Guide to the Collections held by the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Library (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Fonds WMSs.1395 - 1404. Fleetwood Buckle, 1869 - 1870

Series. Diaries, 17 May 1869 - 8 December 1870

Filmed selectively.

Diary, 17 May 1869 - 14 August 1869 (File WMS.1402)

Fitting out HMS Liverpool at Devonport; sick list; his duties; letters written and received; voyage to Madeira; issuing lime juice; meteorological notes; arrival at Bahia de Todos os Santos; arrival at Rio. Accounts...

Diary, 15 August 1869 - 12 December 1869 (File WMS.1403)

Visit to Rio de Janeiro; meteorological observations; sick list; visits to Rodeio and Petropolis, Montevideo - social activities on shore; voyage to Cape of Good Hope and anchorage at Simonstown; voyage to Melbourne via Kerguelen's Islands - 'no water, -no tea'; gales; arrival Melbourne 26 Nov; visitors 'a real nuisance'; visit to Melbourne- description of public buildings; dinner with Governor; visit to Ballarat, went down mine shaft; picnic at Fern Tree Gully; visit to theatre to see 'Kenilworth'; naval review; voyage to Sydney...

Diary, 25 July 1870 - 8 December 1870 (File WMS.1404)

Voyage across Pacific to Valparaiso (14 Aug); mention of call at Hawaii; sick list; meteorological observations; visits on shore to Santiago; gales at Bahia; voyage to Plymouth; visits in London...

Fonds WMS.1499. Sir James Cantlie, 1888

Papers on Eurasians, Hong Kong, 1888 (File)

Filmed selectively.

Ms draft paper by Cantlie on Eurasians. (36p.) (Item (a))
Returned forms and letters from Dr Sinclair (Selangor), 28 April 1888 (Item (b))

Medical reports on children of European, Chinese, Malay unions. (14p.)

Returned forms and letters from New Zealand, [c.1888] (Item (c))

Re children of Maori/European unions. Includes returns from P.J. Carrol; T.J. Trimnell; Alfred Ginders (Rotorua); George H. Davies (Wellington); Thomas Watt Bell; Dr Reid (Opotiki). (15p.)

Returned form and letter from F. Taplin (Point McLeay, SA), [c.1888] (Item (d))

Re children of European/Aboriginal unions. (3p.)

Fonds WMS.1724. Collectanea: Pharmacy, Materia Medica etc., c. 1910

Filmed selectively.

Notes on medical plants etc used in Samoa taken down by Dr George Brown while a Methodist Missionary in Samoa. (8p. Typescript), c. 1910 (File)

Fonds WMs.1729. Collectanea: Tropical Medicine, 1908 - 1911

Filmed selectively.

William L. Braddon (Seremban, FMS) to Editor, Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 17 April 1911 (File Item 1)

Re beri-beri piracy and that the government of Strait Settlements and FMS have adopted his remedy of substituting cured for uncured rice in public institutions...

Alan Brunwin. Some observations on the Santonin treatment of dysentery [in Fiji]. Suva, [1908] (File 4)

Printed in Journal of Tropical Medicine vol XI, p 278...

Malaria: Notes on cases, 1911 (File 8)

Details of Hardie Philips in Kuala Lumpur hospital and Mr Marshall, manager of Ayer Augat estate...

Oliver Smithson. Mossman fever, Brisbane, 1910 (File Item 9)

6p and covering letter to Editor of Journal of Tropical Medicine, 22 Sept 1910...

Fonds WMs.2416. Jane Foster, 1739 - 1794

Collection of cookery receipts, followed by a few medical receipts with additions by several hands, 1739 - 1794 (File)

Inside lower cover: Jane Foster. Her book. 1739. Above this, Francis Watkins, Esq. Paramatta, NSW. c. 1825...

Fonds WMs.2510. John Murray Gibbes, 1904

Reincarnation = evolution, 1904 (File)

This Manuscripts essay was written in the Australian bush where Gibbes had retired to meditate...

Fonds WMs.2920. Edward Morrell Holmes, 1925

Eucalyptus, 1925 (File)

Essay on the genus and its medicinal properties, including the oil of its leaves (mention of commercial enterprise of J. Bosito of Melbourne in this connection)...

Fonds WMs.3259 - 3285. Dennis Gascoigne Lillie, 1910 - 1913

Notebooks and Logs. Filmed selectively.

Biological log, 30 November 1910 - 2 June 1913 (File WMs.3281)

Marine species observed; soundings; latitude and longitude coordinates. (122p. In pencil, some damage)

Biological log, 30 November 1910 - 28 January 1911 (File WMs.3282)

Details of samples, from soundings and trawls; position...

