Guide to the Papers of Jean Battersby


MS Acc04.301, MS Acc13.149

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Collection Summary

Papers of Jean Battersby
Date Range
Collection Number
MS Acc04.301, MS Acc13.149
6.0 metres (40 boxes)
Language of Materials
Special Collections (Manuscripts)


Scope and Contents

MS Acc04.301 comprises 31 boxes of: personal copies of correspondence, including letters for the signature of the Prime Minister, 1972-1983 (12 boxes); papers relating to general arts activities, including invitations, programs and material concerning the Adelaide Arts Festival, 1974-1978 (4 boxes); material relating to Battersby's international negotiations in North America, Greece, France and elsewhere, including the South Pacific Festival of Arts (10 boxes); papers and analysis on government policy and support for the arts, both in Australia and overseas (4 boxes); and papers relating to the National Cultural Heritage Committee which Battersby chaired (1 box).

The Acc13.149 consignment comprises 9 boxes of: material collected by Dr Battersby during her period as founding chief executive officer of the Australian Council for the Arts - letters, invitations, speeches, budgets, photographs, press clippings, minutes, conference papers, itineraries, reports on overseas visits and international negotiations, papers relating to cultural exchanges with China, arts policy and programs and other printed items relating to festivals, exhibition openings and other arts events.

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Conditions Governing Use

Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.

Preferred Citation

Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Jean Battersby, National Library of Australia, [class/series/file/box number]'.

Biographical Note

Arts executive and adviser. Born Jean Robinson in Drouin, Victoria, Battersby gained a PhD in French literature at the University of Melbourne with a thesis on nineteenth century poet Charles Baudelaire, and undertook postgraduate studies at the Sorbonne. In 1950 she married Charles Battersby, whom she met as a university student. In 1968 H.C. "Nugget" Coombs, chairman of the Council for the Arts, appointed Battersby its inaugural chief executive. As the Council's Executive Officer Battersby oversaw the development of the advocacy and funding of Australian arts until 1983. In 1987 she established an arts consultancy business, advising Rupert Murdoch on the News Corporation collection and taking on the management of the art collection of Telstra's head office. She was adviser to the Federal Airports Commission and helped set up the precursor to Art Exhibitions Australia. She was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 1986. Battersby died on 24 February, 2009, in Sydney.

Item Descriptions

Class MS Acc04.301. Original consignment received 2004 - Box 1-31 (MS Acc04.301)

MS Acc04.301 comprises 31 boxes of: personal copies of correspondence, including letters for the signature of the Prime Minister, 1972-1983 (12 boxes); papers relating to general arts activities, including invitations, programs and material concerning the Adelaide Arts Festival, 1974-1978 (4 boxes); material relating to Battersby's international negotiations in North America, Greece, France and elsewhere, including the South Pacific Festival of Arts (10 boxes); papers and analysis on government policy and support for the arts, both in Australia and overseas (4 boxes); and papers relating to the National Cultural Heritage Committee which Battersby chaired (1 box).

Class MS Acc13.149. Consignment received 2013

The Acc13.149 instalment comprises 9 boxes of: material collected by Dr Battersby during her period as founding chief executive officer of the Australian Council for the Arts - letters, invitations, speeches, budgets, photographs, press clippings, minutes, conference papers, itineraries, reports on overseas visits and international negotiations, papers relating to cultural exchanges with China, arts policy and programs and other printed items relating to festivals, exhibition openings and other arts events.

Overseas visit, August/ October 1971 (File) - Box 1

The Ditchlby Foundation - Conference on Support & Encouragement of the Arts, 1971 (File) - Box 1

Cultural Policy in Australia- Unesco publication, 1980 (File) - Box 1

Conference paper & correspondence relating to conference "The Human Consequences of Technological Change", 1972 (File) - Box 1

Festival '82 - The Commonwealth Arts organisation, 1982 (File) - Box 1

Correspondence- Australian Tourist Commision School, 1970's (File) - Box 1

Education News October 1972 Vol.13 No.11 (File) - Box 1

Notes on the Opening and Exhibition of work from Ernabella and Anata (File) - Box 1

Speech to the Australian Institute of Management - Qld division, 1971 (File) - Box 1

