Guide to the Papers of the Natural History Museum: Murray Library (as filmed by the AJCP)


M2770 - M2771

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Series. Murray Library Section I, 1873 - 1912

Filmed selectively.

Subseries 1/70-72. Challenger Office Deposit Samples, 1873 - 1912

Vol A (387p.), 1873 - 1898 (File 70)
Index (23p.), 1873 - 1898 (Item)
HMS Penguin S.W. Pacific Ocean, 1894 - 1897 (Item ff. 9-10)
HMS Penguin Pacific Ocean, 1897 (Item ff.17-40)
HMS Waterwitch S.W. Pacific, 1896 (Item ff. 41-56)
HMS Penguin S.W. Pacific, 1898 (Item ff. 57-60)
HMS Penguin near Funafuti, 1896 (Item f.62)
HMS Dart off Great Barrier Reef, 1896 (Item ff.63-66)
USS Enterprise S. Pacific, (1882?) (Item ff.67-70)
HMS Egeria Indian Ocean, 1887 (Item ff.107-112)
HMS Egeria S.W. Pacific, 1888 - 1890 (Item ff.113-140)
HMS Penguin Indian Ocean, 1891 (Item ff.143-144)
HMS Rambler Pacific Ocean, 1890 (Item ff.145-46)
HMS Dart [Pacific Ocean], 1888 - 1889 (Item ff.147-8)
HMS Myrmidon Coral Sea, 1887 (Item ff.149-50)
HMS Waterwitch S.W. Pacific, 1895 (Item ff.195-98)
HMS Penguin S.W. Pacific, 1894 (Item ff.200-214)
USS Tuscarora Pacific, 1873 (Item ff.229-268)
USS Thetis Pacific Ocean, 1892 (Item ff.269-74)
Vol B (384p.), 1888 - 1912 (File 71)

Details of date, latitude and longitude position, depth and type of deposit and Ca CO3 % of deposit sample.

Index (24p.), 1888 - 1912 (Item)
SS Britannia S.W. Pacific, 1901 (Item ff.1-30)
HMS Rambler Tizard and Macclesfield Banks, 1888 (Item ff.115-116)
HMS Penguin Pacific, 1891 - 1903 (Item ff.117-142)
USS Nero Pacific, 1899 - 1900 (Item ff.260-352)
USS Albatross Pacific, 1891 - 1910 (Item ff.353-380)
HMS Iris S. Pacific, 1912 (Item ff.383-4)
Index (45p.) (File 72)

A-Z index by survey ship giving date and place of voyage.

Series. Murray Library Section 2, 1839 - 1912

Subseries. Sir Joseph D Hooker, 1839 - 1844

Sketches of invertebrate animals made during the Sir James Ross Antarctic Expedition, 1839-1843 and diaries of voyage...

Drawings made during Sir James Ross Antarctic Expedition (File 1)

Drawings of invertebrate animals, some give location. (including 'Sydney', 'off New Zealand',etc.) (87p.)

Hooker's Mss. as received from Spence Bate (File 2)

Ms. notes and drawings, giving date, location, and description of specimens. (53p. and 15 drawings)

Antarctic Zoology Diary, April 1840 - August 1841 (File 3)

a. [Diary], 8 April - Dec 1840 (pencil and ink)b. [Transcribed copy of Diary], 23pc. Between Sydney and New Zealand, Aug 1841. 48p...

Drawings madeā€¦during Antarctic Expedition, 1839 - 1844 (File 4)

Schizopoda and larva of Macrura

48 Drawings, some with descriptions and measurements., 1839 - 1844 (Item (a))

Includes list of drawings of Sir JD Hooker made during Antarctic Expedition.

Diary, 10 August 1841 - 3 March 1842 (Item (b))

Between Sydney and New Zealand; between New Zealand and Chatham Islands...

Amphipoda (File 5/ Folder: 41)

41 Drawings and sketches.

Ascidians, Pyrosoma salpae (File 6)

29 drawings and sketches.

Hooker(?) Drawings (File 7)

3 drawings and ms. note.

