Guide to the Letters of Leopold James Maxse (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Letters, 8 December 1887 - 12 July 1888 (File 442)

Filmed selectively.

A. Deakin (Melbourne) to Maxse, 8 December 1887 (Item W497)

Maxse's visit to Melbourne; offers help.

J. Chamberlain to Maxse, 26 January 1888 (Item W498)

Thanks for present; refers to Maxse's world tour; importance of grand tour in education of cultivated man.

Prince Edward to Maxse, 12 July 1888 (Item W502)

Maxse's world tour.

Letters, 8 May 1890 - 4 August 1890 (File 443)

Filmed selectively.

Lord Knutsford to Maxse, 8 May 1890 (Item W568)

Thanks for prospectus of Review; powers of British Government in relation to colonial legislation and appointment of governors.

Lord Knutsford to Maxse, 9 May 1890 (Item W569)

Erroneous statement by Sir Charles Dilke that South Australia refused to accept Lord Normanby as Governor.

A.P. Martin to Mallet, 8 June 1890 (Item W570)

General belief in Australia that Lord Normanby was to have been sent to South Australia; need for less reserve on part of Colonial Office.

[B.R. Wise] (Sydney) to Mallet, 12 June 1890 (Item W571)

Harm done to England's name by misgovernment of Ireland; mischief done by Imperial Federation League. (Incomplete)

A.P. Martin to Mallet, 4 August 1890 (Item W572)

Disgusted by Wise's letter; N.S.W. yet to purify itself from taint of Irish convictism.

Letters, 14 October 1898 - 11 December 1898 (File 446)

Filmed selectively.

W.H. Triggs (Christchurch) to Maxse, 14 October 1898 (Item W806-8)

Congratulations on work of National Review; 1894 International Press Conference; offers to write articles on New Zealand; recollections of Maxse's visit to New Zealand.

W.P. Reeves to Maxse, 11 December 1898 (Item W845)

Thanks for appreciation of his work; Radical Imperialist; offers to write article on New Zealand old age pension scheme.

Miscellaneous Letters, 25 July 1905 (File 449)

Filmed selectively.

E. Armstrong (Melbourne) to [Maxse], 25 July 1905 (Item W12)

Seeks title page and index for 1904 issues of National Review for State Library of Victoria.

Letters, 28 July 1902 (File 450)

Filmed selectively.

E.T. Cook to Maxse, 28 July 1902 (Item T529)

Thanks for cheque; B.R. Wise and appointment of Australian High Commissioner in London; claims of Sir John Forrest; Wise's wish to return to England.

B.R. Wise (Sydney) to Maxse, n.d. (Item T600)

Suggests book be published on British foreign policy; importance of Philippines for Australia; strong possibility of appointment as High Commissioner

Letters, 6 April 1903 - 12 September 1903 (File 451)

Filmed selectively.

B.R. Wise to Maxse, 6 April 1903 (Item T647)

Thanks for kindness while in England; need for legislators to travel through Empire.

Sir Samuel Griffith (Brisbane) to Maxse, 12 September 1903 (Item T690)

Progress of tariff reform movement; unable to express public support owing to judicial position.

Letters, 4 January 1904 - 12 December 1904 (File 452)

Filmed selectively.

B.R. Wise (Sydney) to Maxse, 4 January 1904 (Item T728)

Sends article on Australia and preferential trade; A. Deakin; likely appointment of Wise as High Commissioner in London; Sir John Forrest.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 26 April 1904 (Item T741)

Resignation of Deakin Ministry; offers to be regular, anonymous Australian correspondent of National Review.

A. Deakin (Melbourne) to Maxse, 10 August 1904 (Item T756)

Reiterates offer; turning-point in history of Australian labour movement.

J. Chamberlain to Maxse, 21 September 1904 (Item T764)

Work of B.R. Wise for tariff reform in Australia; his claims for honour; doubts if he would be acceptable as parliamentary candidate in England.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 21 September 1904 (Item T765)

Inadequacy of quarterly articles; need for current Australian news in England; failings of cable service; rates of payment.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 11 October 1904 (Item T771)

Sends article; secrecy of authorship.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 15 November 1904 (Item T774)

Article on Australia and preferential trade; seeks to suppress personal views and reflect Australian opinion.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 12 December 1904 (Item T779)

Monthly contributions; themes of articles.

