Guide to the Collections held by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (as filmed by the AJCP)


M387-M388, M1660-M1666

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Series D268. Miscellaneous estate papers and correspondence, 1845 - 29 August 1856

Filmed selectively.

Thomas Vogan (Goulburn) to his brother Richard Vogan (Armagh), [1845] (File 5)

Death of Richard's wife; family news.

Thomas Vogan (Melbourne) to Richard Vogan, 14 June 1849 (File 6)

Rebellion in Ireland in 1848; news of Californian gold discoveries; plans to sail to California; interest in acting as agent for British merchants sending goods to California. (incomplete)

Thomas Vogan (San Francisco) to Richard Vogan, 1 February 1851 (File 7)

Reasons for not writing; continual changes and uncertainties in California; weather; impressions of San Francisco.

Thomas Vogan (Marysville) to Richard Vogan, 29 August 1856 (File 8)

Departure from San Francisco; loss of possessions, including clothes, books, testimonials and money, in great fire.

Series D560. Diary and journal of John Martin, 28 June 1849 - 6 September 1849

Portion of the journal of John Martin kept on the voyage from Dublin to Hobart on the Mountstuart Elphinstone, 28 June 1849 - 6 September 1849 (File)

The journal, which has quite lengthy entries, describes the departure from Ireland; his relations with Kevin O'Doherty, including their decision to learn German together; other passengers; their cabin; reading, including Gibbon's Decline and fall of the Roman Empire and Homer's Iliad; relations with the ship's doctor and other officers; sightings of flying fish and other fish; communications with other ships; the medical treatment of convicts; the death of a convict; Crossing the Line ceremonies; observation of stars and constellations; sightings of albatrosses and other birds; storms; conversations with O'Doherty on Irish affairs; the punishment of convicts. (pp. 14-85)

Series D618. Savage-Armstrong Papers, 3 October 1904 - 21 February 1905

Filmed selectively.

Mary C. Savage (Sydney) to Mr Savage-Armstrong, 21 February 1905 (File 209)

Sends photographs of her father and brothers; information on the family in Australia.

Mary C. Savage to Mr Savage-Armstrong, 3 October 1904 (File 268)

Armstrong's book; her father left Ireland when he was quite young; other family members; sends extracts from letters of aunt.

Series D718. Emigrant papers from Charles Barton, 1871 - 1884

Miscellaneous papers, 1871 - 1884 (File)

Including a letter-diary from Charles Barton to his mother describing his voyage from England to Australia on the Stirlingshire in 1884. (11pp.)

Series D721. Letter of Dan Rathgar, 24 October 1908

Dan Rathgar (Bundaberg) to his uncle and aunt, 24 October 1908 (File)

Thanks for letter after so many years; loss of his farm due to flooding of Burnett River; has lived on farm near Bundaberg for 25 years; wife and children.

Series D724. Releases, accounts and testamentary papers of the Haig Family, 16 July 1884

Filmed selectively.

Release of lands in Killan, County Cavan, to executors of the estate of Jane Haig, 16 July 1884 (File 2)

Signed by Robert Haig (Melbourne), Christine Haig (London), Caroline Haig (London) and Henry Haig (London).

Series D956. Poster for Imperial Mail Service, 1899

Norddeutscher Lloyd poster advertising passages on Imperial Mail steamers sailing to Australia via the Suez Canal, 1899 (File)

Series D957. Leigh, Bredin and Elliott papers, 18 July 1861 - 25 October 1861

Filmed selectively.

Journal of Charles Elliott of Moira, County Down, kept on the journey from Armagh to Liverpool and on the voyage from Liverpool to Melbourne on the Prince of the Seas, 18 July 1861 - 25 October 1861 (File 3)

It refers to the weather, winds, passengers, the sighting of other ships, Crossing the Line ceremonies, dances, church services, accidents caused by high seas in the Indian Ocean, the sighting of Cape Otway, and their arrival at Port Phillip.

Series D975. Papers of the Verner Family of County Antrim and Belfast, [c. 1835-1845]

The collection comprises legal documents, publications, newspapers, newspaper cuttings and financial records dating from around 1835 to about 1845.

Series D975/1. Miscellaneous Papers, [c. 1838-1845]


Series D975/4. Cash books, [c. 1835 - 1845]

Most of the financial records relate to the Insolvency Court and include cash books, lists of fees and tradesmen's bills. There is also an inventory of household goods. Verner continued to use one of the cash books after he left Australia.

Series D985. Papers relating to the Milliken Family of Islandmagee, County Antrim, 30 October 1884 - 29 August 1887

Filmed selectively.

Indenture of Land in the County of Antrim between Thomas Mulligan and Arthur Lord Viscount Dungannan, 1 November 1825 (File)

John Milliken to his brother James Milliken, 16 October 1846 (File 2)

Received a letter from their brother William; Unsure about returning home at this time, will write in April to advise of his decision.

John Milliken to his brother James, 27 May 1855 (File 3)

Finances, received draft for $140 from James; still working at the same place but expects to finish around the first of July and will then return home; plans for future work...

John Milliken (Peats Ferry, NSW) to his brother T. Milliken, 30 October 1884 (File 4)

Seasons in Australia; thoughts of returning to New England; Land Act favours squatters against settlers.

John Milliken (Wallamba River, NSW) to his brother, 26 April 1887 (File 5)

Seeks financial help to buy an island; describes the property; New South Wales worse than Ireland in winter time; mutual friends.

John Milliken to his brother, 29 August 1887 (File 6)

Acknowledges money; clearing and fencing; purchase of bullocks; suggests Margaret might join him in Australia.

James Milliken from his brother, 18 September 1889 (File 7)

Concerning money he has given James.

Eliza Gillespie to her nephew, 7 May 1894 (File 8)

Wishes he would write more as she likes to hear news of home; wonders if he had to go to England to speak on the land question; deaths of another nephew, her brother and his wife, and Robert Houston; sometimes hears of nephews brother John.

Series D986. Australian emigrant letter, 17 June 1894

Letter from an unidentified correspondent in Goulburn to 'Arthur', 17 June 1894 (File)

Seeks news of 'the Artistic World'; economic depression in Australia.

Series D1004. Australian emigrant letter, 26 January 1857

William Waugh (Melbourne) to his father William Waugh (Bambridge, County Down), 26 January 1857 (File)

Arrival of Hugh who is at diggings; opening of Victorian Parliament; dullness of trade; praises poem 'Festans' by William Bailey.

Series D1016. Maps, 1899

Filmed selectively.

Map of parish of Nangar, land district of Molong, New South Wales, 1899 (File)

Series D1114. Emigrants letters relating to J. Forster, 12 September 1852 - 1853

Thomas Forster (Parramatta) to his nephew William Forster (Ballinalee, County Longford), 12 September 1852 (File)

Quick passage of mails carried in steamers; dispersal of his children and nieces in the colony; family news; gold discoveries.

Thomas Forster (Parramatta) to William Forster, [1853] (File)

Sends bill; arrival of William Rutledge and his family; Thomas Rutledge.