Whale log, 30 November 1910 - June 1913 (File WMs.3283)

Log of whales sighted giving date, time and position. (22p.)...

Antarctic cruise, 30 November 1910 - 17 March 1911 (Item)
Winter cruise, 10 July 1911 - 5 November 1911 (Item)
Antarctic cruise 2, 15 December 1911 - 2 April 1912 (Item)
Antarctic cruise 3, 14 December 1912 - 3 February 1913 (Item)
Homeward voyage, 13 March 1913 - June 1913 (Item)

Address to New Zealand branch of British Medical Association, n. d. (File WMs.3284)

On the application of Mendel's principles of heredity to man. (26p.)

Fonds WMS.3286 - 3287. John Lillie, 1842 - 1855

Series WMs.3286. Lectures on science delivered at Mechanics Institute at Launceston and Hobart, 1842 - 1855

Lectures on geology (41p.), 1842 (File 1)
Lectures on mechanics (51p.), 1845 (File 2)
Lecture on the perception of the beautiful as an element in civilization (78p.), 1849 (File 3)
Lecture on astronomy (28p.), 1849 (File 4)
Opening lecture. The law of development as applicable to the individual and social nature of man, 13 May 1851 (File 5)

24p. Incomplete.

Lecture on the unity of design on creation (46p.), n. d. (File 6)
Lecture - 'The object of this lecture is to point out the importance of free enquiry in relation to natural science' (74p.), n. d. (File 7)
Lecture on astronomy (20p.), n. d. (File 8)
Opening lecture. 'Relations between mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms' (93p.), n. d. (File 9)
Lecture on intellectual culture in relation to religion (21p.), 1855 (File 10)
Hobart Town. Lecture 'The Immensity of Creation' (44p.), n. d. (File 11)
Miscellaneous pages (16p.) (File 12)

Series WMs.3287. Lectures on science delivered at Mechanics Institute at Hobart, 1851 - 1854

Lecture on Ethnology. Hobart Town (65p.), 1851 (File 1)
Lecture on the authority of truth in relation to the prospects of society (8p.), 1852 (File 2)
Lecture [on benefits of meeting at lectures at Mechanics Institute] (48p.), [1854] (File 3)
Lecture [on truths of natural theology] (54p.), n. d. (File 4)
Miscellaneous papers, n.d. (File 5)
'There is one grand and astonishing harmony' (1p.), n. d. (Item (a))
Remarks on force (2p.), n. d. (Item (b))
Photograph of John Lillie (in case) (File 6)

Fonds WMs.3365 - 3370. Robert McCormick, 1839 - 1843

The manuscripts relate to the expedition to Antartica led by Sir James Clark Ross on board HMS Erebus between 1839-1843.

Diary kept whilst fitting out for expedition, 22 February 1839 - 1 October 1839 (File WMs.3365)

pp.47-72; 1-122; 1-115; [1-82] (pp.1-46 of first section not filmed.)

Rough journal on HMS Erebus, 19 September 1839 - 1 August 1840 (File WMs.3366)

Details of voyage- sighting other ships; birds; sketches of Madeira; ceremonies of crossing the line; Christmas dinner; visits on St Helena to Napoleon's house and tomb; Cape of Good Hope- expedition to estates, Table Mountain, sketches; descriptions of Simon's Bay and Cape Town; anchored at Possession Island; Kerguelen's Land; sighting whales, seals, penguins; Cumberland Bay expeditions, sketches, collecting specimens; voyage to Australia...

Rough Journal on HMS Erebus, 17 August 1840 - 23 November 1841 (File WMs.3367)

Pilot boarding for Derwent River; description of Hobart; social events- dinner with Governor Franklin, kangaroo hunt, lectures by Rev Lillie, bird shooting, expedition to Launceston and Port Arthur- attended service with the shackled convicts; coal mines; attended ball; voyage to Antarctic; expeditions on Auckland Island Group collecting specimens; Campbell's Island; Kerguelin's Land; sailing Antarctic seas- birds sighted; temperatures, sailing through ice, hove overaboard a cask containing paper with latitude and longitude when furthest south signed by Captain and officers; sighting Mount Erebus, smoking; saw Aurora Australis; return to Hobart; social events- shooting birds, dinner, ball and levée at Government House, dance on board Erebus; sailing to Sydney; anchored at Garden Island; Social events - service at St James Cathedral, walking round Wooloomooloo, Domaine, Botanic Gardens; trip to Parramatta - penitentiary; sailing to New Zealand; anchorage in Bay of Islands; visit to Maori settlement; expedition up Kavu Kavu; visits on board by natives and Pomaré, dressed in state robes; unknown birds sighted; visit to fall of Kidde Kidde; leaving Bay of Islands after three month stay with livestock on deck...