Parliamentary motion of A. Deakin on preferential trade (printed) (Item T780)

Letters, 10 January 1905 - 5 July 1905 (File 453)

Filmed selectively.

A. Deakin (Melbourne) to Maxse, 10 January 1905 (Item S1)

Sends article; requests drafts rather than cheques; difficulty of treating current politics.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 7 February 1905 (Item S10)

Printers' errors in article; dissatisfaction with his work; congratulations on success of National Review.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 7 March 1905 (Item S21)

Sends article, abbreviated to utmost; speculation in Australia about authorship of articles.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 11 April 1905 (Item S39)

Article on White Australia; proposes article on defence and foreign relations; plans to visit Western Australia.

Lord Grey (Ottawa) to Maxse, 6 May 1905 (Item S47-49)

Sends volume on All-Red Cable; scheme of Sir Sandford Fleming to facilitate cable from Canada to Australia.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 13 June 1905 (Item S69)

Speculation on authorship of articles; future articles; reactions in Australia.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 20 June 1905 (Item S77)

Thanks for encouragement; does not trust B.R. Wise; collaboration of South Australian correspondent.

Sir Gerald Strickland (Hobart) to Maxse, 5 July 1905 (Item S79)

Appreciation of Australian articles; Australian politics; A. Deakin; unpopularity of Federation in Tasmania; importance of British governors.

Letters, 18 July 1905 - 22 December 1905 (File 453)

Filmed selectively.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 18 July 1905 (Item S86)

Unexpected return to office; sends article on political situation; suggests further articles.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 15 August 1905 (Item S103)

Wishes to be released from further articles; offers short summary of public affairs; offers to find another correspondent.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 10 September 1905 (Item S111)

Impossible to continue articles; unable to forget things learnt officially and confidentially; treachery of Sir George Reid.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 22 December 1905 (Item S190)

Close to collapse after hard parliamentary session; suggests A.W. Jose as Australian correspondent.

Letters, 20 July 1906 - 13 August 1906 (File 456)

Filmed selectively.

W.P. Reeves to Maxse, 20 July 1906 (Item S327)

Sends verse, tribute to founders of New Zealand.

J.J. Rendle (Melbourne) to Maxse, 8 August 1906 (Item S344-46)

Crisis in New Hebrides; need to induce France to relinquish its share of condominium.

J.J.M. Mackenzie (Sydney) to Maxse, 13 August 1906 (Item S349-50)

Sends manuscript of book 'Greater Britain'; seeks assistance with publication.

Letters, 3 March 1907 - 7 November 1907 (File 457)

Filmed selectively.

Lord Leconfield to Maxse, 3 March 1907 (Item S492)

Lord Elgin and tariff reform; suggests big meeting while colonial Premiers in England.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 12 April 1907 (Item S510)

Seeks meeting.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 17 April 1907 (Item S512)

Seeks meeting.

Lord Leconfield to Maxse, 29 April 1907 (Item S516)

Urges strong pressure be put on A. Deakin to attend preference dinner.

L.S. Amery to Maxse, 5 May 1907 (Item S519)

Suggests article on campaign of A. Deakin.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 9 May 1907 (Item S521)

Eulogy of Deakin by Maxse in Times.

L.S. Amery to Maxse, 14 May 1907 (Item S526)

Hopes A. Deakin will return and campaign for tariff reform.

A. Deakin (Paris) to Maxse, 21 May 1907 (Item S529)

Meeting with G. Clemenceau; thanks for help during nervous breakdown; ideas for National Review.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 7 August 1907 (Item S560)

Forces arrayed against tariff reform; future British leaders; Deakin's breakdown.

V. Chirol to Maxse, 7 November 1907 (Item S598)

Mischief done to tariff reform by identifying it with Australian economic policy.

Letters, 23 March 1908 - 21 July 1908 (File 458)

Filmed selectively.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 23 March 1908 (Item S672-73)

Success of Maxse in winning over country to tariff reform; urges appointment of A.W. Jose as Australian correspondent; support of Jose for policy of Lord Milner.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 21 July 1908 (Item S737-38)

Agrees that Lord Milner must be in new Cabinet; achievements of Deakin Government; hopes of retirement; ill-health; weakness of American influence in Australia; visit of American Fleet; A.W. Jose.

