Guide to the Papers of Timothy George Calvert Murrell
MS 9304
National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record
Collection Summary
- Creator
- Timothy George Calvert Murrell
- Title
- Papers of Timothy George Calvert Murrell
- Date Range
- 1951 - 2000
- Collection Number
- MS 9304
- Extent
- 20.1 metres (134 ms boxes + 3 sound/av carriers)
- Language of Materials
- English
- Repository
- Special Collections (Manuscripts)
Scope and Content
The collection spans Murrell's entire career from the 1960s when he was as a medical officer and researcher in Papua New Guinea, until 1996, when his official relationship with the University of Adelaide's Faculty of Medicine ended. Murrell's early experiences, both as a student under the notable 'human ecologist' Clifford Jungfer, and as a patient suffering from poliomyelitis, were doubtless formative, and contributed to his view of general practice. Unfortunately, there is little direct evidence of these early experiences here, only the evidence of later achievement. Apart from the research series on pigbel and other enteric or intestinal infections, the strength of this collection lies in its tracing the development of the various teaching programs and facilities for the University of Adelaide's Department of Community Medicine over three decades, in the development of general practice education, and in related public health research.
Dating from the late 1960s, there is correspondence, notes and readings that reflect Murrell's early interest in general practice and community medicine. From his appointment as Reader (1973) and then commencement of the Department of Community Medicine in 1975, and the elevation of Murrell as its first professor, the papers reflect the approach to medical education and various organisational arrangements in which Murrell was instrumental. These include the establishment of teaching health centres at St Agnes, Ingle Farm and The Parks, the innovation of a Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health managed for a time by Murrell's Unihealth Research and Development Trust, the Family Practice Unit at Highbury, and later the General Practice Teaching Unit at Modbury Hospital.
Murrell's research and teaching philosophy come together in his public health research work, reflected here in the series regarding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome which, in common with the pigbel work, reveals his interest in the mesh between the micro- and macro-environmental medicine. Ecological principles and Murrell's belief in general practice as a venue for meaningful research outcomes are manifested in the progress of later research into fibrocystic disease and breast cancer, Dupuytrens contracture and Multiple Sclerosis. Likewise, the undergraduate and other teaching series illustrate his emphasis on the patient-doctor communication within general practice as a primary factor in achieving successful consultations.
Interestingly, while Murrell maintained long working relationships with colleagues such as John Moss, and collaborations with researchers including P. D. Walker, C. R. B. Blackburn, and Gregor Lawrence (pigbel), D. J. Deller (intestinal motility), and H. R. Winefield (general practice education), it is his connections with institutions that are most apparent in this collection. Research and teaching relied on bonds with organisations such as the Wellcome Research laboratories (UK), the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Mothers and Babies' Health Association, South Australian Health Commission, the Adelaide Children's Hospital, the S.I.D.S. Foundation and others.
Conditions Governing Access
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Conditions Governing Use
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Preferred Citation
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Timothy George Calvert Murrell, National Library of Australia, MS 9304, [series and/or file number]'.
Timothy Murrell donated the papers to the Library in five instalments between 1996 and 2000.
The papers were received by the Library in 'working condition': that is to say there was much interfiling of research, administrative and teaching material. In many files, research, teaching and administration are often inextricable. As one would expect, especially in regard to a public health educator such as Murrell, much early research work has been cannibalised. The pattern of re-using drop-files without necessarily reorganising or purging has not lent itself to the creation of an accessible file order based on the order in which the files were found. Where it is clear that the file title reflects the bulk of file content, the title has been retained in quotation marks. In many cases, however, existing file labels were inaccurate. Consequently, many folders are described by content listings, and placed within a series heading according to a 'majority rules' logic. Even so, there are some file-runs, which have been kept intact, such as for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome material, some of the pigbel and other research subjects. In any event, the researcher would be well advised to review folder descriptions carefully, as a considerable amount of material relevant to more than one area has of necessity been given a single location.
While the content of most series are self-evident, there are two long series (4-5) relating to the Department of Community Medicine that are more complex. The first is administrative, and covers Murrell's lengthy involvement with the Department of Community Medicine at Adelaide University, the development of teaching courses and facilities, research, study leave arrangements and so on. The other, focusing on Murrell's undergraduate teaching, contains largely notes, instructional materials and course information, often re-used and containing a certain amount of research material. Other series are comprised of administrative material, research and teaching together. All series are arranged chronologically, though occasional exceptions occur where the file order within a particular series presents a coherent logic of its own.
The three volumes in series 14 are particularly valuable, representing Murrell's entire body of published work and considerable amount of unpublished material, including papers outlining Murrell's approach to community health teaching.
Biographical Note
Timothy Murrell was the foundation professor of Community Medicine, in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Adelaide from 1975. In the following two decades he was involved in setting up and running medical education facilities that placed the general practitioner within the community, and, according to this 'ecological' model, highlighted the qualities and potential of general practice. He developed a divisional trinity of clinical epidemiology, medical sociology and general practice.
Murrell's research and teaching philosophy emanated in part from his formative experiences as a medical student. Born in Adelaide on 8 April 1933, he was educated at the Anglican collegiate school, St Peter's, in Adelaide. He graduated from the University of Adelaidein 1958. While there he spent his voluntary fifth year General Practice elective with Clifford Jungfer, co-founder of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Jungfer practised as a human ecologist, at the community in the Adelaide Hills town of Lobethal. Murrell's other profound experience was during his first year as a medical student. His encounter with the tail end of a polio epidemic of 1950-52 rendered him almost totally paralysed. He recovered fully from this event, though he spent several months ward-bound in the Infectious Diseases Hospital at Northfield.
After a year as an inaugural R.M.O. at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide, Murrell served out a bond with the Department of Territories. Between 1960 and 1964, as District Medical Officer at Goroka, Wabag and Kundiawa, he defined the aetiology and epidemiology of pigbel, a gangrenous intestinal disease predominantly affecting children in the Highlands of New Guinea. His survey, case work and reports led to measures that significantly reduced mortality from the effects of the disease. During the late 1970s, World Health Organisation Fellowships in Tehran and Nepal focused attention on pigbel on a wider scale, and in 1978 Murrell was awarded a World Health Organisation Medical Staff Society Medal. A colleague, Gregor Lawrence, described the pathogenesis and control of pigbel by vaccination, and was awarded the Eric Susman Prize by the Royal College of Australian Physicians in 1980.
Murrell returned to Adelaide as a temporary lecturer in medicine at the University of Adelaide, where he wrote up his M.D. thesis on pigbel. In 1967 he went to work at the General Practice Research Unit at Guy's Hospital, London, as the Nuffield Dominion Travelling Fellow in Medicine for Australia. Soon after his return Murrell set up the St Agnes Health Centre, based on a concept that had been developed for Thamesmead, an outer suburb of London. As Reader in Community Medicine attached to the Department of Psychiatry at Adelaide University from 1973, Murrell designed and taught subjects in three years across the medical course, introducing community medicine into the undergraduate medical curriculum. His design for the new Department of Community Medicine in the ensuing years was one in which general practice and public health were interrelated. The Family Practice Unit at Highbury, based on his own clinical arrangements, and General Practice Teaching Unit at Modbury Hospital were pioneering centres for undergraduate teaching and research at the Adelaide University, surpassing and complementing general practice education based entirely on preceptorships. The community model advocated by Murrell was similarly reflected in the establishment of teaching health centres at Ingle Farm, The Parks and elsewhere. The Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health was established to provide conjoint education for students from a range of health and social welfare professions.
Murrell was convinced that the general practitioner was an under-utilised player in the world of medical research, and that community-centred general practice provided the opportunity for extending research on a number of frontiers. The idea that a general practitioner should immerse himself or herself in the community shaped Murrell's own research work, including work on the role of sexual activity in male uric acid metabolism, the hormonal response to female breast stimulation, and the influence of poverty on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Ideas on the association of raw farm products with Multiple Sclerosis were generated by his experience serving as medical officer to the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Adelaide for five years. The pathogenesis of Dupuytren's contracture came from observations at Murrell's lawn bowling club. Interest in doctor-patient communication found expression in his teaching, and in later career research into general practitioner-patient communication.