Series D1196. Getty Papers, 1853 - 1859

F. Proeschel. Mercantile map of Melbourne, n.d. (File)

Correspondence of James Getty, a wheelwright of Melbourne, 1853 - 1859 (File)

Including letters of Edward Weaver (Kilmore), James Irving (Beechworth), Pater Malony (Melbourne) and Irvine Beecroft (Beachworth). They refer to business and financial matters, trade, news of Getty's family in Ireland, and the economic situation in Ireland.

Series D1197. Article on Frederick C. Irwin, 14 December 1935

Typescript copy of an article entitled 'Frederick Chidley Irwin. First Colonial Commandant, 1828-c. 1860', published in a Perth newspaper, 14 December 1935 (File)

With some manuscript annotations. The original article appeared in the West Australian on 14 December 1935.

Series D1294. Lutton Papers, 1934 - 1958

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence between George Lutton (Kilkeel, County Down) and W.G. MacDiarmid (Sydney), 1934 - 1958 (File 1A-1S)

Concerning the history of the Lutton Family and members of the family living in Australia. (18 letters)

Series D1310. Passage ticket, 28 February 1857

Passage ticket issued by the Black Ball Line (Melbourne) to Charles Wilson for a passage from Melbourne to Liverpool, 28 February 1857 (File)

Series T413. John Mitchel Papers, 1852 - 1855

Typed transcripts of five letters from John Mitchel to Miss Thomson, written from Bothwell, Van Diemen's Land, and Tennessee and New York, 1852 - 1855 (File)

The two Tasmanian letters refer to Mitchel's family, Irish affairs, his admiration of the United States, Irish political convicts in Van Diemen's Land, relations with the colonists, the scarcity of books, and the escape of Thomas Meagher.

Series T1280. Biography of Dr John Patterson, 4 October 1845

Typescript account of the life of John Patterson of Strabane, County Tyrone (3pp.) (File)

Mary Foote (Table Top, NSW) to her father, John Patterson, 4 October 1845 (File)

Family news; work on a sheep station.

Series T1370. Emigrant letters, 1882 - 31 December 1904

Letters from J.W. Wilson (Easton, Pennsylvania) to Eliza Patrick, 1882-1899, and a letter from James Wilson (Wilcannia, NSW) to Patrick n.d., 1848 - 1899 (File)

The latter refers to working on Dunlop Station, shortage of water, and Wilson's partnership with the owners of the station (including Samuel McCaughey)...

Valuation of the estate of James Wilson filed in New South Wales and Victorian courts, 31 December 1904 (File)

Series T1396. Papers of Gass Family of Markethill, County Armagh, 5 April 1896

Filmed selectively.

Robert Gass (Goulburn, NSW) to his sister, 5 April 1896 (File 8)

Family photographs; wages of farm workers; drought; import of wheat from California; hopes to return to Ireland in 17 years, when he is 50.

Series T1469. Correspondence of Robb Family of Newtownards and Dundonald, County Down, 19 December 1878

Filmed selectively.

Frank Robb (Tooma, NSW) to hthe Robb family, 8 August 1862 - 19 December 1878 (File 5/17)

Includes: Frank Robb (Tooma, NSW) to his brother John Robb: Deaths of relatives; injury arising from fall from a horse; plans for Christmas; people without capital should not emigrate to Australia. 19th of December 1878.

Series T1504. Mansfield Family correspondence, 9 August 1890

Filmed selectively.

R. Motherell (Sydney) to J.E. Mansfield, 9 August 1890 (File 3)

Voyage to Australia; Lilly secured a job in an art store; Motherell's work as a ballroom decorator; hopes to repay kindness of Belfast friends; financial matters.

Series T1542. Johnston and McCammond documents, 29 March 1893 - 22 April 1893

William Bell (Wellington, NSW) to his mother, 29 March 1893 (File)

Apologises for not writing for years; travels in Queensland; work on railway construction; mutual friends.

William Bell (Teralba, NSW) to his sister, Susanna Bell (Belfast), 22 April 1893 (File)

Inquiries about William's whereabouts in Queensland; his marriage and children.

Series T1552. Quinn emigrant papers, 1890 - 1907

Patrick Quinn (Dargaville, New Zealand) to his brother John Quinn (Belfast), 9 October 1900 (File)

Poorly paid work at gum diggings; family photographs; estrangement from brother William.

William C. Quinn (Broken Hill, Kalgoorlie, Perth, Auckland, Dargaville) to his mother and other family members, 1890 - 1907 (File)

1890 maritime strike; Broken Hill strike; New Australia settlement in South America; collapse of banks; life on Kalgoorlie goldfields; gold rush; encounters with Indigenous Australians; scarcity of water; death of his mother; wages as an underground manager; move to New Zealand; family news. (15 letters)

Series T1555. Correspondence of Adams Family of Portglennone, County Antrim, 27 December 1847 - 9 December 1849

Mary Jane Muirhead (Grampians, Victoria) to William Adams, 27 December 1847 (File 1A)

Work on sheep station; wages paid to farm workers; garden; erection of house.

George Adams (London) to his brother Thomas Adams (Port Glenone, County Antrim), 28 November 1849 (File 2)

Voyage from Port Phillip to London via Cape Horn; his duties as the ship's doctor.

George Adams (London) to Thomas Adams, 29 December 1849 (File 3)

Travels in Port Phillip district; pastoral runs; wages; Dr Robert Martin of Heidelberg.

Series T1769. Papers of Anketell Family of County Monaghan, 30 November 1865 - 25 April 1866

Filmed selectively.

Diary of Elizabeth Anketell, a cabin passenger on the Queen of Australia, on a voyage from London and Plymouth to Port Phillip, 30 November 1865 - 25 April 1866 (File 3)

The diary refers to the weather, storms, the sighting of ships, reading, illnesses, Crossing the Line ceremonies, ship's officers, religious reflections, arrival at Melbourne (23 March 1866), first impressions of the town, her sister's home at Essendon, the local church and the botanic gardens.

Series T634. Account of Australian voyage, 11 December 1852 - 29 April 1853

Account of an emigrant voyage from Liverpool to Melbourne on the ship Digby (Captain: John Hilton), 11 December 1852 - 29 April 1853 (File)

Possibly written by Samuel Pillow, one of the passengers, the diary refers to the sighting of Madeira and Palma, the weather, sighting of ships, the dismissal of the first mate, fights between passengers, the capture of an albatross and the sighting of other birds, and the arrival at Port Phillip...

Series D207. Papers of Foster Family, Viscounts Ferrard, of County Louth, Viscounts Ferrard, and Clotworthy and Skeffington families, Viscounts Masserene, of County Antrim, 24 February 1823

Subseries 67. Correspondence, 24 February 1823

Filmed selectively.

Sir Thomas Brisbane (Parramatta) to [unknown], 24 February 1823 (File 58)

Sheep farming in New South Wales; growth of tobacco, cotton and other crops; currency control; climate; astronomical observations; arrival of Nowlan; Brisbane's affections for Cork.

Series D639. Records of Johns, Elliott, Wallace & Co., solicitors, of Belfast, 25 November 1862

Filmed selectively.

Mortimer McClean (Melbourne) to William Johns (Belfast), 25 November 1862 (File 139)

Has found employment; likes Victoria very much; believes he is still entitled to money from Stuart will.

Series D664. Pack-Beresford manuscripts, 19 January 1853 - 16 January 1855

Papers of Lord John Beresford (1773-1862), Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland from 1822 until his death, and also papers of the Dunbar Family of Millisle, County Down.