Letters, 12 January 1909 - 26 May 1909 (File 459)

Filmed selectively.

[A.W. Jose] (Sydney) to Maxse, 12 January 1909 (Item R2)

Agrees to be Australian correspondent; sends account of South Africa by Australian visitor. (Incomplete)

[A.W. Jose] to Maxse, 19 January 1909 (Item R7-8)

Subscriptions by Australian institutions to monthly reviews; H. Arnold-Foster; Darling. (Incomplete)

B.R. Wise (Melbourne) to Maxse, 1 March 1909 (Item R38)

Introduces T. Fink.

A.W. Jose to Maxse, 12 March 1909 (Item R53)

Introduces T. Fink, delegate to Imperial Press Conference.

Sir Gerald Strickland (Hobart) to Maxse, 5 April 1909 (Item R85)

Appointment as Governor of Western Australia; influence of constitutional governor in colonial democracy.

G. Scholefield to Maxse, 19 April 1909 (Item R121)

Article; Australian suspicions of Japanese alliance.

F.M. Cutlack to Maxse, 26 April 1909 (Item R131)

Offers article on naval defence of Australia.

T. Fink to Maxse, 4 May 1909 (Item R144)

Seeks meeting.

E. Grigg to Maxse, 11 May 1909 (Item R159)

T. Fink.

T.Fink to Maxse, 26 May 1909 (Item R198)

Confirms appointment.

Letters, 28 August 1909 - 27 December 1909 (File 460)

Filmed selectively.

F. Fox to Maxse, 28 August 1909 (Item R385-86)

Offers article on American politics; scheme for national Australian daily.

Ivor [Maxse] to Maxse, 29 September 1909 (Item R412)

Suggests he seek opinion of B.R. Wise on Australian United Steam Navigation Company.

T. Knox to Maxse, 11 October 1909 (Item R420-23)

Navy League; account of visit to New Zealand to establish branches

F. Fox to Maxse, 13 October 1909 (Item R426)

Refers to article on Mark Twain in Age; anxious to return to Australia.

F. Fox to Maxse, 13 November 1909 (Item R455)

Promises Australian article.

Lord Stanhope to Maxse, 27 December 1909 (Item R500)

Japanese expansionism; refers to large number of Japanese in Hawaii and Pacific Islands.

F. Fox to Maxse (Item R535)

Offers article on defence; article for Australia on Maxse and National Review.

Letters, 15 March 1910 - 15 June 1910 (File 461)

Filmed selectively.

A.W. Jose (Sydney) to Maxse, 15 March 1910 (Item R599)

Violence of article; danger for Anglo-Australian relations of accusing Labor Party of disloyalty.

F. Fox to Maxse, 17 May 1910 (Item R637)

Sends article on Australian Labor Party.

A. Deakin to Maxse, 15 June 1910 (Item R660)

Defeat of Deakin Government; statements by A.W. Jose in Times; Jose's seduction by Labor Party; biased statements in National Review.

Letters, 30 September 1910 - 30 November 1910 (File 462)

Filmed selectively.

F. Fox to Maxse, 30 September 1910 (Item R719)

Success of payment of M.P.s in Australia; unpaid system in Britain.

Lord Northcliffe to Maxse, 6 November 1910 (Item R751-52)

Danger of Canada defecting from Empire; Australia already a dependency of Japan.

A.W. Jose (Sydney) to Maxse, 16 November 1910 (Item R762)

Thanks for free hand; plans to visit England in 1911.

A.W. Jose to Maxse, 30 November 1910 (Item R771-78)

Criticisms by W. Kelly of comments by Jose on cable messages and Fusion Ministry; incompatible views of Fusionists; need to reconstitute old centre party of Deakinites; strength of imperialism in section of Labor Party.

Letters, 31 March 1912 (File 466)

Filmed selectively.

A. St. Ledger (Melbourne) to [Maxse], 31 March 1912 (Item P57-58)

Anti-Liberal bias of Australian correspondents of English journals; statement by A. Fisher on naval defence; influence of Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Fisher; forthcoming election campaign.

Letters, 15 July 1913 - 2 November 1913 (File 468)

Filmed selectively.

L.S. Amery to Maxse, 15 July 1913 (Item P361-62)

Marconi scandal; refers to forthcoming visit to Australia,

B. Stewart to Maxse, 20 October 1913 (Item P433)

Friend willing to supply information about Australia.

