Carton 4

Series. Rotokas

E Central Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBROT1) - Carton 18

Series. Roviana

North-west New Georgia I. (File AC2_SIROV1) - Carton 26
North-west New Georgia I. (File AC2_SIROV2) - Carton 26

Series. Sa'a related languages

Marmarasike I. (File AC2_SISAA1) - Carton 26

Series. Saposa

Taiof Islands (File AC2_NSBSAP1) - Carton 18
West of Alexishafen Town (File AC2_PNGMASAR1) - Carton 12

Series. Savosavo related dialects

Savo I. (File AC2_SISAVO1) - Carton 26

Series. Sawu

Savu E. Sumba Islands (File AC2_INLSSA1) - Carton 4
Sawu Island (File AC2_INSAWU1) - Carton 4

Series. Selepet

Northern slopes of Saruwaged Range, Huon Peninsula (File AC2_PNGMORSEL1) - Carton 16

Series. Sengga

Central West Choiseul I. (File AC2_SISENGG1) - Carton 27

Series. Sentani

NE coastal region (File AC2_IJSENT1) - Carton 3

Series. Siâ

Around Sia town on N. Coast of Morobe Province (File AC2_PNGMORSIA1) - Carton 16
Around Sio Town, N. Coast, Huon Peninsula (File AC2_PNGMORSIA2) - Carton 16

Series. Siane Dialects

Overlapping to Chimbu Province (File AC2_PNGEHSIA1) - Carton 8

Series. Siboma

Huon Gulf Coast, N of Pai-awa River (File AC2_PNGMORSIB1) - Carton 16

Series. Silisili

Lower Watut Banir Rivers (File AC2_PNGMORSIL1) - Carton 16

Series. Simbo

Eddystone (or Simbo) I. (File AC2_SISIM1) - Carton 26

Series. Sinesep/ Orierh

South-west Bay, Malekula I. (File AC2_VSWB1) - Carton 30

Series. Sirak

West of Huon Peninsula, around town of Boana (File AC2_PNGMORSIR1) - Carton 16

Series. Sissano

Coastal Region from Baudisson Pt to Lapor Pt (File AC2_PNGWSSIS1) - Carton 21

Series. Siwai - Motuna

SW Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBSIW1) - Carton 18
SW Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBSIW2) - Carton 18

Series. Social Organisation

San Cristobal I. (File AC2_SISC1) - Carton 26

Series. Solomon Islands

Comparative vocabularies. Languages as listed (File AC2_SICOMPV2) - Carton 27

Series. Solos - Sumoun

Buka Is. W Coast (File AC2_NSBSOLOS1) - Carton 18

Series. Solos / Gagan

W side of Buka Island (File AC2_NSBSOLOG1) - Carton 18

Series. South Efatese dialects

South Efatese I. (File AC2_VSEFAT1) - Carton 31

Series. Southern Arapesh

Banks of the Mid Numalib River (File AC2_PNGESSAR1) - Carton 20

Series. South-West Bay

Malekula Island, SW coast (File AC2_VSWB1) - Carton 29

Series. Suau

Suau and Baibesika Is. and adjacent mainland (File AC2_PNGMBSUA1) - Carton 14

Series. Suluwesi Language

The Celebes (File AC2_INCEL1) - Carton 4

Series. Sumba, Roti, Bima

Sumba Island (File AC2_INLSSU1) - Carton 4

Series. Sumbawa

Sumbawa Island (File AC2_INSBW1) - Carton 4

Series. Sundanese

Java (File AC2_INJSUN1) - Carton 4

Series. Tagula Yele

Sud Est Rossel Is. (File AC2_PNGMBSEY1) - Carton 15

Series. Taikia

Sth Karkar Island (File AC2_PNGMATAI1) - Carton 12

Series. Tairora

Headwaters of the Ramu, Markham and Lauari Rivers (File AC2_PNGEHTAI1) - Carton 8

Series. Tami

Tami Islands, Cape Gerhards, Huon Peninsula (File AC2_PNGMORTAM1) - Carton 16

Series. Tangu

Sth of Bogia, around Sokuma (File AC2_PNGMATAN1) - Carton 12

Series. Tanna

Tanna Island (File AC2_VTAN2) - Carton 29
Tanna Island (File AC2_VTAN4) - Carton 29