Rough Journal on HMS Erebus, 23 November 1841 - 31 July 1843 (File WMs.3368)

Voyage from New Zealand to south; taking soundings; sighting of birds, whales etc., New Year celebrations; stuffing and pickling penguin specimens; hitting icebergs: table of barometer readings 19-21 January before severe gales; sailing for Falkland Islands; social occasions on Falkland Islands, expedition voyage to Hermite Island, expeditions inland; return to Falklands; 3rd voyage south, Louis Philippie's land, dodging ice floes, caught in the ice; chasing seals; voyage to Cape Town; social activities in Cape Town - excursion to Stellenbosch; return voyage to England via St Helena, crossed Tropic...

Meteorological Register HMS Erebus, 1 October 1839 - 1 September 1843 (File WMs.3369)

Readings for thermometer, barometer, wind, latitude, longitude, remarks...

Ornithological Memoranda Erebus (62p.), 31 October 1839 - 3 June 1843 (File MS.3370)

Tables: date caught, name of bird, locality, measurements, colour, weight, contents of stomach, November 1839 - June 1843 (Item a))
Memo on eggs (Item b))
Memo on ornithorhynchus paradopus from Tasmania, 19 May 1841 (Item c))
Tables and notes of dimensions of seals (Item d))
Memo: native names of New Zealand birds etc. (Item e))
Ornithological list: Madeira, Cape Verde Islands, St Pauls Rocks, Cape of Good Hope, Kerguelen Island , East Falklands (Item f))

Fonds WMs.3470 - 3487. Louisa Martindale, 1900 - 1901

Series. Diaries. 18 vols, 7 June 1900 - 29 March 1901

Filmed selectively.

People we met on world tour, 7 June 1900 - 29 March 1901 (File WMs.3470)

Includes: Lord and Lady Hopetoun on board SS China enroute to India; notes on visits and persons met at Perth, Adelaide, Ballarat, Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Invercargile, Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland, Pago Pago, Honolulu. (77p.)

Fonds WMs.3996. Sir Raymond E. Priestley, 1908 - 1913

Series. Notes on animal, bird, plant and insect life in the Antarctic made during the Shackleton Expedition, 1908-1909 and the British Antarctic Expedition 1910-1912. (typescripts), 16 January 1908 - 17 January 1913

Shackleton Expedition 1908-1909. Notes on animal, bird, plant and insect life in the Antarctic (18p.), 16 January 1908 - 1 March 1909 (File (a))
British Antarctic Expedition, 1910. Extracts on animal, bird, plant, insect and fish life in the Antarctic (9p.), 8 December 1910 - 27 July 1911 (File (b))
British Antarctic Expedition, June 1911 - Dec 1911. Extracts on animal, bird, plant, fish and insect life (15p.), 1 August 1911 - 7 January 1912 (File (c))
Observation on penguins (11p.), 23 October 1911 - 8 January 1912 (File (d))
British Antarctic Expedition, January 1912 - December 1912. Extracts on animal, bird, plant, fish and insect lite (7p.), 13 January 1912 - 17 January 1913 (File (e))

Fonds WMs.4693 - 4700. Sir Ambrose Thomas Stanton, 1905 - 1919

Material relating to researches into the etiology of Beri Beri and its correction with a rice diet.

Case histories Vol I, c.1907. (File WMs.4693)

Comparison of patients on Siam and Indian rice, includes notes of preparing rice. (399p.)

Index to vol I (File WMs.4694)

Alphabetical by patient (36p.)

Case histories Vol II, c. 1907-1908 (File WMs.4695)

Includes 'Information relating to occurrence of Beri-Beri at Pentang and Batu Lima'...

Index to vol II (File WMs.4696)

Alphabetical by patient (19p.)

Return of Mr J.R. Hubback's coolies, March 1905 - 1908 (File WMs.4697)

Aadmitted to district hospital for Beri Beri, March 1905 - June 1907 and case notes 1907-1908. (16p.)

Original notes of a series of experiments, 1914 - 1919 (File WMs.4698)

Designed to test the effects of rice polishings and various fractions thereof in the cure of polyneuritis of fowls. (66p.)