Subseries D. Papers of George Dunbar, 19 January 1853 - 16 January 1855

Filmed selectively.

James Farrell (London) to Dunbar, 19 January 1853 (File 65A)

Asks Dunbar to write to Sir Charles Hotham in Victoria confirming the standing of Farrell's nephew, James Blair, with the previous governor, C.J. La Trobe.

Farrell to Dunbar, 1 September 1853 (File 71)

Meeting has been despatched; sales are flagging; Farrell is busy shipping to Australia.

Farrell to Dunbar, 5 October 1853 (File 74B)

Wine sales; vine disease; Australian business paying well.

Farrell to Dunbar, 9 November 1853 (File 77)

Speaker of Victorian Parliament has stayed with Blair for some weeks.

Farrell to Dunbar, 12 December 1853 (File 81)

Asks Dunbar, Captain Jones of Commodore Eden to write a few lines introducing James Blair to Sir Charles Hotham.

Farrell to Dunbar, 5 January 1855 (File 94)

George [Pilkington, Dunbar's nephew] and his wife going to Australia; business arrangements.

Farrell to Dunbar, 11 January 1855 (File 95)

Pilkington visiting Liverpool to inspect ship Australian.

George Pilkington (Liverpool) to Dunbar, 16 January 1855 (File 96)

Approves of ship and has arranged to take a cabin.

Series D869. Diary of a member of the crew of HMS Terror, 1839 - 1843

Diary, 1839 - 1843 (File)

The writer of the diary was probably a Sergeant in the Royal Marines. The entries record the day-to-day rigours, boredom and amusements of shipboard life and experiences on shore, especially at Hobart.

Series D953. Letters and testimonials of William Whigham of Mullaghglass, County Armagh, 31 December 1880 - 30 August 1882

Filmed selectively.

A. Crawford (San Francisco) to William Whigham, 31 December 1880 (File 4)

Appoints Whigham as agent at Papeete, Tahiti; books badly kept; plans to set up company in Tahiti to handle cotton seed, copra, candle nut.

George Cochrane to Whigham, 3 December 1881 (File 5)

Thanks Whigham for excellent supply service during stay in Papeete of United States ship Richmond.

George Cochrane to Whigham, 5 December 1881 (File 6)

Thanks; regards to Gibson.

Whigham to [unknown], 30 August 1882 (File 7)

Autobiographical details; Gibson, a Scottish Presbyterian, married a native; their children educated in Sydney.

Series D955. Papers of Lawrence Family of Coleraine, 1859 - 1880

Filmed selectively.

Letters from Sampson Lawrence (Castlemaine, Victoria) to members of his family, 1866 - 1880 (File 69-85)

Work as a miner; unemployment on goldfields; visit of Duke of Edinburgh to Australia (1868); Fenianism in Ireland; drought; bushfires; gift of £27,000 from people of Melbourne to Dublin for famine relief (1880); Sir Samuel Wilson; family news; family property in Ireland.

Letters from Charles Lawrence (Castlemaine), James Loughead (Adelaide) and John Lawrence (Magherafelt) to members of their family, 1859 - 1869 (File 88-93)

Work on Victorian goldfields; attack on Sampson Lawrence by a Chinaman; death of Charles Lawrence; family news.

Series D961. Papers relating to Newton and Anderson families of Belfast, October 1853 - November 1853

Filmed selectively.

Two addresses presented to Andrew J. Newton of Cookstown, County Tyrone, from his brother, solicitors in the Barony of Dungannon and from his friends in Cookstown on his emigration to New Zealand, October 1853 - November 1853 (File 12)

Series D1003. Letters of Private William McDonald, 96th Regiment, 27 March 1842 - 1843

William McDonald (Salt Water Creek, Van Diemen's Land) to Reverend James Elliott (Moira), 27 March 1842 (File)

Voyage to Australia; Tasman Peninsula; convicts; probation system; Salt Water Creek farm; facts that should be considered by intending immigrants.

McDonald to Reverend James Elliott, 6 April 1842 (File)

Description of Port Arthur and Eagle Hawk Neck; Indigenous Australians; flora and fauna.

McDonald to Reverend James Elliott, 12 April 1842 (File)

Climate, topography of Van Diemen's Land; coastline; prices.

McDonald to Robert Batey (Moira), 29 May 1833 [1843?] (File)

Fishes, reptiles, insects, climate of Van Diemen's Land.

Series D1071. Dufferin and Ava Papers, 20 February 1874 - 12 December 1883

Papers of the Blackwood Family of Clandeboye, Bangor, County Down.

Subseries H/B/F. General correspondence of Francis Blackwood, 20 February 1874 - 12 December 1883

Sir George Bowen (Melbourne) to Dufferin, 20 February 1874 (File)

Introduces Thomas Higinbotham, Engineer-in-Chief of Victoria, visiting Europe and America to study railway and harbour construction and management.

Bowen (Melbourne) to Dufferin, 23 June 1874 (File)

Australian railways; possibility of federation; Bowen's career; inclusion of Australia in grand world tours of many travellers.

Bowen (Londonderry) to Dufferin, 9 August 1875 (File)

Hopes to return to Australia shortly and to spend a few days in Canada.

Bowen (Toronto) to Dufferin, 5 November 1875 (File)

Travels in Canada; Canadian politics and politicians.

Bowen (Washington) to Dufferin, 22 November 1875 (File)

Possibility of Dominion Police in Canada; question of a 'Canadian Belgium'; meeting with President Ulysses Grant; visit to Philadelphia; favourable impression of America.

Bowen (at sea) to Dufferin, 15 December 1875 (File)

Thanks Dufferin for courtesy while Bowen was in Canada; journey across America; Salt lake City; Mormonism; Hawaii; expects Hawaii will be annexed by United States.

Bowen (Melbourne) to Dufferin, 7 February 1876 (File)

Sends papers on organisation of Victorian Police Corps; size of police forces in Australian colonies; cannot see any immediate prospect of Australian federation or even Zollverein; constitutional crisis in Victoria; Bowen's policy of 'masterly inactivity' and 'dignified neutrality'.

Bowen to Dufferin, 19 April 1878 (File)

Attacks on Bowen for supporting his ministers; similarity with Dufferin's position in Canada in 1873; Australia will accept nothing short of liberal policies of Lords Kimberley and Carnarvon; end of constitutional crisis.

Bowen to Dufferin, 18 May 1878 (File)

Small faction in Victoria hostile to parliamentary government attempting to mislead Colonial Office and English press; Bowen would like to receive any Canadian parliamentary papers on 1873 crisis; political crises in Victoria occur once every seven or eight years; hopes Dufferin will stay in Canada.

Bowen to Dufferin, 8 September 1878 (File)

Thanks to Dufferin for his support; Australian federation still remote; general wish that Dufferin be first governor-general of Australia; Bowen's impending move to Mauritius; society of planters superior to society of squatters; British policy towards Cyprus.

Bowen to Dufferin, 18 October 1878 (File)

Imperial relations endangered if governors are instructed to act contrary to precedents of Elgin and Dufferin; W. Gladstone's congratulations on termination of Victorian crisis.

