Guide to the Collections held by the West Sussex Record Office (as filmed by the AJCP)


M822, M1549-M1550

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Fonds Cobden Mss. The Cobden Papers, 5 August 1851 - 1 June 1926

Series 1. Original letters to and from Richard Cobden - Various Correspondents, 5 August 1851 - 1 June 1926

Volume of letters, 19 January 1864 - 5 October 1864 (File Cobden Mss 7/3)

Filmed selectively.

Sir George Bowen (Brisbane) to Richard Cobden, 19 January 1864 (Item)

His position and life as a colonial governor; Queensland labour and products; encloses supplement to Queensland Government Gazette.

Henry Brown (Taranaki) to Richard Cobden, 5 October 1864 (Item)

Appropriation of Maori land; other causes of the Maori Wars.

Richard Cobden, 22 February 1865 (File Cobden Mss 8)

Filmed selectively.

Archibald Michie (Melbourne) to Richard Cobden, 22 February 1865 (Item)

The Confederate ship Shenandoah in Australian waters; believes there will be an attempt to embroil Australian colonies with the northern states in America.

Emma Cobden, 1 June 1926 (File Cobden Mss 153)

Filmed selectively.

Stanley Larkin (Sydney) to Emma Cobden, 1 June 1926 (Item)

Enjoyment of her father's books; free trade in Australia destroyed by a protectionist policy.

T. Fisher Unwin, 30 September 1903 - 6 October 1903 (File Cobden Mss 155/11)

Filmed selectively.

Edward Pulsford (Melbourne) to T. Fisher Unwin, 30 September 1903 (Item)

Does not know of any Cobden correspondence but will make enquiries.

Sir Josiah Symon (Adelaide) to T. Fisher Unwin: has no correspondence of Richard Cobden, 6 October 1903 (Item)
Letters relating to Sir James Brooke and Sarawak, 13 October 1863 (File Cobden Mss 482)

Filmed selectively.

Foreign Office. Papers respecting Sir James Brooke's policy and position with regard to Sarawak (24pp.), 13 October 1863 (Item)
Notes and extracts on China, India and the Far East, 5 August 1851 (File Cobden Mss 484)

Filmed selectively.

Copy of a statement made on board a schooner on the Brunei River regarding a grant of land in Sarawak made by the Sultan of Brunei, 5 August 1851 (Item)
Sir Stamford Raffles and the Spice Islands (Chambers Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts, no. 53), n.d. (File Cobden Mss 485)
Emma Jane Cobden, 23 March 1883 (File Cobden Mss 971/7)

Filmed selectively.

Dorothy Richmond (Nelson) to Emma Cobden, 23 March 1883 (Item)

Wishes Emma Cobden would visit New Zealand; domestic news.

Emma Jane Cobden, 15 December 1892 (File Cobden Mss 972/4)

Filmed selectively.

D.K. Richmond (Nelson) to Emma Cobden-Unwin, 15 December 1892 (Item)

Domestic news and mutual friends; Emma's marriage.

Richmond Family of Nelson, New Zealand, 1880 - 1891 (File Cobden Mss 979)

Filmed selectively.

Dorothy Richmond (Naples, Nelson) to Margaret Cobden, 1880 - 1891 (Item)

Voyage to New Zealand; domestic news; her father's electioneering; deaths of friends. (16 letters)

General correspondence of Thomas F. Unwin, 5 September 1889 - 10 March 1890 (File Cobden Mss 981)

Filmed selectively.

Henry Norman (Singapore) to T. Fisher Unwin: friends and colleagues, 5 September 1889 (Item)
Henry Norman (Singapore) to T. Fisher Unwin, 10 March 1890 (Item)

Imminent departure on expedition to Malaya; financial affairs.

Miscellaneous letters, 28 February 1878 (File Cobden Mss 988)
Jane W. Longmuir (Sydney) to T.B. Potter, 28 February 1878 (Item 4)

Response to an article seeking papers of Richard Cobden.