Fonds WMs.4962 - 4970. George Charles Wallich, 1868 - 1898

Collection of material written by or connected with G. C. Wallich on marine biology, 1860-1898. 9 vols.

Note book: Rhizopods and Protoplasm. NB no 35 Lecture of 1882-1883 (File WMs.4962)

Miscellaneous notes on a variety of papers in pencil and ink, various paginations. Headings include: Pressure; References reports in Proc Roy Soc by Drs Carpenter, Thomson and Gwyn Jeffreys which bear on my observations: A spell of Arctic weather, in low latitudes; The Coccosphere question; The renaming fraud...

On the history of deep sea exploration, [1868] (File WMs.4963)

References to Ross in Antarctic and other expeditions...

Notebook: O[ceanic] C[irculation] 6, 1874 - 1883 (File WMs.4964)

Notes on physics and mechanics, centrifugal force on a variety of papers in pencil and ink...

Notebook: Dark chapters and piracies. Copyright questions, c.1880-1898 (File WMs.4965)

Includes 'Murray's preposterous claims' and 'Murray piracy'; references to Challenger Expedition; newspaper cuttings on plagiarism and libel...

Notebook: D[ark] C[hapters] on deep sea exploration, 1881 - 1894 (File WMs.4966)

References to Murray and Challenger expedition...

On the lower forms of organic life, 1882 (File WMs.4967)

Pp. 3-4, 11-27, 30-34, 50-60, 62-66...

Notebook: Obiter Scripta 1 Extracts, 1883 - 1895 (File WMs.4968)

Re climate as influenced by oceanic causes; Scott, Haughton, Buff, Official folio reports Challenger. Criticisms of Carpenter, Thomson, Huxley, Murray and notes on Challenger expedition...

Off-prints of papers by Wallich, 1 January 1869 - 2 February 1880 (File WMs.4969)

With holograph additions and corrections, and criticsms. Filmed selectively.

On the Vital Functions of Deep-sea Protozoa, 1 January 1869 (Item (a))

From the Monthly Microscopical Journal. (10pp).

Another copy of journal article 'On the Vital Functions of Deep-Sea Protozoa' (Item (b))

With different marginal notes and comments, one dated 1887...

On some undescribed testaceous Rhizopoda from the North Atlantic deposits, 1 February 1869 (Item (c))

From the same, pp 104-110, (4 11., plate). With notes, etc., one dated 1894.

On the Rhizopoda as embodying the Primordial Type of Animal Lite, 1 April 1869 (Item (d))

(4 11). From the same, pp 229-235.

Another copy of 'On the Rhizopoda as embodying the Primordial Type of Animal Lite'; with different notes and comments (Item (e))
On the Fundamental Error of constituting Gromia the Type of Foraminiferal Structure (8 11), February 1877 (Item (f))

From the Annals and Magazine of Natural History [etc.] No. CX., pp. 158-174.

A Contribution to the Physical History of the Cretaceous Flints [etc.] (16 11), 2 February 1880 (Item (g))

From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. XXXVI, Part 1, pp. 68-92, 112-118. Wallich's paper is followed (pp 112-118) by an article by Robert Mallet 'On the probable temperature of the Primordial Ocean of our Globe'.

Fonds WMs. 5220. Sir Roderick Murchison, 1853 - 1865

Correspondence. Filmed selectively.

Lord Glenelg (London) re Murchison's mention of him in letter on exploration of north Australia, 12 October 1853 (File 5220/45)

Lord Clanwilliam (n.p.) re his son's exploration of Lake Taupo and his escape from 'murder among religious fanatics', 1865 (File 5220/99)

Fonds WMs.5221. David Geddes, 1852

Appointment as surgeon superintendent on board convict ship Oriental Queen, 14 August 1852 (File)

Signed by Sir Phipps Hornby and Sir Thomas Herbert, Lords of Admiralty, and W.A. Baillie Hamilton, second secretary (1p.).

Fonds WMs.5252 - 5254. Denis Gascoigne Lillie, c. 1910-1913

Filmed selectively.

Series WMs.5253. News cutting re Scott's expedition, c. 1910-1913

3 folders. Cuttings from Times, Cape Times, Sphere, Punch, Sydney Mail, The Australian, Argus

Series WMs.5254. Correspondence and papers, August 1910 - May 1911

Filmed selectively.

Extracts on the Reverend John Lillie DD, n.d. (File 5254/39)

Includes extracts from Tasmanian papers. (12p. Printed).