Murrell's long association with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, liaison with government health services, applications to private and government and private organisations are apparent in his reorganisation of teaching at the University of Adelaide, and in his later research work. Notable private service achievements have included presidency of the Australian Association of Academic General Practitioners, 1989-93, the Royal Society for the Blind, 1990-92 and the Centre of Personal Education (COPE) from 1993. Murrell is also a member of the Adelaide Club. In 1992, he was awarded a Visiting Fellowship to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and the following year was elected to the Jenner Educational Trust.
References: John Moss, 'Timothy Murrell: the general practitioner as human ecologist', Australian family physician, November 1994.; Timothy G. C. Murrell, 'Publications', volumes 1 and 2, 1996; 'A chronology of unpublished work, 1971-96. (Murrell papers, MS 9304, Series 15); University of Adelaide, Department of Community Medicine, Annual reports.
Item Descriptions
Class. Original consignment
Series 1. Pigbel and intestinal motility research, 1960-91
The series consists of two primary sequences. The first contains original research material pertaining to Murrell's time as Medical Officer with the Papua New Guinea Department of Health, 1960-64. The reader should note that a copy of Murrell's M. D. thesis is contained in series 15. A small amount of material pertaining to Murrell's subsequent work on intestinal motility at Guy's Hospital is also included here. The remainder of the series, dating in the main from the late 1970s, focuses on Gregor Lawrence's work in developing a vaccine, and Murrell's World Health Organisation Fellowships. Additional material concerning pigbel and enteritis necroticans, including papers taken from Murrell's original pigbel research, is included in the series for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (series 11).
Background material, including maps, first-aid manual, photographs, case histories and hospital reports, c. 1961-62 (File 1-13) - Box 1, 2
Notes and final report on Enteritis necroticans research to Papua New Guinea Department of Public Health, 1962-64 (File 14-15) - Box 2
Correspondence and other material regarding Murrell as Medical Officer, Papua New Guinea Department of Health, including participation in 1963 World Health Organization training course on the epidemiology and bacteriology of enteric infections; Murrell's candidature for degree of Doctor of Medicine, 1962-65 (File 16) - Box 3
Readings, notes and World Health Organization reports on diarrhoeal effects, enteric infections and infant deaths, 1963-64 (File 17-26) - Box 3, 4
Correspondence regarding bacteriological results, specimen tests, test notes; correspondence regarding paper on necrotizing enteritis, 1963-66 (File 27-28) - Box 4
Notes and data, correspondence and drafts of Murrell's doctoral thesis, 1963-65 (File 29-31) - Box 4, 5
Readings on nutrition and child health in Papua New Guinea and 'other undeveloped countries', c. 1950s-60s (File 34) - Box 5
Drafts and publishing correspondence for article, 'Pigbel: epidemic and sporadic necrotizing enteritis in the highlands of New Guinea', 1966, and other papers (File 35) - Box 5
Drafts and correspondence regarding paper, 'Pigbel - enteritis necroticans. A study in diagnosis and management', T. Murrell, L. Roth, J. Egerton, J. Samuels, P. D. Walker (File 43-44) - Box 6
Correspondence, reports, drafts, notes, with Wellcome Research Laboratories, regarding nomination by Murrell of Gregory Lawrence and Peter Walker for 1977 Nobel Prize, paper contributed to World Organization of National Colleges and Academic Associations of General Practitioners' World Conference on Family Medicine (8th, 1978, Montreal, Switzerland), and 1978 Geneva W.H.O Medical Society meeting, 1978-79; notes, draft papers, reports, concerning World Health Organization Medical Society meeting, Geneva, 1978; draft methodology and readings, notes and readings for paper, 'The first six years of pigbel: a historical analysis'; bibliography, 1979-90s for paper, 'Pigbel in Papua New Guinea: an ancient disease rediscovered'; correspondence and related material concerning publication and research proposals made by Murrell to W.H.O, 1978-79, including notes of W.H.O training program 'Epidemiology and bacteriology of enteric infections, Tehran, 1963; Readings, correspondence, reports and notes, 1964-78; study leave report 1965, 'Pikbel and primary health care', 1978; notes, readings, correspondence regarding visit to United Kingdom to develop vaccine proposals, 1978-79, including material relating to General Practitioner group meeting in Amsterdam; notes, readings, reprints of intestinal motility papers, 1958-90; reprints of intestinal motility papers, 1967-91; readings, notes, correspondence, literature search concerning Pikbel research, 1977-1990; reprints of pikbel papers, 1974-1991; 'Miscellaneous reprints': reprints and notes for pikbel and other articles (File 47-81) - Box 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Series 2. Pikbel Foundation, 1963-92
Murrell began the Pikbel Foundation in 1979, following the work of Gregor Lawrence in describing the control of pigbel, and his own work for the World Health Organization. Essentially, the Foundation kept the disease before the public eye with the aim of providing financial support and expertise for research, treatment, training health workers, laboratory equipment and information dissemination. The Foundation's work documented here focused on epidemiological work in Nepal, identification of the disease in Thailand, and development of laboratory facilities in Adelaide. This brief series contains Foundation material minutes describing the administration of the Foundation: its objects, publicity and charitable arrangements, progress and financial position. Intermingled are research papers on pigbel, reworked for Foundation purposes.
Documents relating to the Pikbel Foundation (File 1-11) - Box 11, 12
Foundation minutes, readings, reprints, historical notes concerning establishment of Pikbel Foundation, correspondence, 1981-86; 'Pigbel 1986': reports, notes, correspondence, maps, World Health Organization reports, 1963; papers, 1977-78; examiners' reports, research statements concerning application for Faulding Prize 1989; correspondence with Pikbel Foundation vaccination program in cooperation with Catholic Relief Services, Pikbel Foundation reports and minutes, cuttings and correspondence regarding incidence of Pikbel in Thailand and elsewhere, 1983-86; speech notes and correspondence concerning pigbel film 'Belly on fire', and other symposia; correspondence and related material regarding development of vaccine, 1978-79; 'Pikbel 92': literature search for Murrell and pikbel, readings, early cuttings regarding pigbel.
Series 3. General Practice Research Unit, Guy's Hospital, London, and research into family and community medical services, 1962-75
This series marks the beginning of Murrell's career as a teacher, administrator and promoter of general practice. It consists largely of readings, papers, correspondence and notes prior to the establishment of the Department of Community Medicine, including his early interest in British health centres while at Guy's Hospital in 1967-68. Subsequent material in this series represents Murrell's initial connections with South Australian health and medical institutions in developing primary care, general practice and community health care services. Readings on various subjects are included. Additional material concerning the development of community medicine is included with Faculty of Medicine papers at the commencement of the following series.