Bowen (Mauritius) to Dufferin, 4 November 1880 (File)

View of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach on position of a constitutional governor; he would have lost Australia if he had been in power when parliamentary government was being established in the colonies; Mauritius a pleasant change after rough democracy of Victoria; life in Mauritius; Dufferin would be welcomed as a governor in Australia.

J. Henniker Heaton (Sydney) to Dufferin, 9 July 1883 (File)

Australia lacks a great politician able to bring about unity; Heaton has consulted some leaders about inviting Dufferin to visit Australia and arrange terms of federation; Australia's great wealth.

J. Henniker Heaton to Dufferin, 12 December 1883 (File)

Intercolonial Convention; Henniker certain that New South Wales Parliament will not sanction Premier's action concerning Federal Council; idea of inviting Dufferin to Australia; premiers are supportive but governors, especially Lord Augustus Loftus, are petulant.

Series D1099. Correspondence of Daniel R. Gardner, September 1875 - February 1876

Filmed selectively.

Daniel Gardner (Melbourne) to his wife Rose Gardner (Lancaster), October 1875 - February 1876 (File 7-12)

Voyage from Glasgow to Australia; Gardner's health; travels in Victoria; Albury; rural industries; sheep shearing; size of squatters' runs; weather; return to Britain in Somersetshire. (6 letters)

Report by L.A. Moody, Chief Inspector of Distilleries, Melbourne, on alcoholic strength of Australian wines, September 1875 (File 13)

Series D1384. Papers of Doody Family of Ballymena, 1850 - 1857

Filmed selectively.

Margaet Fuller (Adelaide) to her sister Betty (Ballymena), and William Doody (Liverpool) to [unknown], 1850 - 1857 (File 5-11, 9, 14-17)

Margaet Fuller (Adelaide) to her sister Betty (Ballymena), Family news; deaths; emigration to Australia of other members of the family. (4 letters), 1850-1857...

Series D1401. Papers of the Stewart Family of Ballydrain and Wilmont, County Down, 3 February 1841 - 6 August 1877

Filmed selectively.

W. Wallace Legg (Melbourne) to his aunt Ellen, 6 August 1877 (File 30)

Personal news.

Alex Wilson (Maryville) to Henry Boyd, 3 February 1841 (File 46)

Hopes he has arrived safely in Australia.

Alex Wilson to Henry Boyd, 26 September 1847 (File 47)

Family news.

Gordon Thompson (Melbourne) to Ellen Deacon, May 1872 (File 53)

Reunion with William Legg, who was in prison.

Wilson Hack (Melbourne) to Lysell, 6 February 1872 (File 54)

Has seen Legg in prison; amazed at the change in his attitude to life.

E.W. Needham to Miss Wilson, [1875]-09-07 (File 55)

Does not know when Legg will be released.

Series D1414. Bates Papers, December 1857 - April 1858

Filmed selectively.

Diary of William Bates (?) on a voyage from Greenock to Melbourne on the ship Minnehaha, December 1857 - April 1858 (File 2)

Bates, who was a preacher, left Glasgow on 25 November 1857 and the ship left Greenock on 26 December 1847, but the lengthy first entry in the diary is dated 6 January 1856. The very detailed diary, written with some literary flair, refers to sightings of the Isle of Man, Ireland and Madeira, injuries to passengers due to rolling seas, the weather, sightings of porpoises and dolphins, church services, impressions of passengers and ship's officers, the publication of the Minnehaha Weekly Review, Bates's efforts to learn French, books and reading, the reasons for passengers deciding to emigrate, arguments about the propriety of card-playing, slow progress in the Atlantic Ocean, illnesses and medicines, sightings of ships, arguments between crew and passengers, albatrosses, the deterioration of food towards the end of the voyage, storms, anticipation of arrival in Melbourne, rapid sailing in the Indian Ocean, smoking and drinking. The last entry is dated 5 April 1858, three days before the ship reached Port Phillip Heads. In the final four pages there is an imaginary conversation between a Melbourne man and one of the Minnehaha passengers.

Series D1415. Craigavon Papers, September 1929 - March 1930

Filmed selectively.

Typescript diaries of Lady Craigavon who accompanied her husband on a tour of Australia and New Zealand, September 1929 - March 1930 (File C/1-6)

They cover the voyage to Australia on the Otranto, visits to Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney, travels in New Zealand, and the return voyage via the Panama Canal...

Series D1420. Papers of the Maguire Family, 1852 - 24 April 1872

Filmed selectively.

Hugh Maguire (Melbourne and Back Creek, Victoria) and J.J. Maguire (Melbourne) to members of their family, 1852 - 1866 (File 1/117A-25)

Departure from Liverpool in 1852; cost of living in Melbourne; gold discoveries; Eureka uprising; Snowy River, Ovens River and Grampians goldfields; Maori wars; visit to South Australia. (10 letters)

J. Ranken (Melbourne) to Maguire, 24 April 1872 (File 1/126)

Maguire's return to Ireland; business matters; mutual friends in Victoria.

Series D1424. Papers of the Kirkpatrick Family of Craigs, County Antrim, 1853-11-08; 1881-05-05

Subseries 3. Emigrant letters, 1853-11-08; 1881-05-05

Filmed selectively.

Mary Boyes (Melbourne) to Reverend Alexander Kirkpatrick, 8 November 1853 (File 11)

Family news; dust storms.

Copy of a letter from Captain P.W. Stephens (Tahiti), 5 May 1881 (File)

Voyage of HMS Thetis to Pitcairn Island; meeting with Moses Young and Thursday Christian; church service; religious literature on the island.

Series D1454. Papers relating to George Moody, 20 July 1847

Filmed selectively.

Copy of a letter of Reverend J. Moody (Pitcairn Island), 20 July 1847 (File 6/1)

Allegations of strife at Pitcairn Island are unfounded; increase in French oppression; requests prayer books, schoolbooks, medical supplies.

Series D1497. Sinclair Papers, 21 November 1860

Filmed selectively.

Thomas Graham (Melbourne) to John Graham (Draperstown, County Londonderry), 21 November 1860 (File 2/1)

Has nothing to boast about in Australia, but there are more opportunities than in Ireland.

Series D1560. Emigrant papers of William Cherry, 1865 - 1868

Filmed selectively.

William Cherry (Australia) to his parents (Lisburn, County Antrim), 1865 - 1868 (File 1-7)

Unemployment in Victoria; wages on sheep stations; prices; sheep shearing; life on stations in Victoria and New South Wales. (7 letters)

Series D1626. Papers of Steele-Nicholson Family of Ballow, County Down, 24 July 1861 - 23 December 1862

Filmed selectively.

John Steele Nicholson (Dimolly, Victoria) to Agnes (Bangor, County Down), 24 July 1861 (File 6)

Life at gold diggings.

John Steele Nicholson (Dimolly, Victoria) to his mother, 23 December 1862 (File 14A)

Superior gentlemen at diggings; friends in Victoria.

Series D1700. Papers of Crawford Family, 1884 - 25 June 1914

Filmed selectively.

