Guide to the Papers of Frank Stilwell


MS Acc13.183

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Collection Summary

Frank Stilwell
Papers of Frank Stilwell
Date Range
1964 - 2013
Collection Number
MS Acc13.183
6.6 metres (44 MS boxes)
Language of Materials
National Library of Australia


Content Description

The papers document Professor Stilwell's professional life and comprise of reports and administration records relating to the establishment of the Department of Political Economy at the University of Sydney;research notes; writings and talks;journal editing;professional diaries from 1979 to 2012; records relating to Professor Stilwell's participation in the University of Sydney Political Economy dispute; teaching records; newspaper cuttings; articles by and about Professor Stilwell;records relating to Professor Stilwell's involvement in Politics and Non Government Organisations and personal correspondence.

Conditions Governing Access

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Conditions Governing Use

Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.

Preferred Citation

Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Frank Stilwell, National Library of Australia, MS Acc13.183, [series and/or file number]'.

Item Descriptions

Class MS Acc13.183. Original Consignment

Series. General and Personal

Guide to subsequent files (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Resumé; personal summary (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Photographs and personal articles/interviews (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Copies of degrees and diplomas awarded and other qualifications; records of awards for teaching excellence; birth certificate copy (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Appointment as Professor (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Appointment as Emeritus Professor (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Election to the Academy of Social Sciences, (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Reports on periods of study leave overseas (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
NSW Police, Special Branch file (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)
Bruce Petty cartoon (File) - Box 1 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Early Scholarship

Undergraduate economics notes from studies at the University of Southampton on: microeconomics, macroeconomics, public finance, international trade, economics of transport, business administration, industrial economics, statistics, sociology (File) - Box 2 (MS Acc13.183)
High school economics notes (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc13.183)
Honours thesis, University Southampton 1964 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc13.183)
PhD thesis, University of Reading, 1970 (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc13.183)
Notes for teaching at the University of Reading on regional economics, economic principles and economic analysis and policy (File) - Box 3 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Professional Diaries

Diaries: 1979-93 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc13.183)
Diaries: 1994-2012 (File) - Box 4 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Participation in University of Sydney Political Economy dispute

Chronology of events (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc13.183)
Official history and dissident views (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc13.183)
Photos of demonstrations on campus (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc13.183)
Posters relating to conferences (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc13.183)
Sundry papers and newspaper articles 1969-1974 (File) - Box 6 (MS Acc13.183)
Sundry papers and newspaper articles 1975-1979 (File) - Box 7 (MS Acc13.183)
Sundry papers and newspaper articles 1980-2012 (File) - Box 8 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Department of Political Economy Administration

Reports and Emails relating to the establishment of the Department of Political Economy at the University of Sydney and its administration 2003-2012 (File) - Box 9 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Media

Newspaper cuttings, articles by FS and about FS in the media, letters to editors, and other media correspondence from 1970s-2010s (File) - Box 10 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Personal involvement in Politics and NGO's

Australian Labor Party (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Greens (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Reworking Australia (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
New Left Party (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Evatt Foundation (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Politics in the Pub (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Economic and Social Policy Group (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Fabian Society (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Association for Social and Political Economy (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Owned Companies Association (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Academics for the Removal of Apartheid (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
SEARCH Foundation /'Left Renewal' (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
AFTINET (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Association for Good Government (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Planning Research Centre (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Left Book Club Co-Operative (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
Sydney Second Airport Coalition (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)
'Heresies': Left Discussion Group (File) - Box 11 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Personal correspondence

Letters to and from friends, colleagues and other professional contacts 1970-89 (File) - Box 12 (MS Acc13.183)
Letters to and from friends, colleagues and other professional contacts 1990-2013 (File) - Box 13 (MS Acc13.183)
Letters relating to academic appointments (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc13.183)
Applications for academic posts (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc13.183)
Applications for academic promotions (senior lecturer and associate professor (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc13.183)
Applications for Chair of Economics (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc13.183)
Papers relating to appointment as Professor of Political Economy (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc13.183)
Correspondence with authors relating to articles included in Economics as a Social Science: Readings in Political Economy (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc13.183)
Letters nominating potential receipts for the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Albert Nobel (File) - Box 14 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Contacts with Government

National Population Council, member 1984-7 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Urban and Regional Development Review, member 1993-4 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
AIDAB-supported Delegation to South Africa, member 1993 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Research report on The Economic Impact of Afghan Refugees in Young, NSW, prepared for Young local government, NSW, 2003 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Research for submission to NSW Government, Inquiry into Sydney Ferries, 2008 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Government, invited participant at the Tax Forum, 2011 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Submissions to Government inquiries

