M2263 - M2270, M2350 - M2391
National Library of Australia
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Created: 2019
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Series Post 44. Post Office. Overseas Mail Organisations. Colonial Post Offices Records Relating to Australia and New Zealand, 1841 - 1847
Subseries. Appendices to Post Office Commission of Enquiry Reports, 1841 - 1847
Van Diemen's Land, 1841 - 1846 (File 13)
(192 pp.)
New South Wales, 1842 - 1845 (File 14)
South Australia, 1842 - 1847 (File 15)
New Zealand, 1844 - 1846 (File 16)
Western Australia, 1844 - 1847 (File 17)
Subseries. Select Committee of Legislative Council of N.S.W., 1843 - 1844
N.S.W. postal regulations, 1843 - 1844 (File 18)
Subseries. Post Office Commission of Enquiry Reports, 31 July 1845 - 27 March 1847
New South Wales (including Port Phillip), 31 July 1845 (File 19)
Commissioners: E.D. James, R.R. Smith, J.A. Raymond...
Van Diemen's Land, 31 January 1846 (File 20)
Commissioners: E.D. James, R.R. Smith, F.C. Smith...
South Australia, 30 November 1846 (File 21)
Commissioners: E.D. James, R.R. Smith, J. Watts...
New Zealand, 24 May 1846 (File 22)
Commissioners: E.D. James, R.R. Smith, H. D'Arch...
Western Australia, 27 March 1847 (File 23)
Commissioners: E.D. James, R.R. Smith, H. Camfield...
Series Post 34. Packet Minutes, 1828 - 1900
Post 34, which covers the period 1811-1920, comprises volumes containing copies of all the minutes from the Secretary of the Post Office to the Postmaster general dealing with overseas mail services. The 1901-1920 volumes have not been listed...
Packet Minutes, 29 July 1828 (File 17)
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Complaint about delays in receipt of mails from Australia, 29 July 1828 (Item 17/178)
Packet Minutes, 13 May 1829 (File 18)
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Arrangement of postal services in N.S.W, 13 May 1829 (Item 18/322)
Packet Minutes, 15 April 1830 - 1 June 1830 (File 20)
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Application of C. Young for appointment as Postmaster at Sydney, 15 April 1830 (Item 20/101)
Pay for Mr Conner, 1 June 1830 (Item 109)
Packet Minutes, 14 July 1831 (File 21)
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Offer of service from Purkis, Postmaster at Swan River, 14 July 1831 (Item 21/243)
Packet Minutes, 25 November 1839 (File 34)
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Application for Western Australian mail to be sent via India, 25 November 1839 (Item 34/141-42)
Packet Minutes, 24 May 1841 - 3 July 1847 (File 36)
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Preliminary instructions for Postmaster at New Zealand, 24 May 1841 (Item 36/264-65)
Application for extension of optional payment of postage to and from Sydney, 3 July 1847 (Item 36/313-14)
Packet Minutes, 24 August 1841 - 26 October 1841 (File 37)
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N.S.W.; optional payment of postage, 24 August 1841 (Item 37/6-8)
New Zealand; rates of postage, 28 August 1841 (Item 37/11-12)
Draft instructions to New Zealand Postmaster, 11 September 1841 (Item 37/51-52)
Forwarding of instructions to New Zealand Postmaster, 26 October 1841 (Item 37/163-65)
Packet Minutes, 30 July 1842 (File 39)
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Charges against South Australian Post Office concerning missing letters, 30 July 1842 (Item 39/330-31)
Packet Minutes, 6 September 1842 - 14 November 1842 (File 40)
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Proposed Van Diemen's Land Postal Act, 6 September 1842 (Item 40/24-25)
New Zealand Act for regulating Post Office, 14 November 1842 (Item 40/241-43)
Packet Minutes, 31 January 1841 - 8 April 1843 (File 41)
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Disallowance of Post Office ordinances in New Zealand, 27 January 1843 (Item 41/106-8)
Establishment of packet mail service between Britain and N.S.W, 31 January 1841 (Item 41/125-26)
Loss of Chatham with despatches for Sydney, 20 February 1843 (Item 41/186)
Regulations and expenses of New Zealand Post Office, 25 March 1843 (Item 41/309-12)
Establishment of packet mail service between Britain and N.S.W, 28 March 1843 (Item 41/320-24)
Proposal for placing Australian Post Offices under jurisdiction of Postmaster General, 28 March 1843 (Item 41/327-29)
Proposal for placing Australian Post Offices under Postmaster General, 1 April 1843 (Item 41/338)
Proposal for placing Australian Post Offices under Postmaster General, 6 April 1843 (Item 41/349-50)
Request for information about Post Office in New Zealand, 8 April 1843 (Item 41/354-55)
Packet Minutes, 3 May 1843 - 17 July 1843 (File 42)
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Proposal for placing Australian Post Offices under Postmaster General, 3 May 1843 (Item 42/67)
Communication with New Zealand via India, 9 May 1843 (Item 42/82-83)
Proposal of New Zealand Society for regular communication with New Zealand, 24 May 1843 (Item 42/163)
Communications between Britain and Western Australia, 17 July 1843 (Item 42/351-53)
Packet Minutes, 11 August 1843 - 25 October 1843 (File 43)
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Draft agreement for conveyance of monthly mail packet to N.S.W, 11 August 1843 (Item 43/37-39)
Refusal of captain of Emily to carry mail to Van Diemen's Land, 24 August 1843 (Item 43/99)
Commencement of mail packet service to N.S.W, 19 October 1843 (Item 43/329-30)
Irregularity in New Zealand Post Office, 25 October 1843 (Item 43/347)
Packet Minutes, 7 November 1843 - 12 January 1844 (File 44)
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Failure of newspapers to reach Sydney, 7 November 1843 (Item 44/21-22)
Establishment of regular packet service to N.S.W, 16 November 1843 (Item 44/86)
Registration of ship letters from Australia, 25 November 1843 (Item 44/138-39)
Request for extension of packet service to Western Australia, 29 December 1843 (Item 44/273)
Establishment of regular packet service to N.S.W, 5 January 1844 (Item 44/336)
Draft Bill for placing Australian colonies under control of Postmaster General, 12 January 1844 (Item 44/361-63)
Packet Minutes, 29 January 1844 - 26 April 1844 (File 45)
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Application by Willis & Co. for conveyance of mails to New Zealand, 30 January 1844 (Item 45/31)
Offer of Marshall and Eldridge to carry mails to Sydney, 5 February 1844 (Item 45/60)
Transmission of letters within Australia, 29 January 1844 (Item 45/63)
Closure day for mails for Sydney, 8 February 1844 (Item 45/71)
Offer of Marshall and Eldridge to carry mails to Van Diemen's Land, 13 February 1844 (Item 45/86-87)
Communication between Sydney and Pt. Phillip, 13 February 1844 (Item 45/90-91)
Delay in New Zealand mails carried on Nelson, 21 February 1844 (Item 45/114-15)
Letters for Port Phillip to be included in mails for Sydney, 24 February 1844 (Item 45/134-36)
Closure date for mails for Sydney when ships detained by bad weather, 5 March 1844 (Item 45/204-5)
Bill for placing Australian postal services under control of Postmaster General, 12 March 1844 (Item 45/234-36)
Resignation of G. Cooper as Deputy Postmaster of New Zealand, 18 March 1844 (Item 45/260-61)
Illegal order of Administrator of New Zealand; objection to Collector of Customs holding post of Deputy Postmaster, 24 March 1844 (Item 45/261-69)
Proposal for making Falmouth port of departure for Sydney mails, 26 March 1844 (Item 45/284-85)
Appointment of E. James and R. Smith to investigate postal services of Australia, 24 April 1844 (Item 45/388-91)
Remuneration of E. James and R. Smith, 26 April 1844 (Item 45/398-400)
Packet Minutes, 7 May 1844 - 5 August 1844 (File 46)
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Application by W. Barrow for post of Deputy Postmaster of New Zealand, 7 May 1844 (Item 46/47)
Commission of inquiry into Australian postal services, 3 July 1844 (Item 46/252-55)
New Zealand to be included in investigations of E. James and R. Smith, 31 July 1844 (Item 46/370)
Arrangements for mission to Australia, 5 August 1844 (Item 46/392-96)
Packet Minutes, 9 August 1844 - 23 November 1844 (File 47)
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Commission of enquiry into Australian postal services, 9 August 1844 (Item 47/16-22)
Instructions for Australian Commissioners, 22 August 1844 (Item 47/68)
Letters of introduction for Australian Commissioners, 27 August 1844 (Item 47/86)
Proposal to make up a separate bag for Port Phillip District, 9 October 1844 (Item 47/241)
Optional payment of postage to and from Sydney, 23 November 1844 (Item 47/398)
Packet Minutes, 10 December 1844 - 15 February 1845 (File 48)
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Modification of Australian contract with Toulmin & Co, 10 December 1844 (Item 48/69-71)
Proposal to land mails at Georgetown, V.D.L, 11 January 1845 (Item 48/228)
Post Office regulations of South Australia, 28 January 1845 (Item 48/294)
Transmission of mails to and from Adelaide, 31 January 1845 (Item 48/324-25)
Modification of Australian contract of Toulmin & Co, 7 February 1845 (Item 48/355)
Transmission of mails to and from Adelaide, 15 February 1845 (Item 48/383-84)
Packet Minutes, 31 March 1842 - 14 May 1845 (File 49)
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Establishment of steam communication with Australian colonies, 25 February 1845 (Item 49/25)
Forms and stationery for New Zealand Post Office, 31 March 1842 (Item 49/174)
Arrival of E. James and R. Smith in Sydney, 15 April 1845 (Item 49/242)
Proposal for optional payment of postage between Britain and N.S.W, 19 April 1845 (Item 49/268-69)
Transmission of mails for South Australia and New Zealand on Sydney packets, 5 May 1845 (Item 49/334-36)
Transmission of New Zealand mails via United States, 6 May 1845 (Item 49/342)
Charge on newspapers sent to New Zealand, 10 May 1845 (Item 49/382)
Opinion of Law Officers on setting up posts in New Zealand, 14 May 1845 (Item 49/387)
New Zealand postal establishment, 14 May 1845 (Item 49/390-94)
Packet Minutes, 20 May 1845 - 21 August 1845 (File 50)
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Making up mails for King George's Sound and South Australia, 20 May 1845 (Item 50/17)
Reports on postal services in New Zealand, 9 June 1845 (Item 50/108-9)
Appointment of Deputy Postmaster General of New Zealand, 12 June 1845 (Item 50/116-17)
Arrival in England of F. Matthew from New Zealand, 1 July 1845 (Item 50/192)
E. James and R. Smith; financial arrangements, 11 August 1845 (Item 50/335-36)
Petition for mail for Port Phillip to be landed directly by Sydney packet, 20 May 1845 (Item 50/370-72)
Accounts of E. James and R. Smith, 21 August 1845 (Item 50/376)
Packet Minutes, 23 September 1845 - 18 November 1845 (File 51)
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Postage from Hobart to South Africa, 23 September 1845 (Item 51/64-66)
Appointment of D'Arch as Acting Deputy Postmaster General of New Zealand, 22 October 1845 (Item 51/197)
Proposal for direct mail between England and Port Phillip, 18 November 1845 (Item 51/290-92)
Packet Minutes, 8 December 1845 - 7 February 1846 (File 52)
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Plans of F. Matthew to return to New Zealand, 8 December 1845 (Item 52/6)
Delay in commencing new arrangements for conveyance of return mails from Sydney, 11 December 1845 (Item 52/26-28)
Proposal for optional payment of postage on letters to Australia, 7 February 1846 (Item 52/369-70)
Packet Minutes, 26 February 1846 - 24 April 1846 (File 53)
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Proposal for optional payment of postage between England and N.S.W, 26 February 1846 (Item 53/80-81)
N.S.W. packet detained at Gravesend by contractors, 2 March 1846 (Item 53/103)
Proposed acceleration of mails to Australia via Ceylon or Singapore, 17 March 1846 (Item 53/129)
South Australia and Western Australia to be included in commission of inquiry, 30 March 1846 (Item 53/238-40)
Delay in commencement of packet mails from Sydney via Ceylon or Singapore, 24 April 1846 (Item 53/350)
Packet Minutes, 29 April 1846 - 13 June 1846 (File 54)
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Commencement of packet mails from Sydney, 29 April 1846 (Item 54/4-5)
Offer of Cotesworth and Wynne of Liverpool to convey mails to. Sydney, 11 May 1846 (Item 54/59)
Offer of Cotesworth and Wynne to convey mails to Sydney, 6 June 1846 (Item 54/209)
Suggestion of New Zealand Company to expedite mails to New Zealand, 13 June 1846 (Item 54/256-57)
Packet Minutes, 10 July 1846 - 7 September 1846 (File 55)
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Conduct of New Zealand Governor in opening mails, 10 July 1846 (Item 55/27-28)
Leave of absence of F. Mathew, 23 July 1846 (Item 55/131)
Division of mails for New Zealand, 24 July 1846 (Item 55/139-41)
New Zealand salaries and expenses, 25 July 1846 (Item 55/142-43)
Delays in delivery of mails to New Zealand, 8 August 1846 (Item 55/251-53)
Petition from Melbourne for direct mail service from England, 11 August 1846 (Item 55/258-59)
Report of Commissioners of Enquiry on postal services of N.S.W, 12 August 1846 (Item 55/260-61)
N.S.W. mail service provided by H. & C. Toulmein, 14 August 1846 (Item 55/279)
Division of mails for New Zealand, 21 August 1846 (Item 55/308-10)
Higher rates of postage on N.S.W. mails via Calcutta and Marseilles, 22 August 1846 (Item 55/311-14)
Arrangements for delivery of mails in New Zealand, 7 September 1846 (Item 55/378)
Packet Minutes, 1 October 1846 - 14 December 1846 (File 56)
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Complaint about postage charged on letters from N.S.W, 1 October 1846 (Item 56/43-44)
Interview with McQueen about steam communications with Australia and South America, 7 October 1846 (Item 56/69-70)
Transmission of N.S.W. mails via Ceylon, 4 November 1846 (Item 56/190-91)
Delay in delivery of mails brought from N.S.W. on General Hewitt, 7 November 1846 (Item 56/201-2)
Cost of establishing steam communication with Australia, 28 November 1846 (Item 56/275-76)
Salary of Deputy Postmaster General of New Zealand, 12 December 1846 (Item 56/351-53)
Gratuities paid on ship letters landed in New Zealand, 14 December 1846 (Item 56/356-57)
Return of postage charged on N.S.W. mails, 14 December 1846 (Item 56/357-58)
Packet Minutes, 5 April 1847 - 25 May 1847 (File 58)
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Deviation in Berkshire contract for transporting mails to N.S.W, 5 April 1847 (Item 58/65-68)
Complaints about delays in New Zealand mails, 14 April 1847 (Item 58/126-27)
Complaint about letters sent to Maria Island, Van Diemen's Land, 5 May 1847 (Item 58/249-50)
Closed mails sent to Australia and New Zealand via Indian ports, 17 May 1847 (Item 58/265-66)
Transmission of despatches to Western Australia via Singapore, 25 May 1847 (Item 58/380-82)
Packet Minutes, 7 June 1847 - 28 July 1847 (File 59)
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Ordinance of South Australian Legislative Council, 7 June 1847 (Item 59/29)
Petition for direct mail service to Port Phillip, 11 June 1847 (Item 59/53-55)
Packet mails from Sydney; officer to attend Committee of House of Lords, 15 June 1847 (Item 59/85)
Transmission of despatches to Western Australia via Singapore, 18 June 1847 (Item 59/108-9)
Proposal for mail service between Cape of Good Hope and Port Adelaide, 28 June 1847 (Item 59/152)
Public notice concerning mails to Port Phillip and South Australia, 28 June 1847 (Item 59/154-55)
Transmission of despatches to Western Australia via Singapore, 10 July 1847 (Item 59/234-35)
Additional postage on mails for Pacific, 28 July 1847 (Item 59/356)
Packet Minutes, 7 September 1847 - 5 November 1847 (File 60)
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Payment of postage on letters from New Zealand, 7 September 1847 (Item 60/140)
Division of New Zealand mails, 10 September 1847 (Item 60/171)
Postage on New Zealand letters, 5 November 1847 (Item 60/458-59)
Packet Minutes, 29 November 1847 - 24 December 1847 (File 61)
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Control of New Zealand Post Office; treatment of F. Mathew, 29 November 1847 (Item 61/136-45)
Interference with mail bags at Bay of Islands, 13 December 1847 (Item 61/168-69)
Postal arrangements in New Zealand, 10 December 1847 (Item 61/204)
Travelling expenses of E. James in Australia, 16 December 1847 (Item 61/216)
New Zealand mails forwarded in Pacific Steam Navigation Co. ships, 17 December 1847 (Item 61/229)
Return of E. James and R. Smith from Australia, 24 December 1847 (Item 61/259)
Alterations in organisation of New Zealand Post Office, 24 December 1847 (Item 61/260-61)
Packet Minutes, 1 February 1848 - 14 April 1848 (File 62)
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Travelling expenses of R. Smith in Australia, 1 February 1848 (Item 62/60a)
Transmission of mails to South Australia in emigrant vessels, 10 February 1848 (Item 62/125)
Control and organisation of New Zealand Post Office, 17 February 1848 (Item 62/156-62)
Letter to Treasury about New Zealand Post Office, 22 February 1848 (Item 62/182)
Transfer of New Zealand Post Office to Colonial Government, 20 March 1848 (Item 62/329-30)
Draft letter to accompany reports of E. James and R. Smith, 28 March 1848 (Item 62/371)
Query on quantity of letters and postage to Australian colonies, 14 April 1848 (Item 62/431)
Packet Minutes, 6 May 1848 - 29 July 1848 (File 63)
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Transmission of Colonial Office despatches to Western Australia via Singapore, 6 May 1848 (Item 63/77-78)
Establishment of steam communication with Australian colonies, 22 May 1848 (Item 63/133)
Steam communication with Australian colonies, 27 May 1848 (Item 63/164)
Steam communication with Australian colonies, 22 June 1848 (Item 63/262-67)
Tenders for conveyance of mails to Australia and Singapore, 29 July 1848 (Item 63/414)
Packet Minutes, 23 September 1848 - 9 November 1848 (File 64)
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Establishment of steam communication with Australia, 23 September 1848 (Item 64/228)
Establishment of steam communication with Australia, 9 November 1848 (Item 64/447-48)
Packet Minutes, 22 November 1848 - 6 February 1849 (File 65)
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Establishment of steam communication with Australia, 22 November 1848 (Item 65/48-49)
Appointment of W. Young as Deputy Postmaster General of New Zealand, 25 November 1848 (Item 65/75-76)
Termination of Sydney contract with Messrs. Toulmin, 6 January 1849 (Item 65/261)
Transfer of control of New Zealand Post Office to colonial government, 6 February 1849 (Item 65/410)
Packet Minutes, 14 February 1849 - 7 May 1849 (File 66)
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Termination of Sydney contract with Messrs. Toulmin, 14 February 1849 (Item 66/5-7)
Transfer of control of New Zealand Post Office to colonial government, 22 February 1849 (Item 66/37)
Newspapers posted unpaid to Australia and New Zealand, 5 May 1849 (Item 66/351)
Compulsory prepayment of letters to New Zealand, 7 May 1849 (Item 66/366)
Packet Minutes, 21 May 1849 (File 67)
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Prepayment of postage to New Zealand, 21 May 1849 (Item 67/23-24)
Packet Minutes, 25 October 1849 - 15 February 1850 (File 68)
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Tender for mail service between Singapore and Sydney, 25 October 1849 (Item 68/40-41)
Conveyance of mails from Sydney to Cape of Good Hope, 24 November 1849 (Item 68/117)