Menu for banquet for Captain Scott and members of Antarctic expedition. Cape Town (4p.), 24 August 1910 (File 5254/60)
Invitation to address by D.G. Lillie on Whales at Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, New Zealand, 25 May 1911 (File 5254/61)

Fonds WMs.5324. Harry Hayter Ramsdale (fl. 1860), 1859 - 1862

Diary of service in militia and on emmigrant vessel Clifton, 17 November 1861 - 28 August 1862 (File)

Filmed selectively. 143p.

Sheet of shorthand transcriptions at front of diary (Item)
Selected diary entries, 17 November 1861 - 28 August 1862 (Item f. 11L - 55R)

Boarding Clifton at Gravesend; filthy conditions, doctor down with D.T.'s and captain called on Harry Ramsdale to prescribe for him; doctor cut his own throat and put ashore; Harry Ramsdale assumes medical charge of the ship - details of passenger's ailments, birth of children; weather; speaking with other ships; thieving; chess tournament; eclipse of sun on 31 Dec; concert ; playing cards; dancing; crossing the line ceremonies; quarrelling amongst crew and passengers; shooting albatrosses; sighting Moreton Bay, 7 April 1862; by steamer to Brisbane - description of town; made camp; visit to Ipswich; journey to Warwick via Toowoomba; arrival at Allora; purchasing tools; surveying and buying land; purchasing animals; sowing vegetables; Harry Ramsdale. gives medical assistance to settlers.

Meteorological observations, January 1862 - March 1862 (Item f. 137L - 144L)

Remainder of volume blank.

Fonds WMs.5376 - 5401. Henry Lee, 1869 - 1879

Correspondence. Filmed selectively.

James Scott Bowerbank (St Leonards) to Henry Lee identifying unnamed sponge as an Australian species, 31 March 1869 - 13 April 1869 (File WMs.5377/33)

On reverse: 31 March 1869. W.H. Flower (Croydon) to [unknown] sending sponge for identification.

William B. Carpenter (London) to Henry Lee, 7 November 1874 (File WMs.5378/9)

Re Pacific currents and depths found by Challenger.

William Creswick (London) to Henry Lee re leaving London, 12 April 1877 (File WMs.5379/14)

Flyers for farewell benefits at Temple Club and Gaiety Theatre for Creswick on leaving for Australia, April 1877 (File WMs.5379/15-17)

Sir William Henry Peek (London) to Henry Lee, 24 September 1870 (File WMs.5391/19)

Re seeds sent from New Zealand by Acclimatization Society.

Sir William Henry Peek (London) to Henry Lee, 21 November 1878 (File WMs.5391/49)

Re local vicar, Rev. Haggarth who resided in Australia for some years.

Sir James Youl (Waratah House, Clapham) to Henry Lee, 15 June 1874 - 11 March 1879 (File WMs.5399/1-10)

Re introduction of salmon ova to New Zealand and arranging meeting between Henry Lee and Sir Julius Vogel, Prime Minister of New Zealand. 10 letters.

Sir Julius Vogel (London) to Youl re meeting Henry Lee, 1 March 1875 - 19 March 1875 (File WMs.5399/7/2 and 3)

Memorandum by Youl on shipping salmon ova to New Zealand on Oberon (File WMs.5399/11)

Fonds WMs.5461. Joseph Thomas Clover and Dudley Wilmot Buxton, 1912

Correspondence and papers re anaesthesia...

R.W. Hornabrook (Melbourne) to Buxton re administration of ether, 6 September 1912 (File WMs 5461/70)

Fonds WMs.5786. Sir Richard Owen, 1837 - 1845

Filmed selectively.

Ovum of kangaroo, drawing by Richard Owen, 19 June 1837 (File)

Richard Owen (London) to [unknown] [F Cuvier, Paris] re kangaroos, 18 September 1837 (File)

Richard Owen (London) to [unknown] [F Cuvier, Paris] re his memoir on marsupial development, 18 January 1839 (File)

Sir Charles Murray (Windsor) to Richard Owen re bird skeleton from New Zealand, 31 January 1843 (File)

Richard Owen (London) to Prof. Wagner introducing (Hugh) Cuming, 23 September 1844 (File)

Richard Owen (London) to Carl G. Carus (Dresden) re Birds of New Zealand, c. 1844 (File)

Richard Owen (London) to Count Paul Strzelecki, appreciation of his work on Australia, 21 May 1845 (File)

Fonds WMs.5899-5915. Roy Lee Moodie, 1925 - 1932

Filmed selectively.

E.H. Bryan (Honolulu) to Roy Moodie, 14 April 1930 (File)

Re skulls from collection of Bernice P. Bishop Museum.

