MS 3155
National Library of Australia
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Collection Summary
- Creator
Sir Peter Heydon
- Title
Papers of Sir Peter Heydon
- Date Range
1901 - 1977
- Collection Number
MS 3155
- Extent
4.99 metres (13 archives boxes + 11 ms boxes + 1 folio)
- Language of Materials
- Repository
Special Collections (Manuscripts)
Scope and Contents
The bulk of the collection comprises drafts, research material, newspaper clippings, articles, illustrations and copies of letters used by Heydon in writing Quiet decision: a study of George Foster Pearce. There is also correspondence with various individuals and institutions about Pearce and the biography.
Conditions Governing Access
Please refer to the collection's catalogue record for the access conditions (
Conditions Governing Use
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Preferred Citation
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Sir Peter Heydon, National Library of Australia, MS 3155, [series and/or file number]'.
The collection was presented to the Library by Lady Heydon in 1972. In 1976 further correspondence, drafts, speeches and articles were added. The diaries, added in 1990, were lent to the Library for copying by Heydon's daughter, Julia Hoffman.
An interview with Heydon is held in the Oral History Collection at TRC 21/2
Photographs are held in the Pictorial Collection.
There is an entry on Heydon in C.A. Burmester's publication National Library of Australia: guide to the collections, Volume 4, page 169
Crisp, L.F. Peter Richard Heydon: a tribute from his friends, was privately published in 1972. A copy is held in the lists cabinet under Heydon.
Quiet decision: a study of G.F. Pearce (Melbourne University Press, 1965) The effects of immigration on Australia's growth (Wagga Wagga Teachers' College, 1968)
Biographical Note
Sir Peter Heydon was a diplomat and public servant. Main dates are below.
1913:Born 9 September in Sydney
1935: Honorary Secretary of Commonwealth Council of the Australian Institute for International Affairs
1936: Admitted NSW Bar. Joined Department of External Affairs. Became private secretary to Minister for External Affairs, Sir George Pearce and also to Attorney-General, R.G. Menzies
1940: Posted to Washington as Second Secretary of the Australian Mission
1942: Married Naomi Slater on 7 May
1948; 1957: Member of Australian Delegation to U.N. Assembly
1950: Chargé d'Affaires, the Hague, May-October 1950
1951-53: Australian Minister to Brazil
1953-55: Australian High Commissioner to NZ
1955-59: Australian High Commissioner to India
1959: Created C.B.E.
1960-61: First Assistant Secretary, Department of External Affairs
1961-71: Secretary, Commonwealth Department of Immigration
1971: Died, May, in Canberra
Item Descriptions
Class [unnumbered]. Original Consignment
Series [unnumbered]. Quiet decision: a study of George Foster Pearce (1965)
Notebooks (2) (File 1) - Box 1
Draft of manuscript (File 2_3) - Box 1
Articles about G.F. Pearce (File 4) - Box 1
Articles by or about Pearce from 1937 (File 5) - Box 1
Notes on Pearce draft (File 6) - Box 1
Pearce book: notes from other books and theses (File 7) - Box 1
'Arbitration in the Commonwealth Public Service; (thesis by E. E. Crichton) - copies of pages relating to Pearce. Copies of pages from thesis by John Merritt. Miscellaneous approvals (File 8) - Box 1
Correspondence with Mrs Ellison, P.F. Pearce, L.G. Pearce, John Merritt, Murray James, Malcolm Uren, Mollie Lukis, Tom Hartrey (File 9) - Box 1
Correspondence with Lord Bruce, Sir John Latham, E.J. Holloway, Sir Robert Menzies, Paul Hasluck, Arthur Calwell, Shane Paltridge, Sir Frederick Shedden (File 10) - Box 1
Correspondence with embassies; Cheshire; Department of Interior re place names (File 11) - Box 2