Prepayment of postage to N.S.W, 15 February 1850 (Item 68/390-92)
Packet Minutes, 2 May 1850 (File 69)
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Optional payment of postage to South Australia, 2 May 1850 (Item 69/194-95)
Packet Minutes, 13 July 1850 - 8 August 1850 (File 70)
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Accounts of New Zealand Post Office, 13 July 1850 (Item 70/16-17)
Approval of N.S.W. Post Office Act, 24 July 1850 (Item 70/45)
Accounts of New Zealand Post Office, 8 August 1850 (Item 70/114-15)
Packet Minutes, 11 January 1851 (File 71)
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Establishment of packet agency at Sandwich Islands, 11 January 1851 (Item 71/176)
Packet Minutes, 19 May 1851 - 17 August 1851 (File 72)
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Proposed optional payment of postage to N.S.W, 19 May 1851 (Item 72/190-91)
Optional payment of postage to N.S.W, 23 June 1851 (Item 72/303-4)
Arrangements for correspondence for New Zealand, 2 July 1851 (Item 72/341)
Optional payment of postage to N.S.W, 14 July 1851 (Item 72/367)
Extension of book post to Fremantle, 17 August 1851 (Item 72/450-52)
Packet Minutes, 25 August 1851 - 1 November 1851 (File 73)
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New Zealand Provincial Postal Ordinance, 25 August 1851 (Item 73/33)
Irregularity in transmission of mails to N.S.W. onHimalaya, 3 September 1851 (Item 73/52)
Charges of G.F. Angus against management of South Australian Post Office, 22 October 1851 (Item 73/226-28)
Charges of G.F. Angus against management of South Australian Post Office, 1 November 1851 (Item 73/269-73)
Packet Minutes, 13 March 1851 - 7 May 1852 (File 74)
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Establishment of contract packet service between Cape of Good Hope and Australia, 13 March 1851 (Item 74/249)
Establishment of contract packet service between Cape of Good Hope and Australia, 4 May 1852 (Item 74/437-39)
Establishment of book post with New Zealand, 7 May 1852 (Item 74/457-60)
Separate mails for Geelong, 7 May 1852 (Item 74/463)
Packet Minutes, 14 May 1852 - 16 August 1853 (File 75)
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Day of despatch of Australian contract packets, 14 May 1852 (Item 75/21)
Establishment of contract mail service to Australia via Cape of Good Hope, 14 May 1852 (Item 75/22)
Establishment of book post with New Zealand, 20 May 1852 (Item 75/44)
Making up of New Zealand mails, 2 June 1852 (Item 75/100-1)
Australian contract packet services, 23 June 1852 (Item 75/165-67)
Mail forwarded to Australia on Great Britain, 30 June 1852 (Item 75/205-7)
Complaint about state of mails reaching Van Diemen's Land, 2 July 1852 (Item 75/217-18)
Application for grant by Australian Pacific Steam Navigation Co, 7 August 1852 (Item 75/308-9)
Offer of South Australian Government to contribute to funding of packets, 10 August 1852 (Item 75/316-17)
Conveyance of Australian mails on Great Britain, 16 August 1853 (Item 75/340-41)
Extra mails for Australia carried on Cleopatra, 25 August 1852 (Item 75/374)
N.S.W. Postal Act, 25 August 1852 (Item 75/379)
Extra mail for Australia carried on Cleopatra, 27 August 1852 (Item 75/382-83)
Mails for Auckland and Bay of Islands, 31 August 1852 (Item 75/386-87)
Extra mail for Australia carried on Sarah Sands, 4 September 1852 (Item 75/400-1)
Extra mail for Australia carried on Sarah Sands, 11 September 1852 (Item 75/426-27)
Packet Minutes, 30 October 1852 - 5 February 1853 (File 76)
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Optional payment of postage to Australia, 30 October 1852 (Item 76/75-79)
Optional payment of postage to Australia, 1 November 1852 (Item 76/85-86)
Optional payment of postage to Australia, 5 November 1852 (Item 76/97)
Optional payment of postage to Australia, 25 November 1852 (Item 76/144)
P.&O. mail services to India, China and Australia, 15 December 1852 (Item 76/191-92)
P.&O. mail services to India, China and Australia, 18 December 1852 (Item 76/206-7)
Transmission of mails to Sandwich Islands, 24 December 1852 (Item 76/236)
Day of despatch of Indian and Australian mails, 1 January 1853 (Item 76/278)
Separate mails for Geelong, 20 January 1853 (Item 76/346)
Establishment of book post with N.S.W, 21 January 1853 (Item 76/349-51)
N.S.W. optional payment of postage by private ship, 21 January 1853 (Item 76/358-60)
Offer of Millers and Thompson to carry mails to Australia, 5 February 1853 (Item 76/420-22)
Packet Minutes, 14 February 1853 - 3 May 1853 (File 77)
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Rates of postage from France to Australia, 14 February 1853 (Item 77/9-14)
Australian mails to be conveyed in wooden boxes rather than bags, 15 February 1853 (Item 77/18-21)
Optional payment of postage with Australia, 17 February 1853 (Item 77/25-26)
Extra mails for Australia carried on Antelope, 21 February 1853 (Item 77/42)
Letter bills and forms for use by Australian Post Offices, 25 February 1853 (Item 77/60-61)
Optional payment of postage with Australia, 24 February 1853 (Item 77/71-72)
Increase of Australian and Indian mails via Marseilles, 5 March 1853 (Item 77/99-100)
Increase of Australian and Indian mails via Marseilles, 12 March 1853 (Item 77/162-63)
Objections to sending newspapers to Australia on private steamers, 14 March 1853 (Item 77/167)
Offer of Osmanti to carry mails to Australia, 21 March 1853 (Item 77/253-54)
Offer of Kangaroo to carry mails to Australia, 30 March 1853 (Item 77/255-56)
Contract woth owners of Osmanti, 2 April 1853 (Item 77/262-63)
Mails between Australia and France, 5 April 1853 (Item 77/279-80)
Contract with owners of Osmanti, 6 April 1853 (Item 77/282)
Objections to time of departure of Osmanti, 7 April 1853 (Item 77/289-92)
Optional payment of postage with N.S.W, 9 April 1853 (Item 77/314-17)
Arrangements for Australian mails from northern Europe, 11 April 1853 (Item 77/323-26)
Proposals for divisions of Melbourne mails, 12 April 1853 (Item 77/328-29)
Complaint about transmission of despatches to Van Diemen's Land, 11 April 1853 (Item 77/334-35)
Optional payment of postage with N.S.W, 14 April 1853 (Item 77/344-46)
Offer of Great Britain to carry mails to Australia, 15 April 1853 (Item 77/354-55)
Offer of Roxburghe Castle to carry mails to Australia, 15 April 1853 (Item 77/355-57)
Withdrawal of Australian mail packets via Cape of Good Hope, 15 April 1853 (Item 77/361)
Transmission of Daily Packet List to Australia, 18 April 1853 (Item 77/368)
Australian mails; contract with Royal Mail Steam Co, 19 April 1853 (Item 77/371-72)
Optional payment of postage with N.S.W, 21 April 1853 (Item 77/387-91)
Prepaid packet letters from N.S.W, 30 April 1853 (Item 77/449-50)
Payment for transit of Australian mails through Egypt, 29 April 1853 (Item 77/452-53)
Prepaid packet letters from N.S.W, 3 May 1853 (Item 77/464-66)
Packet Minutes, 4 May 1853 - 27 June 1853 (File 78)
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Conveyance of mails to Western Australia, 4 May 1853 (Item 78/7)
Proposed forms of advertisement and tenders for Australian mails, 6 May 1853 (Item 78/25-29)
Offer of M.G. Overend to carry mails to Australia, 10 May 1853 (Item 78/44)
Arrangements for Australian mail service, 12 May 1853 (Item 78/62)
Australian mails via Egypt, 15 May 1853 (Item 78/69-70)
Tender by Blythe Greene for Australian mails, 19 May 1853 (Item 78/82-83)
Tender of Blythe Greene, 26 May 1853 (Item 78/99-100)
Australia-France rates of postage, 26 May 1853 (Item 78/103-4)
Offer of Victoria to carry mails to Australia, 26 May 1853 (Item 78/107)
Contract with Blyth and Greene, 30 May 1853 (Item 78/144-45)
Australian contract packets to sail from Albany to Ceylon, 3 June 1853 (Item 78/157)
Optional payment of postage with Western Australia. (faint), 10 June 1853 (Item 78/192-94)
Tenders for Australian mails, 14 June 1853 (Item 78/209-10)
F. Bryant and Australian mail service, 14 June 1853 (Item 78/211-12)
Communication between Singapore and Australia, 21 June 1853 (Item 78/244)
Division of Australian mails, 22 June 1853 (Item 78/248-51)
Australian mails via Egypt. (faint), 27 June 1853 (Item 78/280-82)
Packet Minutes, 1 July 1853 - 27 September 1853 (File 79)
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Alteration in routes of Australian contract packets, 1 July 1853 (Item 79/2)
Separate mails to be made up for Geelong, 4 July 1853 (Item 79/9-10)
Offer of Great Britain to carry Australian mails, 11 July 1853 (Item 79/49)
Objections to sending books to Australia via Egypt, 14 July 1853 (Item 79/64-66)
Offer of Sydney to carry mails to Australia, 14 July 1853 (Item 79/66)
Tenders for Australian mails, 15 July 1853 (Item 79/70-72)
Payment of Sarah Sands for carrying mails to Australia, 19 July 1853 (Item 79/84-85)
Transit rates in Egypt for Australian mails, 14 July 1853 (Item 79/88-90)
Australian mails via Egypt, 21 July 1853 (Item 79/92)
Australian mails via Egypt, 23 July 1853 (Item 79/108-9)
Delays in landing mails at Albany, 11 August 1853 (Item 79/172)
Book post to New Zealand, 12 August 1853 (Item 79/181-82)
Contract with P.& O. Co. for landing mails at Albany, 15 August 1853 (Item 79/193-94)
Advertisement for Australian mail service, 16 August 1853 (Item 79/199-200)
Landing of N.S.W. mails at Melbourne. (Faint), 9 September 1853 (Item 79/263-65)
Tenders for Australian mails, 15 September 1853 (Item 79/278-79)
Book post to Western Australia, 22 September 1853 (Item 79/292-93)
Landing of N.S.W. mails at Melbourne, 22 September 1853 (Item 79/295-96)
Mails for Australia on Neleus, 27 September 1853 (Item 79/301-2)
Packet Minutes, 12 October 1853 - 29 November 1853 (File 80)
Filmed selectively.
Proposal for uniform rates of postage to Australian colonies, 12 October 1853 (Item 80/37)
Packet to convey mails to Australia, 15 October 1853 (Item 80/50-52)
Amendment to N.S.W. Postage Act, 17 October 1853 (Item 80/58)
Proposal for uniform rates of postage to Australia, 19 October 1853 (Item 80/62)
Packet to convey mails to Australia, 22 October 1853 (Item 80/78-79)
Application by Golden Age for gratuity for carrying newspapers to Australia, 27 October 1853 (Item 80/103-5)
Conveyance of Australian mails on Golden Age, 4 November 1853 (Item 80/142)
Prepayment of letters to Western Australia, 4 November 1853 (Item 80/143)
Discontinuation of express service to Bombay and Calcutta, 5 November 1853 (Item 80/159)
Prepayment of letters to Western Australia, 12 November 1853 (Item 80/192)
Australian mails to be conveyed by Matilda Wattenbach, 15 November 1853 (Item 80/202-3)
Mails for Van Diemen's Land, 17 November 1853 (Item 80/212)
Mails for Australia on Matilda Wattenbach, 23 November 1853 (Item 80/252-54)
Australian letters to be sent in leather bags, 28 November 1853 (Item 80/264)
Optional prepayment of foreign letters for N.S.W, 29 November 1853 (Item 80/274-77)
Packet Minutes, 24 February 1853 - 12 January 1854 (File 81)
Filmed selectively.
Mails for Melbourne not to be sent via Trieste, 6 December 1853 (Item 81/31)
Optional prepayment of foreign letters for N.S.W, 10 December 1853 (Item 81/42-45)
Prepayment of letters from Western Australia, 12 December 1853 (Item 81/62)
Memorial for more frequent communication with Australian colonies, 14 December 1853 (Item 81/75-77)
Complaint of R. Brooke about communication with Australia, 14 December 1853 (Item 81/78)
Mails for Australia, 17 December 1853 (Item 81/88-89)
Mails for Australia from Prussia, 19 December 1853 (Item 81/93-95)
Tenders for Australian mails, 21 December 1853 (Item 81/112-14)
Proposal of H.H. Willis for Panama-New Zealand Australia service, 24 February 1853 (Item 81/157-58)
Proposal of General Screw Steam Ship Co. to convey mails to Australia, 28 December 1853 (Item 81/160)
Offer of General Screw Steam Ship Co, 29 December 1853 (Item 81/164)
Offer of General Screw Steam Ship Co, 30 December 1853 (Item 81/167)
Arrangements of General Screw Steam Ship Co. to convey mails to Australia, 5 January 1854 (Item 81/219)
Payment for transit of Australian mails through Egypt, 12 January 1854 (Item 81/261)
Packet Minutes, 20 January 1854 - 16 March 1854 (File 82)
Filmed selectively.
Prepayment of Australian mails carried on Stratford, 20 January 1854 (Item 82/2-6)
Complaints of Australian Association about arrangements for Australian mails, 23 January 1854 (Item 82/20)
Contract with Australian Direct Steam Navigation Co, 23 February 1854 (Item 82/145)
Meeting of Australasian Pacific Steam Packet Co, 24 February 1854 (Item 82/155-56)
Gratuities demanded by commander of Shanghai for carrying mails between Australian ports, 25 February 1854 (Item 82/161-63)
Regulations for conveying Australian mails via Marseilles, 1 March 1854 (Item 82/174-75)
Australian mails from Prussia via Trieste, 15 March 1854 (Item 82/232-33)
Proposal that letters from Auckland be sent via Melbourne, 16 March 1854 (Item 82/236-37)
Packet Minutes, 5 April 1854 - 26 May 1854 (File 83)
Filmed selectively.
Extension of time for packets to stay in Melbourne, 5 April 1854 (Item 83/37)
Conveyance of Australian mails through Egypt, 6 April 1854 (Item 83/39-40)
Landing of Geelong mails at Queenscliff, 12 April 1854 (Item 83/68-69)
Extension of cheap rates of postage to South Australia, 15 April 1854 (Item 83/78-80)
Extension of cheap rates of postage to Victoria, 20 April 1854 (Item 83/111-12)
Loss to owners of Neleus detained at Geelong, 16 May 1854 (Item 83/235-38)
Extension of cheap rates of postage to Van Diemen's Land, 22 May 1854 (Item 83/264-67)
Warrant for carrying mails at cheap rates of postage in colonies, 26 May 1854 (Item 83/295-97)
Packet Minutes, 31 May 1854 - 15 September 1854 (File 84)
Filmed selectively.
Landing of mails at Melbourne, 31 May 1854 (Item 84/13-14)
Warrant for carrying out cheap rates of postage in colonies, 7 June 1854 (Item 84/45-46)
Detention of Neleus at Geelong, 27 June 1854 (Item 84/120-22)
Optional payment of postage to Australia, 5 July 1854 (Item 84/154-55)
Extension of stay of packets in Melbourne, 5 July 1854 (Item 84/156-57)
Payment of gratuities to captain of Australian, 7 July 1854 (Item 84/166-68)
Book post between India and Australia, 7 July 1854 (Item 84/169-71)
Payment to owner of Neleus, 8 July 1854 (Item 84/173-74)
Book post between India and Australia, 12 July 1854 (Item 84/195-96)
Proposal for book post to Western Australia, 29 July 1854 (Item 84/251-52)
Australian mails carried by Croesus, 15 September 1854 (Item 84/354-55)
Packet Minutes, 20 October 1854 - 11 December 1854 (File 85)
Filmed selectively.
Treatment of insufficiently paid letters for Australia, 20 October 1854 (Item 85/88-89)
Reduction of postage between Netherlands and Australia, 30 October 1854 (Item 85/118-20)
Offer of Baines & Co. to carry mails to Australia, 11 November 1854 (Item 85/184)
Proposal of Association for Promoting Steam Postal Communication with Australia, 11 November 1854 (Item 85/185)
Detention of mails for Australia, 18 November 1854 (Item 85/203)
Proposal of P.& O. Co. for additional services to Australia, 22 November 1854 (Item 85/212)
Victorian Postal Services Act, 25 November 1854 (Item 85/225-28)
Inability of General Screw Steamship Co. to convey Australian mails, 27 November 1854 (Item 85/231-32)
Inability of P.& O. Co. to continue mail services between Australia and Singapore, 27 November 1854 (Item 85/234-35)
Contract with Baines & Co. for conveyance of Australian mails, 29 November 1854 (Item 85/242-43)
Suspension of Australian mail service via India, 2 December 1854 (Item 85/259-60)
Memorials for improved postal communication with Australia, 2 December 1854 (Item 85/261-63)
Postage on letters from Australia via Panama, 6 December 1854 (Item 85/272-73)
Mails from Australia via Tahiti, 11 December 1854 (Item 85/307-8)
Packet Minutes, 22 December 1854 - 17 December 1855 (File 86)
Filmed selectively.
Introduction of low uniform rate of postage in Victoria, 22 December 1854 (Item 86/9-10)
Australian contract with General Screw Steam Shipping Co, 1 January 1855 (Item 86/52)
Contract with General Screw Steam Shipping Co, 5 January 1855 (Item 86/76)
Termination of contract with General Screw Steam Shipping Co, 5 January 1855 (Item 86/77-78)
Postage on newspapers for Australia via Panama, 11 January 1855 (Item 86/108)
Extension of low rate of postage to Western Australia, 11 January 1855 (Item 86/109-12)
Contract with Australian Direct Steam Navigation Co, 23 January 1855 (Item 86/160-61)
Stay of packets at Melbourne, 27 January 1855 (Item 86/173)
Tender of Baines & Co. for Australian mails, 31 January 1855 (Item 86/186-87)
Transit rate on postage from N.S.W, 2 February 1855 (Item 86/205-10)
Adoption of sixpenny rate of postage in Victoria, 6 February 1855 (Item 86/245-54)
Suspension of Australian mail service via India, 7 February 1855 (Item 86/262-63)
Plan of Anderson for postal communication with Australia, 10 February 1855 (Item 86/277-97)
Contract with Baines & Co. for Australian mails, 15 February 1855 (Item 86/313-14)
Contract with Baines & Co. for Australian mails, 17 December 1855 (Item 86/325-27)
Packet Minutes, 1 March 1855 - 10 May 1855 (File 87)
Filmed selectively.
Charge on letters to soldiers and seamen in Australia, 1 March 1855 (Item 87/23-27)
Arrangements for 6d. rate of postage in Victoria, 1 March 1855 (Item 87/27-28)
Delay in sailing of Blue Jacket to Australia, 7 March 1855 (Item 87/52-53)
Uniform rate of postage in Victoria, 27 March 1855 (Item 87/113-15)
South Australian Postal Act, 28 March 1855 (Item 87/120-21)
Offer of Pilkington & Wilson to convey mails to Australia, 30 March 1855 (Item 87/125-27)
Australian contract with Baines & Co, 2 April 1855 (Item 87/142-43)
Offer of Cameron to carry Australian mails via Tahiti, 3 April 1855 (Item 87/144-50)
Postage on letters for Sandwich Islands, 7 April 1855 (Item 87/168)
Arrangements by Baines for conveyance of Australian mails, 10 April 1855 (Item 87/175-77)
Delay in introduction of uniform postage rate in Victoria, 13 April 1855 (Item 87/203-6)
Vessels despatched to Australia by Pilkington & Co, 16 April 1855 (Item 87/218-20)
Book postage between India and Australia, 19 April 1855 (Item 87/236-39)
Offer of Pilkington & Co. to carry mails to Australia, 25 April 1855 (Item 87/275-77)
Warrant for reimposing rates of postage in Victoria, 3 May 1855 (Item 87/323-24)
Inquiry by J. Baines about second monthly mail to Australia, 5 May 1855 (Item 87/335-36)
Contract with Pilkington & Co. for Australian mails, 5 May 1855 (Item 87/337-38)
Tasmanian Postal Act, 8 May 1855 (Item 87/344-46)
Contract with Pilkington & Co, 10 May 1855 (Item 87/353-55)
Packet Minutes, 25 May 1855 - 18 July 1855 (File 88)
Filmed selectively.
Reply by J. Baines on second monthly mail to Australia, 25 May 1855 (Item 88/91)
Contract with J. Baines, 29 May 1855 (Item 88/118)
Book post to Western Australia, 2 June 1855 (Item 88/141-43)
Australian correspondence for Liverpool, 2 June 1855 (Item 88/144-45)
Rates of postage on letters in Victoria, 9 June 1855 (Item 88/167)
Detention of Australian mails on James Baines, 14 June 1855 (Item 88/179-81)
Contract for second monthly service to Australia, 20 June 1855 (Item 88/195)
Contract for second monthly service to Australia, 26 June 1855 (Item 88/210)
Reestablishment of line of steam packets to Australia, 5 July 1855 (Item 88/238)
Deputation on reestablishment of line of steam packets to Australia, 5 July 1855 (Item 88/241-42)
Reduction of postage rate to Tasmania, 17 July 1855 (Item 88/307)
Rate of postage on letters to Victoria, 18 July 1855 (Item 88/320-21)
Packet Minutes, 28 July 1855 - 17 October 1855 (File 89)
Filmed selectively.