Diary of Frederick Crawford kept on a trip to Australia and New Zealand, 22 April 1892 - 13 November 1892 (File 3/9)

The diary describes the voyage from Gravesend to Melbourne on the SS Cuzco, stopping at Gibraltar, Naples, Port Said, Colombo, Albany and Adelaide, travels by boat, rail and road in Victoria including visits to Ballarat, Bendigo, Echuca, Swan Hill, Beaufort, Port Albert, Bairnsdale, Geelong, Port Fairy and Koroit, meetings with relatives and friends, social events, shooting, animals and birds, a journey to Sydney and the Blue Mountains, kangaroo hunting, visits to Launceston and Hobart, a voyage to New Zealand on the Te Anau, travels in the South Island including Invercargill and Dunedin, a journey from Wellington to New Plymouth, Auckland and Rotorua, and the return voyage to London on the SS Aorangi via Cape Horn and Rio de Janeiro. According to Crawford's calculations, he travelled a total of 31,531 miles. (237pp)

Correspondence of Alexander Crawford with his family, 1884 - 1896 (File 6/1/1-7)

Farming in Warragul, Victoria; financial matters; plans to establish agency business in Perth.

Lord Ranfurly (Wellington) to Alexander Crawford, 13 August 1898 (File 6/1/8)

Controversy arising from Ranfurly receiving loyal address from Orangemen in public and from Roman Catholics in private; lack of law and order in Cook Islands.

Reminiscences of Alexander Crawford, 25 June 1914 (File 6/1/26)

Related in Central Methodist Mission Hall, Perth, to celebrate the building of the first Methodist chapel in Western Australia. (7pp.)

Series D1745. Papers of Adams and Nolan families of County Londonderry, 6 July 1853

Filmed selectively.

Robert Nolan (Richmond, NSW) to his father, 6 July 1853 (File 6)

Sunday school; departure from Shoalhaven; likes his circuit; approaching marriage.

Series D1746. Correspondence of McClure Family, 17 September 1865

Filmed selectively.

John McClure (Invercargill, NZ) to Emily McClure (Belfast), 17 September 1865 (File 2)

Economic fluctuations; description of house; discovery of gold on west coast of South Island; defeat in provincial council elections and intention to stand for House of Representatives.

Series D1757. McDowell, Main and Mulligan estate and testamentary papers, 27 March 1878 - July 1881

Filmed selectively.

Elizabeth Macready (Lyttelton, NZ) to her cousins, 27 March 1878 (File 2/4)

Voyage to New Zealand; storms.

Elizabeth Macready (Christchurch) to her cousin William, July 1881 (File 2/5)

Visit to Horrell's farm at Canterbury; exports to England and Australia; cattle and sheep; prices.

Elizabeth Macready to her cousins, July 1881 (File 2/6)

Work as a shopkeeper in Lyttelton; life in villa at Christchurch.

Series D1908. Lanesborough Papers, 20 August 1838 - 7 November 1840

Filmed selectively.

H. Cavendish Butler (St Heliers, NSW) to John B. Danvers, 20 August 1838 (File 2/2/1)

Decision to give up government appointment to take charge of Topley's affairs; death of Henry Dumaresq; decline of Sydney society due to Governor Bourke and his Whiggish clique; journey overland from Sydney to Port Phillip.

H. Cavendish Butler (St Heliers, NSW) to Mrs Butler-Danvers, 7 November 1840 (File 2/2/3)

Preparations for departure; colony is in a flourishing state.

Series D1813. Papers of Crawford Family, 19 February 1866 - 1883

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence, chiefly between Alexander Crawford (Murchison, WA) and his fiancee Elizabeth Matthews (Linton, Victoria), 1881 - 1883 (File 3/1-42)

The letters refer to visits to Ballarat and Ballan; Alexander Crawford's voyage to Perth and his journey northwards to Erideboba, Murchison; his homestead; sheep-farming; Indigenous Australians; lack of society; marriage plans...

Adair F. Crawford (Sydney) to Reverend Thomas Crawford (Drumliff, Sligo), 19 February 1866 (File 4/6)

Poor state of colonies; murder trial of dentist H.L. Bertrand.

Series D1944. Cumine estate and family papers, Killough, County Down, 1863-08-03 - [1863]-11-24

Filmed selectively.

'Mrs Flemming's log book' on a voyage from London to Melbourne on the Fearnought, 1863-08-03 - [1863]-11-24 (File 9/1)

An informal account, written intermittently during the voyage, referring to the progress of the ship, the weather, conversations with ship's officers and passengers, meals, a burial at sea, and albatrosses. Flemming mentions that the ship's doctor had served in Garibaldi's army, while one of the passengers was a grandson of William Wordsworth.

Series D2137. Papers of John Martin, 1849 - 22 February 1862

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of John Martin, 1849 - 1853 (File 1/14A-28)

Correspondents include: with Mary Simpson, D. Harrison, William McCurtayne, John Regan, William Smith O'Brien, Patrick O'Donohoe and B. Conolan...

Joseph Rowan (Melbourne) to Martin (Dublin), 22 February 1862 (File 1/34)

Acknowledges books for St Patrick's Society.

Patrick O'Donohoe (Hobart) to Martin, 13 January 1850 (File 1/43)

Charles Gavan Duffy; William Smith O'Brien.

Kevin and Eva O'Doherty (Hobart, Port Cygnet, Dublin) to Martin, n.d. (File 1/44-51)

Financial matters; departure of John Mitchel; convict life activities of Irish exiles; land in Huon Valley; W.S. O'Brien's attempt to escape and his arrest; changes in Tasmania; plans to emigrate to Australia. (8 letters)

William Smith O'Brien (New Norfolk, Tasmania) to Martin, 1853 - 1856 (File 1/52-54)

Sends money; Kevin O'Doherty; restoration of civil rights.

P. Smyth (Melbourne) to Martin, 1853 - 1854 (File 1/58-60)

Granting of conditional pardons; Smyth's return to Australia; success of Citizen.

Series D2263. Thomas Moore emigration papers, 15 March 1845 - 22 July 1866

Thomas Moore (Pomeroy, Goulburn) to [Reverend Henry Scott], 15 March 1845 (File [1])

Prosperity of colony; exports of wool, tallow, oil, horses; improvement in society with arrival of many women; lack of religious instruction; picturesque scenery of Pomeroy; ball at Pomeroy; family news.

Thomas Moore to [Reverend Henry Scott], 8 March 1858 (File [2])

Moore's daughter and son-in-law William Busby have sailed for England; Moore's mistake in selling two stations a year before gold discoveries; struggle for responsible government has led to business of government being neglected and considerable debt; offer of public office.

Thomas Moore to [Reverend Henry Scott], 3 January 1859 (File [3])

Conferences in Sydney and Maitland on church government; powers of bishops; church property; payment of clergy; difficulties of John Moore in finding employment.

Thomas Moore (Sydney) to [Reverend Henry Scott], 22 July 1866 (File [4])

Rudeness of Sydney society; William Busby has bought Edgecliff House; Moore's mistake in buying so much property; is no longer farming and is leasing Pomeroy; establishment of Diocese of Goulburn; Bishop Mesac Thomas.

Series D2794. Papers of Montgomery Family of Belfast and Portadown, County Armagh, 30 May 1879 - 14 February 1880

Filmed selectively.

Diary kept by Charles C. Greenfield, a sailor, on a voyage on the Andares from London to Port Chalmers, New Zealand, 30 May 1879 - 14 February 1880 (File 6/1)

His visits to Dunedin, Wellington and Sydney, and his return voyage to England on the Hankow.