Series. Tanna, Erromanga

Tanna Island (File AC2_VTAN5) - Carton 29

Series. Tanna, Lenakel, Imreang

Tanna / Erromanga Islands (File AC2_VTAN1) - Carton 29

Series. Taulil

Gazelle Peninsula (File AC2_PNGENBTAU1) - Carton 9

Series. Taupota

Gumini River, Alotau, Taupota, Topura Hinterland (File AC2_PNGMBTAUP1) - Carton 14

Series. Tauya, Biyom, Isabi, Brahman

Mid Ramu - Bismark Range (File AC2_PNGMABRAH1) - Carton 12

Series. Telefol

E end of Thurnwald Range (File AC2_PNGWSTEL1) - Carton 21

Series. Teop

Teop Is. Adjacent Coast (File AC2_NSBTEO1) - Carton 18

Series. Tetun

Timor Island. Tetun phrase sets with translations. (File AC2_TTET1) - Carton 28

Series. Tifal

Western Province to Irian Jaya border (File AC2_PNGWSTIFI) - Carton 21

Series. Tikopia

Santa Cruz Islands (File AC2_SITIK1) - Carton 26

Series. Timor langs., dialects and comparisons

Timor adjacent islands. Usage maps; comparisons. (File AC2_TLANGD1) - Carton 28

Series. Timorese

Ethnographic translations of traditional Timorese texts. (File AC2_TETH1) - Carton 28

Series. Timputz

NE Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBTIM1) - Carton 18

Series. Toaripi Sepoe dialects

From Cape Possession to Cape Cupola and inland along Lakekamu River (File AC2_PNGGPTOA1) - Carton 11

Series. Tolai (Kuanua)

Rabaul, off shore Islands and coast from Cape Liguan to cape Gazelle Inland (File AC2_PNGENBTOL1) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL2) - Carton 9
Gazelle Peninsula (File AC2_PNGENBTOL4) - Carton 9
Top of Gazelle Peninsula and Off Shore Islands (File AC2_PNGENBTOL5) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL6) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL7) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL8) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL9) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL10) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL11) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL12) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL13) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL14) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL15) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL16) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL17) - Carton 9
As above (File AC2_PNGENBTOL18) - Carton 9

Series. Tolai dialects and New Ireland dialects

Gazelle Peninsula and some New Ireland (File AC2_PNGENBTOL3) - Carton 9

Series. Tolai, Nodup dialect

Urara Island (File AC2_PNGENBNOD1) - Carton 9

Series. Torau

Enclave on E coast Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBTORA1) - Carton 18

Series. Tubetube

Engineer Archipelago (File AC2_PNGMBTT1) - Carton 14
Engineer Island Group (File AC2_PNGMBTT2) - Carton 14

Series. Tumleo

Bismark Sea Coast around Aitape (File AC2_PNGWSTUM1) - Carton 21

Series. Tumuip

Headwaters of Beg River (File AC2_PNGENBTUM1) - Carton 9

Series. Ubir

Border and further Nth at Rainu, both at Collingwood Bay (File AC2_PNGMBUBI1) - Carton 14
Several locations on Collingwood Bay (File AC2_PNGMBUBI2) - Carton 14

Series. Uisai

Hinterland of Buin district, Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBUIS1) - Carton 18

Series. Ulingan

S SE of Malala Harbour (File AC2_PNGMAULI1) - Carton 12

Series. Unua

Malekula Island, East coast (File AC2_VUNU1) - Carton 30

Series. Uripiv/Lagalag

Malekula, Central E. Coast (File AC2_VURI1) - Carton 29

Series. Uruava

Arawa Bay, Central Coast, Bougainville Is. (File AC2_NSBURU1) - Carton 18

Series. Utu

Mid Gogol River, Region around Maloko (File AC2_PNGMAUTU1) - Carton 12

Series. Vaikenu

Sentence sets with translations (File AC2_TVAIK1) - Carton 28

Series. Valman (Koroko)

Lower Nigia River (File AC2_PNGWSVAL2) - Carton 21
Lower Nigia River (File AC2_PNGWSVAL1) - Carton 21