Miscellaneous correspondence (File 11) - Box 2
Quiet decision - miscellaneous data on persons (File 12) - Box 2
Hansard extracts (File 13_16) - Box 2
Newspaper extracts (File 17_20) - Box 2
Copies from Pearce Papers in NLA (File 21) - Box 3
Copies of items on Pearce 'Rural indebtedness' - report of Committee under Sir Charles Nathan, 1934 (File 22) - Box 3
Pearce Papers in Archives and War Memorial (File 23) - Box 3
Correspondence with government departments (File 24) - Box 3
Correspondence re territories (File 25) - Box 3
Article on Pearce for A dictionary of world history (1969, Thomas Nelson and Sons) (File 26) - Box 3
Article on Pearce for Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea, 1968 (File 26) - Box 3
Lecture by Heydon on Pearce for Royal Institute of Public Administration, 27 June 1963 (File 27) - Box 3
Pearce Papers: cartoons, photographs (File 28) - Box 3
Galley proofs (File 29) - Box 3
Galley proofs (File 30_31) - Box 4
Annotated typescript - revised order (File 32_34) - Box 4
Typescript: dedication, preface (foreword), acknowledgments (File 35) - Box 4
Typescript list of illustrations, introduction (File 36) - Box 4
Annotated typescript: Chapter 1: 'Focus' (File 37) - Box 4
'The Day' (later Chapter 1: 'Focus') Chapter 2: 'Ascent' (File 38) - Box 4
Chapter 3: 'The Senate' / Chapter 4: 'Power' / Chapter 5: "Defiance' (File 39) - Box 4
Annotated typescript: Chapter 6: 'Hughes' (File 40) - Box 5
Chapter 7: 'Bruce' / Chapter 8: 'Adjustment' (File 41) - Box 5
Chapter 9: 'Fulfilment' / Chapter 10: 'Frontiers' (File 42) - Box 5
Chapter 11: 'The Departments' (File 43) - Box 5
Chapter 12: 'Projection', 'The Press' (File 44) - Box 5
Chapter 12 (sic), actually 13: 'The West' (File 45) - Box 5
Chapter 14: 'Defeat' / Chapter 15: 'Legacy' (File 46) - Box 5
Footnotes (File 47) - Box 5
Endnotes (File 48) - Box 5
For possible use as appendices (File 49) - Box 5
Annotated typescript: Bibliography (File 50) - Box 6
Index (File 51_53) - Box 6
Alterations, corrections to ms (File 54) - Box 6
Other influences (Chapter 9) (File 55) - Box 6
Chapter 15: 'Abroad' (File 56) - Box 6
Endnotes and papers out of place (File 57) - Box 6
Spare copies (File 58) - Box 6
Annotated typescript: Spare copies (cont.) (File 59_63) - Box 7
Class [unnumbered]. Consignment added 27 July 1976
Series [unnumbered]. 'Polish interests'
First draft (File 64) - Box 8
Second draft (File 65) - Box 8
Research material (File 66) - Box 8
Drafts and notes (File 67) - Box 9
Correspondence and notes (File 68_69) - Box 9
Photocopies (File 70) - Box 9
Series [unnumbered]. Articles
Article 'Immigration into Australia', 1971 - drafts, correspondence Comment on Crocker's Australian ambassador, 1971 - draft (See also File 132) (File 71) - Box 9
Article on Sir Keith Officer, 1970 - correspondence, drafts, photographs (File 72_73) - Box 9
Article on John Paul Quinn, 1968 - correspondence, drafts (File 74) - Box 9
Series [unnumbered]. Immigration
Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (File 75) - Box 10
Immigration papers - to special audiences (File 76) - Box 10
Address to Vice-Chancellor's Forum, University of New England, Armidale, 13 March 1968 (File 77) - Box 10
'Australia's immigration policy and her international relations', AIIA, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, 1966-67 (File 78) - Box 10
Imperial Defence College Lecture, August 1963 (File 79) - Box 10
Industrial Mobilisation Course, NSW, 1968-69 Immigration and Defence, 1971 - answers to the critics (File 80_81) - Box 10
Round Table article: 'Immigration policy and international relations' 'Immigration and Australia': drafts, correspondence, notes (File 82_83) - Box 10
''Cooperative administration in immigration': drafts, notes Immigration Arbitration Commission, 1963. Functional division of the Department of Immigration, 1963 (File 84) - Box 10