'Area surveys': Hindmarsh area research, including cadastral maps showing distribution of general practitioners; report for Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, c. 1960s (File 3) - Box 13
'Medical benefits town planning': leaflets and reports pertaining to Commonwealth government medical benefits and health schemes; correspondence with St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School, and others, c. 1967 (File 4) - Box 13
Circulars, minutes, correspondence, reports and pamphlets concerning attendance at Thamesmead Community Health Services, 1967-69 (File 6) - Box 13
Addresses, notes and readings on general practice, medical education and services (File 11-12) - Box 14
'Family medicine': Royal Australian College of General Practitioners' report on departments of family medicine; report on Murrell's study tour in the United Kingdom, 1973 (File 14) - Box 14
'Drug companies': correspondence with Hillcrest Hospital regarding sponsorship of undergraduate and postgraduate training, 1973 (File 18) - Box 15
Correspondence with Urban Systems Corporation regarding proposed 'Welfare Action Project' for the City of Adelaide Development Plan, 1973 (File 19) - Box 15
Copies of medical education and general practice leaflets; copy of community health report to National Hospitals and Health Services Commission, 1973 (File 20) - Box 15
'College of Nursing': correspondence and address, 'Drink and drugs - the doctors' dilemma', for 'Study day', 1974 (File 21) - Box 15
Reports on establishment of Flinders University School of Medicine, foundation chair in primary care, c. early 1970s (File 22) - Box 15
Counselling and crisis intervention: University of Adelaide Department of Psychiatry course material, c. early 1970s (File 24) - Box 15
'Australian assistance plan': progress report, 30 August - 31 December 1973, Australian Government Social Welfare Commission (File 26) - Box 15
'Nurse practitioner': readings on the role of nurses and 'first contact decisions' in general practice, notes on suggested course outline for 'Certificate Course in Community Health Nursing', minutes of working party, correspondence with Dr O. C. Fuller, South Australian Department of Public Health, reports, readings and notes; synopsis of the reorganization of community medicine in the early 1970s; notes and correspondence with the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Adelaide, and medical professionals, including John Pemberton, Professor of Social and Preventive Medicine, Queen's University, Belfast, regarding the University of Adelaide centenary; draft lecture regarding Multiple Sclerosis; and statement of objectives and development, Department of Community Medicine, c. early-mid-1970s (File 28) - Box 16
'Community Medicine Degree Courses': correspondence and notes regarding 'Community Health Nursing' course, in cooperation with College of Nursing, 1975; copy of 1971 Canadian report on 'Nurse Practitioner Educational Program; copy of 'Community Health Nurse Report, 1974' (File 29) - Box 16
'Articles of interest': readings on health education, influenza, illness behaviour, homosexuality, health care, gonorrhoea, gallstones, maternal and infant welfare, management of handicapped children at home, depression, health indicators, pap smears, c. 1960s-70s (File 31-32) - Box 16
Miscellaneous readings on community medicine and related subjects, c. early 1970s (File 35-36) - Box 17
Series 4. Department of Community Medicine, 1973-96
This large series traces the formation and work of the Department of Community Medicine and its relationship with the University and outside organisations. The correspondence, memoranda, committee minutes, reports, reviews and other material contained here refer largely to the construction of individual courses and teaching facilities, the advancement of research sponsored by the Department, and on the progress of the Department of Medicine within the Faculty and the University. The series complements the one following on the substance of Murrell's teaching, and to some extent traces the development of the teaching and community health centres contained in later series.
The present series includes material pertaining to hospitals and other institutions, the role of professional bodies, including the Professors of Community Practice group, Family Medical Practice of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the South Australian Health Commission, politicians and others in the development of community-based health care delivery systems, and in undergraduate training programs in community medicine and general practice. The Family Medical Practice correspondence is of particular relevance in describing Murrell's community health relationships, and the development of community medicine in Australia during the 1970s. A significant quantity of Departmental correspondence with medical foundations, institutions and universities is included. This pertains in large measure to Murrell's St Agnes Health Centre and other proposed centres, and papers sketching a framework for teaching community medicine. Later material charts the development of research protocols and general practice education within and outside the Department, including the impact of the Kerr White Review in the mid-1980s. Also evident are ongoing communications with the South Australian Health Commission, South Australian Health Department, and state and federal politicians. Files concerning Murrell's proposed publication 'More cutting the tripe', and correspondence, notes, readings and other material concerning Murrell's 1992 sabbatical at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, are included.
Faculty memoranda and correspondence regarding programs for teaching community medicine, 1973-74 (File 1-4) - Box 19
Departmental correspondence, reports, minutes and agendas, circulars and related material, 1975-81 (File 11-14) - Box 20
Correspondence, notes, report concerning establishment of Community Medicine as a subject for the Bachelor of Medical Science Honours Degree, 1975-79 (File 28) - Box 22
'Family medical practice': correspondence, newsletters, reports and papers, 1974-83 (File 30-32) - Box 22
University Study Leave Committee forms, procedures, reports and correspondence, 1975-77; University Research Review Committee notices, memoranda, reports; MUO2 tutorial groups, 1979; miscellaneous correspondence1977-78; University publications calendar and staff lists, 1976-78 (File 33-35) - Box 23
Study leave notes and correspondence; report of University of Adelaide study leave committee, 1976-78 (File 36) - Box 23
Illawarra Region Health Committee report: Wollongong University College and Wollongong Hospital submissions on undergraduate and post-graduate medical education, 1973; correspondence and travel arrangements for sabbatical to the United States, 1976 (File 39) - Box 24
Reports and readings on United States public health programs, including geriatric care, c. 1976 (File 40) - Box 24
'Primary Health Care': correspondence, readings, papers, including paper by Murrell and J. R. Moss for Australian Society for Epidemiology and Research in Community Health 1975 Dunedin conference; minutes and reports of Australian Society for Epidemiology and Research in Community Health, 1975; copy of application by Murrell to the Department of Community Medicine Research and Publications Committee, 1977 (File 42) - Box 24
Readings, course material for University of Adelaide Diploma in Clinical Science, 1976; 6th Year course timetable, notes, overheads; report of Hospital and Allied Services Advisory Council Research Committee, New South Wales; reports and memoranda concerning structure of community medicine courses; MUO2 Community Medicine course material, 1978-88; proposal for integrated Community Health Program; Memorial Hospital redevelopment proposals (File 43-46) - Box 24, 25
Faculty minutes, newsletters and memoranda, 1979-84; submissions to University Council for the 1982-84 triennium (File 48) - Box 25
Minutes correspondence and notes for Professors of Community Practice group convened by Murrell, 1976-77; seminar paper, Neville Hicks, 'Coping with the Department'; correspondence with federal Department of Health, Hospitals and Health Services Commission, State ministers of health, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 1976-77 (File 49) - Box 25
Proposal and correspondence, regarding establishment of Masters Degree in Community Medicine, 1977; minutes of Faculty of Medicine committee regarding issue of careers for medical graduates, 1976-79 (File 50-51) - Box 25
Correspondence regarding M.D. and Ph.D. candidates, pigbel, United Kingdom sabbatical, 1977-78, notes on 1981 Weight-Watchers seminar, 1977-83 (File 52-54) - Box 26
Departmental memoranda and correspondence regarding proposed geriatric rehabilitation unit, 1977-78 (File 55) - Box 26
'Study leave - report 1978': draft report, 'A study of attachment schemes in a country borough with all its health visitors, home nurses, and domiciliary midwives in general practice attachments', Timothy Murrell, Mary Ambler, J. A. D. Anderson, Michael Black, Peter Draper, Janet Lewis and W. Moss (File 63) - Box 27
Correspondence, minutes and proposals to establish teaching and health facilities, 1980 (File 65) - Box 27
'Conferences - correspondence': correspondence, programs, readings and abstracts for South Australian Council on the Ageing seminar, 1980, and Second Australian behaviour modification conference, May 1979 (File 75) - Box 29
Correspondence, notes, draft papers and related material for conferences and seminars, including Ninth Annual Environmental Health Conference, 1982, discussion of report to Royal Australian Nursing Federation, 1981, 9th International Congress on Hygiene, Preventive and Social Medicine, Belgrade, 1981, general practice seminars, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 1980-82 (File 76-77) - Box 29
Correspondence regarding community medicine, 1981; minutes of University superannuation scheme, 1980-82 (File 79) - Box 30
Correspondence with University departments and Royal Adelaide Hospital regarding introduction of 2nd Year clinical training (File 80) - Box 30
Correspondence regarding Community Medicine, 1981; letter from Dean of Medical School regarding mentoring, 1982 (File 81) - Box 30
Board of Environmental Studies minutes, correspondence and memoranda, 1982-83 (File 83-84) - Box 30, 31