Thomas D. Campbell (Dental Hospital, Adelaide) to Roy Moodie, 23 June 1932 (File)

Re request for copies of paper on Indigenous Australians.

J.A. Fitzherbert (University of Adelaide) to Roy Moodie forwarding paper by Campbell, 24 June 1932 (File)

(Filed after T.D.C. letter).

H.G. Chappel (Piedmont, Ca.) to Roy Moodie re paper on Ancient Hawaiians, 21 January 1930 (File)

Herbert E. Gregory (Honolulu) to Roy Moodie re skeletons in Bishop Museum, 27 January 1930 (File)

Ed C. Jerman (San Francisco) to Roy Moodie re trip to Australia and New Zealand, 4 January 1927 (File)

R. Wood Leigh (Angel Island, Ca. and Honolulu) to Roy Moodie, 26 October 1925 - 10 May 1930 (File)

Re Dental Pathology of Hawaiian Rev racial groups.

Harold S. Palmer (Honolulu) to Roy Moodie re fossil lava tube, 23 June 1929 (File)

T. Wingate Todd (Cleveland) to Roy Moodie, 1927-08-09; 1927-09-09; 1927-11-10; 1927-11-23 (File)

Re diagnosis of congenital dislocation of the hip in Dire Wolf and Kangaroo specimens.

Fonds MS.6200. Sir Joseph Lister: Grey Guard Case Collection, 1890

Filmed selectively.

Joseph Lister (London) to Dr L. Vernon Cargill re urgent case coming from New Zealand, 22 June 1890 (File No. 45)

Fonds MS.7830. Miscellany: Australasia, Indonesia and the Pacific, 18th-20th centuries, 1776 - 1945

Material formerly held in the Western Manuscripts Department's Autograph Letters Sequence, brought together in this form in 1989 as a result of the Australian Joint Copying Project. Filmed selectively.

Sir Joseph Banks, 22 August 1804 (File MS.7830/1)

J.B. (London) to M. Delambre requesting his assistance in obtaining the release of Captain Flinders, a prisoner of war in Mauritius, description of Flinders' expedition and shipwreck. (4p).

Aimé Jacques Alexandre Goujaud dit Bonpland, [c. 6 July 1811?] (File MS.7830/2)

J. Kennedy (n.p.) to A.B. sending plants from 'Botany Bay'.

Sir Thomas M. Brisbane, 20 January 1821 (File MS.7830/3)

Thomas Brisbane. (London) to M. De Lambre that he has been appointed to govern New Holland.

Sir Anthony Brownless, 16 January 1884 (File MS.7830/4)

Anthony Brownless (Melbourne) to T.M. Stone re receipt of honour.

William Branwhite Clarke, July 1866 (File MS.7830/5)

William Clarke (River Darling, NSW) to Hepworth Dixon re reading his life of John Howard in an 'out of the way place'.

Hugh Cuming, 28 April 1838 (File MS.7830/6)

Note re skull of native from Island of Samar.

Allan Cunningham, 31 August 1835 - 1839 (File MS.7830/7-8)

Allan Cunningham (n.p.) to Mr Murray sending Mr Nicol of Edinburgh a piece of Tasmanian wood, 31 August 1835 (Item MS.7830/7-8)
Obituary notice, 1839 (Item)

Harvey Williams Cushing, 4 June 1931 - 4 August 1931 (File MS.7830/9-10)

Filmed selectively.

Harvey Cushing (Boston, Mass) to Prof. F Wood-Jones (Univ. of Melbourne), 4 June 1931 (Item MS.7830/9-10)

Re purchasing items from the sale of Wood-Jones' library.

Harvey Cushing (Boston, Mass) to Wood-Jones re payment in American dollars., 4 August 1931 (Item MS.7830/9-10)

Sir William Thomas Denison, 14 August 1858 (File MS.7830/11)

William. T. Denison (Government House) to J. Milligan re his plan to collect specimens from Australian coal fields.

Sir Alexander Fleming, August 1945 (File MS.7830/12)

Pacific broadcast [on penicillin]. Photocopy of original owned by Dr Dooley.

Sir John Franklin, 25 September 1838 - 11 August 1856 (File)

Filmed selectively.

John Franklin (London) to Joseph Milligan (Flinders Island), 21 January 1845 (Item)

Re bereavement and his possible return to England; believes Lord Stanley would welcome his advice on convict regulations.