Series D3030. Castlereagh Papers, 20 April 1798 - 5 May 1819

Filmed selectively.

Sir Ralph Abercromby to Castlereagh, 20 April 1798 (File 122)

Encloses three letters on the rebellion of the United Irishmen.

Notes concerning agents of the United Irishmen, c. 1898-08 (File 210)

Edward Cooke to Castlereagh, [c. 1798-08] (File 228)

W. Wickham's letter about the Irish rebels.

Castlereagh. Memorandum on Irish rebels, [c. 1798-08] (File 229)

Lord Waterford to [unknown], 19 August 1798 (File 232)

Activities of Irish rebels. (extract)

Sir John Mitford to Duke of Portland, 1 September 1798 (File 235)

Comments on bill for preventing return of transported rebels.

W. Wickham to Castlereagh, 5 September 1798 (File 247)

Encloses draft of bill to prevent return of transported rebels.

Robert Marshall to Castlereagh, 17 October 1798 (File 295)

Thomas Pelham; remonstrations received opposing transportation of state prisoners.

Copy of secret information on Irish rebels, [c. 1798-10] (File 302)

W. Wickham to Castlereagh, 25 February 1799 (File 625)

State prisoners and influence of private interests.

Sir James Crawford to Lord Grenville, 26 February 1799 (File 628)

Information about French fleet and Irish rebels. (extract)

Draft description of Beedle McKenzie, United Irishman, [c. 1799-03] (File 694)

Draft list of supposed secretaries of United Irishmen, [c. 1799-03] (File 702)

Circular letter from Lords of the Admiralty to naval officers, 15 May 1803 (File 1781)

Instructing them to detain French ships and bring them into nearest port.

Circular letter from Lords of the Admiralty to naval officers, 16 June 1803 (File 1783)

Instructing them to seize and destroy Dutch ships.

J. Princep to John Sullivan, 2 November 1803 (File 1834)

Princep's company has undertaken regular trade to Port Jackson.

John Sullivan to Sir Stephen Cotterell, 7 November 1803 (File 1839)

Encloses letter from J. Princep.

Draft note on the troops serving at home and in the colonies, [1805] (File 2043)

Draft notes by Castlereagh concerning colonial trade, [c. 1806-06] (File 2420)

Castlereagh to Charles Manners-Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury, [1807-12] (File 2562)

Ecclesiastical establishment in New South Wales.

Castlereagh to King George III, 8 April 1809 (File 3039)

Major-General Nightingale's ill-health; recommends 73rd Regiment be sent to New South Wales and Colonel L. Macquarie be Lieutenant-Governor. (draft)

Castlereagh to H. Alexander, 13 May 1809 (File 3074)

Thanks for information concerning Cape; has appointed a military governor to New South Wales.

Draft remarks on the East India trade, [c. 1812] (File 3337)

Statement on the revenue and expenses of the island of Java, [c. 1815-08] (File 4659)

Horse Guards memorandum on garrisons in British colonies, 2 May 1817 (File 5315)

Horse Guards memorandum on garrisons in new colonies, 2 May 1817 (File 5316)

Thomas Simpson to Castlereagh, 5 May 1819 (File 5715)

Agriculture and New South Wales.

Series D3220. Tyler Papers, 5 May 1809 - 7 November 1812

Filmed selectively.

Diary of Alexander Huey, an ensign in the 73rd foot, on voyages to Australia and New Zealand, 5 May 1809 - 21 February 1811 (File 2/1-3)

On a voyage from England to Sydney on the Dromedary and from Sydney to Cannibal Cove, New Zealand, and towards Cape Horn on the Atalanta, 5 May 1809 - 10 April 1810 and 29 October 1810 - 21 February. 1811.

Watercolour sketches of Wooloomooloo, Double Bay and Watsons Bay (File 2/4)

John W. Lewin (Sydney) to Alexander Huey, 7 November 1812 (File 2/5)

Lewin believes Huey will be a great artist; Lewin is painting two large oil paintings; picture of a corroboree for Mrs Macquarie; most officers in New South Wales are in debt; Governor Macquarie and contract for a hospital; convicts dining at Government House.

Series D3332. Twigg papers, 1891 - 1907

Filmed selectively.

Letters from James H. Twigg (Coolgardie and Balingup, Bunbury) to members of his family (Cookstown, County Tyrone), 1891 - 1907 (File 1-66)

The letters describe Twigg's voyage to Australia on the Lusitania in 1891; fencing; kangaroo shooting; Aboriginal corroboree; construction of railway line; goldmining at Coolgardie in 1896; blacksmithing; wages and prices; the effect of federation on Western Australia's economy; sheep farming and shearing; the loneliness of farming life; threat of Labor Party to farmers; bushfires; marriage; sale of Balingup in 1907; impending departure for British East Africa.

Series T1454. Family documents of Robb and Bryson families of County Down, 19 December 1878

Filmed selectively.

Frank R. Robb (Tooma, NSW) to John Robb, 19 December 1878 (File 5/17)

Family news; life on sheep farm; 'there is always some amusement in the bush that I don't know if it is not on the whole the happiest existence for a man in this world'; highly educated men on stations; need for a young man to have capital.

Series T1457. Newry Commercial Telegraph and Lipper documents, 26 February 1856

Filmed selectively.

Maxwell Lipper (Honolulu) to Henry, 26 February 1856 (File [1])

Survey in Little Salt Lake Desert; conditions in Honolulu; men from Belfast living in Honolulu.

Series T1488. Sherry and Madill emigration documents, 1874 - 1876

Filmed selectively.

John Sherry (Victoria), Matthew Madill and Mary Ellen Madill (Undera, Victoria) to Margaret Tailor (Clones, County Monaghan), 1874 - 1875 (File 1-5)

Offers to pay passage to Australia; life of girls on a farm; family news. (5 letters)

Series T1489. Quaker papers, 10 March 1833

Filmed selectively.

Edward Pease (Darlington, Yorkshire) to James N. Richardson (Lisburn, County Antrim), 10 March 1833 (File [1])

Society of friends; dedication and fervency of pilgrims in Tasmania; Francis Cotton; good influence of Friends in Tasmanian community.

Series T1560. Forde Family documents, [1825]

Filmed selectively.

Lieutenant George Forde (Omagh) to General Taylor, [1825] (File [1])

Seeks posting in Australia rather than the West Indies.

Series T1611. Documents of Gilmore Family of Kircubbin, County Down, 16 September 1876 - 1881

Filmed selectively.

John Gilmore (Tauranga, NZ) to his parents, 16 September 1876 (File 2)

Voyage to New Zealand; quarantine on island near Auckland; description of settlement of Ulstermen at Tauranga.

Andrew Gilmore (Tauranga) to Robert Gilmore (Kirkcubbin), 16 July 1878 (File 3)

Sends money; impending arrival of Belfast settlers.

Andrew Gilmore to his family, 1880 - 1881 (File 4-6)

Sends money; urges Robert to emigrate; wages for smiths and carpenters; costs of farming; farmers with only €100-150 should stay at home. (3 letters)

Series T1698. Papers of Cardwell Family of County Down, 24 April 1879 - 1881

Filmed selectively.