Example of a letter to CMOs, August 1969 (File 84) - Box 10
AIIA - Study Group on Australia and Asia, 1962 (File 84) - Box 10
Immigration notes and addresses, 1962-69 / Managing a Department: notes, 1966-68 (File 85_86) - Box 11
The Australian Immigration Programme, a study in administrative flexibility, RIPA, NSW Group, 1964. Cooperative Administration in Immigration, RIPA Conference, 1964 (File 87) - Box 11
Lecture to Wagga Teachers' College, 1948) printed) (File 87) - Box 11
'Key to Australia's future', Australian Industries Development Association, July 1963 (printed) (File 87) - Box 11
Big Brother Movement, Sydney, 1968 (File 87) - Box 11
Addresses, 1964-68 (File 88) - Box 11
Administration talks, 1963-70 (File 89) - Box 11
Comalco offer, 1970: prospectus / Nominations and references (File 90) - Box 11
Speeches and articles, 1961-70 (File 91) - Box 11
Australian Social Services: notes by B.L. Murray, 1969 (File 92) - Box 12
Notes on migration control, November 1965 (File 92) - Box 12
Non-European and mixed descent immigration, May 1969 (File 92) - Box 12
Joint Committee of Public Accounts, 1967 (File 92) - Box 12
Enquiry into Immigration: transcript of evidence (File 92) - Box 12
History of the Department, March 1967 (File 92) - Box 12
Financially assisted migration from Italy (File 93_94) - Box 12
Agreement with Turkey (File 93_94) - Box 12
Assistant Secretaries' Conference, 1965, 1966 (File 93_94) - Box 12
P. Lynch: papers when Secretary of Immigration, 1970 (File 95) - Box 12
Department of Immigration training courses (File 96_99) - Box 12
Addresses by B.M. Snedden, 1969 (File 100) - Box 12
Unpublished immigration papers, 1962-69; Printed items (File 101) - Box 12
RIPA and RIPA ACT Group, 1966-71 (File 102_110) - Box 13
Series [unnumbered]. Department of External Affairs
Brazil, 1952-53 (File 111) - Box 14
Shipping and Air Contracts, 1970 (File 112) - Box 14
Heydon's letters from USSR to N. Heydon, 1942-44 (File 113) - Box 14
Travel documents (USSR); Letters home from Russia to his sister Betty and parents, 1944-45 (File 114) - Box 14
Miscellaneous articles, comments and cuttings on work in Russia, 1943-44 - (File 115) - Box 14
Correspondence: J. Beasley, 1949; K. Binns, 1947 (File 116) - Box 14
Correspondence: J. Burton, 1948-50 (File 117) - Box 14
Correspondence: Lord Casey, 1955-56 (File 118) - Box 14
Correspondence: Sir Alan Watt, 1956 (File 119) - Box 14
Correspondence: Sir Arthur Tange, 1955-57 (File 120) - Box 14
Correspondence: Maj-Gen. Cawthorn, 1955-58 (File 121) - Box 14
Correspondence: Lord Casey, pre-1959 (File 122) - Box 14
Series [unnumbered]. Department of External Affairs
Correspondence with Sir James Plimsoll on India and related matters, 1955-58 (file no. HCH/10) (File 123) - Box 15
Qantas-India etc., flight November 1957 (File 123) - Box 15
Correspondence with various Australian External Affairs officers in Canberra etc., 1955-58 (file no. HCH/6) (File 124) - Box 15
Correspondence with other Australian missions outside India (selected letters only kept), 1955-58 (file no. HCH/9) (File 124) - Box 15
Correspondence with Government of India offices, 1955-58, (file no. HCH/10) (File 125) - Box 15
Orders for books, stationery etc. to be sent to India, 1955-58 (file no. HCH/52) (File 126) - Box 15
External Affairs, 1959-60; J. Ryan 1963, reference letters of 1939 and 1944 (File 127) - Box 15
Various letters to Heydon from Sivananda Literature Research Institute, 1959 (File 128) - Box 15
Talk by Heydon for Radio Australia on the occasion of Republic Day and Australia Day, 26 January 1959 (File 128) - Box 15
Printed items, letters, memoranda on India, 1957 (File 128) - Box 15
Series [unnumbered]. Various subject files
Commonwealth Hostels Ltd - Articles of Association, 1951 . Annual report, 1961 (File 129) - Box 15