Series. Vangunu-Mbareke

Vangunu offshore Isles NW shore (File AC2_SIVAGMB1) - Carton 27

Series. Vanuatu languages

Comparative vocabulary lists (File AC2_VCOMVO2) - Carton 29
Comparative vocabulary lists (File AC2_VCOMVO3) - Carton 29
Comparative vocabulary lists (File AC2_VCGS1) - Carton 29
Comparative grammar studies (File AC2_VCGS2) - Carton 29
Comparative grammar studies (File AC2_VCGS3) - Carton 29
General linguistics studies (File AC2_VGENLING1) - Carton 30
Ethnography anthropology (File AC2_VETHN1) - Carton 30
General ethnography (File AC2_VETHN2) - Carton 30
Proto New Hebridean Linguistics (File AC2_VPRONHS1) - Carton 30

Series. Various

Moluccas (File AC2_INHALM1) - Carton 4
Comparative vocabularies (File AC2_INCOMPV1) - Carton 4
Lesser Sunda Timor Isles (File AC2_INSTH1) - Carton 4
Islands in Lesser Sunda Chain (File AC2_INLSCV1) - Carton 4
Bougainville Buka Islands (File AC2_NSBCVOC1) - Carton 18
Ethnology Ethnomusicology (File AC2_PNGESETH1) - Carton 20
Ethnography, whole region (File AC2_PNGWSETH1) - Carton 21
Comparative language studies: Timor, Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas. (File AC2_TCVOC1) - Carton 28

Series AC2_PNGCHKUM2. Chimbu - Carton 7

Series AC2_PNGMBDOB1. Dobu - Carton 14

Series AC2_VANEIT2. Aneityum - Carton 30

Series AC2_VSEFAT2. South Efatese - Carton 31

Series AC2_VSEFAT3. South Efatese - Carton 31

Series. Various - mainly Papuan and Austronesian

Oceania - Irian Jaya, PNG, Indonesia, together with some African languages (File AC2_OLVOC6) - Carton 2

Series. Various Halmahera Languages

East Indonesian Archepelago. Grammar, vocab., phonology. (File AC2_INHALM2) - Carton 5

Series. Various languages

Alor Island (File AC2_INALOR1) - Carton 4

Series. Various Oceanic and other languages

Vocabularies, Grammars etc. - Melanesia, Polynesia etc. (File AC2_OLVOC3) - Carton 2

Series. Various Papuan

Pantar Island (File AC2_INPANT1) - Carton 4

Series. Various Papuan and Austroneian

PNG Highlands and some coastal Provinces (File AC2_PNGSILCV1) - Carton 2

Series. Varisi

South central Choiseul I. (File AC2_SIVAR1) - Carton 27

Series. Vaturanga

"Mission/ecclesiastical language", W. Guadalcanal I. (File AC2_SIVATU1) - Carton 26

Series. Vau

North-east coast, Malekula I. (File AC2_VVAO1) - Carton 30

Series. Vinmaris language dialects

Central W coast, Malekula I. (File AC2_VVIN1) - Carton 30

Series. Vori

Sth from Albert Mountains to Sth Bank of Ivori River (File AC2_PNGCPVOR1) - Carton 11

Series. Waffa

Head of Mapan Creek and Waffa River (File AC2_PNGMORWAF1) - Carton 16

Series. Wala, Uripiv, Rano

Malekula Island (File AC2_VMAL2) - Carton 29

Series. Wala, Uripiv, Rano

Comparative vocabularies. Malekula I. (File AC2_VMAL3) - Carton 29

Series. Wampar

Markham, Watut and Wampit valleys (File AC2_PNGMORWAM1) - Carton 16

Series. Wantoat

Around Headwaters of the Leron River (File AC2_PNGMORWAN1) - Carton 16

Series. Warapu (Arop)

Nth Coast, Junctions of the Fivuma, Piore and Bliri Rivers (File AC2_PNGWSWAR1) - Carton 21

Series. Watukela, Teon Kur, Geser, Wakam-Tarangan

Geser-Watubela-Teon Island Chain (File AC2_INCER1) - Carton 4

Series. Wedau

Sth Shore, Goodenough Bay, Wedau to Topura (File AC2_PNGMBWED1) - Carton 14
Goodenough Bay area (File AC2_PNGMBWED3) - Carton 14