Australia Council speeches & speech notes, 1975 (File) - Box 1

Speeches, 1972 (File) - Box 1

London Times 1966 review, 1966 (File) - Box 1

Colour photograph - no name, location, Oct-78 (File) - Box 2

Speech - "Out problems:An international perspective, 1980 (File) - Box 2

Individual Artists Inquiry - First report of the Commitee, 1980 (File) - Box 2

correspondence between JB & H.C. "Nuggett" Coombs, 1973-1975 (File) - Box 2

Australia Council overseas visits - Reports, 1977-1981 (File) - Box 2

Australia Council Speaking & publishing requests(including published articles etc), 1981-1982 (File) - Box 2

Australia Council - Publications by Dr Battersby - Articles, book reviews etc, 1970-1977 (File) - Box 2

Personal Press File, 1973-1982 (File) - Box 2

Original and photocopies of press clippings, Australia Council minutes 1976,Australia Council letter from Peter Karmel to the Prime Minister 1976, Australia Council Amendment 1976 (File) - Box 2

Packet of photographs- 18 B & W & 1 colour- mainly portraits,some official group shots, most have no name, location (File) - Box 2

Criticisms sent forward by Dr Wilenski, 1974 (File) - Box 3

Press clippings until 1976 - contains B & W photographs of official visists, openeing of indigenous art exhibition (1970's?), photographs of meeting including Philllip Adams and Nugget Coombs, 1970-1976 (File) - Box 3

Press clippings, 1977-1978 (File) - Box 3

press clippings and telex, 1976 (File) - Box 3

Australia Council "Chairman (Pascoe) - Correspondence with chrononological", 1981 (File) - Box 4

Australia Council "Chairman - Memos to - Chronological (Blainey)", 1978-1981 (File) - Box 4

"On departure from Australia Council - personal correspondence, 1983 (File) - Box 4

Australia Council "Chairman (Pascoe) - correspondence with- chronological", 1981-1985 (File) - Box 4

HRH The Duke of Edinburugh's Third Commonwealth Study Conference Directory of Members, 1968 (File) - Box 4

"Report (Spares) Overseas visit Nov-Dec 1980", 1972-1980 (File) - Box 4

"Report (Spares) Overseas visit 1st April - 23rd may 1979"- includes reports on Overseas Visits of the Chief Executive Officer, 1978-1981 (File) - Box 4

"Dr Battersby's report China visit November 1973", 1973 (File) - Box 4

"Dr Jean Battersby" includes Australia Council press releases on grants awarded, Joint Commitee of public accounts inquiry into the Auditor- General's report 1973/1974, press clippings , UNESCO seminars, Australian Council for the Arts committee reports,, 1968-1975 (File) - Box 5

press clippings, 1971 (File) - Box 5

"Submissions 1968/69,69/70, 70/71" includes budget proposals, budget implications, submissions for film, drama, music, theatres,dance, international tours, photography (File) - Box 5

Senates estimates committee, 1974 (File) - Box 5

Guidelines of Parliamentary Counsel, 1973 (File) - Box 5

Note "Correspondence with EGW re: Aus Council B.U.", 1973 (File) - Box 5

"Dr Battersby General Council Brief McKinsey", 1975-1976 (File) - Box 5

"A- G letters spare copies", 1974-1975 (File) - Box 6

"Criticise" contains notes from Meeting of the Australian Council for ther Arts Sydney, 31st January 1974, 1974 (File) - Box 6

"Prime Minister- Ministerial statements" contains Australian Labor Party Arts Policy & Communications Policy 1977, photocopies of newspaper clippings, copy of speech by Prime minister Malcolm Fraser on the Arts, Australian Council of the Arts Report to the Prime Minister 1973, Australian Labor Party Policy Speech 1972, Australian Labor Party Arts July 1973 Policy, 1972-1977 (File) - Box 6

"Reports Dr battersby to Dr Coombs. Confidential" contains Council Progress Report July 1973, Art Board-First meeting March 1973, Theatre board- First meeting March 1973, 1973 (File) - Box 6

"Sidney Nolan" contains papers relating to the proposal of a Sidney Nolan Gallery at the Lanyon Homstead in Canberra,, 1974 (File) - Box 6