Alteration of packet for Australian mails by Baines & Co, 28 July 1855 (Item 89/1-3)
Reestablishment of mail steam communication with Australia, 28 July 1855 (Item 89/7-8)
Lightning substituted for James Baines for Australian mails, 3 August 1855 (Item 89/29)
Mail for Launceston, 13 August 1855 (Item 89/76-77)
Newspapers for Australia, 20 August 1855 (Item 89/105-6)
Reestablishment of steam postal communication to Australia, 23 August 1855 (Item 89/123-25)
Tender of Australian Direct Steam Navigation Co, 3 September 1855 (Item 89/155)
Reestablishment of steam postal communication to Australia, 11 September 1855 (Item 89/182-85)
Postal rates to Victoria, 13 September 1855 (Item 89/194-97)
Tender of Gibbs, Bright & Co. for conveyance of Australian mails, 14 September 1855 (Item 89/204-5)
Steam communication to Australia, 21 September 1855 (Item 89/44-46)
Legislation on uniform rates of postage in Victoria, 2 October 1855 (Item 89/87-98)
Detention of Schomberg with mails for Australia, 4 October 1855 (Item 89/307-9)
Australian mails carried on private ships, 8 October 1855 (Item 89/321-23)
Payment to General Screw Steam Shipping Co. for Australian mails, 10 October 1855 (Item 89/329-32)
Charges on letters of soldiers and seamen in N.S.W, 10 October 1855 (Item 89/333-34)
Reestablishment of bi-monthly packets to Australia, 17 October 1855 (Item 89/372-73)
Packet Minutes, 22 October 1855 - 24 December 1855 (File 90)
Filmed selectively.
Delay in sailing of Blue Jacket to Australia, 22 October 1855 (Item 90/8-9)
Casulaties of Boomerang on voyage to Australia, 23 October 1855 (Item 90/16)
Payment for mails carried on Blue Jacket, 27 October 1855 (Item 90/34-36)
Rate of postage to Victoria, 29 October 1855 (Item 90/53-54)
Tender of Gibbs, Bright & Co. for Australian mails, 29 October 1855 (Item 90/55-57)
Delay in departure of Boomerang from Australia, 7 November 1855 (Item 90/86-87)
Contract with Pilkington & Wilson for Australian mails, 12 November 1855 (Item 90/104-10)
Late arrival of Boomerang and Marco Polo from Australia, 16 November 1855 (Item 90/129-31)
Tender of T. Mackay for conveyance of Australian mails, 21 November 1855 (Item 90/163-66)
Contract with Pilkington & Wilson, 30 November 1855 (Item 90/208-9)
Detention of Marco Polo with Australian mails, 4 December 1855 (Item 90/214-15)
Tender of Lidgett & Son for conveyance of Australian mails, 6 December 1855 (Item 90/233-34)
Changes in book post in N.S.W, 18 December 1855 (Item 90/314-18)
Competition for Australian contract, 18 December 1855 (Item 90/322-23)
Australian mails carried on Oliver Lang, 24 December 1855 (Item 90/352-54)
Dates of departure of Australian mails in 1856, 24 December 1855 (Item 90/355-56)
Packet Minutes, 24 January 1853 - 13 February 1856 (File 91)
Filmed selectively.
Delay in departure of Marco Polo with Australian mails, 28 December 1855 (Item 91/3)
Contract with Pilkington & Wilson, 28 December 1855 (Item 91/4-6)
Departure of Donald McKay from Melbourne, 4 January 1856 (Item 91/62-63)
Penalties on Australian packet Oliver Lang, 9 January 1856 (Item 91/78-83)
Request to Victorian Postmaster General to divide up English mails, 22 January 1856 (Item 91/165-67)
Conveyance of mails to Sandwich Islands, 24 January 1853 (Item 91/190-97)
Proposal to use boxes for Australian mails, 6 February 1853 (Item 91/219)
Form of tender for Australian mail service, 8 February 1856 (Item 91/232-33)
Proposal to open Australian mails in Dublin, 13 February 1856 (Item 91/252-53)
Contract with Pilkington & Wilson for Australian mails, 1 March 1853 (Item 91/324)
Conveyance of despatches to New Zealand Governor, 4 March 1853 (Item 91/328-29)
Penalties on Baines & Co. due to detention of Australian ships, 7 March 1853 (Item 91/351-54)
Penalties on Baines & Co, 10 March 1853 (Item 91/378-83)
Packet Minutes, 13 March 1856 - 10 May 1856 (File 92)
Filmed selectively.
Separation of Sydney and N.S.W. country mails, 13 March 1856 (Item 92/10-12)
Reestablishment of steam communication with Australia, 14 March 1856 (Item 92/15-16)
Tenders for Australian mail services, 25 March 1856 (Item 92/48-49)
Australian mails on Lightning, 3 April 1856 (Item 92/93-95)
Wreck of Schomberg carrying Australian mails, 8 April 1856 (Item 92/113)
Charges on newspapers and letters to New Zealand, 9 April 1856 (Item 92/127-28)
Alteration in book post in N.S.W, 11 April 1856 (Item 92/139-41)
Reestablishment of steam communication with Australia, 14 April 1856 (Item 92/156-57)
Extension of uniform rate to Western Australia, 17 April 1856 (Item 92/165-66)
Establishment of uniform rate in Tasmania, 17 April 1856 (Item 92/179-81)
Conveyance of Australian mails via Suez and Mauritius, 28 April 1856 (Item 92/263-64)
Conveyance of mails between Singapore and Sydney, 29 April 1856 (Item 92/265)
N.S.W. Act for reestablishing steam communication with Britain, 28 April 1856 (Item 92/267)
Conveyance of mails between Melbourne and Adelaide, 3 May 1856 (Item 92/298-99)
Extension of uniform rate to New Zealand, 10 May 1856 (Item 92/347-49)
Packet Minutes, 19 May 1856 - 8 September 1856 (File 93)
Filmed selectively.
Division of N.S.W. mails, 19 May 1856 (Item 93/6-7)
Penalties on Baines & Co. due to delays of Marco Polo, 21 May 1856 (Item 93/12-14)
Conveyance of mails from Melbourne to Adelaide, 23 May 1856 (Item 93/27-29)
Conveyance of South Australian mails on Blue Jacket, 26 May 1856 (Item 93/30-32)
Delay in landing Australian mails at Liverpool, 31 May 1856 (Item 93/57-58)
Scheme for Australian mail service, 4 June 1856 (Item 93/65-68)
Tasmanian Postal Act, 4 June 1856 (Item 93/130-31)
Compensation to Baines & Co. for loss on Australian mails, 5 July 1856 (Item 93/136-37)
Charges on official despatches from South Australia, 8 July 1856 (Item 93/140-41)
Proposed reduction of postage to Australia via Cape of Good Hope, 23 July 1856 (Item 93/203)
Tender of Gibbs, Bright & Co. for conveyance of Australian mails, 24 July 1856 (Item 93/213-14)
Reestablishment of optional prepayment on postage on New Zealand letters, 25 July 1856 (Item 93/218)
Contract with European and Australian Royal Mail Co, 1 August 1856 (Item 93/234-36)
Division of mails from Victoria, 14 August 1856 (Item 93/278-79)
Victorian book post, 20 August 1856 (Item 93/288-90)
Irregularity at Hobart in imlementing 6d. rate of postage, 27 August 1856 (Item 93/315-18)
Australian mails carried by European and Australian Royal Mail Co, 5 September 1856 (Item 93/339)
Establishment of book post between Tasmania and India, 8 September 1856 (Item 93/350-51)
Packet Minutes, 18 December 1853 - 19 December 1856 (File 94)
Filmed selectively.
Mail boxes for Australian mails, 16 September 1856 (Item 94/26-27)
Australian mails via Egypt, 16 September 1856 (Item 94/28)
Australian mail contract, 18 September 1856 (Item 94/37-38)
Charges on books sent to Australia, 20 September 1856 (Item 94/39-41)
Offer of Baines & Co. regarding Australian mails, 24 September 1856 (Item 94/52)
Charges on books sent to Australia, 24 September 1856 (Item 94/53-55)
Registered letters for Melbourne, 25 September 1856 (Item 94/60-61)
Timetable for Australian packets, 1 October 1856 (Item 94/72-76)
Proposed line of vessels to Australia via Panama, 9 October 1856 (Item 94/97-101)
Detention of Australian packet, 18 October 1856 (Item 94/123-25)
Compulsory prepayment of postage to Australia, 20 October 1856 (Item 94/132-34)
Date of sailing of Australian Royal Mail Co. packets, 23 October 1856 (Item 94/151-52)
Transmission of mails to Sandwich Islands, 19 November 1856 (Item 94/215-18)
Offer of Liverpool and Australian Steam Navigation Co, 4 December 1856 (Item 94/265-66)
Changes proposed by Australian Royal Mail Co, 6 December 1856 (Item 94/268-69)
Charges on books sent to Australia, 18 December 1853 (Item 94/331-33)
Sorting of mails on Australian packets, 19 December 1856 (Item 94/336-40)
Packet Minutes, 27 December 1856 - 3 March 1857 (File 95)
Filmed selectively.
Reestablishment of packet communication to Australia, 27 December 1856 (Item 95/16)
Conveyance of Australian mails in boxes, 8 January 1857 (Item 95/89-90)
Extension of book post to Victoria, 12 January 1857 (Item 95/102-3)
Delays in sailing of European and Australian Royal Mail Co. packet, 20 January 1857 (Item 95/142-43)
Expenses of storing and shipping Australian mails at Southampton, 21 January 1857 (Item 95/145-46)
Delay in sailing of Australian packet, 27 January 1857 (Item 95/161-62)
Letters to Australia from The Hague, 27 January 1857 (Item 95/175-76)
Letters to Australia from The Hague, 31 January 1857 (Item 95/194-95)
Wooden mail boxes for Australia, 4 February 1857 (Item 95/224-26)
Newspapers for Australia, 7 February 1857 (Item 95/244)
Mails misdirected to Melbourne, 9 February 1857 (Item 95/250-51)
Gratuities for ship letter mails from Australia, 3 March 1857 (Item 95/336-38)
Packet Minutes, 7 March 1857 - 15 July 1857 (File 96)
Filmed selectively.
Sharing of postage with Australian Post Office, 7 March 1857 (Item 96/7-9)
Storing of Australian mails at Southampton, 10 March 1857 (Item 96/14-15)
Establishment of line of steamers between Sydney and Singapore, 19 March 1857 (Item 96/28)
Optional prepayment of postage to Australia, 23 March 1857 (Item 96/36)
Large debt of N.S.W. Post Office, 22 April 1857 (Item 96/118)
Book postage in Tasmania, 23 April 1857 (Item 96/132-34)
Contract with Wilson & Pilkington for Australian mails, 8 May 1857 (Item 96/156-58)
Accounting of newspapers sent from Sydney, 23 May 1857 (Item 96/205-6)
Transmission of mails to Western Australia, 15 June 1857 (Item 96/251-53)
Large balance due from N.S.W. Post Office, 16 June 1857 (Item 96/255)
Rates on books sent from Victoria, 16 June 1857 (Item 96/256-57)
Prepayment of book post to Victoria, 25 June 1857 (Item 96/277-78)
N.S.W. Postage Act, 30 June 1857 (Item 96/288)
Australian mail boxes, 15 July 1857 (Item 96/339)
Packet Minutes, 27 August 1857 - 3 December 1857 (File 97)
Filmed selectively.
Book post between Australia and East Indies, 27 August 1857 (Item 97/70)
Arrangements with Tasmanian Post Office, 17 September 1857 (Item 70/91-92)
Sorting of mails on board Australian packets, 19 October 1857 (Item 70/144)
Separate mail bag for Portland, Victoria, 16 November 1857 (Item 70/211-12)
Sorting on board Australian packets, 25 November 1857 (Item 70/253)
Sorting on board Australian packets, 3 December 1857 (Item 70/280-83)
Packet Minutes, 28 February 1857 - 18 March 1858 (File 98)
Filmed selectively.
Separate mail bag for Williamstown, Victoria, 28 February 1857 (Item 98/11-12)
Transhipment of N.S.W. mails from Melbourne, 11 January 1858 (Item 98/74-79)
Separation of Western Australian and New Zealand correspondence, 16 January 1858 (Item 98/94-95)
Separation of Western Australian correspondence, 3 February 1858 (Item 98/149)
Extension of registration system to N.S.W, 6 February 1858 (Item 98/165-66)
Sorting of mails on board Australian packets, 6 February 1858 (Item 98/169-76)
Sorting on board Australian packets, 8 February 1858 (Item 98/180-84)
Transhipment of N.S.W. mails from Melbourne, 10 February 1858 (Item 98/187-88)
Use of postage stamps on letters posted on Australian mail packets, 18 March 1858 (Item 98/302)
Packet Minutes, 8 April 1858 - 20 July 1858 (File 99)
Filmed selectively.
Arrangements for new packet service to South Australia, 8 April 1858 (Item 99/21)
Contract for Australian and New Zealand mail service, 8 May 1858 (Item 99/101)
Offer of Wilson, Chambers & Co. to carry Australian mails, 19 June 1858 (Item 99/243)
Division of fees on registered letters to South Australia, 1 July 1858 (Item 99/268-69)
Separate mail bag for Moreton Bay District, 20 July 1858 (Item 99/339)
Packet Minutes, 9 September 1858 - 11 October 1858 (File 100)
Filmed selectively.
Conveyance of despatches for Governor of Victoria, 9 September 1858 (Item 100/132)
Tenders for Australian mail service, 15 September 1858 (Item 100/151-52)
Tenders for Australian mail service, 23 September 1858 (Item 100/169-71)
Australian mail service via Panama, 27 September 1858 (Item 100/181-202)
Gratuities for sorting mails on Australian packets, 6 October 1858 (Item 100/237-38)
Tenders for Australian mail services, 11 October 1858 (Item 100/250-52)
Packet Minutes, 16 November 1858 - 18 February 1859 (File 101)
Filmed selectively.
P.& O. landings at Kangaroo Island, 16 November 1858 (Item 101/17)
Despatch of mails from Melbourne by P.& O. ships, 16 November 1858 (Item 101/18)
Sorting on board Australian mail packets, 17 November 1858 (Item 101/22-23)
Registration of letters to N.S.W, 2 December 1858 (Item 101/49)
Draft contract with P.& O. Co. for Australian mail service, 9 December 1858 (Item 101/59)
New Australia-Mauritius mail service, 13 December 1858 (Item 101/69)
Detention ofVictoria with mails at Melbourne, 4 January 1859 (Item 101/162-63)
Sorting registered letters on Australian packets, 6 January 1859 (Item 101/173-76)
Substitution of bags for boxes for Indian and Australian mails, 18 January 1859 (Item 101/202-6)
Substitution of bags for boxes for Indian and Australian mails, 28 January 1859 (Item 101/245-47)
New service for Australian and Mauritius mails, 18 February 1859 (Item 101/333)
Packet Minutes, 8 March 1859 - 18 May 1859 (File 102)
Filmed selectively.
Mails from Honolulu, 8 March 1859 (Item 102/51)
Sorting of New Zealand mails on board ship, 13 April 1859 (Item 102/182-84)
Sorting of New Zealand mails on board ship, 4 May 1859 (Item 102/253)
Extension of registration system to Melbourne, 18 May 1859 (Item 102/295-96)
Packet Minutes, 9 August 1859 - 18 August 1859 (File 103)
Filmed selectively.
Mode of forwarding letters to Norfolk Island, 9 August 1859 (Item 103/250)
Extension of registration system to New Zealand, 9 August 1859 (Item 103/254-55)
Prepayment of letters from Hobart, 18 August 1859 (Item 103/300)
Packet Minutes, 11 September 1859 - 7 December 1859 (File 104)
Filmed selectively.
Sorting of Victorian mails on board ship, 11 September 1859 (Item 104/12)
Proposed alteration in route of Australian mail service, 12 September 1859 (Item 104/17-19)
Extension of registration system to New Zealand, 13 September 1859 (Item 104/25)
Extension of registration system to Victoria, 26 September 1859 (Item 104/52-53)
Draft contract for Australian and Mauritius mail service, 5 October 1859 (Item 104/71)
Alteration in route of Australian mail service, 28 November 1859 (Item 104/219)
Increased charges on newspapers for Australia, 7 December 1859 (Item 104/262)
Packet Minutes, 10 January 1860 - 28 March 1860 (File 106)
Filmed selectively.
N.S.W. remonstrance against increased charge on newspapers, 10 January 1860 (Item 106/38)
Increased postage on newspapers to Australia, 23 January 1860 (Item 106/79-83)
Extension of registration system to New Zealand, 30 January 1860 (Item 106/104-5)
Charge on Australian newspapers, 8 February 1860 (Item 106/138-40)
Charge on Australian newspapers, 9 February 1860 (Item 106/144-45)
Alteration in route of Australian mail service, 20 February 1860 (Item 106/183)
Mail service between N.S.W. and New Zealand, 14 March 1860 (Item 106/276-77)
Making up of mails for Queensland, 21 March 1860 (Item 106/294)
Mail service between N.S.W. and New Zealand, 28 March 1860 (Item 106/326)
Packet Minutes, 8 May 1860 - 13 July 1860 (File 107)
Filmed selectively.
Mail service between Australia and New Zealand, 8 May 1860 (Item 107/32)
Alteration in service between Australia and New Zealand, 23 May 1860 (Item 107/87)
New New Zealand mail service, 28 May 1860 (Item 107/108-9)
Alteration in Australian mail service, 4 June 1860 (Item 107/129)
Rates of postage in Australian colonies, 11 June 1860 (Item 107/144)
Extension of Australian mail service to Sydney, 25 June 1860 (Item 107/198-99)
New Zealand mails landed at Sydney, 25 June 1860 (Item 107/201)
Landing of South Australian mails at Melbourne, 27 June 1860 (Item 107/210)
Losses of Royal Mail Co. in Australia, 27 June 1860 (Item 107/211)
Detention of Australian mail packet at Sydney, 27 June 1860 (Item 107/213)
Extension of Australian mail service to Sydney, 13 July 1860 (Item 107/283)
Packet Minutes, 8 October 1860 - 30 November 1860 (File 108)
Filmed selectively.
Mail service between Australia and New Zealand, 8 October 1860 (Item 108/206)
Additional charge on newspapers to Australia, 15 October 1860 (Item 108/248)
Draft contract for Australian mail service, 23 November 1860 (Item 108/382)
Landing of mails at Kangaroo Island, 24 November 1860 (Item 108/386)
Alteration in Australian mail service, 29 November 1860 (Item 108/395)
Draft contract with P.& O. Co. for Australian mail service, 30 November 1860 (Item 108/397)
Packet Minutes, 15 December 1860 - 28 February 1861 (File 109)
Filmed selectively.
Contract for mail service between N.S.W. and New Zealand, 15 December 1860 (Item 109/38)
Division of postage on letters between South Australia and New Zealand, 26 December 1860 (Item 109/75-77)
Separation of mails for Queensland, 28 February 1861 (Item 109/322-23)
Packet Minutes, 27 March 1861 - 24 July 1861 (File 110)
Filmed selectively.
Parliamentary approval clause in Australian contract, 27 March 1861 (Item 110/8-10)
Tasmanian objection to general system of registration, 26 April 1861 (Item 110/108)
Contract with P.& O. Co. for Australian mails, 15 May 1861 (Item 110/152)
Postage on letters between N.S.W. and New Zealand, 23 May 1861 (Item 110/171)
Sydney and New Zealand mail service, 24 July 1861 (Item 110/350)
Unclaimed letters at Sydney, 24 July 1861 (Item 110/372)
Packet Minutes, 20 August 1861 - 4 December 1861 (File 111)
Filmed selectively.
South Australian debt on packet service, 20 August 1861 (Item 111/44)
Division of postage between Australia and New Zealand, 20 August 1861 (Item 111/45)
Conveyance of New Zealand mail by military authorities, 17 October 1861 (Item 111/164)
Proposal that all Australian mails be sent via Marseilles, 22 October 1861 (Item 111/187-88)
Complaint by New Zealand Supreme Court against Inter Colonial Steam Packet Co, 26 October 1861 (Item 111/196-97)
Extension of registration system to letters between Australia and Malta, 14 November 1861 (Item 111/250-51)
Apportionment of expenses of mail service to Australia, 19 November 1861 (Item 111/272-73)
Book packets from South Australia, 20 November 1861 (Item 111/274-75)
Subdivision of mails for New Zealand, 4 December 1861 (Item 111/318)
Packet Minutes, 6 January 1862 - 13 May 1862 (File 112)
Filmed selectively.