Report and details of leave taken for attendance at the Association of University Teachers of General Practice, Nottingham University, July 1987 (File 89) - Box 31
Departmental correspondence, memoranda, notes, circulars and reports, 1976-79, 1987-88 (File 94-95) - Box 32
'Other departments of community medicine': correspondence, reports and leaflets, 1988-90 (File 96) - Box 33
Draft submissions to S. A. Health Commission review of general practice; minutes, memoranda regarding Department of Community Medicine Primary and Preventive Care Research Group, 1988 (File 97) - Box 33
Correspondence and memoranda regarding committee for appointment of the University of Adelaide Foundation Chair of Rehabilitative Psychology, Hillcrest Hospital, 1989 (File 100) - Box 33
Correspondence and general practice paper by Max Kamien, University of W. A., 1989-90 (File 101) - Box 33
'Visiting academics/fellows': correspondence, minutes, application forms and related material, 1989-91 (File 103) - Box 34
Submissions to S. A. Health Commission regarding establishment of general practice department, 1989 (File 105) - Box 34
Board of Graduate Studies minutes, scholarship proposals, applications and reports, 1991 (File 106) - Box 34
Correspondence, notes, applications and references regarding departmental personnel, 1979-91 (File 111-115) - Box 35, 36
Correspondence with Bob Catley, M. P., regarding improvement of general practitioner education, 1989-94 (File 117) - Box 36
Correspondence with Bob Catley, M. P., regarding funding for undergraduate medical education, 1991 (File 121) - Box 36
Correspondence concerning proposed publication 'More cutting the tripe', and on development of general practice with Federal Health Minister Brian Howe, 1991 (File 122) - Box 37
Reports and correspondence with South Australian Health Department and Health Commission concerning primary health care, 1991 (File 123) - Box 37
Correspondence with S. A. Health Commission regarding Primary Health Care Policy Implementation Steering Committee and related material, 1990 (File 127) - Box 37
University Board of Graduate Studies minutes, 1992; applications for Priority Awards, University Board of Graduate Studies, 1992 (File 130-132) - Box 38
'Study leave 1992': correspondence, notes, readings and other material concerning sabbatical to Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, also concerning Murrell's proposed book, 'Great masters of general practice', 1992-96 (File 134-136) - Box 38
Series 5. Department of Community Medicine, teaching, 1973-95
The teaching materials contained in this series are broadly described in the item headings below. As suggested previously, some intermingling of material, while useful in the description of Murrell's teaching processes, will be confusing to the reader. There are extensive course materials relating to 2nd and 3rd Year Medicine in the Community courses (MUO2/MUO3) from the mid-1970s. Murrell was instrumental in the design of these year levels, and, along with colleagues such as Bob Douglas, coordinated both 2nd and 3rd Years during his time with the Department of Community Medicine. The 2nd Year material covers teaching of epistemology, epidemiology, health economics and social analysis subjects, and arrangements for tutorial electives. The reader should note also that 2nd Year students took part in the Relationships in Community Health program, under the Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health, referred to in series 6. Third Year material represents social and preventive medicine, including arrangements with visiting lecturers. Material relating to Murrell's 6th Year teaching is included. This generally describes arrangements made for general practice preceptorships, country placements, and course material covering 'Patient management interviews', 'Viva' and 'Counselling teaching' subjects.
2nd and 3rd Year, notes, course programs: Community Medicine, general practice counselling, diagnostics and epidemiology, c. 1974 (File 5) - Box 40
Course outlines and timetable, seminar notes for Department of Community Medicine courses, 1975 (File 6) - Box 40
'Miscellaneous health problems': readings, teaching notes and lecture notes, particularly for MUO2/3, c. 1976 (File 7) - Box 40
Policy documents, objectives relating to community medicine course, Departmental agendas and minutes, memoranda and course material, readings, 1976-79 (File 8) - Box 40
'1st Year Curriculum Development': readings, clinical summaries from Modbury Hospital, 1976-79 (File 9) - Box 40
MUO2 tutorial lists, syllabi, readings, case histories, Australian Bureau of Statistics survey 'Recent illness', 1977-78 (8/2/11d) (File 12) - Box 41
'MUO2 teaching': examination papers, course materials, 6th Year handbook, memoranda and tutorial outlines, 1977-79 (File 13) - Box 41
Readings, course notes, outline: 'Community Medicine and the Medical Curriculum', c. late 1970s (File 14) - Box 41
Memoranda and handouts to tutors for 'Community Practice', 1981; 'Topic Teaching' programs, 1982-83 (File 22) - Box 42
MUO2 readings and course material, c. 1982; readings on 'Health Economics', c. 1982 (File 24-26) - Box 42
MUO3-4 course and examination material, notes, readings and correspondence, 1977-85 (File 30-31) - Box 43
MUO3 lecture, 'Screening, what value?', South Australian Health Commission policy statement, notes, correspondence and surveys, c. 1980 (File 33) - Box 44
MUO3 syllabi, readings and notes for undergraduate courses, including 'Prevention in General Practice', 1983 (File 44) - Box 46
MUO3 course material, guidelines, circulars and correspondence with tutors and students, and with participating general practitioners and organizations, including the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Family Planning Association, 1983 (File 45) - Box 46
3rd Year readings, student streaming, tutorials and related matter, c. late 1980s-early 1990s (File 48-49) - Box 47
4th Year, handbook, memoranda, reports, seminar notes, exercises, report to curricula conference, c. 1990 (File 55) - Box 48
6th Year examination and course material: correspondence, circulars, handbooks, course evaluations, student lists, results, examination papers, 1976-82 (File 58-61) - Box 48, 49
6th Year Patient Management Interviews: notes, correspondence, memoranda, readings, list of preceptorships, handouts regarding counselling, 1984 (File 66-67) - Box 50
6th Year course material: handbook, correspondence, 'Patient Management Interview' and 'Viva' examination questions, 1985 (8/2/10a) (File 68) - Box 50
6th Year examination, course material and correspondence regarding examiners, c. 1990 (File 75) - Box 51
6th Year Examination papers, course notes, memoranda to tutors, country placements, 1988-90 (File 76) - Box 51
Overheads for 'Patient Management Interviews'; Community Medicine essays; draft paper on Multiple Sclerosis, c. 1990; reprint of pigbel article 1983; MUO3 mission statement, timetable and syllabus (File 78) - Box 52
'General practice': 'Ethos of GP' seminar papers and readings relating to 6th Year and Nursing Studies 2, 1991; research in general practice notes; teaching notes and readings on problem-oriented medical records and medical record-keeping (File 79-80) - Box 52
Series 6. Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health, and Advisory Board for Multi-disciplinary Health Studies, 1976-91
This administrative and teaching series charts the development of multi-disciplinary courses in community health at Adelaide University, bringing together students from medicine, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nursing, psychology, social work, speech pathology, pharmacy and health surveying, and includes details of Murrell's relationships in community health course during the 1980s. The reader should also refer to the general administrative series 4, and teaching series 5.
The Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health operated under the auspices of the Unihealth Research and Development Trust Incorporated established by Murrell in 1976. This was a key instrument for the administration of a number of teaching facilities, and features in Departmental papers. Following the Kerr White Report in 1985 the University of Adelaide received a financial package from the Commonwealth for the Department of Community Medicine, expanding the staff and accommodation. Another consequence was the amalgamation of the Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health with the Department. Agreement was reached between the University, the South Australian Health Commission and the Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health that its functions be transferred to the Department of Community Medicine. This took place in July 1987.
Memoranda, notes and syllabi for 6th Year participation in multi-disciplinary courses, 1976-77 (File 1) - Box 53
'Medical Education - FMECH': correspondence, progress reports, memoranda, list of participating general practitioners, handbooks, minutes, 1977-78 (File 2-3) - Box 53
'Relationships in community health': multi-disciplinary course handbook, memoranda, notes, 1981 (File 5) - Box 53
'Relationships in community health' correspondence, memoranda, student assessment, readings, 1983 (File 6) - Box 54
'Relationships in community health' correspondence, notes, course outlines, readings, tutorial groups, assessment procedures, assignments, reading lists, timetables, notes, handbook, memoranda, list of participating institutions, 1985-87 (File 7-12) - Box 54, 55
Course material for Community Health Program course 'Relationships in Community Health', 1987 (File 17) - Box 55
Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, 'Multidisciplinary Education Foundation', 1990 (File 20) - Box 56
Paper: 'An ecological perspective of primary health care, Community Nursing Studies 2', 1991 (File 21) - Box 56
Series 7. Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree, 1985-94
The Master of Public Health Degree was introduced in 1986 to accommodate part and full time students in a post-graduate course involving thesis research projects. The series includes details of compulsory and elective subjects, and extensive materials for Working in Health Care and other courses. The degree attracted students from many branches of the medical profession, and from nursing, law, social work, administration and medical research. Provision of extra resources by the federal Health Department in 1987 provided enlarged student quotas and expanded course organisation.