Correspondence: W. Duncan, 1963 (File 129) - Box 15
Fort Street Boys' High School: Articles of Association, 1951 / Annual report, 1961 (File 129) - Box 15
Correspondence: Institute of Public Affairs, 1966 (File 130) - Box 15
David Low; printed article (File 130) - Box 15
Correspondence: R.G. Neale, 1964 (File 130) - Box 15
New Zealand - cuttings (File 131) - Box 15
Correspondence: Presbyterian Ladies' College, Pymble, 1964 (File 131) - Box 15
Correspondence: Rotary Club of Sydney, 1964 (File 131) - Box 15
Correspondence: Soroptimist Club, 1963-64 (File 131) - Box 15
Correspondence: K.J. Swan (Wagga Historical Society), 1968 (File 131) - Box 15
Various speeches, 1962, 1968; issue of Quadrant for 1971 in which Walter Crocker's book is reviewed (Australian ambassador, MUP, 1971). See also File 71) (File 132) - Box 15a
Crocker book review - draft (File 133) - Box 15a
Crocker criticisms: three spare copies (File 134) - Box 15a
Correspondence with thesis writers, 1964-68: with P. Hart on J.A. Lyons, with N. Meaney (Sydney University) and David Potts; Various articles and talks (File 135) - Box 15a
Correspondence: Lord Casey, 1959-71 (File 136_141) - Box 16
Correspondence: Sir Arthur Tange, 1959-62; W.R. Crocker, 1960-61 (File 142_143) - Box 17
Correspondence: Sir John Bunting, 1966 (File 145) - Box 17
Correspondence: Sir Alan Watt, 1966 (File 146) - Box 17
Correspondence: Sir Keith Waller, 1966-69 (File 147) - Box 17
Correspondence: Francis Stuart, 1966-68 (File 148) - Box 17
Correspondence: B.C. Hill, 1964-69 (File 149) - Box 17
Correspondence: Sir Keith Officer, 1964-71 (File 150) - Box 17
Series [unnumbered]. Correspondence
Sir Hubert Opperman, 1966-71 (File 151_152) - Box 18
J.B. Mackay, 1971 (File 153) - Box 18
Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1962 (File 154) - Box 18
Review of salaries of Permanent Heads, 1968 (File 155) - Box 18
Sir James Plimsoll, 1959-60 (File 156) - Box 19
Sir Patrick Shaw, 1960 (File 157) - Box 19
Sir Alexander Downer, 1961-67 (File 158) - Box 19
Sir David McNicoll, 1965; D.A. Cameron, 1962;K.C.O. Shann, 1960 (File 159) - Box 19
A.G.W. Keys, 1962-66; John Quinn, 1963-66 (File 160) - Box 19
Brigadier Spry, 1963-66 (File 162) - Box 19
Sir Reginald Scholl, 1966 (File 163) - Box 19
R.E. Armstrong, 1968-71; Alwyn Lee, 1970; Sir Hubert Opperman, 1970 (File 164) - Box 19
Official correspondence, 1959-65 (File 166_168) - Box 20
Turkey - emigration, 1964 (File 169) - Box 20
Good Neighbour Council, J.R. Huelin, 1966 (File 170) - Box 20
C.T. Moodie, 1967-68 (File 171) - Box 20
Correspondence, 1961 (File 172) - Box 20
Correspondence, 1977 (File 173) - Box 20
Sir Frederick Wheeler, 1968-75 (File 174_176) - Box 21
Immigration, 1959-70 (File 177_179) - Box 21
Immigration Publicity Council and Planning Council, 1968 (File 180) - Box 21
Immigration Publicity Council and Planning Council: correspondence and notes, 1965 (File 181) - Box 21
Records of conversations, submissions, Immigration, 1964-68 (File 182) - Box 21
Immigration: Secretary's private papers, 1963-69 (File 183) - Box 21
Class [unnumbered]. Consignment added 30 April 1990
Series [unnumbered]. Diaries (copies)
1961-62 (File 184) - Box 22
January - June 1964 (File 186) - Box 22
July - December 1964 (File 187) - Box 22
January - June 1965 (File 188) - Box 22
July - December 1965 (File 189) - Box 22
July - December 1966 (File 190) - Box 22
January - June 1967 (File 191) - Box 23
July - December 1967 (File 192) - Box 23
January - June 1968 (File 193) - Box 23
July - December 1968 (File 194) - Box 23
January - June 1969 (File 195) - Box 23
July - December 1969 (File 196) - Box 23
Photographs of drawing of members of the first Imperial Conference (File [unnumbered]) - Folio 1
Cartoon of G.F. Pearce(?) (File [unnumbered]) - Folio 1