P.& O. Co. delays in Australian mail service, 6 January 1862 (Item 112/31-33)
Extension of money order system to Victoria and Western Australia, 6 January 1862 (Item 112/33)
South Australian postal legislation, 16 January 1862 (Item 112/60)
Detention of Benares by naval agent at Sydney, 27 January 1862 (Item 112/98-99)
Survey of Claud Hamilton for New Zealand mail service, 17 March 1862 (Item 112/240-41)
Extension of money order system to Victoria, 6 May 1862 (Item 112/384-85)
Survey of Claud Hamilton for New Zealand mail service, 9 May 1862 (Item 112/400-1)
Exchange of money orders between Canada and Australia, 13 May 1862 (Item 112/407-8)
Packet Minutes, 1 July 1862 - 29 October 1862 (File 113)
Filmed selectively.
Postage on War Office papers sent from Perth, 1 July 1862 (Item 113/65-66)
Extension of registration system to letters between Australia and Hongkong, 22 July 1862 (Item 113/164-65)
Extension of money order system to Tasmania, 30 July 1862 (Item 113/194-95)
Survey of vessels in Australian mail service, 1 August 1862 (Item 113/202-6)
Abstraction of coin from letters from N.S.W. and Tasmania, 7 August 1862 (Item 113/214-16)
Modification of money order system in New Zealand, 2 September 1862 (Item 113/243-44)
Transfer of South Australian mails via King George's Sound, 23 September 1862 (Item 113/291)
Australian and New Zealand packet service, 24 September 1862 (Item 113/295)
Proposed packet service between Singapore and Australia, 1 October 1862 (Item 113/351)
Contribution to cost of New Zealand packet service, 22 October 1862 (Item 113/374)
Packet service between Singapore and Australia, 24 October 1862 (Item 113/386-89)
Packet service between Singapore and Australia, 29 October 1862 (Item 113/405)
Packet Minutes, 3 December 1862 - 20 February 1863 (File 114)
Filmed selectively.
Packet service between Singapore and Australia, 3 December 1862 (Item 114/85)
Registration of letters between Hong Kong and Australia, 4 December 1862 (Item 114/92-93)
Transmission of military accounts from Western Australia, 5 December 1862 (Item 114/97)
Australian and New Zealand intercolonial packet arrangements, 5 January 1863 (Item 114/238)
Abstraction of coin from letters from N.S.W. and Tasmania, 23 January 1863 (Item 114/303-4)
Commencement of money order business with N.S.W, 30 January 1863 (Item 114/310)
Registration of letters between Australia and Hong Kong, 4 February 1863 (Item 114/321)
Money order business in Western Australia, 20 February 1863 (Item 114/381-82)
Packet Minutes, 21 March 1863 - 4 September 1863 (File 115)
Filmed selectively.
Tasmanian postal legislation, 21 March 1863 (Item 115/24)
Proposed communication between Australia and Panama, 13 April 1863 (Item 115/71)
P.& O. ships on Australian mail service, 25 April 1863 (Item 115/106-7)
New Zealand postal legislation, 2 May 1863 (Item 115/127)
Delays in transfer of South Australian mails, 4 May 1863 (Item 115/134-35)
Registration of letters between New Zealand and Hong Kong, 2 June 1863 (Item 115/212-13)
Proposal to double mail service between Ceylon and Australia, 26 June 1863 (Item 115/277)
South Australian Postal Act, 28 July 1863 (Item 115/376)
Proposed packet service between New Zealand and Panama, 4 September 1863 (Item 115/435-39)
Packet Minutes, 6 October 1863 - 16 December 1863 (File 116)
Filmed selectively.
Detention of mail packet Madras at Sydney, 6 October 1863 (Item 116/80)
South Australian contributions to packet service, 4 November 1863 (Item 116/196)
Tasmanian contributions to packet service, 6 November 1863 (Item 116/201)
South Australian contributions to packet service, 6 November 1863 (Item 116/202)
Treatment of Australian letters insufficiently paid, 24 November 1863 (Item 116/256-60)
Accounts of Australian packet service, 25 November 1863 (Item 116/262-63)
Proposed doubling of packet service to Australia, 8 December 1863 (Item 116/295)
Bags substituted for boxes on Indian and Australian mail service, 15 December 1863 (Item 116/324-32)
Optional prepayment of letters to Australia, 16 December 1863 (Item 116/334)
Packet Minutes, 21 January 1864 - 21 April 1864 (File 118)
Filmed selectively.
Remittances due from South Australia, 21 January 1864 (Item 118/47)
Penalties on voyages of Australian packets, 21 January 1864 (Item 118/48-50)
Penalties on voyages of Australian packets, 10 February 1864 (Item 118/106)
Reduction of book postage to India, China and Australia, 26 February 1864 (Item 118/167)
Delivery of South Australian mails at King George's Sound, 21 April 1864 (Item 118/349-50)
Packet Minutes, 26 May 1864 - 15 November 1864 (File 119)
Filmed selectively.
Instructions to naval agents concerning Australian mails, 26 May 1864 (Item 119/11-12)
Alteration of Australian postal rates, 2 June 1864 (Item 119/25)
Increase of postage to Australia and New Zealand, 15 June 1864 (Item 119/50-56)
Suspension of new Australian postal rates, 18 July 1864 (Item 119/147)
Proposed Panama-New Zealand service, 25 July 1864 (Item 119/166-68)
Termination of New Zealand intercolonial contract, 28 July 1864 (Item 119/171)
Termination of New Zealand intercolonial contract, 13 August 1864 (Item 119/197-200)
Claims of South Australian Government for cost of packet service, 23 August 1864 (Item 119/216)
Establishment of second postal service to Australia via Suez, 17 September 1864 (Item 119/283)
Victorian contribution to Australian packet service, 6 October 1864 (Item 119/338)
Tenders for Australian packet service, 3 November 1864 (Item 119/450-51)
Victorian postal legislation, 15 November 1864 (Item 119/487)
Packet Minutes, 25 November 1864 - 28 March 1865 (File 120)
Filmed selectively.
Extension of pattern service to Australia, 25 November 1864 (Item 120/16-17)
Termination of P.& O. Co. Australian contract, 2 December 1864 (Item 120/48)
Draft warrant for Australian pattern post, 14 December 1864 (Item 120/78)
Compulsory registration of letters in Victoria, 20 December 1864 (Item 120/103-4)
Postage between France and South Australia and Tasmania, 6 January 1865 (Item 120/148)
Return of letters received from Australia, 12 January 1865 (Item 120/168-69)
Special packet for Prince Alfred, 24 January 1865 (Item 120/197)
Transshipment of New Zealand mails at Sydney, 23 January 1865 (Item 120/199)
Treatment of Australian unpaid letters, 25 January 1865 (Item 120/203-7)
Memos, 8 February 1865 - 9 February 1865 (Item 120/243-5)
Treatment of Australian unpaid letters, 17 February 1865 (Item 120/267-69)
Increase of packet postage on letters in colonies in East, 22 February 1865 (Item 120/292-96)
Balance due from South Australia for packet service, 13 March 1865 (Item 120/345)
Tenders for Australian packet service, 14 March 1865 (Item 120/355-56)
Contract with the West India and Pacific Steam Ship Company, 17 March 1865 (Item 120/364)
Postage to British Colonies through Italy and France [incomplete] (Item 120/406)
South Australian proposal for simplifying mode of accounting, 28 March 1865 (Item 120/408)
Packet Minutes, 10 April 1865 - 19 July 1865 (File 121)
Filmed selectively.
P.& O. Co. tender for Ceylon-Sydney service, 10 April 1865 (Item 121/5)
New Zealand postal legislation, 21 April 1865 (Item 121/61)
P.& O. Co. tender for Australian mail packet service, 27 April 1865 (Item 121/96-103)
Remittance from Victoria for packet service, 28 April 1865 (Item 121/104)
P.& O. Co. tender for Australian mail packet service, 3 May 1865 (Item 121/117)
P.& O. Co. tender for Ceylon-Sydney service, 18 May 1865 (Item 121/171-72)
P.& O. Co. tender for Ceylon-Sydney service, 19 May 1865 (Item 121/174)
Extension of money order system to Tasmania, 25 May 1865 (Item 121/183-84)
Termination of P.& O. Co. contract, 29 May 1865 (Item 121/197)
Delay of Australian mails at Ceylon, 8 June 1865 (Item 121/243-45)
P.& O. Co. contract for Ceylon-Sydney service, 11 July 1865 (Item 121/361)
Tenders for Ceylon-Sydney service, 19 July 1865 (Item 121/406)
Packet Minutes, 24 July 1865 - 21 November 1865 (File 122)
Filmed selectively.
Australian mails landed at Point de Galle, 24 July 1865 (Item 122/3-6)
Application of Australian Steam Navigation Co, 27 July 1865 (Item 122/15)
Detention of homeward mail at Melbourne, 26 July 1865 (Item 122/20-21)
Queensland contribution to Sydney-Brisbane service, 4 August 1865 (Item 122/55)
Complaint by Victorian Government about postal delays, 15 August 1865 (Item 122/99-101)
Making up boxes of Australian despatches, 17 August 1865 (Item 122/105)
Making up boxes of Australian despatches, 23 August 1865 (Item 122/121-24)
Report on N.S.W. Post Office, 24 August 1865 (Item 122/139-41)
Harrington & Co. and Australian mail service, 20 September 1865 (Item 122/204-5)
Complaint by Victorian Government about postal delays, 3 October 1865 (Item 122/255-56)
Address of South Australian House of Assembly on Australian mail contract, 19 October 1865 (Item 122/297)
Delay in delivery of South Australian mails at King George's Sound, 25 October 1865 (Item 122/311-12)
Transmission of Commissariat certificates from Western Australia, 26 October 1865 (Item 122/322-23)
Cost of service between Adelaide and King George's Sound, 31 October 1865 (Item 122/333)
Proposed establishment of pattern post in Queensland, 4 November 1865 (Item 122/349-50)
South Australian postal legislation, 14 November 1865 (Item 122/387)
Transmission of stuffed birds from Western Australia, 21 November 1865 (Item 122/407)
Packet Minutes, 21 December 1865 - 28 March 1866 (File 123)
Filmed selectively.
Treatment of letters for New Zealand, 21 December 1865 (Item 123/79-80)
Postage on letters between Ceylon and Australia, 11 January 1866 (Item 123/166-67)
Mails landed at Melbourne instead of Queenscliff, 21 February 1866 (Item 123/318-19)
Optional prepayment on letters from N.S.W, 9 March 1866 (Item 123/371-72)
Complaint by N.S.W. Government about mail delays, 22 March 1866 (Item 123/413)
Dates of departure of Ceylon-Sydney mail service, 28 March 1866 (Item 123/435)
Packet Minutes, 29 March 1866 - 27 August 1866 (File 124)
Filmed selectively.
Mail service between Adelaide and King George's Sound, 29 March 1866 (Item 124/3)
Losses in New Zealand due to late arrival of P.& O. packets, 4 April 1866 (Item 124/20)
South Australian complaint about irregular mail service, 5 April 1866 (Item 124/23)
Postage between Australia, New Zealand and Panama, 17 May 1866 (Item 124/134-35)
Postage between Australia, New Zealand and Panama, 19 May 1866 (Item 124/142)
Postage between Australia, New Zealand and Panama, 23 May 1866 (Item 124/170)
Postage between Australia, New Zealand and Panama, 29 May 1866 (Item 124/183-84)
Western Australian complaint about irregular mail service, 2 June 1866 (Item 124/197)
Postage on Australian mails via Torres Strait, 13 June 1866 (Item 124/230-33)
New Zealand postal legislation, 18 July 1866 (Item 124/307)
New Zealand complaint about irregular mail service, 27 July 1866 (Item 124/329)
N.S.W. law for optional prepayment on letters to France, 3 August 1866 (Item 124/351-52)
Length of passage from Point de Galle to Sydney, 10 August 1866 (Item 124/371-73)
Annual report of Victorian Post Office, 27 August 1866 (Item 124/425)
Packet Minutes, 31 August 1866 - 16 January 1867 (File 125)
Filmed selectively.
Cost of Australia-New Zealand service, 31 August 1866 (Item 125/2-3)
Making up of New Zealand homeward mails, 7 September 1866 (Item 125/13)
Postage between Australia, New Zealand and Panama, 13 September 1866 (Item 125/18)
Victorian postal legislation, 26 October 1866 (Item 125/135)
New Zealand correspondence to be sent via Panama, 6 November 1866 (Item 125/157-58)
Late arrival at Singapore of N.S.W. mails, 26 November 1866 (Item 125/212-13)
Amount due from South Australia on packet service, 4 December 1866 (Item 125/252)
Visits to Melbourne by packets on homeward voyage, 17 December 1866 (Item 125/284-86)
Victorian contribution to Australian packet service, 18 December 1866 (Item 125/297)
Queensland contribution to Australian packet service, 19 December 1866 (Item 125/310-11)
N.S.W. contribution to Australian packet service, 4 January 1867 (Item 125/388-89)
Increase in postage on newspapers to New Zealand, 16 January 1867 (Item 125/416)
New Zealand correspondence to be sent via Panama, 9 January 1867 (Item 125/417-18)
Packet Minutes, 28 January 1867 - 9 April 1867 (File 126)
Filmed selectively.
New Zealand and N.S.W. correspondence via Panama, 28 January 1867 (Item 126/45-50)
Annual report of N.S.W. Post Office, 30 January 1867 (Item 126/74-75)
South Australian Postal Act, 12 February 1867 (Item 126/128)
Establishment of Queensland-Singapore service, 12 March 1867 (Item 126/256)
Contributions of Australian colonies to mail service, 13 March 1867 (Item 126/261-63)
New Zealand complaint about its contribution to mail service, 21 March 1867 (Item 126/283)
Amounts due from Australian colonies in 1867, 22 March 1867 (Item 126/313-14)
N.S.W. contribution to Australian postal service, 1 April 1867 (Item 126/342-43)
New Zealand complaint about its contribution, 5 April 1867 (Item 126/359)
N.S.W. postal legislation, 8 April 1867 (Item 126/366)
New Zealand and N.S.W. correspondence via Panama, 9 April 1867 (Item 126/387-88)
Packet Minutes, 30 April 1867 - 22 August 1867 (File 127)
Filmed selectively.
Cost of Sydney-Queensland service, 30 April 1867 (Item 127/20-21)
N.S.W. contribution to packet service, 3 May 1867 (Item 127/40)
New Zealand Postal Acts, 9 May 1867 (Item 127/65)
South Australian contribution to Australian packet service, 25 May 1867 (Item 127/119)
Memorial to Queen from Melbourne Postal Conference, 30 May 1867 (Item 127/126-27)
N.S.W. correspondence sent via Panama, 3 June 1867 (Item 127/133-36)
Reduction on postage on newspapers sent via Panama, 17 June 1867 (Item 127/162)
Postage rates to New Zealand via Panama, 28 June 1867 (Item 127/241-42)
Melbourne Postal Conference, 3 July 1867 (Item 127/259-61)
Conveyance of telegrams between Ceylon and Australia, 8 July 1867 (Item 127/269)
Transmission of newspapers to Victoria via Panama, 23 July 1867 (Item 127/308-9)
South Australian contribution to postal service, 30 July 1867 (Item 127/328)
Western Australian mails not to be sent via Panama, 20 August 1867 (Item 127/384)
Melbourne Postal Conference, 22 August 1867 (Item 127/398-99)
Packet Minutes, 6 September 1867 - 3 December 1867 (File 128)
Filmed selectively.
Victorian contribution to Australian mail service, 6 September 1867 (Item 128/1)
Request for mails to be made up for Ballarat, 17 October 1867 (Item 128/118)
Ceylon-Sydney mail service, 22 October 1867 (Item 128/137-39)
Western Australian memorial on packet service, 7 November 1867 (Item 128/274-75)
Proposed removal of coaling station from King George's Sound to Champion Bay, 8 November 1867 (Item 128/281-82)
Additional yearly voyage for Australian mail service, 3 December 1867 (Item 128/382-83)
Calculation of contributions to Australian postal service, 3 December 1867 (Item 128/385)
Packet Minutes, 3 January 1868 - 2 March 1868 (File 129)
Payment to P.& O. Co. for additional voyage to Australia, 3 January 1868 (Item 129/120-21)
N.S.W. Postal Act, 10 January 1868 (Item 129/150)
Rearrangement of timetable of Australian mail service, 10 January 1868 (Item 129/152-56)
Registration and optional prepayment of N.S.W.-France correspondence, 14 January 1868 (Item 129/175)
Tasmanian postal legislation, 19 February 1868 (Item 129/327)
Tasmanian contribution to packet service, 2 March 1868 (Item 129/356)
Packet Minutes, 29 April 1868 - 25 August 1868 (File 130)
Filmed selectively.
Dates of departure of Australian mails, 29 April 1868 (Item 130/129-30)
Memorial for fortnightly service to Australia, 5 May 1868 (Item 130/152)
Contributions of Australian colonies, 11 May 1868 (Item 130/175)
Melbourne-Launceston service, 25 August 1868 (Item 130/434)
Packet Minutes, 24 September 1868 - 10 March 1869 (File 131)
Filmed selectively.
Proposed withdrawal of N.S.W. from mail service via Suez, 24 September 1868 (Item 131/68)
Memorials for fortnightly service to Australia, 8 October 1868 (Item 131/93-94)
Conveyance of telegrams from Ceylon to Australia, 19 December 1868 (Item 131/262)
Claim of Tasmanian Post Office for expenses in conveying mail via Panama, 21 December 1868 (Item 131/266)
Inability of Royal Mail Co. to carry mails from Panama to New Zealand, 27 January 1869 (Item 131/367)
New Zealand postal legislation, 4 February 1869 (Item 131/387)
Discontinuance of New Zealand mail service via Panama, 11 February 1869 (Item 131/411)
King George's Sound-Adelaide service, 10 March 1869 (Item 131/473-74)
Packet Minutes, 14 April 1869 - 21 September 1869 (File 133)
Filmed selectively.
Amounts due from Australian colonies for packet service, 14 April 1869 (Item 133/27)
Amounts due from Australian colonies for packet service, 16 April 1869 (Item 133/39-40)
Complaint of Commodore R. Lambert about postal communication with New Zealand, 21 September 1869 (Item 133/482)
Packet Minutes, 15 December 1869 - 15 February 1870 (File 134)
Filmed selectively.
Cost of service between Australia and New Zealand, 15 December 1869 (Item 134/178-80)
Tasmanian postal legislation, 15 February 1870 (Item 134/430)
Packet Minutes, 12 April 1870 - 30 May 1870 (File 135)
Filmed selectively.
Limitation on weight of newspapers for Australia, 12 April 1870 (Item 135/83)
Establishment of mail service between New Zealand and San Francisco, 29 April 1870 (Item 135/117-21)
Amounts due from Australian colonies for packet service, 29 April 1870 (Item 135/133)
San Francisco-New Zealand mail service, 3 May 1870 (Item 135/135-43)
San Francisco-New Zealand mail service, 5 May 1870 (Item 135/148)
Loss of New Zealand mail bags in Egypt, 19 May 1870 (Item 135/185-86)
Newspapers for Victoria, 21 May 1870 (Item 135/190)
San Francisco-New Zealand mail service, 25 May 1870 (Item 135/202)
San Francisco-New Zealand mail service, 30 May 1870 (Item 135/217-18)
Packet Minutes, 31 October 1870 - 9 May 1871 (File 136)
Filmed selectively.
Cost of Australia-New Zealand packet service, 31 October 1870 (Item 136/48)
Exchange of mails between Italy and Australia, 10 November 1870 (Item 136/81-82)
Postal Convention between New Zealand and United States, 20 December 1870 (Item 136/189)
Request for mails to be landed in South Australia, 22 December 1870 (Item 136/195-98)
Reduction of postage to Hawaii, 2 January 1871 (Item 136/223)
New Zealand postal legislation, 9 January 1871 (Item 136/238)
Departure of mail packet from Sydney, 11 January 1871 (Item 136/250-52)
New Zealand postal legislation, 14 January 1871 (Item 136/259-61)
Tasmanian postal legislation, 18 January 1871 (Item 136/279)
Money order rules in N.S.W. and Queensland, 27 January 1871 (Item 136/316-17)
Reduction of postage to Hawaii, 4 February 1871 (Item 136/334-35)
Reduction of Italian postal rates, 9 February 1871 (Item 136/344)
Reduction of postage to Hawaii, 10 February 1871 (Item 136/345)
Limit on weight of newspapers to Australia, 20 February 1871 (Item 136/368)
Reduction of postage to Hawaii, 8 March 1871 (Item 136/394)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 9 March 1871 (Item 136/395)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 18 April 1871 (Item 136/479-84)
Accounts for Australian and New Zealand packet service, 18 April 1871 (Item 136/486)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 4 May 1871 (Item 136/515)
N.S.W. mails via San Francisco, 9 May 1871 (Item 136/524)
Letter from Victorian Agent-General, 9 May 1871 (Item 136/525)
Packet Minutes, 25 May 1871 - 11 December 1871 (File 137)
Filmed selectively.