Subseries Box 127. SS Albatross, 1888 - 1910

Filmed selectively.

Note and correspondence (File 3)

Concerning despatch of manganese nodules collected by Albatross on South Sea voyage (c. 1899-1900) from Museum of Comparative Zoology Cambridge Mass to Sir John Murray, 1901-1902. (4p.)

Dr William Mackie (Elgin) to Sir John Murray, 17 September 1910 (File 4)

Re Albatross specimens and eleven photographs of deposits.

Record of submarine tow-net stations of the US Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. (Printed, 5p.), March 1891 - April 1891 (File 5)
Investigations of the Albatross; record of hydrographic soundings (Printed, 4p.), 1 July 1888 - 30 June 1889 (File 6)
USS Albatross cable survey California to Hawaiian Islands., (7p.), 1891 (File 10)

Gives station number, Lat. and Long. coordinates, and depth.

Subseries Box 128. SS Britannia, 1901

Filmed selectively.

Tracing of chart showing soundings: Norfolk Island to Fiji (File 2)
Pacific Cable Survey,, 1901 (File 3)

Sounding log south part, Qld., to Norfolk Island; Norfolk Island to Fiji; Norfolk Island to New Zealand; Norfolk Island to Fiji; Fiji to Fanning Island; Fanning Island to Vancouver, 18 May-29 Aug 1901. (59p.)

Remarks on deep sea deposits in general and their distribution in the Pacific Ocean, 1901 (File 4)

With notes on the samples collected by SS Britannia, by Sir John Murray. (46p.)

[Description of deposits by sounding] (30p.) (File 5)
Sounding sheetings, South part, Qld. to Honolulu, (29p. sheets), 18 May 1901 - 30 August 1901 (File 6)
Soundings Queensland - Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island to Fiji, (printed, mss alterations, 5p.), 18 May 1901 - 23 June 1901 (File 8)
[Proof copies of notes on deposits by sounding]. (8p.) (File 9 and 10)

(10 has ms. alterations)

Subseries Box 136. SS Egeria, 1887 - 1888

Sounding sheets from North Island New Zealand to Wolverene Bank, Rough and perfect copies. (15p.), 21 June 1888 - 1 September 1888 (File 1)
Soundings obtained on 1st-6th cruises (14p.) (File 2)
Details of analysis of samples taken on Soundings (101p.), October 1887 - December 1887 (File 3-21, 23-43)

Not in date order

List of Foraminifera found in the sounding taken, no. XLIV, Lat. 35 39' S Long. 119 51' E. (3p.), 21 December 1887 (File 22)

With list of Foraminifera from Globigerina ooze obtained in Lat 20 0' 0' S Long. 67' 33' 0' E. (2p.)

[Note on deposits off Christmas Island] (3p.) (File 44)
Rough notes on deposits by Station, III, (34p.), 11 October 1887 - 30 December 1887 (File 45)


Subseries Box 141. HMCS Iris, 1912

Sounding sheets (5p.), January 1912 (File 1)

(Pencil, faint)

Soundings taken by HMCS Iris from Mariwai west coast NZ towards Bondi NSW (5p.), 8 January 1912 - 21 January 1912 (File 2)

Subseries Box 144. HMS Myrmidon, 1887

Rough and perfect copies of sounding sheets made of north coast of Australia and Banda Sea (6p.), October 1887 - November 1887 (File 1 and 2)

Subseries Box 145. USS Nero, 1905

James M Flint. A contribution to the oceanography of the Pacific: compiled from data collected by the USS Nero while engaged in the survey of a route for a trans-Pacific cable, 1905 (File 1)

Bulletin of the US National Museum, no. 55 (76p.) (Annotated.)

Nero deposits (7p.) (File 2)

Subseries Box 146. HMS Penguin, 1896 - 1899

James B Shand (Granton) to Chumley, with Penguin Ca Co3 determinations, 23 May 1899 (File 1)
James B Shand (Granton) to Chumley with notes on Ca Co3 determination on deposits, 12 April 1899 (File 2)
GC Frederick (Admiralty) to Sir John Murray forwarding Penguin specimens, 20 July 1896 (File)
Deposits taken by HMS Penguin in the neighbourhood of Funafuti and southwar towards Fiji (10p.), 1896 (File [3])

Subseries Box 148. HMS Rambler, 1905

Filmed selectively.