Series. Wedau neighbouring languages

Goodenough Bay Cape Vogel (File AC2_PNGMBWED2) - Carton 14

Series. Weri

Headwaters of the Waria, Ono Biaru Rivers (File AC2_PNGMORWER1) - Carton 16

Series. West coast vocabularies

Malekula I. (File AC2_VWCV1) - Carton 31

Series. Western Dani

Sudirman Mountains (File AC2_IJWDAN1) - Carton 3

Series. Western Dani / Bokondini

Upper Balim River region (File AC2_IJWDBOK1) - Carton 3

Series. Wogeo

Vokeo and Koil Islands (File AC2_PNGESWOG1) - Carton 20

Series. Yabim

Busigia - Cape Cretin - Finschhafen - Mape R. Estuary (File AC2_PNGMORYAB1) - Carton 16
As above (File AC2_PNGMORYAB2) - Carton 16

Series. Yagomi

Rai Coast, a few km East of Seuse and hinterland (File AC2_PNGMAYAG1) - Carton 12

Series. Yega - Binandere

Kifferton and further inland and S. Coast of Dyke Ackland Bay (File AC2_PNGNPYEG1) - Carton 17

Series. Yele

Rossel Island (File AC2_PNGMBYE1) - Carton 14
Rossel Island (File AC2_PNGMBYE2) - Carton 14
Solomon Sea (File AC2_PNGMBYE3) - Carton 14

Series. Yoliapi (Sisimin)

Sepik Hill Region in Valley of the Ok Om River (File AC2_PNGWSYOL1) - Carton 21

Series. Zia

Inland from Hercules Bay along lower Waria River (File AC2_PNGMORZIA1) - Carton 16

Class MS Acc09.019. Consignment Added 2009

Comprises manuscripts, correspondence and research material written and collected by Capell, relating to linguistics, ethnography, education, sociology, musicology, religion, mission studies and poetry. The papers are arranged geographically and cover Papua New Guinea, European, Indian sub-continent, Proto-Oceanic, Fijian, Southeast Asian and East Asian, Melanesian, Polynesian, Micronesian, Proto-Austronesian, Timor, Irian Jayan and Indonesian subjects.

Contained in 20 cartons.

New Ireland Province, PNG. Linguistic, ethnographic and related studies (File) - Carton 1

South/Central American Languages. Linguistic, ethnographic and related studies (mostly scarce reprints) (File) - Carton 2

General Theories in Language, Anthropology and Sociiology (File) - Carton 3

East West New Britain and Manus Provinces Mainland PNG. Linguistic, ethnographic and related studies (File) - Carton 4

European Languages. Linguistic, ethnographic and related studies (File) - Carton 5

Pidgins, creoles other contact languages. Universal languages, short hand manuals. Esperanto ans some general language studies (File) - Carton 6

Indian Sub-continent, off-shore island chains, Sri Lanka, some Indo Aryan. Linguistic, ethnographic and related studies (File) - Carton 7

New Guinea Main Island, PNG Provinces. Linguistic, ethnographic and related studies (File) - Carton 8

Miscellaneous papers. Includes Capell's poems and literary writings, religious tracts, and some general language studies. Church and mission literature (File) - Carton 9

Proto-Oceanic Language Studies. Includes population movement and cultural history studies (File) - Carton 10

Fijian Languages. Linguistic, ethnographic, historical and related studies (File) - Carton 11

Polynesian Languages # 1. Linguistic, ethnographic, historical and related studies (box also contains some archival tools and materials for use in cataloguing) (File) - Carton 12

Polynesian Languages # 2. Linguistic, ethnographic, historical and related studies (File) - Carton 13

New Caledonia Loyalty Islands. Linguistic, ethnographic, historical and related studies (File) - Carton 14

Micronesian Languages # 1. The Mariana, Caroline, Marshall Gilbert Island Chains Linguistic, ethnographic, historical, cultural and related studies. Post-war language surveys (File) - Carton 15

Micronesian Languages # 2. The Mariana, Caroline, Marshall Gilbert Island Chains Linguistic, ethnographic, historical, cultural and related studies. Post-war language surveys (File) - Carton 16

Indonesian Archipelago (ecl. Timor Irian Jaya). Linguistic, ethnographic, historical and related studies (File) - Carton 17

S.E. E. Asian Studies. Malaysia, The Philippines, Taiwan, Indo China. Linguistic, ethnographic, historical and related studies (File) - Carton 18

Proto-Austronesian Language Studies. Historical linguistics. This box also contains residual linguitsic and other papers for the North Solomons (Buka-Bougainvile), Solomon Islands and Vanuatu collections (File) - Carton 19

Residual papers for the Timor and Irian Jaya collections (together with material from their related off-shore islands). Linguistic, ethnographic, historical, cultural and related studies (File) - Carton 20

Class MS Acc14.069. Consignment Added 2014

Comprises notes on Fijian linguistics. Provided by Prof. Andrew Pawley in November 2013.