Withdrawal of South Australia from Australian packet contract, 25 May 1871 (Item 137/13-15)
Proposal of J. Vogel for penny postage on letters to New Zealand, 7 June 1871 (Item 137/27-29)
Letter to Victorian Agent-General, 8 June 1871 (Item 137/30)
J. Vogel; revision of England-New Zealand postal rates, 9 June 1871 (Item 137/33-35)
Interview with J. Vogel, 7 June 1871 (Item 137/60)
Landing of South Australian mails, 29 July 1871 (Item 137/151-52)
Queensland postal legislation, 27 September 1871 (Item 137/280)
Proposed landing of South Australian mails at Glenelg, 26 September 1871 (Item 137/281-82)
Landing of South Australian mails, 24 October 1871 (Item 137/325)
Withdrawal of Victoria from Australian packet service, 1 November 1871 (Item 137/342-45)
Money orders between South Australia, Germany Italy and South America, 14 November 1871 (Item 137/364-65)
Termination of Australian contract with P.& O. Co, 16 November 1871 (Item 137/369)
Termination of Australian contract with P.& O. Co, 18 November 1871 (Item 137/373-74)
Withdrawal of N.S.W. from Australian packet service, 28 November 1871 (Item 137/398)
Termination of Australian contract with P.& O. Co, 1 December 1871 (Item 137/404)
Payment on postage to Hawaii, 11 December 1871 (Item 137/444-46)
Packet Minutes, 8 January 1872 - 17 September 1872 (File 138)
Filmed selectively.
N.S.W.-San Francisco service, 8 January 1872 (Item 138/13-14)
Postage on letters from Royal Navy ships on Australian Station, 10 January 1872 (Item 138/21-22)
Mail service to Australian colonies, 26 January 1872 (Item 138/47)
New Zealand-San Francisco service, 7 February 1872 (Item 138/62-64)
Questions by Gilbert about Australian mail service, 8 February 1872 (Item 138/65)
Landing at port in Western Australia, 8 February 1872 (Item 138/66)
Mail service with Australian colonies, 6 February 1872 (Item 138/70)
Correspondence from Australia to Europe via Trieste, 6 March 1872 (Item 138/126-27)
Australian mail service, 14 March 1872 (Item 138/154)
Cost of Australia-New Zealand packet service, 16 March 1872 (Item 138/159)
Establishment of Singapore-Brisbane service, 8 March 1872 (Item 138/185-86)
Contribution to Australian mail service, 10 April 1872 (Item 138/218)
Official postage account for Agent-General for Victoria, 11 April 1872 (Item 138/221-24)
Contribution to Australian mail service, 12 April 1872 (Item 138/225-26)
Despatch of Australian branch service from Bombay instead of Point de Galle, 4 May 1872 (Item 138/258-59)
Contributions to Australia-San Francisco service, 18 July 1872 (Item 138/412-13)
Postal convention between Germany and Australian colonies, 20 July 1872 (Item 138/416-18)
Temporary transmission of Victorian mail via San Francisco, 25 July 1872 (Item 138/432)
Landing of packets at Western Australian ports, 20 August 1872 (Item 138/465-66)
Cost of Adelaide-King George's Sound service, 17 September 1872 (Item 138/487)
Packet Minutes, 31 October 1872 - 3 May 1873 (File 139)
Filmed selectively.
Australian mail service, 31 October 1872 (Item 139/5-6)
San Francisco-N.S.W. service, 1 November 1872 (Item 139/9)
Proposed mail service from Sydney via Torres Strait and Suez, 16 November 1872 (Item 139/65)
Money order funds in Australia and New Zealand, 20 November 1872 (Item 139/74)
San Francisco-New Zealand service, 21 November 1872 (Item 139/82)
Australian mail service via Suez, 26 November 1872 (Item 139/91)
Money order funds in Australia, 21 December 1872 (Item 139/148)
Proposal for free postage from Fiji to England, 13 January 1873 (Item 139/205-8)
Transit rates for Australian mail service, 14 January 1873 (Item 139/213-14)
Australian mail service, 17 January 1873 (Item 139/219-21)
Australian mail service, 21 January 1873 (Item 139/230)
Direct postal communication between Germany and Australia, 29 January 1873 (Item 139/236-40)
Charge against New Zealand Post Office, 22 February 1873 (Item 139/288-89)
Cessation of New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 7 March 1873 (Item 139/318-21)
Charge against New Zealand Post Office, 17 March 1873 (Item 139/351-53)
Amounts due for Australian and New Zealand packet service, 3 May 1873 (Item 139/548-49)
Packet Minutes, 10 June 1873 - 3 December 1873 (File 140)
Filmed selectively.
Queensland Government and Singapore-Sydney service, 10 June 1873 (Item 140/90)
Australian mail service, 19 June 1873 (Item 140/117-20)
Payment of pensions at Melbourne, 8 August 1873 (Item 140/274)
Australian mail service, 27 August 1873 (Item 140/306-7)
Free postage on letters from Fiji, 15 October 1873 (Item 140/417-18)
Payment of pensions in Australia, 13 November 1873 (Item 140/470-72)
Australian-New Zealand service, 17 November 1873 (Item 140/478)
Australian mail service, 21 November 1873 (Item 140/499-509)
Money order system between Germany and South Australia, 22 November 1873 (Item 140/510-11)
Australian mail service, 28 November 1873 (Item 140/526-27)
Transmission of N.S.W. mails via Melbourne, 3 December 1873 (Item 140/536-38)
Packet Minutes, 11 December 1873 - 11 December 1876 (File 141)
Filmed selectively.
Mails for Victoria via San Francisco, 11 December 1876 (Item 141/7)
Australian mail service, 11 December 1873 (Item 141/8-10)
Australian mail service, 15 December 1873 (Item 141/17)
Transmission of letters for N.S.W, 16 December 1873 (Item 141/24)
Regulations for letters to Queensland, 2 January 1874 (Item 141/74)
Extra postage on letters to N.S.W. via Suez, 29 January 1874 (Item 141/130-34)
Payment of pensions in Australia, 2 February 1874 (Item 141/139-40)
San Francisco-New Zealand service, 9 February 1874 (Item 141/188)
Melbourne-Launceston service, 11 February 1874 (Item 141/203)
Arrival of first Australian mails under new contract, 17 February 1874 (Item 141/209-10)
South Australian mail service via San Francisco, 26 February 1874 (Item 141/252)
Transmission of mail to Tasmania, 30 March 1874 (Item 141/376)
Closed mails between France and New Caledonia, 31 March 1874 (Item 141/380-84)
Payment by Tasmania for packet service, 8 April 1874 (Item 141/396)
Convention between United States and Victoria, 21 April 1874 (Item 141/421-24)
Packet Minutes, 4 July 1867 - 17 October 1874 (File 143)
Filmed selectively.
Convention between United States and N.S.W, 24 June 1874 (Item 143/31)
Payment of pensions in Victoria, 4 July 1867 (Item 143/71)
Convention between N.S.W. and Hawaii, 17 July 1874 (Item 143/157-58)
Australia-San Francisco mail service, 28 July 1874 (Item 143/189-91)
Australia-San Francisco mail service, 5 August 1874 (Item 143/217)
Transmission of mails for New Zealand, 31 August 1874 (Item 143/297-98)
Postal privileges for New Zealand Agent-General, 12 September 1874 (Item 143/328-30)
Australia-San Francisco mail service, 16 September 1874 (Item 143/333-34)
Correspondence between Hong Kong and Australia, 21 September 1874 (Item 143/343-45)
Resumption of San Francisco route to New Zealand, 17 October 1874 (Item 143/419)
Packet Minutes, 4 December 1874 - 20 January 1875 (File 144)
Filmed selectively.
Postage rates for Fiji, 4 December 1874 (Item 144/128-31)
Account of N.S.W. Colonial Treasurer, 8 January 1875 (Item 144/225)
Postage rates for Fiji, 20 January 1875 (Item 144/265-66)
Packet Minutes, 7 May 1875 - 9 November 1875 (File 145)
Filmed selectively.
Convention between Dutch East Indies and Australian colonies, 7 May 1875 (Item 145/5-6)
Delay of Australian and New Zealand mails in United States, 21 May 1875 (Item 145/40-41)
Western Australia declines to join Postal Union, 9 July 1875 (Item 145/206)
Payment of Imperial pensions in Australia, 27 July 1875 (Item 145/258)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 7 September 1875 (Item 145/310-18)
New contract for New Zealand and N.S.W. mails via San Francisco, 29 September 1875 (Item 145/380-82)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 13 October 1875 (Item 145/442-46)
Overpayment by N.S.W. on mail service, 19 October 1875 (Item 145/456-57)
New contract for New Zealand and N.S.W. mails, 25 October 1875 (Item 145/472-74)
Despatch of N.S.W. and New Zealand homeward mails from New York, 29 October 1875 (Item 145/496)
Queensland inquiry about Postal Union, 5 November 1875 (Item 145/510-12)
Competition between Australasian and Pacific Steam Ship Companies, 9 November 1875 (Item 145/526-28)
Packet Minutes, 6 April 1873 - 17 March 1876 (File 146)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 23 November 1875 (Item 146/33-37)
Arrangement between Cape Colony and Australian colonies, 31 December 1875 (Item 146/166-67)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 12 January 1876 (Item 146/228)
South Australia declines to enter Postal Union, 4 February 1876 (Item 146/300)
Closed mails between France and New Caledonia, 8 February 1876 (Item 146/310-11)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 17 March 1876 (Item 146/380-81)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 6 April 1873 (Item 146/441-42)
Packet Minutes, 31 May 1876 - 24 January 1877 (File 147)
Filmed selectively.
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 31 May 1876 (Item 147/11)
Application of Hawaii to enter Postal Union, 20 July 1876 (Item 147/141)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 18 September 1876 (Item 147/236-37)
Application of Hawaii to enter Postal Union, 2 October 1876 (Item 147/291-92)
United States transit rates on printed papers for Australia, 2 October 1876 (Item 147/295)
Mails for N.S.W. and New Zealand via San Francisco, 4 December 1876 (Item 147/421-23)
Mails for N.S.W. and New Zealand via San Francisco, 18 December 1876 (Item 147/449-50)
Postal privileges for N.S.W. Agent-General, 5 January 1877 (Item 147/497)
Money order system between Victoria and United States and Canada, 24 January 1877 (Item 147/546-48)
Packet Minutes, 14 February 1877 - 9 November 1877 (File 148)
Filmed selectively.
Complaint by Australian colonies about altered mail service via San Francisco, 14 February 1877 (Item 148/43-57)
Entry of South Australia into Postal Union, 1 March 1877 (Item 148/84)
Australian and New Zealand mail services via Moville, 20 March 1877 (Item 148/132-33)
Canadian route for mail service to Australia, 17 April 1877 (Item 148/209-12)
Agreement with Inman for Australian mail service via San Francisco, 1 May 1877 (Item 148/241-42)
Cessation of call of packets at Fiji, 20 June 1877 (Item 148/317)
Proposed fortnightly service to Australia, 9 November 1877 (Item 148/530)
Packet Minutes, 28 December 1877 - 10 December 1878 (File 149)
Filmed selectively.
Alteration to Australasian mail service via San Francisco, 28 December 1877 (Item 149/45-46)
Fees on registered letters between Australia and Hong Kong, 3 June 1878 (Item 149/308-10)
Entry of N.S.W. into Postal Union, 12 June 1878 (Item 149/326)
Complaint about delays in Australian mail service, 30 August 1878 (Item 149/488-89)
Eastern and Australian mail service; stoppages at points of call, 2 September 1878 (Item 149/493-95)
Postal convention between Queensland and Hong Kong, 23 October 1878 (Item 149/595-96)
Australian mails; division of postage between colonies and Imperial Government, 10 December 1878 (Item 149/670-71)
Packet Minutes, 9 January 1879 - 27 April 1879 (File 150)
Filmed selectively.
Division of postage on Australian mails, 9 January 1879 (Item 150/12-14)
Contract with Orient Steam Navigation Co. for Australian mails, 18 March 1879 (Item 150/222-24)
Reply to G. Berry on Australian mail service, 22 April 1879 (Item 150/314)
Pamphlet on Government subsidies and postal services with India, China and Australia, 27 April 1879 (Item 150/489-96)
Packet Minutes, 7 July 1879 - 31 December 1879 (File 152)
Filmed selectively.
Eastern mails; suggested reduction of transit rate through France and Italy, 7 July 1879 (Item 152/1-10)
Money orders between Switzerland and South Australia and Queensland, 19 July 1879 (Item 152/53-56)
Proposal for sending Australian mails wholly via Brindisi, 6 August 1879 (Item 152/119-21)
Contract for mail service between Melbourne and Ceylon, 11 August 1879 (Item 152/127-28)
Abandonment of Southampton route for Australian mail service, 24 September 1879 (Item 152/241-43)
Proposal to abrogate rule for stopping unpaid letters to Australian colonies, 1 October 1879 (Item 152/248-50)
Postal convention between Tasmania and United States, 15 October 1879 (Item 152/270-71)
Withdrawal of Southampton service to Australian, 4 November 1879 (Item 152/324-26)
Australian mails; offers of Orient Steam Navigation Co. and P.& O. Co, 28 November 1879 (Item 152/373)
Division of postage between Imperial and Australian governments. (faint), 11 December 1879 (Item 152/419-20)
New Zealand Government and abandonment of Southampton route, 31 December 1879 (Item 152/460-63)
Packet Minutes, 1 January 1880 - 10 August 1880 (File 153)
Filmed selectively.
Offer of P.& O. Co. for Australian mails, 1 January 1880 (Item 153/1-4)
Offer of Orient Steam Navigation Co. for Australian mails, 2 January 1880 (Item 153/5-7)
Objections of H. Childers to Australian postal rates, 19 January 1880 (Item 153/53-60)
Postage rates to Australia, 26 January 1880 (Item 153/86-92)
Proposals of H. Childers on Australian mails via Brindisi, 10 February 1880 (Item 153/111-17)
Views of Queensland Premier on Australian mail service, 14 February 1880 (Item 153/123-31)
Proposals of H. Childers on Australian mails, 20 February 1880 (Item 153/144-46)
Proposals of H. Childers on Australian mails, 24 February 1880 (Item 153/151-52)
Proposals of H. Childers on Australian mails, 28 February 1880 (Item 153/153-55)
Reduced rates of Australian postage via Brindisi, 3 March 1880 (Item 153/166-67)
Reduced rates of Australian postage via Brindisi, 11 March 1880 (Item 153/175-79)
Money order business between Switzerland, Queensland and South Australia, 24 March 1880 (Item 153/205)
N.S.W. and New Zealand mails via San Francisco, 26 April 1880 (Item 153/255-57)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 28 April 1880 (Item 153/260-64)
Postage on letters between France and Australia, 3 June 1880 (Item 153/351-54)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 21 June 1880 (Item 153/419-21)
Australian mail service; comparison of performance of P.& O. Co. and Orient Line, 28 June 1880 (Item 153/438-41)
Delay in P.& O. Co. Australian packet in reaching Point de Galle, 3 August 1880 (Item 153/523-28)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 5 August 1880 (Item 153/536-47)
Information on arrival and departure of Australian and New Zealand mails, 10 August 1880 (Item 153/554)
Packet Minutes, 16 August 1880 - 6 April 1881 (File 154)
Filmed selectively.
Detention of Australian mails at Point de Galle, 16 August 1880 (Item 154/24-28)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 23 August 1880 (Item 154/47-52)
Postage on letters between France and Australia, 18 September 1880 (Item 154/97-100)
Germany and entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 22 September 1880 (Item 154/118-21)
Objections of New Zealand to new postage rate, 24 September 1880 (Item 154/135-39)
Objections of New Zealand to new postage rate, 4 October 1880 (Item 154/153-59)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 11 October 1880 (Item 154/164-68)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 3 December 1880 (Item 154/266-68)
Adoption of postcards for Australia and New Zealand, 1 January 1881 (Item 154/334)
Transit payments for Australian mails via San Francisco, 12 January 1881 (Item 154/376-79)
Queensland proposal to adopt varying postage rates, 20 January 1881 (Item 154/386-90)
Establishment of French packet service to New Caledonia, 17 February 1881 (Item 154/449-52)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 28 March 1881 (Item 154/508-14)
Queensland proposal to adopt varying postage rates, 30 March 1881 (Item 154/522-23)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 31 March 1881 (Item 154/528-34)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 6 April 1881 (Item 154/536-42)
Packet Minutes, 9 April 1881 - 22 September 1881 (File 155)
Filmed selectively.
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 9 April 1881 (Item 155/3-15)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 22 April 1881 (Item 155/38-41)
Queensland proposal for varying postage rates, 29 April 1881 (Item 155/66-77)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 6 May 1881 (Item 155/97-101)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 7 May 1881 (Item 155/102-6)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 10 May 1881 (Item 155/118-27)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 14 May 1881 (Item 155/139-41)
Complaint by Victorian Government about despatch of mails on Mondays, 18 May 1881 (Item 155/157-63)
Detention of homeward mails from Victoria, 26 May 1881 (Item 155/185-87)
Detention of homeward mails from Victoria, 8 June 1881 (Item 155/205-12)
Detention of homeward mails from Victoria, 6 July 1881 (Item 155/255-63)
Exchange of money orders between Victoria and Germany, 9 July 1881 (Item 155/284)
Alteration of Eastern Mail Service to suit Victoria, 13 July 1881 (Item 155/297-300)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 30 July 1881 (Item 155/353-54)
Alteration of Eastern Mail Service to suit Victoria, 2 August 1881 (Item 155/355-59)
Victorian proposal to readjust division of postage among Australian colonies, 18 August 1881 (Item 155/423-26)
Queensland proposal for varying postage rates, 18 August 1881 (Item 155/427-33)
Queensland proposal for varying postage rates, 26 August 1881 (Item 155/439-45)
Alteration of Eastern Mail Service to suit Victoria, 2 September 1881 (Item 155/460-66)
Alteration of Eastern Mail Service to suit Victoria, 6 September 1881 (Item 155/468-75)
Entry of Hawaii into Postal Union, 22 September 1881 (Item 155/493-95)
Packet Minutes, 20 October 1881 - 24 June 1882 (File 156)
Filmed selectively.
Days of departure for homeward mails from India and Australia, 20 October 1881 (Item 156/1-7)
Exchange of money orders between Australia and New Zealand and Germany, 8 November 1881 (Item 156/31-32)
Timetable for Indian and Australian mails, 11 November 1881 (Item 156/34-46)
Detention of unpaid letters for Fiji, 20 December 1881 (Item 156/155-57)
Timetable for India, China and Australian mails, 28 December 1881 (Item 156/174-79)
Queensland proposal for varying rates of postage, 14 March 1882 (Item 156/286-300)
Postage rates between France and Australia, 18 April 1882 (Item 156/320-32)
Queensland proposal for varying rates of postage, 20 April 1882 (Item 156/340-49)
Queensland proposal for varying rates of postage, 20 April 1882 (Item 156/356-59)
Queensland proposal for varying rates of postage, 9 May 1882 (Item 156/403-6)
Reduction of South Australian postage rates via Brindisi, 17 May 1882 (Item 156/445-50)
Reduction of postage between France and Australia, 22 June 1882 (Item 156/514-22)
Reduction of postage between France and Australia, 24 June 1882 (Item 156/526-28)
Packet Minutes, 25 July 1882 - November 1882 (File 157)
Filmed selectively.
Victorian proposal to readjust division of postage, 25 July 1882 (Item 157/2-13)
Regulation of mail service between France and Australia, 14 August 1882 (Item 157/71-87)
Delays in transmission of letters to N.S.W, 17 August 1882 (Item 157/90-92)
Readjustment of division of postage on Australian mails, 25 August 1882 (Item 157/135-36)
Victorian request to alter Eastern mail service, 5 September 1882 (Item 157/145-49)
Australian and New Zealand mails burnt on steamer Alaska, 21 September 1882 (Item 157/198-200)
Queensland proposal for differential rates of postage, September 1882 (Item 157/207-14)
Readjustment of division of postage on Australian mails, 25 September 1882 (Item 157/215-16)
Readjustment of division of postage on Australian mails, 4 November 1882 (Item 157/321-24)
Irregularities in non-effective allowances in Western Australia, November 1882 (Item 157/326-29)
Imperial pensions paid in South Australia, 8 November 1882 (Item 157/330-32)
New agreement on France-Australia mails, 16 November 1882 (Item 157/375-78)
Packet Minutes, 9 June 1833 - 30 July 1883 (File 159)
Filmed selectively.