John Franklin (Government House) to Joseph Milligan (Hobart) that should receive his paper tomorrow as J.F. needs it for his despatch., 17 November 1842 (Item)
John Franklin (Government House) to Beaufort re steps taken regarding Maconochie, [25 September 1838?] (Item)
Lady Jane Franklin to Joseph Milligan (Hobart) that Mr Gunn shares her good opinion of J.M.'s qualities, 27 February 1843 (Item)
John Franklin (Hobart) to P. Roberts (Dept Assistant Commissary General) payment to Jones, Allen and Cox for work for Royal Engineer Dept, 30 April 1839 (Item)
John Philip Gell (Hobart) to James Backhouse (York) requesting donations for the Tasmanian Society's Library, 28 October 1843 (Item MS.7830/13)
John Franklin (Government House) to Rev. Professor Lloyd (Trinity College, Dublin) re observations he is making; received a letter from Ross, n.d. (Item)
Lady Jane Franklin (Shiplake) to Louisa, that the Governorship of Van Diemen's Land changed Sir John's handwriting, 11 August 1856 (Item)
Lady Jane Franklin to [Sir John?] re visit of Queen Emma of Hawaii, [20 May ?] (Item)
Van Diemen's Land Bank. Payment to Lady Franklin from account of John Franklin, 12 June 1843 (Item)
Bank of Van Diemen's Land. Payment to Charles McLachlan from account of John Franklin, 27 August 1839 (Item)

George IV, 30 October 1823 (File MS.7830/14)

Order authorising removal of 66 named male convicts under sentence of transportation from gaols of Suffolk, Norfolk, Cornwall, Ipswich, Old Bailey to hulks in Portsmouth Harbour. (3p.)

John Gould, 22 September 1840 - 23 May 1856 (File MS.7830/15-20)

Filmed selectively.

John Gould (London) to Richard Owen sending skeletons and bodies for dissection, including koala and kangaroo rat, 22 September 1840 (Item MS.7830/15-20)
John Gould (London) to Dr Schimper (Strasbourg) re subscription to Birds of Australia, 8 May 1855 (Item MS.7830/15-20)
John Gould (London) to Dr N. Sancerotte (St Petersburg) that received new species of Apteryx from New Zealand and called it owenii, 17 June 1847 (Item MS.7830/15-20)
John Gould (London) to librarian, Royal Library of Paris, since he subscribed to Birds of Australia hopes he will also support Birds of Asia, 14 February 1850 (Item MS.7830/15-20)
John Gould (London) to A. Peckover (n.p.) sending parts of Mammals of Australia, 1 March 1853 (Item MS.7830/15-20)
John Gould (London) to Count Strzelecki (n.p.) re his with-holding information respecting the 'auriferous products of Australia', 23 May 1856 (Item MS.7830/15-20)

William Henry Harvey, 1 June 1852 (File MS.7830/21)

William Harvey (Trinity College, Dublin) to [unknown] re receipt of New Zealand algae.

Sir Joseph D Hooker, 22 November 1838 - 18 May 1866 (File MS.7830/22-29)

Filmed selectively.

Joseph Hooker (Glasgow) to [unknown] re tour of Ireland, 22 November 1838 (Item)

Possibility he will go on Ross' expedition so is studying V.D L. botany.

Joseph Hooker (Kew) to [William] Gourlie (n.p.) re lichen from V.D.L., 22 February 1844 (Item)
Joseph Hooker (n.p.) to Messrs Reeves (London), 26 November 1844 (Item)

Re prospectus for Flora Antarctica with annotated proof notice.

Joseph Hooker (Kew) to Milligan thanking him for seeds, 6 May 1861 and n.d. (Item)
Joseph Hooker (Kew) to Ward re plants from New Zealand collected by Dr Hector, 29 March 1864 (Item)
Jospeh Hooker (Kew) to Thomas Baines, 18 May 1866 (Item)

Re lending him pictures and Baines to Bates re alligators' eggs in North Australia.

Sir William Jackson Hooker, 27 April 1862 (File MS.7830/30)

William Hooker (Kew) to Sir Stuart [unknown] re his offer of specimen of plants from Eastern Australia.

William Jack, 2 November 1821 - 27 March 1822 (File MS.7830/31-32)

William Jack (Bencoolen) to N. Wallich (Calcutta) re his son George., 2 November 1821 (Item MS.7830/31-32)
William Jack (Bencoolen) to N. Wallich (Calcutta) re publications in Malayan Miscellanies., 27 March 1822 (Item MS.7830/31-32)

Thomas Andrew Knight, 10 April 1813 (File MS.7830)

Thomas Knight. (n.p.) to Samuel Lysons (Gloucestershire) re peach tree in NSW producing fruit at 16 months.