Fonds Cowdray Mss. Cowdray Archives, 1 October 1867 - 1875

Series 4. Appendix No. I, 1 October 1867 - 1875

Subseries 6. Family papers, 1 October 1867 - 1875
Order of the Supreme Court of New Zealand for the sale of the estate and effects of Spencer Arthur Perceval of Liethfield in the province of Canterbury, 1 October 1867 (File Cowdray Mss 5080)
First case and opinion of C. Chapman Barber upon the will of George James Perceval, 6th Earl of Egmont, 3 December 1874 (File Cowdray Mss 5089)

Referring to a legacy of £40,000 to the children of his brother Reverend. Arthur Perceval, three of whom were several years ago in New Zealand.

Documents concerning the will and estate of 6th Earl of Egmont, 1874 - 1875 (File Cowdray Mss 5090-5102)

Comprising letters, affidavits, notices and a petition, referring inter alia to legacies to his nephews Spencer Arthur Perceval, formerly living in New Zealand, and Augustus George Perceval and Charles John Perceval, believed to be resident in Australia.

Fonds Goodwood Mss. Goodwood Archives, 1 March 1831 - 27 August 1857

Series 2. Family papers, 1 March 1831 - 27 August 1857

Subseries 9. Charles Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond: Parliamentary Papers, 1 March 1831 - 21 December 1834
Papers relating to relief of poor by emigration, 20 July 1831 (File Goodwood Mss 638)

Filmed selectively.

Notes on Poor Law Committee opinion on emigration (7pp.), 20 July 1831 (Item)

Notes on the opinion of the House of Lords Poor Law Committee on the possibility of emigration (7pp.)

Notes on report on relieving poverty (20pp.), n.d. (Item)

Notes on the report of Lord Kenyon on labourers in husbandry with reference to relieving poverty.

Emigration to Western Australia and North America, 1 March 1831 - 20 January 1832 (File Goodwood Mss 641)

Filmed selectively.

Colonial Office. Information for the use of those who may propose to embark as settlers for the new settlement of Western Australia, 1 March 1831 (Item)
Draft of a Bill to facilitate voluntary emigration to His Majesty's possessions abroad, n.d. (Item)
A Bill as amended by the Committee to facilitate voluntary emigration to His Majesty's possessions abroad, 13 April 1831 (Item)
Notes on emigration, 9 June 1831 (Item)
T. Frederick Elliot (Emigration), 8 July 1831 (Item)

Printed circular on funds for emigration purposes

T. Frederick Elliot (Emigration), 18 July 1831 (Item)

Printed circular on funds for emigration purposes

Colonial Office. Information respecting the Australian colonies, 18 July 1831 - 8 November 1831 (Item)

Printed letters of 10 October and 8 November. 1831.

Royal instructions and despatches to the Governors of New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, and Western Australia as to the mode to be adopted in disposing of Crown lands and the means by which emigration may be facilitated (35pp.), 16 December 1831 (Item)
Return of the number of persons who have emigrated from the United Kingdom to North America, the Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales and c. since the passing of the Act 9 Geo IV c.21 (5pp.), 20 January 1832 (Item)
Parliamentary letters and papers, January 1832 (File Goodwood Mss 647)

Filmed selectively.

J.W. Birch (Colonial Office) to Duke of Richmond, January 1832 (Item)

Emigration of Mrs Morgan to New South Wales. With notes.

Lord Howick to Duke of Richmond, 4 January 1832 (Item)

Increasing number of women and mechanics going to Australia.

Parliamentary letters and papers, 3 April 1832 - 28 April 1832 (File Goodwood Mss 648)

Filmed selectively.

Joseph Sparrow (London) to Duke of Richmond, 3 April 1832 (Item)

Emigration to Canada or Australia.

T. Frederick Elliot (Colonial Office) to Duke of Richmond, 3 April 1832 (Item)

Ships about to leave for Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales.

T. Frederick Elliot to [Gilbert], 26 April 1832 (Item)

Unable to send women to New South Wales free of charge.