Correspondence and material related to establishment of Master of Public Health degree, 1985 (File 1) - Box 57
Notes, overheads on lecture to nurses, 'Diseases of Public Health Importance', c. 1988 (File 6) - Box 57
'Working in health care' lecture notes, readings tests, tutorial questions, c. 1988 (File 7-8) - Box 58
'Working in health care' field trip notes and handouts; written and oral examination questions and assessment, 1988 (File 10-11) - Box 58
'Working in health care', course program for non-medical and medical students, 1989 (File 14) - Box 59
'Working in health care' memoranda, lecture notes, student profiles and papers, 1989 (File 15) - Box 59
'Diseases of public health importance' program, student lists, readings and circulars, 1989 (File 17) - Box 59
'Diseases of public health importance - teaching file': notes and assessment, 1989 (File 18) - Box 60
'Diseases of public health importance': readings, course summary, program objectives, examiners' reports, student feedback and coordinators' comments, handouts to staff and students, c. 1992 (File 19-23) - Box 60, 61
Tables and overheads concerning 'diseases transmitted from person to person - Malaria' (File 24-25) - Box 61
Course notes, multiple-choice question and answer papers for 'Control of smallpox and malaria', 1991 (File 26) - Box 61
'Working in Health Care', handbook, student evaluation sheets, course notes, minutes of Board of Graduate Studies, 1992 (File 27-28) - Box 61, 62
Series 8. Community health centres and facilities, 1972-82
The series contains details of arrangements made with community bodies to establish community health facilities in a number of centres, including Murrell's own practice at St. Agnes, and health services attached to centres in Ingle Farm, Flinders Medical Centre, The Park Community Centre, Christies' Beach and elsewhere. The series covers research into health centre models, management committee minutes, reports, program and funding proposals and supporting documentation. Information regarding University affiliation with the centres may also be found in Departmental minutes and other papers contained in series 4.
Reports, correspondence and related material concerning the development of health centres in South Australia, including reference to the planned settlement of Monarto, and development of the Parks Community Centre, 1972-74 (File 1-5) - Box 63
'Ingle Farm Health Centre': research report, 1974-75; correspondence, minutes, submissions and reports, 1973-79 (File 8) - Box 64
'St Agnes practice': reports, notes, draft of 'An experiment in comprehensive medical care in an urban community', plan of St Agnes building, correspondence, partnership agreements, minutes, fee schedules, financial statements, 1973-81 (File 9-10) - Box 64
Notes and correspondence regarding establishment of St Agnes practice; minutes of St Agnes Community Health Centre, 1978 (File 11) - Box 65
Report on Angle Park and Thebarton Community Health Centres; preliminary functional brief correspondence and memoranda regarding income, for 'modular transportable health centres', 1975-79 (File 13) - Box 65
R. M. Douglas report on evaluation of primary health care, Royal Adelaide Hospital, 1975 (File 14) - Box 65
R. M. Douglas lecture notes and related material on epidemiology, demography and evaluation of health care, 1976 (File 15) - Box 65
' Memorial Hospital': grant proposals, correspondence, executive minutes, financial statements, audits and reports concerning establishment of Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, 1977-79 (File 16-17) - Box 65, 66
Correspondence and report for feasibility of community drug information service, 1978 (File 18) - Box 66
'CHCs': readings and notes concerning community health centres, correspondence and program material for 'Issues in community health care', workshop, Melbourne, July-August 1975; paper on 'Health centres for Australia', and other reports, tables, diagram and minutes of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners' Community Medicine Sub-committee, 1973; readings, notes and proposals for establishment of a health and lifestyle program, Parks Community Centre, 1980 (File 19-21) - Box 66, 67
'Hospital patients satisfaction survey': questionnaire, results of day-patient survey, including correspondence with participating hospitals, 1980 (File 22) - Box 67
'Teaching references': program for Angle Park Community Health Centre seminar, 'Health Promotion - A New Role For The G. P.'; readings on general practice and child and adolescent health, sexual function, geriatric health, c. 1980 (File 23-25) - Box 67
'Depts Com Practice': readings, correspondence, reports about curricula and operations of community health centres, with reference to the Parks Community Centre, 1976; notes, readings and agenda for Royal Australian College of General Practitioners' Council meeting regarding hospitals and health services and university departments of community practice, and submission to government, 1975 (File 26) - Box 67
Official notification from Jennifer Adamson, S. A. Minister for Health, regarding incorporation of Park's Community Health Centre, 1981 (File 27) - Box 67
'Parks Community Health Centre - correspondence': correspondence, minutes of Management Committee, draft paper on 'Origins of the Parks Community Health Centre', and other reports, c. 1975-80; teaching notes and arrangements for 6th Year attachments, and notes in regard to counselling in health care, 1983 (File 28) - Box 68
'Parks Community Health centre, Management Committee': minutes, reports, proposals and supporting documentation, 1980-82; correspondence from South Australian Minister for Health, Jennifer Adamson, notifying incorporation of Parks Community Health Centre, December 1981, constitution, minutes, government gazette notice and correspondence, 1981-82 (File 29) - Box 68
Miscellaneous correspondence 1976, including with Robyn Williams, ABC Science Show (File 30) - Box 68
Series 9. Highbury Family Practice Unit, and Modbury General Practice Teaching Unit, 1975-93
The series includes administrative papers describing the establishment and progress of the Family Practice Unit in the northern Adelaide suburb of Highbury, managed on behalf of the University. Murrell was the central figure in this innovation, which complemented the Department's reliance on preceptors in the development of general practice education. From its beginnings, the Family Practice Unit combined medical practice and teaching, involving all 6th Year medical students. The series highlights the role of the Unihealth Research and Development Trust, the development of a computer-based record system, introduction of a registrar in community practice, and community partnerships essential to the running of the Unit.
The establishment of a 'Teacher Training Practice' connected to Modbury Hospital, was unsuccessfully attempted by Murrell around 1980, partly due to opposition within the medical fraternity, and it was not until 1990 that Murrell further committed the Department to family or general practice teaching facilities. Included in the series are submissions, reports, minutes, notes and other material that depict the early attempt by Murrell to relocate his St. Agnes practice, and the later successful development of the General Practice Unit with the appointment of Dr Robert Moorhead as director.
Murrell's general practice communication studies with Helen Winefield, are also included in this series. It is important to note that in addition to material pertaining to the Family Practice Unit and General Practice Unit included here, relevant material may also be found in series 4.