William Cardwell (Christchurch) to his family (Tonaghmore, County Down), 24 April 1879 (File [1])

Death of his father; dull state of business; farmers' debts.

William Cardwell to his brother, 13 August 1880 (File [2])

Business and family matters.

Genealogical notes on Cardwell Family (File [3])

Record of a voyage to New Zealand, written by John Cardwell of Tonaghmore, 1881 (File [4])

Series T1701. Papers of Dalway Family of Carrickfergus, County Antrim, 10 December 1854 - 23 February 1857

Filmed selectively.

Noah Dalway (Forest Creek, Victoria) to his mother, 10 December 1854 (File 17)

Journey from Melbourne to Simpsons Diggings; lack of success at Forest Creek; cost of horses and food; 'Australia is most falsely represented'; Eureka uprising; deaths from dysentery in Melbourne.

Noah Dalway (Ballarat) to his mother, 23 February 1857 (File 18)

Loss of money on quartz crushing; miserable Christmas; overpopulation and low wages in Victoria.

Series T1779. Papers deposited by W.S. Ferguson, 16 October 1830

Filmed selectively.

Extracts from the Londonderry Sentinel, with a description of the Swan River settlement by a military officer, 16 October 1830 (File [1])

Series T1790. Emigrant correspondence to Elizabeth Carlisle of Forkhill, County Armagh, 20 May 1856

Filmed selectively.

William Carlisle (Williamstown, Victoria) to Elizabeth Carlisle, 20 May 1856 (File [1])

Struggle to find work; purchase of land at Williamstown; economic depression; difficulty in finding female servants.

Series T1917. Papers of John Sayers, 7 May 1875 - 24 June 1875

Filmed selectively.

Diary of John Sayers kept on a journey from Belfast to London and thence to Melbourne on the steamship St Osyth, 7 May 1875 - 24 June 1875 (File [1])

Sayers and his family travelled by rail from Holyhead to London and boarded the ship at Gravesend. The diary refers to its departure (11 May 1875), a brief call at Plymouth, the weather, seas, church services, sighting of other ships, coaling at St Vincent, food and meals, and the health of family members. The last entry was written three days before the ship reached Melbourne. The shortness of the voyage, a steaming time of 43 days from London to Melbourne, aroused a good deal of interest and was said to be unparalled.

Series T1923. Papers of Shaw Family, 20 November 1877 - 18 February 1878

Filmed selectively.

Diary of Samuel Shaw of Saintsfield, County Down, on a voyage from Plymouth to Sydney, 20 November 1877 - 18 February 1878 (File [1])

Together with two letters to his parents and brothers (typescript).

Series T1935. Stewart-Moore papers, 18 October 1838

Filmed selectively.

James Dempsey (Moville, County Donegal) to Captain Stewart-Moore (Ballydivity, County Antrim), 18 October 1838 (File [1])

Conditions on board emigrant ship sailing to Sydney, rations; allegations of ill-treatment.

Series T1956. Papers deposited by Col. J.B. Wilson, 1799 - 17 December 1821

Filmed selectively.

Memorandum by William Orr entitled 'A Vision', 1805 - 1807 (File)

Referring to his transportation, life in New South Wales, release and arrival in Calcutta (1805-1806) and Penang (1807).

William Orr. Defence against charge of robbery, 1799 (File)

Lord Castlereagh to Reverend George Macartney (Antrim), 9 February 1805 (File)

Acknowledges letter concerning W. Orr; will send it to A. Marsden.

John King (London) to Alexander Marsden, 18 March 1805 (File)

Request of Lord Castlereagh that Orr be permitted to return to Ireland as there is reason to believe he was unjustly tried.

Alexander Marsden (Dublin) to Reverend George Macartney, 23 March 1805 (File)

Sends copy of King's letter.

Reverend George Macartney to William Jamieson (alias Orr), 31 July 1806 (File)

Sympathy for Jamieson's suffering; has found Orr advised against rebellion; advances £100; advises him to remain in Calcutta and accumulate money.

W.A. Clubley (Fort Cornwallis) to W. Jamieson, 14 December 1821 (File)

Governor-General directs that on his departure from Penang he hand over Government clocks to I. Ruggills.

[R. Cannter ?] (Penang) to W. Jamieson, 15 December 1821 (File)

Grants permission for Jamieson to leave settlement and return to England on Amity.

W. Clubley to W. Jamieson, 17 December 1821 (File)

Government testifies to Jamieson's good conduct while in presidency.

Series T1978. Letters of J.N. Armstrong, August 1859 - May 1865

J.N. Armstrong (Crofton, NZ) to Marion Armstrong (Dublin), August 1859 (File)

Defence measures in Auckland; drilling with Enfield rifles; fire at New Plymouth; farming.

J.N. Armstrong (Bell Block Stockade) to Marion Armstrong, 3 December 1861 (File)

Dissatisfaction with military proceedings in New Plymouth; drillings; hostile reception to Bishop G.A. Selwyn in New Plymouth; Selwyn's explanation of new system of government to Taranakis; need for Maori race to be suppressed; family news.

J.N. Armstrong (New Plymouth) to Marion Armstrong, May 1865 (File)

Maori War; Government's decision to dispense with imperial troops; dissatisfaction with campaign in Wanganui; offer by H. Atkinson of a company to occupy land north of Waitura River.

Series T2052. Papers of James Getty, 1853 - 1859

Correspondence of James Getty (Melbourne), 1853 - 1859 (File 1-13)

Correspondents include: John Getty (Ballymoney, County Antrim), Mary Getty, J. Irvine (Beechworth), John Garry (Melbourne), Edward Weaver, Peter Maloney (Melbourne)...

Series T2093. Correspondence of Irwin Family of Drogheda, County Louth, 30 January 1829 - 16 July 1849

Filmed selectively.

J. Boswell (Kincardine, Scotland) to Captain F.C. Irwin (Sydney), 30 January 1829 (File 61)

Inquiry about agricultural situation.

Reverend J. Graham (Rochester) to Captain F.C. Irwin (Perth), 14 August 1833 (File 63)

Religion in the colony; Graham's appointment as headmaster; news of friends.

Governor James Stirling (Perth) to Captain F.C. Irwin (London), 1 April 1836 (File 65)

Acknowledges Irwin's book The state and position of Western Australia; prosperity of the colony; unsuitable settlers; plans to return to England in 1837.

Captain F.C. Irwin (London) to Reverend James Irwin, 7 November 1836 (File 67)

Preparations for emigration; engagement of Essex farmer as bailiff; will be taking much machinery.

Captain F.C. Irwin to James and Mary Irwin, 14 November 1836 (File 68)

Agrees to take niece Elizabeth.

Captain F.C. Irwin to Reverend James Irwin, 19 November 1836 (File 69)

Plans for education in the colony; hopes to send for vehicle; return of Governor Stirling; Irwin may be offered lieutenant governorship.

J. Adams (Armagh) to Major F.C. Irwin, 3 January 1837 (File 70)

Congratulations on marriage.

General Tolley (London) to Major F.C. Irwin, 11 January 1837 (File 71)

Good wishes for voyage.

Hugh Forbes (Altrincham) to Major F.C. Irwin, 4 March 1837 (File 72)

Would like to emigrate but no ship available until July or August.

J. Boswell (Kincardine) to Major F.C. Irwin, 17 February 1838 (File 74)

Farming methods in colony; increases in Australian flocks; family news.