New agreement on France-Australia mails, 15 February 1883 (Item 159/2-6)
Australian mails; postage on intermediate correspondence, 24 February 1883 (Item 159/37-40)
Australian mails by French packet, 6 March 1883 (Item 159/51-54)
Imperial pensions paid in South Australia, 1 May 1883 (Item 159/220-23)
Agreement on France-Australia mails, 1 May 1883 (Item 159/224)
Queensland proposal for differential rates of postage, 17 May 1883 (Item 159/281-84)
Agreement on France-Australia mails, 7 June 1883 (Item 159/333-34)
Division of postage on Australian mails, 9 June 1833 (Item 159/343-45)
Queensland proposal for differential rates of postage, 14 June 1883 (Item 159/352-53)
Proposed entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 28 June 1883 (Item 159/374-75)
Proposed entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 6 July 1883 (Item 159/419-24)
Proposed entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 10 July 1883 (Item 159/430-35)
Proposed N.S.W. contract with Orient Line, 12 July 1883 (Item 159/451-59)
Memorial of Leeds Chamber of Commerce on postage rates to Australia, 21 July 1883 (Item 159/482-83)
N.S.W. contract with Orient Line, 30 July 1883 (Item 159/495-96)
Packet Minutes, 1 August 1883 - 19 January 1884 (File 160)
Filmed selectively.
N.S.W. contract with Orient Line, 1 August 1883 (Item 160/10-11)
N.S.W. contract with Orient Line, 22 September 1883 (Item 160/134-38)
Queensland proposal for differential rates of postage, October 1883 (Item 160/165-66)
Queensland proposal for differential rates of postage, 23 October 1883 (Item 160/195-204)
Queensland proposal for differential rates of postage, 25 October 1883 (Item 160/208-10)
Queensland proposal for differential rates of postage, 29 October 1883 (Item 160/227-28)
Landing of Australian mails at Naples by Orient Line, November 1883 (Item 160/238-42)
Mails for Queensland on Orient packets, 17 November 1883 (Item 160/276-79)
Australian weekly mail service; rule requiring special addresses, 16 January 1884 (Item 160/517-28)
Australian weekly mail service; rule requiring special addresses, 17 January 1884 (Item 160/529-30)
Adherence of Australian colonies to Postal Union, 19 January 1884 (Item 160/536-39)
Packet Minutes, 24 January 1884 - 20 June 1884 (File 161)
Filmed selectively.
Australian weekly mail service; rule requiring special addresses, 24 January 1884 (Item 161/22-29)
Australian weekly mail service; rule requiring special addresses, 6 February 1884 (Item 161/83-86)
Australian weekly mail service; rule requiring special addresses, March 1884 (Item 161/139-45)
Australian weekly mail service; rule requiring special addresses, 25 March 1844 (Item 161/186-89)
Agreement between N.S.W. and Victoria for mutual use of mail lines, 1 April 1884 (Item 161/204-7)
Complaint by Victoria about special address regulations, 16 April 1884 (Item 161/272-75)
Complaint by Victoria about special address regulations, 16 April 1884 (Item 161/286-89)
Complaint by Victoria about special address regulations, 5 May 1884 (Item 161/360-64)
New Zealand and special address regulations, 6 May 1884 (Item 161/373-80)
Australia and special address regulations, June 1884 (Item 161/463-66)
Abolition of special addresses in Queensland, 20 June 1884 (Item 161/520-22)
Packet Minutes, 10 July 1884 - December 1884 (File 162)
Filmed selectively.
N.S.W. and South Australia; homeward half-penny newspaper rate, 10 July 1884 (Item 162/53-56)
Admission of Australian colonies to Postal Union, 30 July 1884 (Item 162/202-7)
Special address regulations in New Zealand, 2 August 1884 (Item 162/222-41)
Special address regulations in New Zealand, August 1884 (Item 162/244)
Admission of Australian colonies to Postal Union, September 1884 (Item 162/312-15)
Admission of Australian colonies to Postal Union, 16 September 1884 (Item 162/327-29)
Mails carried by Orient Line to Melbourne, 29 September 1884 (Item 162/365-79)
Special address regulations in New Zealand, 14 October 1884 (Item 162/395-406)
Establishment of Post Office on Norfolk Island, 18 October 1884 (Item 162/423-26)
Special address regulations in New Zealand, 30 October 1884 (Item 162/443-53)
Increased postage rates in New Zealand, 4 November 1884 (Item 162/457-64)
Special address regulations in New Zealand, November 1884 (Item 162/485-92)
Abandonment of San Francisco route to N.S.W, 26 November 1884 (Item 162/497-99)
New Zealand contract for direct line of packets, 26 November 1884 (Item 162/500-3)
Representation of South Australia and Western Australia at Postal Union Congress, December 1884 (Item 162/518-22)
New Zealand; apportionment of postage on mails by direct service, 4 December 1884 (Item 162/525-33)
Packet Minutes, 21 January 1885 - 17 December 1885 (File 163)
Filmed selectively.
Representation of N.S.W. at Postal Union Congress, April 1885 (Item 163/9-10)
Extension of arrangements for New Zealand mails, 21 January 1885 (Item 163/69-75)
Extension of arrangements for New Zealand mails, 30 January 1885 (Item 163/143-45)
Admission of Australian colonies to Postal Union, 12 February 1885 (Item 163/217-31)
Admission of Australian colonies to Postal Union, 17 December 1885 (Item 163/217a-23a)
Landing of N.S.W. homeward mails at Aden, 28 February 1885 (Item 163/267-69)
N.S.W. proposal concerning mail steamer at Suakin, 14 March 1885 (Item 163/321-23)
Packet Minutes, 7 April 1885 - 25 July 1885 (File 164)
Filmed selectively.
Offer of Shaw, Savill & Co. to convey New Zealand mails, 7 April 1885 (Item 164/8-12)
New line of steamers between Fremantle and Singapore, May 1885 (Item 164/183-87)
Parcel post with Western Australia, 7 May 1885 (Item 164/226-27)
Extension of arrangements for New Zealand mails, 19 May 1885 (Item 164/277-79)
Admission of Australian colonies to Postal Union, 19 May 1885 (Item 164/288-97)
Exchange of money orders between Britain and Hawaii, 5 June 1885 (Item 164/346)
Parcel post with Fiji, 12 June 1885 (Item 164/357-58)
Parcel post with N.S.W, 6 July 1885 (Item 164/440-57)
Parcel post with South Australia, 25 July 1885 (Item 164/556-57)
Packet Minutes, 31 July 1885 - 29 October 1885 (File 165)
Filmed selectively.
Parcel post with South Australia, 31 July 1885 (Item 165/102)
Question of packet service between Colombo and Australia, 8 August 1885 (Item 165/106-16)
Parcel post with Victoria, 12 August 1885 (Item 165/152-53)
Extension of postcard system to Victoria, 26 October 1885 (Item 165/448-53)
Establishment of new weekly packet service to Australia, 27 October 1885 (Item 165/454-57)
Extension of postcard system to Victoria, 29 October 1885 (Item 165/465-68)
Packet Minutes, 3 November 1885 - 28 January 1886 (File 166)
Filmed selectively.
New arrangements for Australian packet service, 3 November 1885 (Item 166/8-10)
New Zealand parcel post, 24 November 1885 (Item 166/79-81)
New Zealand parcel post, 2 December 1885 (Item 166/121-29)
Report of Departmental Committee on Australian mail service, 8 December 1885 (Item 166/149-57)
Conditions of tenders for Australian mail service, 24 December 1885 (Item 166/230-32)
Conditions of tenders for Australian mail service, 31 December 1885 (Item 166/250)
Conditions of tenders for Australian mail service, 20 January 1886 (Item 166/356-65)
Conditions of tenders for Australian mail service, 28 January 1886 (Item 166/391-92)
Packet Minutes, 18 March 1886 - June 1886 (File 167)
Filmed selectively.
Australasian parcel post, 18 March 1886 (Item 167/43-54)
Contribution of R. Baker of South Australia to Australian mail packet arrangements, 25 March 1886 (Item 167/83-86)
Extension of postcard system to N.S.W, 31 March 1886 (Item 167/131-33)
Parcel post with South Australia, 5 April 1886 (Item 167/139-41)
Parcel post with South Australia, 13 April 1886 (Item 167/230-35)
Australian mail tenders, 5 May 1886 (Item 167/283-300)
New Zealand parcel post, 24 May 1886 (Item 167/380-81)
Offer of Orient Co. concerning N.S.W. parcel post, 25 May 1886 (Item 167/385-87)
Victorian parcel post, 27 May 1886 (Item 167/391-98)
N.S.W. parcel post, 31 May 1886 (Item 167/413-14)
Agreement concerning N.S.W. parcel post, 1 June 1886 (Item 167/416-27)
N.S.W. parcel post, 2 June 1886 (Item 167/430-31)
Scheme of J. Henniker Heaton for penny postage to Australia, June 1886 (Item 167/449-53)
Victorian parcel post, 10 June 1886 (Item 167/458-61)
Extension of postcard system to Australia, 17 June 1886 (Item 167/470-77)
Western Australian parcel post, 18 June 1886 (Item 167/487-88)
Packet Minutes, 18 June 1886 - October 1886 (File 168)
Filmed selectively.
Tasmanian parcel post, 18 June 1886 (Item 168/1-7)
Queensland parcel post, 18 June 1886 (Item 168/8-10)
Fiji parcel post, 18 June 1886 (Item 168/11-13)
German line of packets to Australia and China, 19 June 1886 (Item 168/16-19)
Australian parcel post contract with P.& O. Company, 21 June 1886 (Item 168/24-26)
Victorian parcel post, 26 June 1886 (Item 168/50-55)
Reduction of rate on Australian mails via Egypt, 3 July 1886 (Item 168/76-78)
Australian parcel post contract with P.& O. Company, 5 July 1886 (Item 168/83-93)
Australian parcel mails, 20 July 1886 (Item 168/158-60)
Parliamentary question of Lord Henry Bruce about postage to Australia, October 1886 (Item 168/395-97)
Tasmanian parcel post, 14 October 1886 (Item 168/448)
Packet Minutes, November 1886 - March 1887 (File 169)
Filmed selectively.
J. Henniker Heaton on Imperial penny postage, 9 November 1886 (Item 169/114-15)
Western Australian parcel postage, November 1886 (Item 169/125-26)
Tasmanian parcel postage, 13 November 1886 (Item 169/127-33)
Australian mail tenders, 4 January 1887 (Item 169/295-300)
Parcel post with Australia, 5 January 1887 (Item 169/301-3)
Parcel post between Gibraltar and Australia, 8 January 1887 (Item 169/331-33)
Inquiry of J. Henniker Heaton about Australia mails, 3 February 1887 (Item 169/437-40)
Conference with Agents-General about Australian mail tenders, 8 February 1887 (Item 169/455-56)
Day of departure of New Zealand mail via San Francisco, 14 February 1887 (Item 169/478-80)
Day of departure of New Zealand mail via San Francisco, 16 February 1887 (Item 169/482-83)
Australian mail tenders, 18 February 1887 (Item 169/484)
Inquiry by J. Henniker Heaton about Australian mails, 22 February 1887 (Item 169/488)
Appointment of Graham as Western Australian Postmaster General, 3 March 1887 (Item 169/503-4)
Proposal for Australian mail service via Canada, 10 March 1887 (Item 169/523-27)
J. Henniker Heaton on Imperial penny postage, March 1887 (Item 169/528-35)
Packet Minutes, 15 March 1887 - 7 July 1887 (File 170)
Filmed selectively.
J. Henniker Heaton on Imperial penny postage, 15 March 1887 (Item 170/15-39)
Australian mail tenders, 4 April 1887 (Item 170/99-101)
Paper for Parliament on British colonies and Postal Union, 5 April 1887 (Item 170/102-4)
Queensland parcel post, 18 April 1887 (Item 170/162)
Colonial Conference; question of Australian mail service, 20 April 1887 (Item 170/167-68)
Australian correspondence for Italy, 22 April 1887 (Item 170/175-83)
Colonial Conference; recommendation of 4d. postage rate to Australia, 28 April 1887 (Item 170/203-4)
Offer of Shaw, Savill & Albion Co. concerning Australian mails, 28 April 1887 (Item 170/205-9)
Offer of Shaw, Savill & Albion Co. concerning Australian mails, 29 April 1887 (Item 170/214-18)
Australian mail tenders, 30 April 1887 (Item 170/222-25)
Australian mail tenders, 10 May 1887 (Item 170/234-38)
Proposal for cheap postage to Australia, May 1887 (Item 170/239-40)
Australian mail tenders, 12 May 1887 (Item 170/250-52)
Australian mail tenders, 27 May 1887 (Item 170/306-22)
Estimate of proposed direct Australian service, 18 June 1887 (Item 170/421-33)
Colonial Conference; question of reduced rates between Australia and Italy, 25 June 1887 (Item 170/446-50)
Australian mail tenders, 7 July 1887 (Item 170/476-80)
Packet Minutes, August 1887 - 10 November 1887 (File 171)
Filmed selectively.
Australian mail tenders. (3pp.), 6 August 1887 (Item 171/25a)
Australian mail tenders, August 1887 (Item 171/129-37)
Australian mail tenders, 22 August 1887 (Item 171/141-54)
Australian mail tenders, 24 August 1887 (Item 171/170-86)
Postage rates from Germany to Australia, 14 September 1887 (Item 171/280-81)
Australian mails via Cape of Good Hope, 14 September 1887 (Item 171/282-85)
Division of cost of Australian mail service, 15 September 1887 (Item 171/286-87)
Exchange of parcels between Western Australia and Europe, 15 September 1887 (Item 171/292-94)
Postage rates from Germany to Australia, 16 September 1887 (Item 171/296-97)
Extension of arrangements for New Zealand mails, 22 September 1887 (Item 171/301-20)
Division of cost of Australian mail service, 23 September 1887 (Item 171/330-31)
Australian mails via Cape of Good Hope, 24 September 1887 (Item 171/333-41)
Division of cost of Australian mail service, 27 September 1887 (Item 171/362-63)
New Zealand mails, 28 September 1887 (Item 171/371-87)
New Zealand mails, 12 October 1887 (Item 171/451-53)
New Zealand mails, 19 October 1887 (Item 171/459-62)
Australian mail service; negotiations with colonies, 28 October 1887 (Item 171/481-82)
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, 9 November 1887 (Item 171/536-44)
Australian mail service; negotiations with colonies, 10 November 1887 (Item 171/552-56)
Packet Minutes, 9 January 1887 - 17 January 1888 (File 172)
Filmed selectively.
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, 14 November 1887 (Item 172/1-8)
Australian mail tenders, 14 November 1887 (Item 172/9-10)
Future arrangements for New Zealand mail service, 15 November 1887 (Item 172/33-51)
Subsidy for Australian mail service, 23 November 1887 (Item 172/115-19)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 29 November 1887 (Item 172/174)
Australian mail contracts and parcels, 1 December 1887 (Item 172/194-208)
Future arrangements for New Zealand mail service, 10 December 1887 (Item 172/288-306)
Agreement with Italian Post Office about Australian mails, 14 December 1887 (Item 172/344-56)
New Zealand mail service via Vancouver, 15 December 1887 (Item 172/363-66)
Australian mail contracts and parcels, 17 December 1887 (Item 172/372-73)
Australian mail contracts, 23 December 1887 (Item 172/411-15)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 24 December 1887 (Item 172/416-24)
Australian mail contracts, December 1887 (Item 172/427-28)
Australian mail contracts and parcels, 9 January 1887 (Item 172/485-90)
Australian mail contracts, 10 January 1888 (Item 172/491-96)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 14 January 1888 (Item 172/541)
Australian mail contracts and parcels, 14 January 1888 (Item 172/549-50)
Timetable for 1888 for Australian mail servic, 17 January 1888 (Item 172/552-54)
Australian mails; reduction of charges for parcels, 17 January 1888 (Item 172/564-65)
Packet Minutes, 19 January 1888 - 7 June 1888 (File 174)
Filmed selectively.
Australian mail contract, 19 January 1888 (Item 174/14-15)
Timetable for 1888 for Australian mail service, 20 January 1888 (Item 174/22-23)
Australian contract with Orient Company, 23 January 1888 (Item 174/24)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 26 January 1888 (Item 174/42-48)
Objections to Australian timetable, 7 February 1888 (Item 174/105-18)
Insufficiently paid newspapers for Australia, 9 February 1888 (Item 174/141-48)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 18 February 1888 (Item 174/219-23)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 18 February 1888 (Item 174/224-27)
Victoria; parcel post with Germany and Belgium, 21 February 1888 (Item 174/240-41)
Privileges to foreign mail steamers in Australian ports, 21 February 1888 (Item 174/242-44)
Reduced rates for Australian parcel post, 28 February 1888 (Item 174/271-72)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 6 March 1888 (Item 174/329-31)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 7 June 1888 (Item 174/333)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 7 March 1888 (Item 174/334-35)
New Zealand parcel post, 21 March 1888 (Item 174/450-51)
Australian mail contracts, 7 April 1888 (Item 174/542-43)
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, 7 April 1888 (Item 174/544-45)
Australian mail contracts, 9 April 1888 (Item 174/546-48)
Australian mails; payments to contractors, 11 April 1888 (Item 174/565-69)
Packet Minutes, 14 April 1888 - 9 July 1888 (File 175)
Filmed selectively.
Australian newspaper article on Australian homeward service, 14 April 1888 (Item 175/2-5)
Sydney Postal Conference, January 1888, 30 April 1888 (Item 175/71-76)
Agreement with Italy on postal relations with Australia, 19 May 1888 (Item 175/196)
Exchange of postcards with Australia, 24 May 1888 (Item 175/212-22)
Entry of German New Guinea and Samoa into Postal Union, 29 May 1888 (Item 175/278-80)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 31 May 1888 (Item 175/284-86)
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, 31 May 1888 (Item 175/287-90)
N.S.W. parcel post with Germany and Belgium, 1 June 1888 (Item 175/301-2)
Entry of Marshall Islands into Postal Union, 5 June 1888 (Item 175/312-14)
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, June 1888 (Item 175/319)
Day of departure of Australian homeward service, 7 June 1888 (Item 175/328-32)
Exchange of postcards with Australia, 8 June 1888 (Item 175/334-35)
Australian mail contracts; detention of parcels, 19 June 1888 (Item 175/402-4)
Australian mails; payments to contractors, 21 June 1888 (Item 175/410-13)
Day of departure of Australian homeward service, 22 June 1888 (Item 175/417-22)
Reduction of parcel postage to Australia, 25 June 1888 (Item 175/442-45)
Day of departure of Australian homeward service, 26 June 1888 (Item 175/454-70)
Reduction of parcel postage to Australia, June 1888 (Item 175/471-74)
Australian mail contracts, 3 July 1888 (Item 175/525-27)
New Zealand parcel post, 9 July 1888 (Item 175/532)
Packet Minutes, April 1888 - August 1888 (File 176)
Filmed selectively.
Difficulties of performance of Australian mail service, 14 July 1888 (Item 176/35-50)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 21 July 1888 (Item 176/79-92)
New Zealand parcel post, 25 July 1888 (Item 176/125-26)
Australian mail service, July 1888 (Item 176/127-33)
Adoption of letter cards in Victoria, July 1888 (Item 176/148-52)
Agreement to regulate postal relations between Italy and Australia, 31 July 1888 (Item 176/190-91)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, April 1888 (Item 176/192-210)
Difficulties of Australian mail service, 28 July 1888 (Item 176/211-19)
Long sea route to Australia, 8 August 1888 (Item 176/257-66)
Difficulties of Australian mail service, 11 August 1888 (Item 176/285-91)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, August 1888 (Item 176/301-2)
Australian mail service, 13 August 1888 (Item 176/305-10)
Australian mail service, 14 August 1888 (Item 176/311-18)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 16 August 1888 (Item 176/342-45)
Australian mail service, 17 August 1888 (Item 176/359-63)
Possible abandonment of contracts for Australian mails, 18 August 1888 (Item 176/366-68)
Postcard system in Australia, 29 August 1888 (Item 176/435-45)
Packet Minutes, 18 September 1888 - 21 December 1888 (File 177)
Filmed selectively.