T. Frederick Elliot to Duke of Richmond, 28 April 1832 (Item)

Unable to finance additional female emigrants.

Parliamentary letters and papers, 14 July 1832 (File Goodwood Mss 650)

Filmed selectively.

T. Frederick Elliot (Colonial Office) to Duke of Richmond, 14 July 1832 (Item)

Sends article by Edward Forster, Treasurer of the Refuge for the Destitute, Hackney Road, London, entitled Emigration of females to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land.

Parliamentary letters and papers, n.d. (File Goodwood Mss 659)

Filmed selectively.

Duke of Richmond. Mode for reducing the Army in the colonies, n.d. (Item)

(9pp.) Copy of the statement sent to Mr Stanley on 20 Nov. 1833.

Miscellaneous letters, 21 December 1834 (File Goodwood Mss 1077)

Filmed selectively.

I. Montgomery (Point Puer, Van Diemen's Land) to Thomas Bannister, 21 December 1834 (Item)

Report on school for young convicts at Point Puer; manner of employment; daily routine. (7p.)

Letters to the Duke of Richmond, n.d. (File Goodwood Mss 1460)

Filmed selectively.

T.J. Maslen to Duke of Richmond, n.d. (Item)

Proposes an expedition to survey the north-west coast of Australia in 1832. Written on the verso of a printed map of Australia delineated by Maslen and published by Smith, Elder and Co., 1827.

Subseries 8/5. Correspondence - Main Series: General, 15 May 1837 - 27 August 1857
Duke of Richmond, 18 May 1837 - 30 May 1837 (File Goodwood Mss 1581)

Filmed selectively.

Sir George Arthur to Duke of Richmond, 18 May 1837 (Item 63)

Sends statistical returns of Van Diemen's Land; transportation has proved the foundation of a flourishing colony.

Sir George Arthur to Duke of Richmond, 30 May 1837 (Item 66)

Sends copy of a letter to the Archbishop of Dublin in defence of transportation.

Duke of Richmond, 15 May 1837 (File Goodwood Mss 1583)

Filmed selectively.

C.H. Bracebridge to Duke of Richmond, 15 May 1837 (Item 401)

Sends cutting on prosperity of ex-convicts in Sydney; sentences of transportation seem to have little effect on criminals.

Duke of Richmond, 31 March 1838 - 13 December 1838 (File Goodwood Mss 1584)

Filmed selectively.

Saxe Bannister to Duke of Richmond, 31 March 1838 (Item 531)

Sends book on New Zealand.

Saxe Bannister to Duke of Richmond, 3 April 1838 (Item 544)

Suggests House of Lords Committee on New Zealand examine Reverend. F. Wilkinson, formerly chaplain at New South Wales.

Saxe Bannister to Duke of Richmond, 12 July 1838 (Item 596-597)

Suggests a clause for protection of Indigenous Australians in the South Australia Bill.

T. Boniface to Duke of Richmond, 13 December 1838 (Item 692)

Information from C. Henty of Launceston about convict J. Barnes.

Duke of Richmond, 2 April 1838 - 27 April 1838 (File Goodwood Mss 1592)

Filmed selectively.

T. Coates to Duke of Richmond, 2 April 1838 (Item 45)

Sends pamphlets on New Zealand.

Lord Chichester to Duke of Richmond, 5 April 1838 (Item 48)

Acknowledges letter on New Zealand question.

Lord Chichester to Duke of Richmond, 24 April 1838 (Item 58)

Suggests New Zealand Committee examine a representative of the Church Missionary Society.

Lord Chichester to Duke of Richmond, 26 April 1838 (Item 60)

Attendance at New Zealand Committee.

Lord Devon to Duke of Richmond, 27 April 1838 (Item 194)

Witnesses for New Zealand Committee.

Duke of Richmond, 8 February 1838 - 14 May 1838 (File Goodwood Mss 1593)

Filmed selectively.