L.S. Amery (Hobart) to Maxse, 2 November 1913 (Item P444)

Sends cuttings on Sir Rufus Isaacs case; colonial editors feel less than adulation for Asquith Government; plans for return to England.

Letters, 16 July 1915 - 29 October 1915 (File 471)

Filmed selectively.

T.M. Reid (Adelaide) to Maxse, 16 July 1915 (Item 264)

Seeks information on reduction of Expeditionary Force; popularity of National Review in Adelaide.

Margaret Cox-Taylor (Sydney) to Maxse, 27 July 1915 (Item 277-80)

Criticisms by Maxse of Asquith Government; Sir George King-Hall and his belief in Australian Navy.

Nancy Jobson (Invercargill) to Maxse, 24 August 1915 (Item 303)

Thanks for letter; prescience of National Review.

Lady Selborne to Maxse, 29 October 1915 (Item 376)

Article on Australians and War; political sense and fighting capacity unimpaired by universal suffrage.

Letters, 1 March 1916 - 14 April 1917 (File 472)

Filmed selectively.

British Engineers Association to [Maxse], 1 March 1916 (Item 608-9)

Cable from Critchley Parker in Melbourne on alleged withdrawal of article in National Review on British Thomson-Houston Company.

G. Robinson to Maxse, 3 April 1916 (Item 643-44)

W.M. Hughes and Trade Conference; question of preference.

Ivor [Maxse] to Maxse, 7 April 1917 (Item 649-50)

Strong feeling among soldiers that it is scandal if Australian and Canadian, but not British, soldiers can vote.

Ivor [Maxse] to Maxse, 14 April 1917 (Item 654-55)

Voting by soldiers; belief of Sir William Birdwood that Australian soldiers voted against conscription; their influence on home vote.

National Address to Government, May 1916 (Item 682)

Urging that Dominions be associated in administration of War and that W.M. Hughes be offered seat on War Council.

Christabel Pankhurst to Maxse, 27 June 1916 (Item 698-702)

Folly of allowing W.M. Hughes to return to Australia; need for Dominions to be involved in management of War; opposition of H. Asquith to W.M. Hughes.

Letters, 15 November 1916 - 27 December 1916 (File 473)

Filmed selectively.

J.M. Fowler (Melbourne) to Maxse, 15 November 1916 (Item 843)

Labor bias of Australian correspondent of National Review; split in Labor Party; failure of W.M. Hughes to consult Liberal Party on formation of new Ministry; folly of conscription referendum; Hughes 'hasn't got the judgment of a hen'

L.S. Amery to Maxse, 27 December 1916 (Item 857)

Triumph of principle of equality between British Government and Dominions; need for Dominions to be consulted on peace terms; suggests article by R. Jebb.

National Address to Government, urging that Dominions be associated in administration of War (draft), n.d. (Item 869)

Letters, 19 January 1917 - 21 December 1917 (File 474)

Filmed selectively.

W.M. Hughes to Maxse, 19 January 1917 (Item N9-10)

Defeat of conscription referendum; formation of National Government uncertainty about scope of Imperial Conference.

W.M. Hughes (Melbourne) to Maxse, 29 January 1917 (Item N17)

Formation of National Government.

J. Marjoribanks Steele (Auckland) to Maxse, 7 February 1917 (Item N26-28)

Formation of Coalition Government in Britain; military situation; W.F. Massey.

R. Macaire (Auckland) to P. Snowden, 8 June 1917 (Item N107-8)

New Zealand hostility towards Snowden and pacifism.

D. Pollock (Johannesburg) to Maxse, 21 December 1917 (Item N295-96)

Visit of W.M. Hughes to South Africa; efforts of Government to prevent him reaching Rand.

Letters, 30 March 1918 - 25 November 1918 (File 475)

Filmed selectively.

J. Marjoribanks Steele (Auckland) to Maxse, 30 March 1918 (Item T220-26)

German offensive; military situation; propaganda.

J. Marjoribanks Steele to Maxse, 4 April 1918 (Item T231-40)

Military situation; Sir Douglas Haig; propaganda.

W.M. Hughes to Maxse, 9 September 1918 (Item T333)

Invites Maxse to join party visiting Australian Front in France.