Rough notes on Grauton Water and Gordon Patches (2p.) (File 2)
Report on deposits from Gordon Patches (near Labuan), by LW Collet and GW Lee (5p.), 6 September 1905 - 22 December 1905 (File 3)

Subseries Box 155. USS Tuscarora, 1873 - 1876

USS Tuscarora soundings (7p.), August 1873 - December 1873 (File 1)
Deep sea soundings of USS Tuscarora, December 1875 - February 1876 (File 2)

In the Pacific between Hawaiian Is., Phoenix Is Fiji Is., New Caledonia, and Moreton Bay NE Australia. (4p.)

Tuscarora soundings [Pacific Ocean] (53p.), 1873 - 1876 (File 3-19)

Subseries Box 160. Ross' Second Voyage [to Antarctica], 1840 - 1843

List of soundings (5p.), 21 December 1840 - 22 July 1843 (File 1)

Subseries Box 161. Wilke's Antarctic voyage, 1838 - 1842

Soundings in the Southern seas (2p.) (File [1])
Soundings of Wilke's Antarctic voyage (1p.), 1838 - 1842 (File [2])

Subseries Box 184. FG Pearcey. Notes on Pulvinulina menardii, 1890

Notes on Pulvinulina menardii and Pullenia obliguloculata (File 1)

Including incidence in Pacific Ocean (7p.)

FJ Pearcey (Manchester) to Chumley sending four charts showing distribution of foraminifera, 29 December 1890 (File 2)

Subseries Box 209. List of soundings, 1894 - 1903

Filmed selectively.

HMS Penguin, SW Pacific, Sydney to New Zealand, South Australia (3p.), 1900, 1901, 1903 (File 1)
Soundings 1894 continued. Soundings made by Penguin (2p.) (File 2)
Soundings obtained in 1894 (File 3)

Soundings made by Scotia, Volta, Scotia, Dart, Penguin, Dart, Waterwitch, Investigator, Egeria, Penguin, Egeria. (4p.)

Subseries Box 213. Quest. 1921-22, etc., 1921

Filmed selectively.

SS Clan McIver soundings from Southern Ocean - Great Australian Bight, and report on sea bottoms (6p.), 29 September 1921 (File 4)

Includes 4 photographs.

Subseries Box 218. Funafuti Niue Papers, 1898 - 1900

Prof. JW Edgeworth David (Univ. of Sydney) to Judd, 28 November 1898 (File 1)

Re shortage of money to finance expedition, Finckh expedition to Funafuti, geological sections of Niue. (6p.)

Niue specimens (2p.) (File 2)
Sketch map of section at Niue (1p.), 26 January 1900 (File 3)

Series. Murray/Challenger Manuscript Cupboard, 1861 - 1896

H.N. Burrows Deep sea soundings, (46p.), 1890 - 1896 (File)

Includes material from the voyages of:...

Series. Macfarlane Museum of Natural History, Stirling, 1861 - 1862

Filmed selectively.

Letter book no. 2, 1861 - 1862 (File)

[John Macfarlane] (Bridge of Allan) to Cpt. Thomas Brown (Manchester Museum of Natural History), 25 July 1861 (Item ff.143-5)

Re collecting activities on behalf of the museum by Lady Alexander in Auckland, NZ.

[John Macfarlane] to EL Layard, 19 October 1861 (Item ff.156-60)

Re his appointment as secretary to Governor of New Zealand, Sir George Grey and requesting he procures specimens of Apteryx for his museum. (ff. 158-9 blank)

James Murray to E Layard thanking him for letter from Auckland, 19 April 1862 (Item ff.221-4)

Regrets to hear that it is impossible to obtain specimens of Kiwis due to hunting by natives. (ff.222-3 blank)