Difficulties of Australian mail service, 18 September 1888 (Item 177/56-60)
Payment to contractors for Australian mail service, 20 September 1888 (Item 177/81-83)
Australian mail contracts, 2 October 1888 (Item 177/120-27)
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, 3 October 1888 (Item 177/130-32)
Payment to contractors for Australian mail service, 6 October 1888 (Item 177/152-54)
Arrangements for Australian mail service in 1889, 6 October 1888 (Item 177/155-61)
New Zealand parcel post, 8 October 1888 (Item 177/164-65)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 9 October 1888 (Item 177/172-73)
Payment to contractors for Australian mail service, 9 October 1888 (Item 177/174-76)
Mail service to Norfolk Island, 9 October 1888 (Item 177/182-83)
Arrangements for Australian mail service in 1889, 11 October 1888 (Item 177/190-91)
Arrangements for Australian mail service, 16 October 1888 (Item 177/204-6)
Australian mail contracts, 19 October 1888 (Item 177/215-18)
New Zealand parcel post, October 1888 (Item 177/224-26)
Australian mail contracts, 29 October 1888 (Item 177/262-63)
4d. postage on long sea route to Australia, 6 November 1888 (Item 177/285-86)
New Zealand parcel post, 12 November 1888 (Item 177/315-16)
New Zealand parcel post, 19 November 1888 (Item 177/323-25)
Clauses in Australian contracts concerning Government passengers, 20 November 1888 (Item 177/326-28)
Australian mail contracts, 23 November 1888 (Item 177/342-44)
Australian mail contracts deadlock, 26 November 1888 (Item 177/362-67)
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, 4 December 1888 (Item 177/397-400)
Parcels sent to Australia at Christmas, 5 December 1888 (Item 177/403-5)
Australia, India and China timetable for 1889, 5 December 1888 (Item 177/406-9)
Australian timetable, 7 December 1888 (Item 177/424-27)
Cheap postage by long sea route to Australia, 13 December 1888 (Item 177/441-47)
Payment to contractors for Australian mail service, 21 December 1888 (Item 177/512-15)
Packet Minutes, 7 January 1889 - 30 April 1889 (File 178)
Filmed selectively.
N.S.W.- Europe parcel post, 7 January 1889 (Item 178/40-43)
Fiji parcel post, 8 January 1889 (Item 178/44-45)
Cheap postage by long sea route to New Zealand, 12 January 1889 (Item 178/98-101)
New Zealand mail service, 12 February 1889 (Item 178/234-37)
N.S.W.- Germany parcel post, 18 February 1889 (Item 178/243-45)
Delay in delivery of Australian mails by Garonne, 5 March 1889 (Item 178/301-5)
Australian mail contract; powers of P.& O. Co, 8 March 1889 (Item 178/320-21)
Colonial contribution to Australian mail service, 16 March 1889 (Item 178/332-34)
Misrepresentation by J. Henniker Heaton concerning Australian mails, 16 March 1889 (Item 178/345-48)
Proposal to land long sea route mails at Adelaide, 26 March 1889 (Item 178/404-6)
Australian mail contract; powers of P.& O. Co, 26 March 1889 (Item 178/407-10)
Manufacture of 3d. postcard in Australia, 28 March 1889 (Item 178/424-25)
Payment to contractors for Australian mail service, 4 April 1889 (Item 178/434-36)
Manufacture of 3d. postcard in Australia, 13 April 1889 (Item 178/467)
Landing and embarking mails at King George's Sound, 16 April 1889 (Item 178/483-86)
South Australia - Germany parcel post, 27 April 1889 (Item 178/513-15)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 30 April 1889 (Item 178/536-42)
Packet Minutes, 8 May 1889 - 20 August 1889 (File 179)
Filmed selectively.
Landing and embarking mails at King George's Sound, 8 May 1889 (Item 179/44-52)
New Zealand Act for conveyance of foreign parcels, 28 May 1889 (Item 179/160-66)
Difficulties of Australian mail service, 30 May 1889 (Item 179/171-76)
Proposed Germany-Australia parcel agreement, 1 June 1889 (Item 179/194-200)
Difficulties of Australian mail service, 4 June 1889 (Item 179/204-11)
Payment to contractors for Australian mail service, 21 June 1889 (Item 179/270-74)
New Zealand Act for conveyance of foreign parcels, 4 July 1889 (Item 179/341-43)
Exchange of money orders between United State and N.S.W, 9 July 1889 (Item 179/354-58)
Days of departure for mails for India, China and Australia, July 1889 (Item 179/373-86)
Cheap postage by Queensland colonial packets, July 1889 (Item 179/395-404)
Parcel post with Samoa and Tonga, 9 August 1889 (Item 179/484-87)
Transmission of 3d. postcards between Britain and Australia, 14 August 1889 (Item 179/533-34)
Transmission of 3d. postcards between Britain and Australia, 20 August 1889 (Item 179/541-42)
Packet Minutes, 30 August 1889 - 18 December 1889 (File 180)
Filmed selectively.
Use of Commissariat certificates in Tasmania, 30 August 1889 (Item 180/44-47)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 6 September 1889 (Item 180/86-93)
Payment to contractors for Australian mail service, 23 September 1889 (Item 180/152-54)
Days of departure for Indian and Australian homeward mails, 24 September 1889 (Item 180/160-65)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 1 October 1889 (Item 180/173-74)
Days of departure of Indian and Australian homeward mails, 4 October 1889 (Item 180/221-23)
Payment to P.& O. Co. for Australian mail service, 9 October 1889 (Item 180/264-67)
Payment to P.& O. Co. for Australian mail service, 11 October 1889 (Item 180/288-90)
Days of departure of Indian and Australian homeward mails, 12 October 1889 (Item 180/302-12)
New Zealand mail service, 17 October 1889 (Item 180/329-33)
Indian and Australian homeward packet service, 24 October 1889 (Item 180/352-56)
Australian homeward mails, 29 October 1889 (Item 180/373-74)
Australian homeward mails, 19 November 1889 (Item 180/428)
Performance of Lusitania on Australian mail service, 26 November 1889 (Item 180/475-79)
Days of departure of Indian and Australian homeward mails, 12 December 1889 (Item 180/533-51)
Payments to contractors for Australian mails, 18 December 1889 (Item 180/570-74)
Packet Minutes, 8 January 1890 - May 1890 (File 181)
Filmed selectively.
Penalties on homeward Indian and Australian mails, 8 January 1890 (Item 181/56-58)
Parcel post between India and South Australia, 9 January 1890 (Item 181/63-68)
Timetable of Orient Co. mail service to Australia, 13 January 1890 (Item 181/83-84)
Australian mail contracts, 13 January 1890 (Item 181/85-87)
Statement by A. Forster on Australian postage, 29 January 1890 (Item 181/107-9)
Fiji parcel post, 12 February 1890 (Item 181/169-71)
Departure time of mails from Adelaide, 27 February 1890 (Item 181/197-200)
Departure time of mails from Adelaide, 8 March 1890 (Item 181/225-31)
Payment to contractors for Australian mails, 25 March 1890 (Item 181/296-98)
P.& O. Co. contract for Australian mail service, 1 April 1890 (Item 181/318-21)
Reduction of postage on books and patterns in Australia, 12 April 1890 (Item 181/339-47)
Meeting concerning 2.5d. postage to Australia, 23 April 1890 (Item 181/385)
Parcels sent between Australia and foreign countries via Britain, 24 April 1890 (Item 181/396-400)
2.5d. postage to Australia, 26 April 1890 (Item 181/406-11)
Australian mail contracts, April 1890 (Item 181/412-14)
2.5d. postage to Australia, 29 April 1890 (Item 181/422-27)
2.5d. postage to Australia, 1 May 1890 (Item 181/440)
Appeal of Orient Co. against penalties on Australian mails, 8 May 1890 (Item 181/458-65)
Fiji parcel post. (poor legibility), 16 May 1890 (Item 181/533-36)
Adelaide Postal Conference and 2.5d. postage, May 1890 (Item 181/549-52)
Packet Minutes, June 1890 - 30 October 1890 (File 182)
Filmed selectively.
Adelaide Postal Conference and 2.5d. postage, 3 June 1890 (Item 182/9-12)
Appeal of Orient Co. against penalties on Australian mail service, June 1890 (Item 182/91-94)
Reduction of letter postage to New Zealand, 23 June 1890 (Item 182/102-3)
Reduction of letter postage to New Zealand, 27 June 1890 (Item 182/106-13)
New Zealand mail service, 8 July 1890 (Item 182/125-27)
New Zealand mail service, 17 October 1890 (Item 182/133-38)
N.S.W. and introduction of 2.5d. postage, 11 July 1890 (Item 182/139)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco. (poor legibility), 29 July 1890 (Item 182/193-206)
New Zealand mail service, 21 August 1890 (Item 182/244-51)
New Zealand mail service, 3 September 1890 (Item 182/291-94)
New Zealand mail service, 17 September 1890 (Item 182/343-47)
New Zealand mail service, 20 September 1890 (Item 182/359-63)
Queensland proposal for Id. postage, 30 September 1890 (Item 182/372-74)
Orient Co. timetable for Australian mail service, 8 October 1890 (Item 182/421)
Reduced rate for letters in Queensland, 8 October 1890 (Item 182/422-27)
Commencement of 2.5d. postage to Australia, 21 October 1890 (Item 182/499-504)
Reduction of letter postage in New Zealand, 30 October 1890 (Item 182/541-46)
Packet Minutes, 4 November 1890 - 6 April 1891 (File 183)
Filmed selectively.
Reduced postage in Australia and New Zealand, 4 November 1890 (Item 183/9-17)
Reduced postage in Australia and New Zealand, 26 November 1890 (Item 183/71-75)
Claim of Orient Co. concerning Australian mail service, 18 December 1890 (Item 183/159-61)
Parcel post between Victoria and Germany, January 1891 (Item 183/211-12)
Parcel post between N.S.W. and Hong Kong, 14 January 1891 (Item 183/233)
Reduction of letter postage in Australia, 21 January 1891 (Item 183/259-65)
Reduction of letter postage in Australia, 26 January 1891 (Item 183/275-81)
Views of France and Italy on reduction of letter postage to Australia, 29 January 1891 (Item 183/286-89)
Days of sailing of New Zealand mail service, 23 February 1891 (Item 183/338-40)
Reduced postage on postcards to Australia and India, 3 March 1891 (Item 183/366)
Penalties in P.& O. Co. Indian and Australian contract, 6 April 1891 (Item 183/478-85)
Packet Minutes, April 1891 - 29 September 1891 (File 184)
Filmed selectively.
Penalties in P.& O. Co. Indian and Australian contract, April 1891 (Item 184/36-38)
Reduced postage on postcards to Australia and India, 24 April 1891 (Item 184/47-48)
Postal Convention between N.S.W. and United States, 23 April 1891 (Item 184/49-50)
Postal relations between Australasia and Europe, 6 May 1891 (Item 184/105-11)
Western Australian representation at Vienna Congress, 9 May 1891 (Item 184/118-19)
Penalties in P.& O. Co. Indian and Australian contracts, 9 May 1891 (Item 184/120-21)
Penalties in P.& O. Co. Indian and Australian contracts, 12 May 1891 (Item 184/148-54)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 26 May 1891 (Item 184/200)
Reduction of postage between Gibraltar and Australia, 27 May 1891 (Item 184/203-4)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 28 May 1891 (Item 184/212-13)
Penalties in P.& O. Co. Indian and Australian contracts, 15 June 1891 (Item 184/267)
Postal privileges for Western Australian Agent-General, July 1891 (Item 184/422-23)
Imperial assistance to New Zealand mail service, 19 August 1891 (Item 184/467-74)
Timetable of P.& O. Co. Australian mail service, 17 September 1891 (Item 184/501-3)
Timetable of Orient Co. Australian mail service, 18 September 1891 (Item 184/504-5)
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union, 26 September 1891 (Item 184/519-25)
Arrears in payment by New Zealand Government, 29 September 1891 (Item 184/533-42)
Packet Minutes, October 1891 - 9 February 1892 (File 185)
Filmed selectively.
Entry of Australian colonies into Postal Union. (poor legibility), 1 October 1891 (Item 185/1-2)
Imperial assistance for New Zealand mail service, 9 October 1891 (Item 185/47-50)
Imperial assistance for New Zealand mail service, 16 October 1891 (Item 185/63-67)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 19 October 1891 (Item 185/68-69)
Postage between Gibraltar and Australia, October 1891 (Item 185/126-28)
New Zealand mail service, 12 November 1891 (Item 185/197-207)
New Hebrides parcel post, 12 November 1891 (Item 185/208-9)
New Zealand mail service, 17 November 1891 (Item 185/214-16)
Adherence of Australian colonies to Vienna Postal Convention, 22 November 1891 (Item 185/247-50)
Queensland parcel post, 7 December 1891 (Item 185/289-90)
Queensland parcel post, 23 December 1891 (Item 185/320-22)
Queensland Postal Act, 26 January 1892 (Item 185/351-55)
Long sea route to Australia, 28 January 1892 (Item 185/356-62)
Parcel post between India and N.S.W, 29 January 1892 (Item 185/377-78)
New Zealand mail service, 4 February 1892 (Item 185/427-31)
New Zealand Postal Act, 9 February 1892 (Item 185/459-62)
Packet Minutes, 25 February 1892 - 23 June 1892 (File 186)
Filmed selectively.
Compliance of Australian colonies with Postal Union principles on payment of indemnity, 25 February 1892 (Item 186/9-13)
Compliance of Australian colonies with Postal Union principles on payment of indemnity, 1 March 1892 (Item 186/37-41)
South Australian Postal Act, 24 March 1892 (Item 186/140-43)
Hawaiian parcel post, [31?] April 1892 (Item 186/255)
Hobart Postal and Telegraphic Conference, 23 June 1892 (Item 186/471-74)
Packet Minutes, 18 July 1892 - 12 January 1893 (File 187)
Filmed selectively.
Apportionment of cost of New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 18 July 1892 (Item 187/51-56)
Apportionment of cost of New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 6 September 1892 (Item 187/143-49)
Postage on newspapers from Australia to Britain, 6 September 1892 (Item 187/152-56)
Postage on newspapers from Australia to Britain, 14 September 1892 (Item 187/168-69)
Direct parcel post between Queensland and India, 26 September 1892 (Item 187/172)
Imperial support for New Zealand packet service via San Francisco, 4 October 1892 (Item 187/187-90)
Mails for New Zealand via San Francisco, 27 October 1892 (Item 187/236-37)
Mails for New Zealand via San Francisco, 24 October 1892 (Item 187/245-51)
Mails for New Zealand via San Francisco, 10 November 1892 (Item 187/306-17)
Postage on newspapers from Australia to Britain, 12 January 1893 (Item 187/533)
Packet Minutes, 1 February 1893 - June 1893 (File 188)
Filmed selectively.
Mails for New Zealand via San Francisco, 1 February 1893 (Item 188/44-53)
Deputation on Imperial penny postage, 28 February 1893 (Item 188/202-12)
Newspapers from Australia to Britain, 21 March 1893 (Item 188/239-41)
1891 Vienna Congress and Australian compact, 9 May 1893 (Item 188/374-77)
Money orders for Hawaii, May 1893 (Item 188/403-5)
Money orders for Hawaii, 13 June 1893 (Item 188/455-58)
Vienna Congress and Australian compact, 13 June 1893 (Item 188/461)
Money orders for Hawaii, June 1893 (Item 188/507-8)
Packet Minutes, July 1893 - 1 January 1894 (File 189)
Filmed selectively.
Packet service between Australia and Vancouver, 18 July 1893 (Item 189/44-47)
Rates for newspapers from Australia, 20 July 1893 (Item 189/51)
Representation of Australian colonies in Postal Union, July 1893 (Item 189/52-54)
Imperial penny postage and compact with Australia, 16 August 1893 (Item 189/129-40)
Imperial penny postage and compact with Australia, 26 August 1893 (Item 189/172-73)
Changes suggested for Australian mail service, 25 August 1893 (Item 189/174-81)
Australian mail service, 30 August 1893 (Item 189/188-95)
Imperial penny postage and Australian compact, 30 August 1893 (Item 189/196-98)
Registration of Australian newspapers in Britain, 4 September 1893 (Item 189/199-200)
Postage on parcels from N.S.W. in transit through Britain, 15 September 1893 (Item 189/215-18)
Parcel post between Gibraltar and Australia, 1 November 1893 (Item 189/306-8)
Resolution of Brisbane Conference on Australian mail service, 15 November 1893 (Item 189/323-50)
Subsidy for Canadian-Australian Steamship Co, November 1893 (Item 189/370-74)
Representation of Fiji in Postal Union, 5 December 1893 (Item 189/449-51)
Correspondence with Treasury on Australian mail service, 15 December 1893 (Item 189/475-82)
Mails for New Zealand via San Francisco, 22 December 1893 (Item 189/509-12)
Control of postal service in Samoa, 22 December 1893 (Item 189/513-15)
Payment of Imperial pensions in Victoria, 1 January 1894 (Item 189/542-44)
Packet Minutes, 23 January 1894 - 27 July 1894 (File 191)
Filmed selectively.
Money orders between New Zealand and India, 23 January 1894 (Item 191/21-23)
Parcel post with Hawaii, 29 January 1894 (Item 191/35-37)
Canadian-Australian mail service, 9 February 1894 (Item 191/77-78)
Canadian-Australian mail service, 17 February 1894 (Item 191/94)
Australian mail service via Suez, 9 March 1894 (Item 191/144-46)
Proposed reduction of parcel postage to Australia, 13 March 1894 (Item 191/161-65)
Parcel post with Hawaii, 22 March 1894 (Item 191/188-90)
Resolution of Australasian Postal Conference against Imperial penny postage, 28 March 1894 (Item 191/192)
Parcel post to Samoa, Tonga and Cook Islands, April 1894 (Item 191/242-44)
Reduced postage on parcel post with Australia, 24 April 1894 (Item 191/281-87)
Postage on printed matter to Australia, 25 May 1894 (Item 191/373-75)
Australian mail contracts, 25 May 1894 (Item 191/376-78)
Resolution of Wellington Postal Conference against Imperial penny postage, 25 May 1894 (Item 191/379)
Exchange of parcels between Malta and Australia, 25 May 1894 (Item 191/382-83)
Rates for newspapers from Australia, 29 May 1894 (Item 191/386-87)
Parcel post between Malta and Australia, June 1894 (Item 191/397)
Statement by J. Henniker Heaton on penny postage to N.S.W, 15 June 1894 (Item 191/454-57)
Statement by J. Henniker Heaton on penny postage to N.S.W, 27 June 1894 (Item 191/487-89)
Renewal of Australian mail contracts, 29 June 1894 (Item 191/503-4)
Route for mails for New Zealand, 12 July 1894 (Item 191/518-19)
Exchange of money orders between Canada and Fiji, 17 July 1894 (Item 191/531)
Resolutions of Wellington Postal Conference, 27 July 1894 (Item 191/551-55)
Packet Minutes, 7 August 1894 - 24 April 1895 (File 192)
Filmed selectively.
Report of Wellington Postal Conference, 7 August 1894 (Item 192/7-12)
Norfolk Island mail contract, 25 September 1894 (Item 192/45)
Parcel post to British and German New Guinea, 9 November 1894 (Item 192/148-49)
Parcel post between N.S.W. and Straits Settlements, 26 November 1894 (Item 192/167-70)
Dispute between New Zealand Post Office and an Australian Post Office, 29 November 1894 (Item 192/185-89)
Dispute between New Zealand Post Office and an Australian Post Office, 8 December 1894 (Item 192/210-13)
Parcel post with Hawaii, 19 December 1894 (Item 192/252-54)
Submission of Australian Agents to Eastern Packet Services Committee, 21 December 1894 (Item 192/258-60)
Payment of Imperial pensions in South Australia, 5 February 1895 (Item 192/365-67)
Australian mail service negotiations, 7 February 1895 (Item 192/381-88)
Parcel post with Queensland, 13 February 1895 (Item 192/389-91)
Payment of Imperial pensions in South Australia, 28 February 1895 (Item 192/420-22)
Australian mail service, March 1895 (Item 192/460-63)
Control of British mails in Samoa, 24 April 1895 (Item 192/530-31)
Call at Colombo by Australian mail service, 24 April 1895 (Item 192/532-34)
Packet Minutes, 23 May 1895 - 19 February 1896 (File 193)
Filmed selectively.