W.M. Hughes to Maxse, 25 November 1918 (Item T352)

Declines to allow speech on Dominions and Downing Street to be published in National Review.

Letters, 15 December 1919 - 19 September 1921 (File 476)

Filmed selectively.

W.M. Hughes (Melbourne) to Maxse, 15 December 1919 (Item M101)

Election victory; support of soldiers; President W. Wilson and 14 Points: D. Lloyd George; covets Grand Cross of Legion of Honour.

Lord Jellicoe to Maxse, 2 April 1920 (Item M111)

Declines to write article on future naval policy until Government publishes report on naval defences of Dominions.

Preston and Foster to Maxse, 24 January 1921 (Item M137)

Letter to E. O'Connor and Co. about Archbishop D. Mannix.

F.A.W. Gisborne (Hobart) to [Maxse], 13 December 1920 (Item M138-40)

Complaints of A. Gilruth, late Administrator of Northern Territory, on Gisborne's article in National Review on Darwin disturbances; sends rejoinder for publication. (copy)

Preston and Foster to E. O'Connor & Co, 24 January 1921 (Item M141)

Complaint of Archbishop D. Mannix about article in National Review.

Preston and Foster to Maxse, 9 February 1921 (Item M149)

Complaint of A. Gilruth about article in National Review.

Preston and Foster to Maxse, 14 February 1921 (Item M150-53)

Sends letter from E. O'Connor & Co. on inaccuracies in article about Archbishop D. Mannix.

'Australian Roman Catholic' to Maxse, n.d. (Item M154)

Article on Archbishop D. Mannix.

E. O'Connor & Co. to Preston and Foster, 3 March 1921 (Item M155)

Article on Archbishop D. Mannix.

Preston and Foster to E. O'Connor & Co, 4 March 1921 (Item 156)

Suggests that Archbishop D. Mannix write letter to National Review. (copy)

Lord Northcliffe (Rotorua) to Maxse, 1 September 1921 (Item 174-79)

Sends letter from A.F. Mickle (Auckland) on Northcliffe' visit to New Zealand; loyalty of population; British politics.

F.A.W. Gisborne to Maxse, 19 September 1921 (Item M180-81)

Thanks for cheque; curse of Federal industrial arbitration; letter from A. Gilruth; Darwin affair.

Letters, n.d. (File 477)

Filmed selectively.

B. Mallet to Maxse, n.d. (Item 14)

Drift into separatism regarding colonies; unintelligible appointment of governors, such as Sir Robert Hamilton.

Letters, 12 May 1923 (File 478)

Filmed selectively.

H.B. Lassetter to H.H. Gwynne, 12 May 1923 (Item K150-53)

Anglo-Irish negotiations; role of Archbishop P. Clune of Brisbane in negotiations between D. Lloyd George and A. Griffith and M. Collins in 1921. (copy)

Letters, 14 January 1924 - 20 April 1926 (File 479)

Filmed selectively.

F. Fox to Maxse, 14 January 1924 (Item K217)

Offers to write article on development in Australia from 3-party system to 2-party system.

Stella Allan to Maxse, 24 January 1925 (Item K345)

Return to Australia; Australians live in fool's paradise.

R.W. Hornabrook (Melbourne) to Maxse, 12 August 1925 (Item K399-403)

Sends copy of letter on visit of United States Fleet to Australia; excessive youth of American Navy; folly of ending Anglo-Japanese Alliance.

S. Austin (Sydney) to Maxse, 20 April 1926 (Item K448)

Maxse's article on influenza; success of thymol.

Letters, 25 January 1927 - 17 December 1931 (File 480)

Filmed selectively.

J. Balfour (Washington) to Maxse, 25 January 1927 (Item H4)

Introduces J.P. Godsell, visiting England with Australian debating team.

Marion Stuckley to Maxse, 4 July 1927 (Item H42)

Introduces Guthrie Smith, New Zealand naturalist.

B. Penton to Maxse, 12 March 1929 (Item H191-92)

Seeks meeting.

Australian Press Association to Maxse, 1 May 1929 (Item H212)

Thanks for proof of article by W.A. Holman.

N. Chamberlain to Maxse, 19 July 1930 (Item H304)

Withdrawal from Australian trust.

Angela Thirkell to Maxse, 17 December 1931 (Item H345)

Thanks for talk; distrust of League of Nations and M. Gandhi.