J.B. Gascoyne (London) to Lieutenant Colonel F.C. Irwin, 16 July 1849 (File 85)

Appointments to Barrack Department and other posts in Britain; if Irwin were to return from Australia there would be no guarantee of employment.

Series T2393. Papers deposited by Heron & Dobson, 1856 - 1879

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of Isabella Wyly (Adelaide) and J.A. Scott (Adelaide) with members of their family, 1856 - 1879 (File 3/10-15, 17-19, 24-26, 31)

Family news; emigration; wages; fever epidemic; move from Adelaide to Melbourne.

Series T2479. Papers deposited by J.J. Herron, May 1825 - November 1826

Filmed selectively.

Two notebooks kept by Richard Beechey entitled 'Remarks on a voyage of discovery to the Pacific and Behring straits on board HMS Blossom', May 1825 - November 1826 (File 2-3)

24 drawings by Beechey: 'Views of Pacific etc. Islands' (File)

Series T2551. Papers deposited by J. Harris Rea, 16 December 1861

Filmed selectively.

George B. Simpson (Dry Diggings, near Bendigo) to Fanny Irvine (Annahilt, County Down), 16 December 1861 (File 13)

Description of gold diggings.

Series T2680. Papers of Williamson Family of Ahory, County Armagh, 15 April 1870

Filmed selectively.

George McLean (Young, NSW) to William C. Williamson (Richhill, County Armagh), 15 April 1870 (File [1])

Goldmining; climate; crops; bullock teams; Folies Circus; Sunday schools.

Series T2743. Papers of the McSparran Family of Feeny, County Londonderry, 1860 - 1882

Filmed selectively.

Correspondence of Oliver McSparran (Geelong), Jane McSparran (Sydney), John Moore and William Oliver (Geelong) with their family in County Londonderry, 1860 - 1881 (File 1/1-33)

Voyage to Australia; farming; hardships of immigrants; family news. (33 letters)

Oliver McSparran (New Zealand) to Archibald McSparran (Feeny, County Londonderry), 1865 - 1882 (File 2/1-6)

Gold diggings; prices; wages. (6 letters)

Series T2858. Papers of the Dill Family, 1812 - 1925

Filmed selectively.

Photographs of Thomas Whitson, Isabella Whitson (nee Grant), their children and parents (File 2A)

Series T2901. Papers of the Moody and Hopkins families of County Londonderry, 1851 - 1899

Filmed selectively.

David Moody (Australia) to his family, 1851 - 1854 (File 3/1-4)

Family news; voyage to England on the Marco Polo. (4 letters)

Correspondence of David Moody (River Light and Kapunda, SA), Solomon Moody (Truro, SA) and Mary Moody, 1858 - 1899 (File 3/5-17)

Return to Australia; farming; weather; family news.

Series T2902. Log books of the clipper ships Norfolk and Lady Arabella, 29 September 1852 - July 1861

Log of Lady Arabella on a voyage from New York to Melbourne (11pp.), 29 September 1852 - 23 January 1853 (File 1)

Log of Norfolk on a voyage from Melbourne to London, 13 April 1861 - July 1861 (File 2)

Including an essay on Australian gold digging (22pp.)

Series T3115. Letter of James Marks, 20 February 1871

James Marks (William's Grove, NSW) to his cousin, 20 February 1871 (File [1])

Life on a farm; prices; Franco-Prussian War; fortification of Sydney Heads.

Series T3356. Emigrant letters from the Houston Family, 20 March 1866 - 12 September 1866

Filmed selectively.

Thomas Houston (Gippsland, Victoria) to his uncle, 20 March 1866 (File)

Farming; nature of the country.

J.C.W. (Gippsland) to his uncle, 12 September 1866 (File)

Journey from Melbourne; farming; price of food.

Series MIC22. Correspondence of the 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, 26 March 1863

Filmed selectively.

Ebenezer Wyse (Glasgow) to Lord Dufferin, 26 March 1863 (File Reel 7, vol. XVIII)

Voyage to India and Australia on yacht Spray; Hobart race; search for Burke and Wills; dinner with Sir George Bowen at Brisbane; attempt to establish himself as a shipbroker in New Zealand; return to Britain.

Series MIC64. Memoir and journal of Robert Cochran of Melbourne, 1852 - February 1868

Memoir, 1852 - 1867 (File)

The memoir records Cochran's impressions of Australia in the years 1852-1867. It refers inter alia to social customs, gambling and drunkenness in the colonies, colonial manners, servants, impressions of Melbourne, the Botanic Gardens, Australian flora, and the beauty of the countryside.

Journal, April 1867 - February 1868 (File)

The journal records Cochran's voyage from Port Phillip to Falmouth on the Highflyer (21 May-26 August 1867, his visits to London, Paris, Dublin and Londonderry, and his return voyage to Melbourne.

Series MIC66. Papers of the Williamson Family, 15 April 1870 - 2 October 1870

Filmed selectively.

George McLean (Young, NSW) to William Williamson, 15 April 1870 (File Reel 3)

Young goldfield; gold rushes; work as a storekeeper; Australian climate; crops; bullock teams; Folies circus; Sunday schools; visit by Bishop of Goulburn.

George McLean to William Williamson, 2 October 1870 (File Reel 3)

Photographs; Franco-Prussian War; Fenians; weather; beauty of countryside; 'teafight' to raise funds for new meeting house; Aboriginal corroboree.

Series MIC97. Letters and journal of George Fletcher Moore, 1830 - 1849

Letters and journal, 1830 - 1849 (File)

The letters and journal letters were mostly addressed to his family as a whole, but some were sent specifically to his father, his sisters or his brother Joseph. Of the 52 letters, half were written in the years 1830-1833. Moore visited Britain in 1841 and there are therefore no letters until he returned to Western Australia in 1843. The letters, which are all very lengthy, provide an extraordinarily detailed record of the first two decades of the colony. They refer inter alia to Moore's arrival at the Swan River, his first impressions and speculations about the future of the settlement, his property and the erection of a house, stock and crops, relations with other settlers, the economic prospects of the colony, the arrival of ships, the scarcity of provisions (1832), exploring expeditions including the Avon Valley (1831) and the coastal district near Champion Bay (1840), visits to King George's Sound, relations with shepherds and other farm workers, production of wool and wheat, prices, land transactions, financial matters, meetings and conflict with Indigenous Australians, meetings of the Legislative Council and Executive Council, court cases and legal work. Among the many individuals mentioned are his brother Samuel Moore (who also emigrated to Western Australia), Fanny Jackson (whom he married in 1846), the governors James Stirling, John Hutt and Sir Andrew Clarke, Captain George Grey, Peter Broun, Major J.C. Irwin, J.S. Roe, Captain William Shaw, William Mackie, William Brockman and Lieutenant Henry Bull.

Series MIC111C/1. Emigrant letters from James and Adam Sloane, 1831 - 1848

Letters of James and Adam Sloane, 1831 - 1848 (File)

The large collection of letters to their parents were mostly written by James Sloane, from his home at Battery Point. There are also a few lengthy letters from Adam Sloane who was living at Campbelltown. They are mostly of a private nature, dealing with family affairs, employment, religion, with occasional references to political events.