T.F. Elliot (Colonial Office) to Duke of Richmond, 8 February 1838 (Item 278)

Request by L. Byass for a passage to Van Diemen's Land.

G.S. Evans to Duke of Richmond, 9 April 1838 (Item 281-282)

Examination of Maori chief Naiti by New Zealand Committee.

G.S. Evans to Duke of Richmond, 28 April 1838 (Item 284)

Meetings of New Zealand Committee.

Captain Robert Fitzroy to Duke of Richmond, 14 May 1838 (Item 362)

Offers to give evidence to New Zealand Committee.

Reverend W. Ellis to W.B. Gurney, 9 April 1838 (Item 439)

Examination of Reverend Williams by New Zealand Committee; Ellis willing to speak about Pacific missions.

W.B. Gurney to Duke of Richmond, 9 April 1838 (Item 440)

Evidence of New Zealand missionaries.

Duke of Richmond, 28 April 1838 (File Goodwood Mss 1595)

Filmed selectively.

P. Mathew to Lord Breadalbane, 28 April 1838 (Item 820)

Offers to give evidence to New Zealand Committee.

Duke of Richmond, 21 April 1838 (File Goodwood Mss 1598)

Filmed selectively.

R. Torrens to Duke of Richmond, 21 April 1838 (Item 1488)

Dinner for Governor George Gawler.

Duke of Richmond, 6 January 1839 - 19 April 1839 (File Goodwood Mss 1599)

Filmed selectively.

W. Attree to Duke of Richmond, 6 January 1839 (Item 5)

Introduces Australian agriculturalist, J. Archer.

Sir William Burnett to Duke of Richmond, 22 January 1839 (Item 102)

Gift of seeds brought from New Zealand by Buffalo.

T. Boniface to Duke of Richmond, 23 January 1839 (Item 103)

Letter from Henty about convict J. Barnes.

Sir William Burnett to Duke of Richmond, 19 April 1839 (Item 162)

Gift of New Zealand pine cones.

Duke of Richmond, 12 November 1841 (File Goodwood Mss 1619)

Filmed selectively.

Sir George Arthur to Duke of Richmond, 12 November 1841 (Item 46)

Arthur's career in colonies; seeks governorship of Madras.

Duke of Richmond, 3 January 1842 - 7 March 1842 (File Goodwood Mss 1635)

Filmed selectively.

Saxe Bannister to Duke of Richmond, 1841-01-03 [ie. 1842] (Item 76)

Submission to Lord Stanley on protection of Australian Aboriginals in the colonies.

Saxe Bannister to Duke of Richmond, 10 January 1842 (Item 80)

Protection of Australian Aboriginals in the colonies.

Saxe Bannister to Duke of Richmond, 7 March 1842 (Item 133-134)

Encloses petition to Lord Stanley.

Duke of Richmond, 20 May 1843 - 19 September 1843 (File Goodwood Mss 1653)

Filmed selectively.

Lady Mary FitzRoy (Antigua) to her brother Duke of Richmond, 20 May 1843 (Item 573)

FitzRoy's wish to be transferred from West Indies, preferably to New South Wales.

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Antigua) to Duke of Richmond, 19 June 1843 (Item 584)

Financial position; wishes to be transferred to New South Wales.

Lady Mary FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 19 September 1843 (Item 611)

Hopes Richmond has seen Lord Stanley about a transfer for FitzRoy.

Duke of Richmond, 1 January 1846 - 20 October 1846 (File Goodwood Mss 1685)

Filmed selectively.

Lady Mary FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 1 January 1846 (Item 774)

Plans to visit Goodwood.

Lady Mary FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 19 January 1846 (Item 783)

Preparations for voyage.

Lady Mary FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 29 January 1846 (Item 786)

Preparations for voyage.

Lady Mary FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, March 1846 (Item 803)

Departure from England.

Lady Mary FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, n.d. (Item 804)

Delay in sailing.

Lady Mary FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, n.d. (Item 808)

Delay in sailing.