New contracts with P.& O. Co. and Orient Co. for Australian mail service, 23 May 1895 (Item 193/46-47)
New Australian contracts with P.& O. Co. and Orient Co, 27 June 1895 (Item 193/112)
New Australian contracts with P.& O. Co. and Orient Co, 1 July 1895 (Item 193/118-19)
Control of British mails in Samoa, 25 November 1895 (Item 193/336-38)
Tenders for Australian mail service, 10 December 1895 (Item 193/375-76)
Penalties on P.& O. Co. for Australian mail service, 16 December 1895 (Item 193/381-82)
Tenders for Australian mail service, 16 December 1895 (Item 193/383-86)
Control of British mails at Samoa, 30 December 1895 (Item 193/396-98)
Australian mail service, 31 December 1895 (Item 193/401-3)
Parcel post between India and Tasmania, 4 January 1896 (Item 193/415-18)
Imperial penny postage, 14 January 1896 (Item 193/422-39)
Parcel post with Australia. (very faint), January 1896 (Item 193/465-72)
Sydney Conference and Australian mail service, 22 January 1896 (Item 193/479-83)
Sydney Conference and Australian mail service, 19 February 1896 (Item 193/519-20)
Packet Minutes, 24 March 1896 - 11 December 1896 (File 194)
Filmed selectively.
Australian mail service and coloured labour question, 24 March 1896 (Item 194/63-65)
Tenders for Eastern and Australian mail service, 31 March 1896 (Item 194/77-81)
Tenders for Eastern and Australian mail service, 1 April 1896 (Item 194/84-86)
Parcel post with Australia, 1896-04-30-14/1896-04-30-14 (Item 194/101-6)
Parcel post with Hawaii, 6 May 1896 (Item 194/154-56)
Tenders for Eastern and Australian mail service, 9 July 1896 (Item 194/259-67)
Tenders for Eastern and Australian mail service, 12 August 1896 (Item 194/323-29)
Tenders for Eastern and Australian mail service, 12 September 1896 (Item 194/362-71)
Penalty on Orient Co. for Australian mail service, 17 September 1896 (Item 194/379-80)
Letters from P.& O. Co. and Orient Co. about Australian mail service, 29 September 1896 (Item 194/392-400)
Australian mail service, 9 October 1896 (Item 194/414-15)
Tenders for Australian mail service, 13 October 1896 (Item 194/416)
Letter from Orient Co. about Australian mail service, 30 October 1896 (Item 194/469-73)
Australian mail service tenders, 28 October 1896 (Item 194/478-82)
Fiji money orders, 4 November 1896 (Item 194/483)
Australian mail service tenders, 9 November 1896 (Item 194/490)
Australian mail service tenders, 25 November 1896 (Item 194/529-39)
Parcel post with Australia, 8 December 1896 (Item 194/540-42)
Postal arrangements in Samoa, 11 December 1896 (Item 194/544-47)
Packet Minutes, 16 January 1894 - 23 November 1897 (File 195)
Filmed selectively.
Parcels for Australia from foreign countries via Britain, 21 December 1896 (Item 195/8-10)
Eastern and Australian mail service contracts, 21 December 1896 (Item 195/11-22)
P.& O. Co. tender for Eastern and Australian mail service, 16 January 1894 (Item 195/64-68)
Parcel post between Gibraltar and Australia. (faint), 7 April 1897 (Item 195/215-16)
Contract with P.& O. Co. for Eastern and Australian mail service, 12 April 1897 (Item 195/224-25)
Transit rates on New Zealand mail across United States, 9 April 1897 (Item 195/226-28)
Contract with Orient Co. for Australian mail service, May 1897 (Item 195/272-73)
Eastern and Australian mail service contracts, 22 May 1897 (Item 195/284-85)
Eastern and Australian mail service timetables, 11 June 1897 (Item 195/294-301)
Eastern and Australian mail service, 19 July 1897 (Item 195/337)
Assistance by Imperial Government for New Zealand mail service, July 1897 (Item 195/364-67)
Eastern and Australian mail service timetables, August 1897 (Item 195/393-96)
Parcel post between France and Australia, 23 September 1897 (Item 195/441)
Sydney Postal Conference, 11 October 1897 (Item 195/464-67)
Rates for New Zealand newspapers, 23 November 1897 (Item 195/513-16)
Packet Minutes, 21 January 1898 - 21 July 1898 (File 196)
Filmed selectively.
New Zealand mail service via Vancouver, 21 January 1898 (Item 196/122-26)
New Zealand mail service via Vancouver, 15 March 1898 (Item 196/205-8)
Parcel post with Queensland, 27 May 1898 (Item 196/390-92)
New Zealand mail service via Vancouver, 7 June 1898 (Item 196/409-14)
Conference on postage within Empire, June 1898 (Item 196/457-466)
Postal arrangements in Samoa, 6 June 1898 (Item 196/471-73)
Penny postage to Australian colonies, 21 July 1898 (Item 196/512-15)
Packet Minutes, 27 September 1898 - January 1899 (File 197)
Filmed selectively.
Imperial penny postage for Crown Colonies, including Fiji, 27 September 1898 (Item 197/105-16)
Treasury warrant for Imperial penny postage for Crown Colonies, 17 November 1898 (Item 197/226-38)
Changes in despatch of mails to New Zealand, 19 November 1898 (Item 197/246-49)
Statement in Times on penny postage and Queensland, 8 December 1898 (Item 197/308)
Despatch of mails to New Zealand, 10 December 1898 (Item 197/319-22)
United Kingdom and Australian 'packet post', 12 January 1899 (Item 197/363-65)
Insurance for parcels to New Zealand, 17 January 1899 (Item 197/367)
Insurance for parcels to N.S.W, January 1899 (Item 197/373-74)
Packet Minutes, 3 May 1899 - June 1899 (File 199)
Filmed selectively.
Insurance for parcels to Victoria. (faint), 3 May 1899 (Item 199/86)
Discontinuance of compensation for uninsured parcels to South Australia, June 1899 (Item 199/175)
Packet Minutes, July 1900 - 6 December 1900 (File 200)
Filmed selectively.
Revision of parcel post to Australia, July 1900 (Item 200/225-28)
Australian contract with Orient Co.; reconstruction of Company, 17 July 1900 (Item 200/231-34)
Introduction of penny postage in New Zealand to all parts of world, August 1900 (Item 200/285-93)
Substitution of Fremantle for Albany as port of call, 7 September 1900 (Item 200/308-10)
Reduction of parcel post to Australia, 28 September 1900 (Item 200/329-36)
Reduction of parcel post to New Zealand, 3 October 1900 (Item 200/348-52)
Extension of parcel post to Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands, 6 October 1900 (Item 200/362-63)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 23 October 1900 (Item 200/384-88)
Parcel post between Malta and N.S.W, 5 November 1900 (Item 200/390-92)
Adherence of New Zealand to penny postage scheme from 1901, 15 November 1900 (Item 200/410-15)
Tariff on newspapers from New Zealand to Britain, 20 November 1900 (Item 200/419-22)
Parcel post with New Zealand, 6 December 1900 (Item 200/449-50)
Series Post 29. Post Office. Packet minutes: Documents Records relating to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, 1842 - 1958
Australian mails; proposals for regular steam route via Cape of Good Hope, 1846 - 1849 (File 51/Pkt.1905Z/1849)
(250 pp.)
Australia; direct packet service between U.K. and Sydney; proposal to place posts under control of P.M.G., 1842 - 1844 (File 52/Pkt.1775Z/1849)
New Zealand; transfer of control of Post Office to colony, 1849 - 1853 (File 55/Pkt.1712B/1851)
Optional prepayment of postage to N.S.W., 1849 - 1853 (File 58/Pkt.1089D/1853)
Australian mail service; tenders from steamship companies, 1853 - 1856 (File 70/Pkt.277G/1856)
Northern Europe to Australia; mail service via Trieste, 1852 - 1857 (File 78/Pkt.308H/1857)
Australian colonies; prepayment of postage, 1856 - 1857 (File 78/Pkt.490H/1857)
Australian mail service; contract with Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., 1858 - 1861 (File 102/Pkt.473M/1861)
Sydney and Hobart; registered letters missing and violated, 1857 - 1864 (File 107/Pkt.960/1863)
Bags substituted for boxes for Australian mails, 1858 - 1869 (File 126/Pkt.256R/1866)
Australian mail service; new contract with Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., 1864 - 1866 (File 127/Pkt.428R/1866)
France - Australia, New Zealand and Mauritius; direct mails exchanged, 1860 - 1868 (File 129/Pkt.810R/1866)
Australasian colonies; proposed postage rates increase suspended; proposed second monthly mail, 1863 - 1868 (File 150/Pkt.865T/1868)
Australian colonies; postal services with Intercolonial Conference at Melbourne, 1859 - 1868 (File 151/Pkt.819T/1868)
India, China and Australian mails; marine sorting discontinued on homeward packets, 1869 - 1870 (File 162/Pkt.86V/1870)
Australian colonies; payments made in connection with mail contract, 1860 - 1872 (File 175/Pkt.436X/1872)
Australian mail service; proposals for new service on expiration of contract with Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., 1871 - 1873 (File 177/Pkt.81Y/1873)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 1870 (File 178/Pkt.126Y/1873)
New Zealand mail services via Panama, 1863 - 1874 (File 187/Pkt.589Y/1873)
New Zealand mail service via San Francisco, 1873 - 1874 (File 194/Pkt.539Z/1874)
Australia and Italy; postage rates reduced on correspondence sent in mails for Italy, 1872 - 1885 (File 197/Pkt.338A/1875)
South Australia; report of Commission on working of Post Office, 1874 - 1875 (File 198/Pkt.419A/1875)
(118pp. printed, 8pp. ms.)
Fiji mail service; colonial stamps recognized in payment for letters, 1873 - 1881 (File 201/Pkt.472A/1875)
Australian mail service; contributions by colonies, 1872 - 1875 (File 202/Pkt.579A/1875)
Australian colonies; general accounts prepared in colonies, 1875 - 1877 (File 205/Pkt.674A/1875)
South Australia; direct mails exchanged with France, 1874 - 1876 (File 216/Pkt.458B/1876)
Hawaii; application for admission into Postal Union, 1876 - 1877 (File 218/Pkt.521B/1876)
South Pacific countries; postage rates reduced on letters via Panama, 1878 (File 243/Pkt.209D/1878)
United States and Australian colonies; Postal Conventions, 1870 - 1879 (File 265/Pkt.472E/1879)
Australian colonies and New Zealand; division of postage, 1873 - 1880 (File 269/Pkt.574E/1879)
Queensland, Hong Kong and Straits Settlements; Postal Conventions, 1875 - 1880 (File 276/Pkt.81F/1880)
N.S.W. and New Zealand mail service via San Francisco; date of despatch revised, 1877 - 1880 (File 276/Pkt.82F/1880)
Australian mail service; Parliamentary Question by Mr Baxter, 1879 - 1880 (File 283/Pkt.294F/1880)
Melbourne - Ceylon mail service; contract between Victoria and Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., 1878 - 1880 (File 286/Pkt.315F/1880)
New Zealand and N.S.W. mail service via San Francisco, 1875 - 1880 (File 287/Pkt.335F/1880)
New Zealand; objection to new postal rates via Brindisi, 1880 - 1881 (File 288/Pkt.384F/1880)
Australian colonies and New Zealand; sorting list, 1879 - 1888 (File 289/Pkt.411F/1880)
Australian colonies; undelivered items returned to U.K.; form of account revised, 1881 - 1886 (File 296/Pkt.112G/1881)
Australian mail service; use of Orient Line ships, 1879 - 1881 (File 299/Pkt.192G/1881)
Australian and New Zealand mail services; timetables, 1881 (File 301/Pkt.210G/1881)
New Caledonia - France packet service, 1880 - 1881 (File 301/Pkt.237G/1881)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait, 1880 - 1882 (File 305/Pkt.328G/1881)
Hawaii; entry into Postal Union, 1881 (File 306/Pkt.339G/1881)
Italy and New Caledonia; transit payments for closed mails, 1881 - 1890 (File 309/Pkt.376G/1881)
Australian colonies and New Zealand; quarterly mail tables, 1881 - 1882 (File 311/Pkt.402G/1881)
Australian colonies, New Zealand and Fiji; treatment of unpaid correspondence, 1878 - 1882 (File 311/Pkt.427G/1881)
Australian colonies, New Zealand, Cape Colony and Natal; entry into Postal Union, 1880 - 1883 (File 314/Pkt.48H/1882)
Australian mails; appropriation of postage on intermediate correspondence, 1882 - 1883 (File 330/Pkt.451/1883)
Australian mail service; use of French packets, 1882 - 1885 (File 331/Pkt.531/1883)
South Australia; Imperial pensions paid in colony, 1882 - 1887 (File 334/Pkt.1101/1883)
France and Australia; agreement to regulate postal relations, 1880 - 1883 (File 337/Pkt.1571/1883)
France and Australia; agreement to regulate postal relations, 1882 - 1887 (File 338/Pkt.1571/1883)
Australian and New Zealand mails via Brindisi; postage rates reduced, 1879 - 1883 (File 339/Pkt.1641/1883)
Australian and Mauritius mail service by French packet, 1883 - 1885 (File 345/Pkt.3301/1883)
Queensland; reduced postage rate refused, 1879 - 1885 (File 348/Pkt.3251/1883)
Australian and New Zealand mail service; 1884 timetable, 1883 - 1884 (File 351/Pkt.41K/1884)
N.S.W. and Victoria; agreement for mutual use of mail lines, 1882 - 1888 (File 353/Pkt.90K/1884)
N.S.W. mail route via San Francisco abandoned, 1884 - 1885 (File 363/Pkt.351K/1884)
New Zealand mail service; apportionment of postage, 1883 - 1884 (File 366/Pkt.378K/1884)
New Zealand mail service; apportionment of postage, 1882 - 1885 (File 367/Pkt.378K/1884)
Hawaii; money order service via United States, 1885 (File 375/Pkt.262L/1885)
New Zealand; Auckland, Sydney and San Francisco new mail service, 1885 - 1886 (File 390/Pkt.503L/1885)
Australian and New Zealand mail service; 1886 timetable, 1886 (File 395/Pkt.21M/1886)
Egypt; Australian mail service; postage rates reduced, 1886 (File 405/Pkt.297M/1886)
Port Darwin mail service, 1874 - 1886 (File 406/Pkt.311M/1886)
N.S.W.; parcel post established, 1885 - 1886 (File 408/Pkt.343M/1886)
South Australia, Western Australia, Victoria and Tasmania; parcel post established, 1885 - 1900 (File 419/Pkt.506M/1886)
Australian colonies; letters prohibited in parcels, 1886 - 1887 (File 421/Pkt.7N/1887)
1887 Australian and New Zealand mail service, 1886 - 1887 (File 421/Pkt.9N/1887)
Australian mail service, 1884 - 1887 (File 428/Pkt.119N/1887)
Jamaica and Western Australia; parcel post with Europe, 1887 (File 443/Pkt.399N/1887)
Fiji mail service, 1876 - 1888 (File 447/Pkt.50/1888)
Australasian mails; transit rates paid to Australian colonies, 1886 - 1905 (File 456/Pkt.2600/1888)
Sydney Postal Conference, 1888 (File 457/Pkt.2660/1888)
Australian colonies; dead letter accounts discontinued, 1888 (File 457/Pkt.3110/1888)
Samoa and German New Guinea; entry into Postal Union, 1887 - 1894 (File 459/Pkt.3210/1888)
Marshall Islands; entry into Postal Union, 1888 (File 459/Pkt.3330/1888)
N.S.W. - Germany and Belgium; direct parcel service, 1887 - 1888 (File 460/Pkt.3680/1888)
Australian and Mauritius mail service by French packet revised, 1888 - 1889 (File 461/Pkt.3800/1888)
Australia and Tasmania; parcel post rates reduced, 1888 (File 461/Pkt.4050/1888)
Australian mail service; contracts with Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. and Orient Line, 1887 - 1888 (File 462/Pkt.4080/1888)
Australian mail service; contracts with Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. and Orient Line, 1887 - 1888 (File 463/Pkt.4080/1888)
Australian, Indian and other closed mails by British packets; sea postage rates reduced, 1888 - 1891 (File 464/Pkt.4550/1888)
Italy and Australasia; postal agreement, 1887 - 1889 (File 465/Pkt.4580/1888)
Australian colonies; mails by Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. and Orient Line packets; revised accounting, 1888 - 1892 (File 466/Pkt.5290/1888)
New Zealand; parcel post established, 1885 - 1907 (File 470/Pkt.6700/1888)
Distribution of 1d charge for newspapers to Australia; Parliamentary Question by Sir G. Campbell, 1889 (File 480/Pkt.120aP/1889)
Samoa and Tonga parcel post service, 1889 - 1912 (File 488/Pkt.418P/1889)
Fiji; parcel post established, 1885-1890, 1931. (File 495/Pkt.237Q/1890)
Fiji; parcel post established, 1903 - 1938 (File 496/Pkt.237Q/1890)
Fiji; parcel post established, 1939 - 1958 (File 497/Pkt.237Q/1890)
Australasia; premature reduction of postal rates, 1890 - 1891 (File 502/Pkt.35R/1891)
Victoria - Germany and Belgium; parcel post service, 1886 - 1891 (File 502/Pkt.36R/1891)
Indian and Australian mail contracts; Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co.; question of absolute penalties, 1889 - 1891 (File 513/Pkt.234R/1891)
Australian and New Zealand Postal and Telegraph Conference, Sydney; reports of proceedings, 1891 (File 515/Pkt.279R/1891)
(265pp. printed, 11pp. ms.)
Fiji Post Office Ordinance 1877; amendment, 1878 - 1910 (File 516/Pkt.287R/1891)
Australian mail service; all sea routes discontin except for seamen's letters, 1887 - 1891 (File 521/Pkt.356R/1891)
Gibraltar - Australia; postage rate reduced, 1891 - 1892 (File 522/Pkt.369R/1891)
New Hebrides; parcel post established, 1891 - 1914 (File 525/Pkt.427R/1891)
Queensland; parcel post established, 1887 - 1892 (File 527/Pkt.9S/1892)
Queensland; mail service by long sea route, 1887 - 1898 (File 528/Pkt.19S/1892)
Queensland mail service via Torres Strait; timetable, 1892 (File 531/Pkt.65S/1892)
Australian colonies; samples of liquids admitted by post, 1892 - 1894 (File 531/Pkt.70S/1892)
South Australian Postal Act, 1892 (File 533/Pkt.108S/1892)
Australian homeward mails; correspondence sent by steamers other than British contract packets, 1892 (File 534/Pkt.135S/1892)
Australian colonies; 1892 Postal and Telegraph Conference, Hobart, 1892 - 1897 (File 540/Pkt.231S/1892)
India - Queensland; direct parcel post established, 1892 - 1894 (File 548/Pkt.319S/1892)
Australia - Europe via United Kingdom; parcel post rates reduced, 1886 - 1893 (File 564/Pkt.349T/1893)
Australian colonies; entry into Postal Union, 1891 - 1895 (File 566/Pkt.460T/1893)
New Zealand and India; money order agreement, 1893 - 1894 (File 570/Pkt.31U/1894)
New Zealand and Pacific colonies; parcel post service, 1893 - 1894 (File 573/Pkt.127U/1894)
Norfolk Island mail service; new contract, 1888 - 1895 (File 576/Pkt.318U/1894)
N.S.W. - Straits Settlements; parcel post service, 1889 - 1898 (File 578/Pkt.379U/1894)
Australian mail service; contracts with Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. and Orient Line, 1894 - 1896 (File 587/Pkt.8W/1896)
Hawaii; parcel post service, 1892 - 1900 (File 592/Pkt.147W/1896)
Fiji: money order service, 1880 - 1909 (File 602/Pkt.303W/1896)
Australasia; parcel post rates reduced, 1894 - 1899 (File 603/Pkt.330W/1896)
Eastern and Australian mail services contracts, 1896 (File 607/Pkt.65X/1897)
Eastern and Australian mail services; contracts, 1894 - 1900 (File 608/Pkt.65X/1897)
Queensland; parcel post service, 1892 - 1909 (File 634/Pkt.156Y/1898)
Samoa; postal arrangements, 1893 - 1901 (File 634/Pkt.198Y/1898)
India, China and Australia mail service; new contracts, 1896 - 1897 (File 636/Pkt.232Y/1898)
India, China and Australia mail service; new contracts, 1896 - 1901 (File 637/Pkt.232Y/1898)
France - Australia; direct parcel mail services, 1894 - 1900 (File 643/Pkt.344Y/1898)
France - Australia; direct parcel mail services, 1900 - 1934 (File 644/Pkt.344Y/1898)
Australasia; prepayment of parcel post charges by senders, 1897 - 1938 (File 658/Pkt.185Z/1899)
South Pacific Islands mail service, 1897 - 1913 (File 677/Pkt.48A/1900)
Australia; insured mail service, 1894 - 1914 (File 677/Pkt.66A/1900)
Pitcairn Island; establishment of Post Office; mail services, 1901 - 1939 (File 684/Pkt.121A/1900)
Fremantle substituted for Albany as Australian port of call, 1900 (File 688/Pkt.191A/1900)
Malta - Australia; parcel post services, 1894 - 1910 (File 693/Pkt.235A/1900)