Correspondence, notes and report, 'The use of casualty services by the population of north-east Adelaide', 1975 (File 1) - Box 69
Correspondence with Department of Premier and Cabinet concerning medical initiatives, 1979-84 (File 3) - Box 69
Family Medical Practice report; Department of Community Medicine statement of objectives, 1976-82 (File 4) - Box 69
'Teaching general practice': correspondence, memoranda, notes, readings, papers, proposal for a 'University General Practice Unit', and other material concerning General Practice Unit, 1980-81 (File 5-8) - Box 69, 70
Correspondence, advertisements and notes concerning establishment of Family Practice Unit, c. 1979 (File 9) - Box 70
'Highbury Practice Management Committee Minutes': correspondence, including with Unihealth Research and Development Trust, 1982; Family Practice Unit statement of receipts and expenditure, 1981-82; Unihealth Management Committee minutes and agendas, 1984; Department of Community Medicine correspondence 1979-81; Family Practice Unit client list; copies of Pikbel Foundation handbills; Family Practice Unit correspondence, 1984; corporate plan and minutes of Unihealth Research and Development Trust; list of publications and Family Practice Unit student work supervised, 1981-85; project outline, 'Effect of unemployment stress on coronary heart disease risk (economic downturn)'; grant application to National Heart Foundation; correspondence, 1981-85 (File 10-11) - Box 70
'F.M.P. - family medicine programme review': correspondence and reports concerning establishment of Family Medical Practice, c. 1982; correspondence and notes on vocational training for general practitioners, 1977-78 (File 14) - Box 71
Drafts and notes for paper 'Computer applications for teaching community medicine', Practice computing, 1985 (File 15) - Box 71
'Registrar in community practice': correspondence with W. T. McCoy, Director, Central Section, South Australian Health Commission, regarding establishment of a registrar for the Family Practice Unit, 1985 (File 16-17) - Box 71
Correspondence and grant application regarding National Community Health Program pilot registration training scheme in general practice, 1986-87 (File 21) - Box 72
Correspondence, notes and drafts, 1981 Working Party Report on Primary Care Teaching Units in Hospitals, 1981-88 (File 22) - Box 72
Family Practice Unit memoranda and notes regarding computer study, 1987 (including Thamesmead record linkage study material, 1967) (File 24-26) - Box 72, 73
Reports, corporate plan, trust document and notes on confirming management of the Family Practice Unit, 1988-94 (File 29) - Box 73
Approval of candidature and correspondence regarding ethics protocol and research, 1989 (File 31) - Box 73
Minutes, memoranda, submissions concerning Modbury Hospital Primary Care, Department of General Practice, 1989-91 (File 32-34) - Box 74
Material related to submission to S. A. Health Commission and Modbury Hospital for a Department of General Practice, 1987-89 (File 35) - Box 74
'Unihealth Research and Development Trust': agendas, minutes, reports and financial statements, 1989-91 (File 37) - Box 74
Departmental correspondence regarding development of the General Practice Unit, 1990 (File 38) - Box 75
'George Murrell': literature searches, abstracts, papers and correspondence, c. early 1990s (File 39) - Box 75
'General Practice communication study': correspondence, grant applications, papers and notes, c. late 1980s (File 40) - Box 75
Minutes, service agreement, audits and financial reports for Family Practice Unit, 1989-92 (File 44) - Box 75
Conference agenda, readings and reports for multicultural medicine conference, Adelaide, 1990 (File 45) - Box 76
'M.D. research': material relating to Murrell's supervision of research into disadvantaged groups, 1989-91 (File 46) - Box 76
Correspondence with S. A. Health Commission and review of general practice in South Australia, 1989 (File 47) - Box 76
Prospectus and letter to participating hospitals regarding 'Health Omnibus Survey', 1990-92 (File 49) - Box 76
Readings and papers regarding general practitioners; Modbury Hospital Department of General Practice Newsletter, 1991 (File 50) - Box 76
Draft papers, data, survey material and readings concerning Murrell's presentation to University of Sydney workshop on development of rural general practice units, 1991 (File 51) - Box 77
Correspondence, discussion documents, proposals regarding establishment of Chair of General Practice, Modbury Hospital, 1991-92 (File 52) - Box 77
'Rural health': research program concerning health and well-being of general practitioners' wives, 1991-92 (File 55) - Box 77
Correspondence, notes and related material concerning Rural Health Care Task Force, 1990 (File 56) - Box 78
Series 10. Public health research: Multiple Sclerosis, 1977-94
Murrell's work on the disease multiple sclerosis asserted that an environmental factor was involved in the aetiology of the disease. Contained in this brief series are papers, drafts, correspondence and notes that review Murrell's interest in the sheep-Multiple Sclerosis connection. Murrell's initial observation was that that the disease occurred with greater frequency in country districts. This anticipated development of a hypothesis that connected farm animals and raw products with involvement of the central nervous system through exposure to brucellosis.
Readings, research notes, questionnaire data, correspondence regarding Multiple Sclerosis and sheep; correspondence, including with Professor M. G. McColl, I. Milbank (former Director, Multiple Sclerosis Society), Dr Bill Taylor, Neal Blewett (Commonwealth Minister for Health), John Kurtzke, Dr Richard Burns, and others; Sarcocystis readings; Bureau of Agricultural Economics statistics, notes and correspondence regarding sheep; notes, correspondence and drafts regarding paper, 'Review of the sheep-Multiple Sclerosis connection; readings on Visna virus, Enterotoxaemia in sheep; correspondence, including with Multiple Sclerosis Society, hospitals and laboratories, Commonwealth Department of Health, National Heart Foundation, Pikbel Foundation, Welcome Institute, Dr Bill McCoy, South Australian Health Commission, c. 1977-80 (File 1-4) - Box 80, 81
Correspondence concerning grant applications for research into relationship of Multiple Sclerosis with Clostridium perfringens type D. epsilon toxin and sheep meat proteins or sarcocystis infection, 1982-83 (File 5) - Box 81
Notes, readings and correspondence regarding hyperbaric oxygen therapy research applications, 1985 (File 8) - Box 81
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy readings and correspondence; Royal Adelaide Hospital, copies of geriatric case assessments, 1983 (File 9) - Box 82
Reprints of paper, 'Multiple Sclerosis - one manifestation of neurobrucellosis', Medical hypotheses, 1990; paper for typing and submission to Community health studies; research application and related material on hyperbaric treatment, 1984-89; study proposal (File 10-14) - Box 82
'MS study': correspondence with Julia Farr Centre and Multiple Sclerosis Society, 1983-84 (File 15) - Box 82
Correspondence regarding research applications, 1984-86; 'MS - UK research data': correspondence and reports, questionnaires, notes (File 17-18) - Box 83
Research application with John Casley-Smith, 1984; draft paper and correspondence, 1986; Multiple Sclerosis distribution, correspondence, 1985 (File 20) - Box 83
Readings, papers, citation lists, correspondence with Action for Research into Multiple Sclerosis (London), with Multiple Sclerosis Society, Catholic Relief Services, research applications, 1986-90 (File 21-22) - Box 83, 84
Research notes, correspondence, draft paper, ARMS applications, readings and reports, 1989-90 (File 23-25) - Box 84
Offprints and correspondence for paper, 'A review of the aetiology of Multiple Sclerosis: an ecological approach', 1990 (File 28) - Box 85
Series 11. Public health research: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 1968-94
This series is quite discrete compared with others in the collection. It is limited in the main to Murrell's relationship with the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Association of Australia and the Adelaide Children's Hospital. The files have generally been retained in their original order.
Murrell's research into anaerobic toxins contributed to a model for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome related to his observations of a cot death case early in his general practice experience at Tea Tree Gully. The series contains draft papers, hypotheses, notes, readings, research funding applications and reprints that represent Murrell's ecological view of the disease, investigations into the reducible risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and hypotheses regarding bacterial toxins and the possibility of vaccine potential.