Lady Mary FitzRoy (Madeira) to Duke of Richmond: voyage, 11 April 1846 (Item 815)
Lady Mary FitzRoy (Cape Town) to Duke of Richmond: South Africa, 14 June 1846 (Item 831)
Lady Mary FitzRoy (Sydney) to Duke of Richmond, 18 August 1846 (Item 845)

Government House; visit to Parramatta Factory.

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Sydney) to Duke of Richmond, 20 October 1846 (Item 852)

Good state of gaols in Sydney; cessation of transportation to New South Wales; similarities between Sir George Gipps and Lord Durham.

Duke of Richmond, 10 December 1847 - 6 November 1848 (File Goodwood Mss 1706)

Filmed selectively.

J. Dobie (Sydney) to Sir William Burnett, 10 January 1848 (Item 434)

Death of Lady Mary FitzRoy.

W. Dawson (Sydney) to Duke of Richmond, 10 December 1847 (Item 506)

Death of Lady Mary FitzRoy.

W. Dawson to Duke of Richmond, 11 December 1847 (Item 509)

Death of Lady Mary FitzRoy.

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Sydney) to Duke of Richmond, 8 January 1848 (Item 542)

Death of Lady Mary FitzRoy.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 6 March 1848 (Item 567)

Decision to remain in New South Wales; bereavement; parrots sent to Duchess of Richmond; Lord Grey's hostility to Lord Stanley's governors; progress of New South Wales.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 6 November 1848 (Item 595)

Promotion sought by Dr Dawson; health of George FitzRoy.

W. Dawson (Hobart) to Sir Charles FitzRoy: seeks promotion, 10 October 1848 (Item 596)
Duke of Richmond, 21 May 1849 - 20 September 1849 (File Goodwood Mss 1721)

Filmed selectively.

A.B. Frazer to Duke of Richmond, 21 May 1849 (Item 725-726)

Invites Richmond to preside at a meeting of Brighton and Sussex Society for Promoting Colonization.

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Sydney) to Duke of Richmond, 22 August 1849 (Item 751)

Sends claim for War medal.

Sir James Fergusson to [unknown], 20 September 1849 (Item 753)

Seeks letter of introduction to Sir Charles FitzRoy for nephew G. Jenkin, a squatter at Peel River.

Duke of Richmond, 14 June 1852 - 12 July 1852 (File Goodwood Mss 1757)

Filmed selectively.

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Sydney) to Duke of Richmond, 14 June 1852 (Item 654)

Seeks Richmond's support for extension of his term as governor; FitzRoy's achievements in New South Wales; change in ministry; hopes of a New Zealand appointment.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond: extension of term, 12 July 1852 (Item 660)
Sir Charles Fitzroy to Duke of Richmond, 12 July 1852 (Item 671)

Appointment of Twyford to clerkship; extension of term; vacillation of C.J. la Trobe.

Duke of Richmond, 25 January 1854 - 9 March 1854 (File Goodwood Mss 1781)

Filmed selectively.

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Sydney) to Duke of Richmond, 25 January 1854 (Item 559)

Introduces E. Deas Thomson; family news.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 9 March 1854 (Item 587)

Introduces W.C. Wentworth.

Duke of Richmond, 15 June 1855 - 20 December 1855 (File Goodwood Mss 1792)

Filmed selectively.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 15 June 1855 (Item 261)

Seeks a private secretaryship for his son.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 18 September 1855 (Item 278-80)

Letter from his son Augustus in Crimea.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 20 December 1855 (Item 306)

Death of Augustus FitzRoy.

Duke of Richmond, 20 May 1856 - 12 November 1856 (File Goodwood Mss 1800)

Filmed selectively.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 20 May 1856 (Item 498)

Possibility of appointment to Victoria; his achievements in New South Wales; unpopularity of Sir William Denison.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 4 June 1856 (Item 499)

Requests return of papers.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond: financial matters, 27 June 1856 (Item 510)
Captain Robert Fitzroy to Duke of Richmond, 12 November 1856 (Item 553)

Richmond's assistance in procuring HMS Beagle for Fitzroy in 1831; supports A. Mellersh, formely of the Beagle, for Sussex Chief Constableship.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond, 12 November 1856 (Item 556)

Sussex Chief Constableship.

