Guide to the Papers of Sidnie Milana Manton (as filmed by the AJCP)



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Created: 2019

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Series A. Correspondence, 27 May 1957 - 9 July 1987

All correspondence to Sidnie Manton unless noted...

Michael Abercrombie (Cambridge), 8 December 1975 (File)

Re Anderson 'he has been outstandingly successful'.

Don T. Anderson (Sydney, Plymouth), 20 October 1961 - 9 July 1987 (File)

Subjects include: Scoloplos; his work on crustacea; his application to Nuffield Foundation; news of other Australian scientists; his application for D Sc from London University; his application for chair of Biology at Sydney; Hinton's attitude to his application to Royal Society; paper on Peripatus; his election to Royal Society 'first zoological fellow for twenty years in Australia'; visit to England 1977. (292p. some incomplete letters.)...

Professor E.J.W. Barrington (Nottingham), 28 June 1972 (File)

Re Anderson's candidature for Royal Society and Hinton's opposition.

S.M. Manton to Barrington: acknowledgement, 30 June 1972 (File)

Elizabeth Batham (Portobello), 1959-07-22; 1959-08-11; 1959-08-12 (File)

Re work at Portobello Marine Biological Station; application for Chair of Zoology at Canterbury University; her teaching experience. (9p.)

S.M. Manton to Professor Clark: re Anderson's work, 1 May 1967 (File)

S.M. Manton to J.S. Fitzgerald (CSIRO, Melbourne), 13 June 1966 (File)

With comments on a paper by D.T. Anderson.

J.F. Foster (Association of Universities of British Commonwealth), 1957-06-20; 1957-06-26 (File)

Re J.C. Perryman's applications for lectureship in Zoology at Auckland and Queensland. (9p.)

M.F. Glaessner (Adelaide): re work on Spinther, 3 February 1966 (File)

S.M. Manton to Glaessner: acknowledgement, 14 February 1966 (File)

Correspondence with R.H. Hackman (CSIRO, Canberra), 1978-01-21; 1978-04-21; 1978-05-05 (File)

Re Michael Locke's views on evolution, her health, his visit to England. (3p.)

Howard Hinton (Bristol), 24 July 1972 (File)

Re Anderson's election to Royal Society; his opinion of his work.

G. Adrian Horridge (Canberra), June 1974 - 16 January 1976 (File)

Subjects include: publications; arthropod eyes; unavailability of literature in Canberra. (29p.)

H. McCredie (Register, University of Sydney), 5 September 1967 (File)

Re D.T. Anderson's application for Readership.

S.M. Manton to McCredie, 20 September 1967 (File)

In support of Anderson; includes list of publications.

L.C. Birch (Sydney) to Norman H. Olver (Carlton), 5 November 1964 (File)

Supporting application for grant for D.T. Anderson from Nuffield Foundation. (6p., copy)

S.M. Manton to Olver: in support of Anderson, 11 January 1965 (File)

S.M. Manton to Carl Pantin (Cambridge): re tribute to Tiegs (3p.), 27 May 1957 (File)

G.W. Paton (Vice Chancellor, Melbourne University), 7 September 1964 (File)

Re candidature of G. Burnstock for Chair of Zoology, encloses his C.V. and list of publications. (6p.)

S.M. Manton to Paton, 18 September 1964 (File)

Suggesting he considers D.T. Anderson for the chair.

Correspondence with Judith Perryman (Otago University), 4 June 1959 - 9 May 1960 (File)

Subjects include: publishing her research; lecturing and taking field courses at Otago University; instituting tutorials; visit to Doubtful Sound; Conchostraca in New Zealand. (14p.)

Jean Rabone (Wahroonga, NSW), 19 July 1977 (File)

Re her success showing cats.

S.M. Manton to Jean Rabone: re cat breeding and her health, 27 July 1977 (File)

Correspondence with Pat Ralph (Wellington), 1959-06-08; 1959-09-07 (File)

Subjects include: work on Tetraplatia; increase in number of students in Zoology Department at Victoria University; publishing his work in England. (18p., faint carbons)

N.H. Robinson (Royal Society): re Donald T. Anderson, 1972-07-28; 1973-10-15 (File)

S.M. Manton to E.A. Scott (CSIRO, Melbourne), 30 September 1964 (File)

Recommending publication of D.T. Anderson's paper. 'He is a first rate man'.

J. Eric Smith (Plymouth), 1973-10-15; 1974-03-20 (File)

In support of D.T. Anderson's application to Royal Society 'His book is clearly one of the great contributions of our time'.

S.M. Manton to D.R. Stoddart, 4 February 1976 (File)

Re Barrier Reef symposium and meeting the 1973 party; terminologies used by 1973 group and the Great Barrier Reef Expedition Party - 'nursery names'.

D.R. Stoddart (Cambridge), 2 March 1976 (File)

Agreeing on terminology usage; geology of Australian coast.

R.W. Taylor (CSIRO, Canberra), 24 August 1967 - 20 October 1977 (File)

Subjects include: his appointment as Ant Taxonomist at CSIRO; work on Symperipatus; work with David Blest at ANU. (7p.)

S.M. Manton to Mrs Tiegs (, 8 December 1970 (File)

Thanking her for book on Australia; D.T. Anderson 'the most able student I have ever had'; her plans to bring the 1958 review up to date. (poor carbon copy)

G.G. Turbott (Register, University of Canterbury), 18 August 1959 (File)

Re Elizabeth Batham's application to chair of Zoology

S.M. Manton to Turbott, 29 August 1959 (File)

In support of Dr E. Batham's application; her work establishing Portobello Marine Station.

S.M. Manton to D.F. Waterhouse (CSIRO, Canberra), 4 May 1972 - November 1972 (File)

Re proposing Anderson for Royal Society (4p.)

Douglas F. Waterhouse (Canberra): re Edgar Riek, 5 May 1972 (File)