Papers, research, readings, correspondence and grant applications regarding cot deaths, c. early 1980s (File 2) - Box 86
Readings concerning 'Second National S.I.D.S. Workshop', St Mary's College, Melbourne, 1979; notes and paper contributed to Medical Hypotheses, 1987: 'A hypothesis concerning Clostridium perfringens type A. enterotoxin and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)' (File 4) - Box 86
Readings on abortion, contraception, emotional and psychological aspects of hospitalisation and children, c. early 1970s (File 5) - Box 87
Paper 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): are common bacterial toxins responsible, and do they have vaccine potential', 1987; application to Sudden Infant Death Foundation, correspondence, notably with The Lancet, regarding bacterial theory, 1979; correspondence with Mothers and Babies' Health Association, regarding food hygiene, 1980; correspondence and paper on child-rearing to Child, Adolescent and Family Health Service conference, 1982; miscellaneous notes (File 6) - Box 87
Correspondence, readings concerning S.I.D.S. and botulism, with South Australian Health Commission, Adelaide Children's Hospital, South Australian Minister for Health, 1979; presentation by Murrell to 'Second National S.I.D.S. Workshop' on Pikbel and S.I.D.S., 1979; correspondence with Central and district Boards of Health, regarding S.I.D.S. and botulism study, 1980; miscellaneous S.I.D.S. correspondence, 1980-82 (File 7-9) - Box 87
Papers, notes, overheads relating to 1991 article in The Lancet by Murrell and J. R. Moss; copy of 1987 article by Murrell; correspondence and notes between Murrell and Dr W. G. Murrell, Department of Microbiology, University of Sydney, Dr A. Farrante, Department of Immunology, Adelaide Children's Hospital, W. B. Taylor, Department of Statistics, University of Adelaide, regarding development and testing of a polyvalent vaccine for S.I.D.S.; copies of applications for laboratory work through Australian Commercial Research Development Limited, and LUMINIS Proprietary Limited., c. late 1980s (File 16) - Box 89
Copy of W.B. Taylor's statistical study of infant deaths; a laboratory study on Clostridium perfringens; results of 1984 Western Australian study of infant death pathology results; notebook containing notes on history of cot deaths since 1955 (File 17) - Box 89
Research applications to: Adelaide Children's Hospital Research Trust, Channel 10 Children's Medical Research Foundation of South Australia, National Health and Medical Research Council, particularly regarding the role of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin in S.I.D.S., 1981-82; to South Australian Department of Labour, Job Creation Unit, 1983, for research assistant; to Australian Commercial Research Development Limited, 1989, LUMINIS, 1989, and to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation Research Grants, 1991; pathology report, correspondence to Mothers and Babies' Health Association regarding seasonal variation, and subsequent circular to child centre staff; application, Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, 1980-81 (File 18-19) - Box 89
Research reports, notes, particularly regarding study of baby and family health care, 1978 (File 21) - Box 90
Applications for research funds, questionnaire and research results, drafts of paper, 'Clostridium perfringens Type A. enterotoxin and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)', for New England Journal of Medicine, 1986; Draft paper, correspondence, research data and application for project grant assistance, including report to United Nations Border Relief Operation, 1986; research, data, correspondence on feeding practices, 1980 (File 22-24) - Box 90
Draft paper, notes, data, correspondence with Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, regarding Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin article, 1982-85 (File 25) - Box 90
'Enteritis Dis.': correspondence, chapter drafts, notes for contribution to Anaerobic infections in humans, Finegold and George (eds.), 1986; readings on Dupuytrens contracture and iron absorption, calcium absorption, on medical anthropology, epidemiology, 1960s-70s (File 26-30) - Box 91
Reprints, draft papers and readings on Enteritis necroticans and Pikbel; readings, citation lists and some correspondence for United Nations Border Relief conference, Bangkok, c.1985-90 (File 31) - Box 92
Reprint of Clostridium perfringens paper, readings, research application to LUMINIS Proprietary Limited, 1989 (File 36) - Box 92
'SIDS 1992': student papers, early 1980s; delegates list for Second SIDS Family International Conference', Sydney, 1992; readings, including reprint of paper by William Murrell et al, 'Role of Enterotoxigenic bacteria in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; grants-in-aid information, National SIDS Council of Australia; reprint of Murrell's paper, 'An environmental approach to the aetiology of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome', other readings and references (File 37) - Box 93
Notes and draft for Clostridium perfringens paper; readings and draft paper, 'A hypothesis concerning C. perfringens type A enterotoxin and SIDS', publishing correspondence with The Lancet, application to the SIDS Foundations, 1979-84 (File 38-42) - Box 93
'SIDS research papers': draft and photocopies of article in Medical hypotheses, 1987; questionnaires and correspondence with Mothers and Babies' Health Association, 1980, statement of hypothesis, tables and graphs, readings, Adelaide Children's Hospital statistics, South Australian statistics, notes, correspondence and related material, c. 1980 (File 43) - Box 93
'SIDS references': correspondence and cuttings regarding alleged link between S.I.D.S. and honey, 1979; S.I.D.S. leaflets, maps, correspondence with APEX, 1982; statistics, notes, readings and minutes of meeting between Murrell, D. Bowler, D. Morris, J. Moss, 1981 outlining strategy for a case control study of S.I.D.S.; readings and papers on S.I.D.S., C. perfringens, respiratory infections, botulism, Pikbel, c.1980s (File 45-46) - Box 94
Readings on S.I.D.S. and Clostridium perfringens, progress report for study of S.I.D.S. and feeding and sucking; readings and reading lists on smoking and pregnancy and S.I.D.S., c. late 1970s (File 47-49) - Box 94, 95
'SIDS - toxins': readings, leaflets, notes and correspondence, including with the Mothers and Babies' Health Association, concerning draft of paper, 'Cot death - a toxigenic ecological hypothesis', 1980; correspondence with Dr Trevor Willis, Public Health Service, Luton, U.K., and with the Adelaide Children's Hospital, readings and draft of paper concerning 'The role of enterotoxigenic bacteria in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome', 1988; readings, correspondence drafts and tables for paper, 1989-90 (File 51-53) - Box 95, 96
'SIDS - case control study': survey of infant sucking and feeding practice, using metropolitan and country Board of Health reports, c.1980; research method for control study (File 56-57) - Box 96, 97
'SIDS toxin references': correspondence, leaflets, readings, drafts and galleys for 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): are common bacterial toxins responsible, or do they have a vaccine potential'; enterotoxin overheads; readings, especially on Clostridium perfringens, 1993-94 (File 58-59) - Box 97
Series 12. Public health research: Serum uric acid epidemiology, breast cancer and other subjects, 1973-94
The readings, research proposals, notes, reports, hypotheses, correspondence and other material contained in this series provide evidence of applied and hypothetical research on a broad range of public health questions. Much of this work arose from Murrell's general practice emphasis. Most notably, Murrell's research into uric acid levels in men and breast cancer in women posed behavioural solutions. The series contains research material, including draft papers and notes focusing on these two issues, followed by research and readings on a variety of subjects, including hypothetical work on the drug allopurinol and the resolution of Dupuytren's contracture.