Jacque Julien Houton de Labillardiere, 1792 (File MS.7830/34-35)

Jacque Julien Houton de Labillardiere (n.p.) to M. L'Heritier juge de Tribunal, (n.p.) before leaving for southern seas, n.d. [1792?] (Item)

(In French)

Fragment of work in Latin on the flora of Tasmania and Carteret Atoll, New Ireland, [1792] (Item)

Written during voyage to Pacific under D'Entrecasteaux in search of La Perouse. He arrived in Tasmania on 23 April 1792. (ff v-vii.)

Friedrich W. Leichhardt, 28 [unknown] 1837 (File MS.7830/36)

Friedrich Leichhardt. (London) to Chairman, Library Committee. Royal College of Surgeons, seeking ticket to use the library during his temporary residence in London.

John William Lewin, 18 June 1800 (File MS.7830/37)

Note to pay Thomas Churchill £6.6s.

Sir John Lubbock, 13 August 1870 (File MS.7830/38)

John Lubbock (London) to B.M. Wright (London) asking how he obtained the Easter Island statue.

Sir Charles Lyell, 15 February 1857 (File MS.7830/39)

Charles Lyell. (n.p.) to Owen re recent marsupial specimen of larger Triconadon(?)

Charles MacIntosh, [31 August?] (File MS.7830/40)

Charles MacIntosh. (n.p.) to Charles Parker re oil of camphor brought from East Indies by Dr Ashlurner.

Bronislaw K. Malinowski, 3 August 1923 (File MS.7830/41)

Bronislaw Malinowski. (n.p.) to Mr Stallybrass re publication of Argonauts of the Western Pacific and future sales in Germany.

Nevil Maskerlyne, 29 April 1776 - 6 May 1776 (File MS.7830/42-43)

Filmed selectively.

Nevil Maskerlyne (Greenwich) to [unknown], 29 April 1776 (Item)

With list of charts, books and tables to be delivered to Captain James Cook on account of the Board of Longitude.

Nevil Maskerlyne (Greenwich) to John Nourse (London), 6 May 1776 (Item)

With list of tables to be supplied to John Wales.

Alec Morgan (fl 1862), 4 March 1862 (File MS.7830/44)

Alec Morgan. (Adelaide North) to sister Zoe re his autograph collection.

Sir Ferdinand J. H. Von Mueller, 25 September 1861 (File MS.7830/45)

Ferdinand Von Mueller (Melbourne) to Dr August Peterman (Gotha).

Pomare, Queen of Tahiti, August 1843 - October 1846 (File MS.7830/46-47)

Pomare (Papeete) to Captain of French ship allowing him to land sick men on an island, 25 August 1843 (Item)

(In Tahitian) Translation on reverse by Wilson. (faint)...

S. Malletz (Brest) to Madame (Panckouke?) re his visit to Tahiti and mention of Queen Pomare, 12 October 1846 (Item)

Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, 22 October 1812 - 24 November 1823 (File MS.7830/48-49)

Filmed selectively.

Thomas Raffles (Bencoolen) to N. Wallich (Calcutta) re death of Captain Julmond, 24 November 1823 (Item)
Thomas Raffles (Java) to William Marsden re plants of Java, 22 October 1812 (Item)

Claude Urbin Reth (File MS.7830/50-52)

Biographical details. (Reth accompanied La Perouse) (5p.)

John Ryland, 5 March 1814 (File MS.7830/53)

John Ryland. (Bristol?) to Rev Mr Raffles (Liverpool) re activities of Brother Robinson, missionary in Java and plans to send Trowt to Java.

Alfred Wallace, 28 July 1863 - 2 February 1910 (File MS.7830/54-59)

Filmed selectively.

Alfred Wallace (London) to J.C. Eyton re naming birds from Malay archipelago, 28 July 1863 (Item)
Alfred Wallace (Godalming) to Dr Cook, plans for a lecture tour to America and Australia, 27 February 1886 (Item)
Alfred Wallace (Parkstone, Dorset) to Mrs Daumeather, 29 March 1901 (Item)

Re climate of Sarawak, health in the tropics, he has cured his asthma by change of diet.

Alfred Wallace (Wimborne) to Philip Sclater that invited to give Darwinian lecture, 19 November 1908 (Item)
Alfred Wallace (Wimborne) to Philip Sclater re total number of birds by region, 13 December 1909 (Item)
Alfred Wallace (Wimborne) to Philip Sclater, 2 February 1910 (Item)

Re death of [Stalker] in New Guinea, and news of Dutch expedition in S. New Guinea.