Contained in 1 box.

Notebook: Nadrogā; Wailevu; Bua; Dreketi; Seagaga; Macuata-i-wai; Cikobia; Namuka; Naqelelevu; Vuinadi; Kadavu dialects (File FIJ001) - Box 1

Handwritten notes in various Fijian dialects.

Lau Vocabulary (File FIJ002) - Box 1

From Mss by Cargill (Some Rewa marked as R.)

Questionnaire for various semantic domains (File FIJ003) - Box 1

Based on Leenhardt. Bauan (="Fiji"), Yasawa, Lautoka, Nadrogā

Questionnaire, Vol II (File FIJ004) - Box 1

Bauan, Nadi, Nadrogā, Serua, Yasawa, Lautoka, Kadavu, Beqa, Rewa, Matailobau, Namosi, Davutukia, Lovoni, Vunisea, Malaki, Bua, Macuata, Nasealevu, Matalolo, Vuinadi, Taveuni, Wailevu, Lekutu

Correspondence (File FIJ005) - Box 1

R.H.Lester, W.Ivens, C.M.Churchward, Fr Neyret

Grammar of Nadrogā (File FIJ006) - Box 1

Nadrogā notes, Nadrogā vocab, Raiwaqa notes, Bemana vocab. 1941.

Notes for a new Fijian dictionary. 1941. (File FIJ007) - Box 1

Notes for Textbook comparing the dialects of Fiji (File FIJ008) - Box 1

Fijian kinship terms, house parts, totemism, calendar (File FIJ009) - Box 1

Chiefly genealogies (Brewster) 'A I tovo vakaviti (Setuviki M. Koto) Note on diff. between Kaluu-vu and Vu, 1952 (File FIJ010) - Box 1

Methods and materials for recording Papuan and New Guinea Languages (Also applicable to Oceania in general) (File FIJ011) - Box 1


Cakaudrove (Vanua Levu) (File FIJ012) - Box 1

Wordlists of Vuinadi, Mataloulou and parts of a house.

Lau wordlist (File FIJ013) - Box 1

Naitasiri, Wainimala; Naqelelevu, Nakorosule wordlists (File FIJ014) - Box 1

Kadavu; Naceva vocab, Nabukelvu vocab and Tavuki (Cakaudrove) snakes (File FIJ015) - Box 1

Beqa, Rewa, Serua (File FIJ016) - Box 1

Beqa vocab and kinship;Serua (Korolevu) vocab and kinship

Bua Voicab (File FIJ017) - Box 1

Lovoni wordlist (Ovalau) (File FIJ018) - Box 1

Rotuman vocab (File FIJ019) - Box 1

Strata in Rotuman (1) unplaced (2) Melanesian (3) Polynesian

Macuata wordlists (File FIJ020) - Box 1

Macuata-i-wai, Nasealevu, Seaqaqa, Caumatalevu, Namuka, Cikobia

Wordlists: Namosi, Nadrau, Nabukaluka, Namuamua (File FIJ021) - Box 1

Bā (Nailaga) vocab; Nadi vocab; Nadarivatu vocab; Waya sentences, kinterms and vocab, Lautoka vocab (File FIJ022) - Box 1

Tailevu, S.Wainibuka (File FIJ023) - Box 1

Rā vocabulary (File FIJ024) - Box 1

Class MS Acc15.106. Consignment Added 2015 - Box 1 (MS Acc15.106)

Comprises field notes and notebooks written and collected by Capell, relating to linguistics of a variety of languages including Papua New Guinean and Indian; 1 copy of Gilbertese English Dictionary; 1 copy of Current Issues in Linguistic Theory by Noam Chomsky; unpublished maniscripts; photographs; conference papers and abstracts; original and photocopies of journals including Linguistics: An International Review, Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes, Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics, La Monda Lingvo-Problemo, Gava:Studies in Austronesian Languages and Cultures, Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research.

Contained in one box