Cross-tabulation, factor analysis regarding uric acid and heart disease, readings, correspondence, survey material, concerning uric acid and heart disease, pertaining to Bus drivers' survey, c 1976-1980 (File 1-3) - Box 98
'S.U.A. research': draft paper, 'Behavioural variables and serum uric acid values; lecture notes, 1973-84 (File 4) - Box 98
Research application form for grant-in-aid, Life Insurance Fund of Australia and New Zealand, 1979 (File 8) - Box 99
Correspondence regarding ischaemic heart disease and serum uric acid levels in men, 1981 (File 11) - Box 100
Readings and questionnaire for drug and other high blood pressure treatment protocols; correspondence with South Australian Health Commission 1987; correspondence with SANZOZ Australia, Pharmaceutical Division Proprietary Limited regarding protocols and assessment of LOMIR, 1987; draft of 'A Proposal to Improve Arrangements for the Training of General Practitioners in South Australia', 1981 (File 17) - Box 101
'Research project participation': correspondence and reports; LOMIR comparative study, 1988; SCH 39720 efficiency and safety study, 1987 (File 19) - Box 101
Reprint of 'Behavioural variables and serum uric acid values - a new hypothesis'; draft paper, notes and speculations on male sexual behaviour, readings, 1984 (File 20) - Box 101
Publications and correspondence concerning uric acid research, including paper by William Murrell; correspondence and minutes Medical Research Advisory Committee; grant application Children's Medical Research Foundation; correspondence regarding proposal to Drug Addict Treatment Aboard; miscellaneous abstracts; correspondence regarding 'Science of Alternative Medicine Conference', alcohol and drug treatment workshop, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, Australian Medical Association General Practitioners' conference, application concerning Tobacco Rich Foundation, c. 1980-90 (File 23-24) - Box 102
Correspondence regarding Murrell's paper on breast cancer in Medical hypotheses, 1991 (File 26) - Box 102
Draft papers, cuttings and correspondence and related material concerning nipple stimulation, oxytocin secretion and breast cancer, 1989 (File 28-30) - Box 102, 103
Information leaflets, notes and South Australian statistics for breast cancer, 1991 (File 32) - Box 103
Correspondence and memoranda regarding cancer and particularly breast cancer, 1991 (File 33) - Box 103
Readings, papers and correspondence, student reports on nipple stimulation and breast cancer, 1994 (File 35-36) - Box 103, 104
'Human ecology study': correspondence, reports and associated material for proposed 'biomedical survey', including detailed proposal 'for an holistic, integrated study of human ecology of Adelaide', 1977-79 (File 38) - Box 104
Notes, correspondence, questionnaire and results for hospital patient survey, 1979 (File 39) - Box 104
Notes, protocol, questionnaire to general practitioners regarding pneumococcal vaccine trial; notes on statistics regarding females treated for gout; morbidity survey, 1980-82 (File 41) - Box 104
'Research - general': reports, readings, memoranda and drafts concerning Murrell as referee, c. late 1980s-90s (File 42-43) - Box 105
Dr A. J. Michael (Division of Human Nutrition, C.S.I.R.O.): correspondence regarding 'Health Statistics Workshop', 1985; paper, correspondence, notes and data, 1987, regarding 'healthy worker effect' (File 44) - Box 105
Research listing and handbook for Perth convention of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 1990 (File 49) - Box 106
'Surveys': brief correspondence regarding participation in public health and A.I.D.S. surveys, 1985-91 (File 51) - Box 106
Publishing correspondence and data for 'Living loving longevity', Journal of sex research, c. 1990 (File 55) - Box 107
Correspondence, readings and George Murrell's paper concerning treatment of Dupuytrens contracture with Allopurinol, 1992 (File 60) - Box 107
Readings, reports and paper by George Murrell concerning Dupuytrens contracture and nitric acid, c. 1986-92 (File 61-62) - Box 107, 108
'Diet and asthma study': Murrell supervised study report and readings on free radicals and ganglia, readings on fibrosis, c. 1987 (File 64) - Box 108
Series 13. Professional associations and consultancies, 1975-91
Murrell's long association with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and other professional bodies are covered in previous series. This series provides a venue for material that does not on the surface conform to the services and institutional connections represented in previous series. Importantly, it includes material relating to Murrell's 'Lend-a-hand' project with the St. Peters' Bowling Club, and Jubilee Bowls Project.
Australian Medical Association pamphlets and circular concerning ad hoc committee formed in regard to forthcoming State and Federal elections, 1974 (File 1) - Box 109
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Education Committee minutes, reports and correspondence, 1974-76 (File 2) - Box 109
'Conventions and seminars': readings, correspondence and paper, 'Crossing the frontier of discovery in family medicine', for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners seminar, 'Evaluation of primary care delivery and family medical practice', May 1975; small amount of correspondence concerning presentation to Royal Australian College of General Practitioners convention, August 1975 (File 4) - Box 109
Correspondence, leaflets concerning World Organization of National Colleges and Academic Associations of General Practitioners' World Conference on Family Medicine, Switzerland, 1978, 1981 (File 7) - Box 110
Correspondence with Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Professors of Community Practice, and Research Committee of Council, 1985-86 (File 8) - Box 110
Keynote address, 'Contributions from general practice to human ecology', to Royal Australian College of General Practitioners' symposium, 1985 (File 9) - Box 110
Correspondence, reports and applications regarding Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Quality Assurance and Continuing Education Program, 1993-94 (File 10) - Box 110
'Screening Chronic Illness': readings, notes and report for Royal Australian College of General Practitioners ad hoc committee on computer techniques and multi-disciplinary screening with special reference to 'preventicare' (File 11) - Box 110
Minutes, correspondence, leaflets regarding Australian Association of Community Physicians, 1988-90 (File 13) - Box 111
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners correspondence and reports, 1988-91 (File 14) - Box 111
Circulars and annual reports, General Practitioners' Association (U.K.), 1988-92 (File 16) - Box 111
'GP Writers' Association' (U.K.): Register of authors, 1987-88, programs for meetings and study days, excerpts from The GP writer, 1986-88 (File 17) - Box 111
Minutes and related material, Environmental Health Committee, Australian Medical Association, 1989-90 (File 18) - Box 111
'Jubilee Bowls Centre': correspondence, minutes of Board of management, leaflets, report regarding 'Lend-a-hand project for bowlers with disabilities, in cooperation with St Peters' Bowling Club, 1990-92 (File 21-22) - Box 112
'Jubilee Bowls Project 1987': application forms, reports and correspondence regarding fundraising, 1987-92 (File 25-26) - Box 112, 113
'Human achievement skills training': training materials, notes, assignments for Centre of Personal Encounter course, 1982 (File 28) - Box 113
Leaflet, meeting agendas, minutes of Centre of Personal Encounter Incorporated (C.O.P.E.), 1995-97 (File 29) - Box 113
Reprints of papers for Medical Benevolent Society conference on health of doctors, 1989 (File 31) - Box 113
Series 14. Honorary associations, personal and family papers, 1951-99
Included in this series are papers giving evidence of Murrell's University, community service, and private affiliations. In addition, there are curricula vitae, and a limited amount of personal and family history material.
Curriculum vitae, certificates; curriculum vitae George Murrell; Murrell's application regarding Foundation Chair in Community Medicine, Adelaide University, 1974; miscellaneous personal correspondence; family tree, James Morrisby, c. 1974-94 (File 2) - Box 114
Curriculum vitae, correspondence, leaflets, invitations, family writings, photographs, c. 1990s (File 7) - Box 115
Minutes, reports, correspondence and memoranda of St Peter's Old Collegians Association, 1995-96 (File 12-13) - Box 115, 116
Correspondence, circulars and related information concerning the Adelaide Club and Adelaide Bowling Club, c.1990s (File 14) - Box 116
Series 15. Writings and publications, 1955-96
The series consists of miscellaneous drafts, reprints and reviews. Importantly, the series contains three volumes of seminal published and unpublished writings compiled in 1996. His M. D. thesis is also included here.
'Publications, Volume 1': 'Personal history', 'Pigbel& other PNG studies', 'Reports, addresses and presentations', 'Other small bowel research', 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome', 'Multiple Sclerosis', 'Breast cancer', 'Uric acid epidemiology', 1961-96 (File 1) - Box 117
'Publications, Volume 2': 'General practice communications', 'Community health', 'Primary health care/ general practice', 'Reports, addresses and presentations', 1955-96 (File 2) - Box 117
Various writings and publications, including Murrell's thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, University of Adelaide, 'Pigbel (Enteritis necroticans): the recognition and study of a gangrenous enteritis in the highlands of New Guinea' (File 4) - Box 118
Reports produced by the University of Adelaide Department of Community Medicine and Foundation for Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education (File 5) - Box 118
George Anthony Calvert Murrell's 1988 thesis 'Studies in Dupuytrens contracture', Nuffield Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Oxford (File 13) - Box 124
Reviews and cuttings regarding Cutting the Tripe: paradigms about the practice of medicine in the community, edited by Murrell and Marguerite Barker, c. 1980 (File 14) - Box 124
Correspondence regarding Murrell's contribution to an unnamed publication by John Richards, 1989 (File 16) - Box 124
Class. Consignment added August 1999
Series 6. Foundation for Multi-disciplinary Education in Community Health, and Advisory Board for Multi-disciplinary Health Studies, 1976-91
Series 12. Public health research: Serum uric acid epidemiology, breast cancer and other subjects, 1973-94
Series 15. Writings and publications, 1955-96
Series 16. Other papers, 1956-2000
This series contains files containing lecture notes, course information, photographs and other papers relating to Murrell's university degree, studies in tropical medicine, work in New Guinea and his 1978 World Health Organisation consultancy.