Australian Government, Committee to Advise on Australia's Immigration Policy (the Fitzgerald Commission), 1989 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Government, Department of the Arts, Sport, Environment, Tourism and Territories, Inquiry into the Proposed Third Runway at Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport, 1991 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Industries Commission, Inquiry into Public Housing, (with A. Grealis) 1993 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
NSW Government, Public Accounts Committee, Inquiry into Urban Infrastructure Financing, (transcript of evidence), 1993 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
NSW Government, Entertainment Industry Interim Council, An Economic Analysis of the Proposed Deregulation of Entertainment Industry Agents' Commissions in New South Wales, (with T. Allard), 1993 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Committee on Employment Opportunities, 1993 (2 submissions) (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Taskforce on Regional Development, 1993 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Taskforce on Urban Design, 1993 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Australian Urban & Regional Policy Review, 1993 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Keys Young (for NSW Government), Sydney Olympics: Social Impact Assessment, 1994 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Senate Inquiry into Foreign Investment (transcript of evidence and supplementary correspondence), 1995 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Banking, Finance & Public Administration, Review of the Hilmer Report, 1996 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Senate Environment, Recreation Communications & the Arts References Committee, Review of Telstra Privatisation, 1996 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Senate Inquiry into the Privatisation of Telstra, 1996 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Senate Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Foreign Ownership Decisions in Relation to the Print Media, 1996 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Review of Higher Education Financing and Policy (The West Committee), 1998 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Inquiry into Regional Employment and Unemployment, Senate References Committee, 1998 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Federal Government, Debt Management Review, (in conjunction with the Evatt Foundation), 2003 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Parliament, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage, Inquiry into Sustainable Cities 2025, November 2003 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Government, Productivity Commission, Inquiry into First Home Ownership, October, 2003 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
The Impact of Redevelopment in Redfern on NSW State Revenues, Memorandum prepared as a submission to the NSW Government, July 2004 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
The Economic Impact of the Port Botany Expansion Proposal: A Critical Assessment, Report for the South Sydney Regional Association of Councils as part of its submission to the NSW Government, July 2004 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Government, Garnaut Review of Climate Change Policies, 2008 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)
also Catholic Bishop's Committee for Justice, Development and Peace, Inquiry into the Distribution of Wealth in Australia, 1991 (File) - Box 15 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Research, writing and talks

1968-70 (File) - Box 16 (MS Acc13.183)
1971-72 (File) - Box 17 (MS Acc13.183)
1973-74 (File) - Box 18 (MS Acc13.183)
1975-79 (File) - Box 19 (MS Acc13.183)
1980-82(i) (File) - Box 20 (MS Acc13.183)
1982(ii)-84 (File) - Box 21 (MS Acc13.183)
1985-86 (File) - Box 22 (MS Acc13.183)
1987-88 (File) - Box 23 (MS Acc13.183)
1989 (File) - Box 24 (MS Acc13.183)
1990-91(i) (File) - Box 25 (MS Acc13.183)
1991(ii)-92 (File) - Box 26 (MS Acc13.183)
1993 (File) - Box 27 (MS Acc13.183)
1994 (File) - Box 28 (MS Acc13.183)
1995-97(i) (File) - Box 29 (MS Acc13.183)
1997(ii)-98(i) (File) - Box 30 (MS Acc13.183)
1998(ii)-99(i) (File) - Box 31 (MS Acc13.183)
1999(ii)-00(i) (File) - Box 32 (MS Acc13.183)
2000(ii)-01(i) (File) - Box 33 (MS Acc13.183)
2001(ii)-02 (File) - Box 34 (MS Acc13.183)
2003-04(i) (File) - Box 35 (MS Acc13.183)
2004(ii)-05(i) (File) - Box 36 (MS Acc13.183)
2005(ii)-06(i) (File) - Box 37 (MS Acc13.183)
2006(ii)-07 (File) - Box 38 (MS Acc13.183)
2008-09(i) (File) - Box 39 (MS Acc13.183)
2009(ii)-10(i) (File) - Box 40 (MS Acc13.183)
2010(ii)-12(i) (File) - Box 41 (MS Acc13.183)
2012(ii)-13 (File) - Box 42 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Teaching

Letters and cards from former students (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Notes/cartoons by PE student (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Selected unit of study outlines (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Course evaluations (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Teaching dossier and awards (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Mentoring, correspondence, committees (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
PE student-staff meetings (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Postgraduate supervision (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Federated PhD Scheme in housing and urban studies at ANU (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Judging Wentworth Medal (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Judging Per Capita essay prize (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)
Advice on reform of HSC Economics syllabus (File) - Box 43 (MS Acc13.183)

Series. Journal Editing

Journal of Australian Political Economy/ Australian Political Economy Movement (File) - Box 44 (MS Acc13.183)
Regional Studies (File) - Box 44 (MS Acc13.183)
Progress and Planning (File) - Box 44 (MS Acc13.183)
Australian Options (File) - Box 44 (MS Acc13.183)
Industry and Innovation (File) - Box 44 (MS Acc13.183)
Refereeing for other journals and ARC (File) - Box 44 (MS Acc13.183)