"Ministerial Statements", 1967-1973 (File) - Box 6

"Information re new Council- drafts, press statements, proposed budget allocations 1973" includes off ice manual, draft letter from Dr Coombs to the Prime Minister, Guidelines for Parliamentary Counsel, Australian council for the Arts Interim Report to Prime Minister, Interim Staffing Arrangements- Council & Boards, Draft Job Specifications - Australia Council, 1973 (File) - Box 6

Untitled contains - Proposal for Review of Federal Government Cultural Policies & Functions, Australia's international Cultural Machinery: A Proposal for Change,, 1982-1984 (File) - Box 6

"McKinsey" contains papers relating to consultancy,Strengthening Operations: A Report of a Study Commissioned by the Australia Council on November 5 1975, 1975 (File) - Box 6

"McLeary C'tee Cultural Support" contains correspondence between Jean Battersby & Sue Harlow, Peter Hamburger re; House of Representatives Standing Committee on Expenditure, 1986 (File) - Box 6

"Dr Battersby - Speech to staff on China trip 1974" contains draft of speech on China & China visit impressions, correspondence with the Australian Embassy, Peking, Covering notes re; Cultural Exchange Programme with People's Republic of China 1975, 1974-1979 (File) - Box 6

"Development of Cultural Relations with China- Draft" contains memos to Dr Coombs, to D Fitch re; Peking Trade exhibition October 1974, memo to Chairman Music Board, memo to Chairman Theatre Board, memo to Chairman Film & Television Board, memo to Chairman Crafts Board, memo to Chairman Literature Board, memo to Chairman Aboriginal Arts Board, memo to Chairman Visual Arts Board all in realtion to Hong Kong/China visit 8th-29th November 1973., 1973 (File) - Box 6

"China-1978" - contains correspondence with Chinese Vice Minister of Culture, notes on trip to Shanghai in June 1978, program for cultural exchange with China for 1975 -1979, Action list for China trip May 1979 , Report on the negotiations on the offer of an exhibition of Chinese classical paintings from the People's Republic of China, notes on visit to Nanking Museum & Suchow, 1978-1979 (File) - Box 6

Conference Papers - Power in Austraia: Directions and Change , Centre for Continuing Education, Australian national University, Cultural Policy in Australia-supplement to the study prepared by Jean Battersby and published by UNESCO, Australia Council March 1981,, 1981 (File) - Box 7

"Speech for 25 August-Human Consequences of Technological Change, 9am Stephen Roberts Theatre" contains copies of paper presented by Jean Battersby at the conference, Conference abstracts, Conference program, 1972 (File) - Box 7

"Dr J.Battersby speeches" contains correspondence to and from Dr Battersby re; invitations to official functions, openings, seminars, festivals, graduations,, 1972-1973 (File) - Box 7

Publication titled "WA 150:Options for the future,Theme lectures from the 51st Annual Summer School 1979", 1979 (File) - Box 7

French publication titled "Politiques culturelles:etudes at documents- La politique culturelle en Australie" by Jean Battersby published by UNESCO, 1981 (File) - Box 7

"Quotation" contains notes, correspondence, memos, quotes (File) - Box 7

"Dr Battersby - Speeches and Speech notes", 1976 (File) - Box 7

"Chrons June/July 1985" contains correspondence & file notes to and from Dr Battersby, Office of Special Advisor, 1985 (File) - Box 8

"Chrons March - April-May 1985" contains correspondence to and from Dr Battersby, Office of Special Advisor, 1985 (File) - Box 8

"Chronological - Minutes - Jan 1985 - Feb 1985" contains minutes & correspondence to and from Dr Battersby, Office of the Special Advisor , press releases, 1970 UNESCO Convention Cabinet submission, 1967-1984 (File) - Box 8

"Chronological other than minutes July- Dec 1984", 1984 (File) - Box 8

"Minutes to home Affairs June 1983 June 1984, 1983-1984 (File) - Box 8

Envelope labelled"Correspondence & File notes Chronological other than minutes June 1983- June1984, 1983-1984 (File) - Box 8

Confidential- Allegations concerning Administration of Australia Council, 1976 (File) - Box 9

Confidential- Allegations concerning Administration of Australia Council, 1974-1981 (File) - Box 9

File notes marked confidential (File) - Box 9

"Dr Battersby personal correspondence 1976, 1976 (File) - Box 9

"Personal correspondence Jan-June 1976, 1976 (File) - Box 9