Duke of Richmond, 28 April 1857 - 27 August 1857 (File Goodwood Mss 1812)

Filmed selectively.

Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond: military matter, 28 April 1857 (Item 518)
Sir Charles FitzRoy to Duke of Richmond: financial proposal, 27 August 1857 (Item 558)
Subseries Goodwood Mss 1867. Papers relating to female convict establishments in Van Diemen's land by Dr. and Mrs. Bowden, October 1846 - December 1848

Filmed selectively.

Sir William Denison on the condition of female convicts on the Anson (1p., printed), December 1847 - May 1848 (File)

Extracts from despatches and reports

E.L.P. Bowden (Hobart) to Sir William Denison, October 1846 (File)

Account of probationary institution for female convicts on hulk Anson. (35pp.)

Philippa Bowden. Report of voyage to Van Diemen's Land with female convicts, December 1848 (File)

Anson probationary institution and other female convict establishments (8p.)

Fonds Add Mss 2216-2232. Deeds and documents of a property in Chichester, 13 October 1871

Filmed selectively.

Conveyance for £420 from Mary Barker (Chichester) and Alfred Barker (Burra, South Australia) to Reverend George Gruggen (Chichester) of property at 51 Tower Street, Chichester, 13 October 1871 (File Add Mss 2223)

Fonds Add Mss 2789-2790. Records of the Chichester surveyor, Edward Fuller

Series Add Mss 2790. Manuscript atlas compiled by Edward Fuller of Chichester

Filmed selectively.

Map of the world in two hemispheres (File)
Asia, including the East Indies (File)

Fonds Add Mss 6009-6076. Documents (Mainly Correspondence) of the Cobden Family, 12 May 1860

Series Add Mss 6013. Letters to Richard Cobden, 12 May 1860

Filmed selectively.

Robert W. Nutt (Melbourne) to R. Cobden, 12 May 1860 (File)

Condolences on death of Cobden's son; influence of Cobden's economic theories in Australia; commercial treaty with France.

Fonds Add Mss 19027-19071. Papers of the Turing Family of Scotland and Chichester, 1815 - 1819

Filmed selectively.

Series Add Mss 19029. Ledger of Walter S. Davidson, 1815 - 1819

Including entries for New South Wales property and transactions with Alexander Riley, Riley and Jones, and John Macarthur. (38ff.)

Fonds Add Mss 22243-22643. Papers of John Abel Smith, 14 March 1841 - 1846

William Hardy (Port Phillip) to [unknown], 14 March 1841 (File Add Mss 22403)

Comparative merits of Australian colonies; advice to settlers.

Lord Spencer to Lord Howick, 11 July 1845 (File Add Mss 22412)

Declines chairmanship of New Zealand Company.

Memorandum on the future of the Australian colonies, [1845] (File Add Mss 22475)

Address to Lord John Russell from merchants, bankers, shipowners and traders of London, [1846] (File Add Mss 22476)

Regarding colonial administration and the blight of the Colonial Office and urging self-government for the Canadian and Australasian colonies. (printed)

Anonymous Latin poem on New Zealand (File Add Mss 22636)

Fonds MP. Miscellaneous Papers, 1836 - 1900

Filmed selectively.

Incomplete typescript of a book by L. Darton on John B. Hack, Stephen Hack and Henry Watson and South Australia (pp. 179-312), 1836 - 1844 (File MP 1372)

Typescript copy of a letter to the New South Wales Governor from the Colonial Land and Emigration Office, [c.1900] (File MP 1646)

Concerning the purchase of land at Port Phillip by Henry Dendy in 1840 and a newspaper cutting from the Brighton Southern Cross (1900) about John Booker who emigrated to Port Phillip under Dendy's sponsorship.
