Guide to the Collections held by the Rhodes House Library (as filmed by the AJCP)


M2119 - M2122

National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Collection Summary

Rhodes House Library
Collections held by the Rhodes House Library (as filmed by the AJCP)
Date Range
1800 - 1887
Collection Number
M2119 - M2122
38 items
Language of Materials
Australian Joint Copying Project
The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) online portal was created with the assistance of the Australian Public Service Modernisation Fund, 2017-2020. The National Library of Australia gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the other foundation AJCP partners, the State Library of New South Wales and The National Archives of the UK, and all other organisations which supported the work of the AJCP, the world's most extensive collaborative copying project, operating from 1948 to 1997.


Scope and Contents

Papers 1834-37 of Sir Thomas F. Buxton concerning abolition of slavery. Subjects include inquiries concerning effect of British settlement on natives in New Zealand, protection of native rights, and removal of Tasmanian Aboriginals to Flinders Island.

Papers 1855-57 of Henry Labouchere, Secretary of State for Colonies, relating to church affairs in Australia and New Zealand.

Papers 1826-36 of Sir Richard Bourke, including letters of Judge W. Burton.

Autobiography of A.J. Cutlack, describing his life in Queensland and New South Wales 1870-1875.

Diary 1852-53 of Ebenezer Hunt kept on a voyage from Plymouth to Melbourne on the Lady Eveline and describing his experiences at the Forest Creek goldfields.

Diary 1853-54 of Alfred Joy on a voyage from Gravesend to Melbourne on the Thomas Harrison.

Letter-book 1850-55 of J.R. Phillips concerning Aborigines In Albany.

Reminiscences 1852-72 of G.D. O'Byrne of his voyages to Australia on Tory Lady Eveline 1852 and Golden Era 1856 and experiences as a gold miner in Victoria.

Australian mortgages, conveyances and deeds, including documents 1854-60 concerning George Leslie and 1872-81 concerning the Tasmanian Main Line Railway Co.

Letters 1849-63 of David Burn to Serle referring to accounts of Burn's work as editor of Maori Messenger and New Zealander, Capt. Edward Stanley; Sir George Grey; Maori War; and New Zealand Constitution.

Papers 1867-87 of Rev. R.H. Codrington, including diaries of visits to Mota, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides and Queensland, letters to members of his family, and letters from natives of Melanesia.

Letters 1878-87 from Vernon Walker to his mother describing visits to Fiji, New Caledonia and New Hebrides.

Conditions Governing Access

Available for Access.

Conditions Governing Use

Many of the records digitised as part of the AJCP are still in copyright. Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the owner of the original material.

Preferred Citation

Acknowledgement of use of this material should refer to the location of the original material and to the Australian Joint Copying Project.

Items from this collection should include references to the location of the original material and to the AJCP nla.obj number, which serves as the online identifier for the digital copy.

Example: M Series: Journal of Capt. James Cook, 18 February 1770, British Library Add. MS 27885 (AJCP ref:

Archival History

Filmed at Rhodes House Library, Oxford, as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project, 1987 (AJCP Reels:M2119-M2122). Original microfilm digitised as part of the NLA AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

In 2014 the Rhodes House Library was closed and the collections it held were transfered to the Weston Library.

Existence and Location of Originals

Originally filmed at Rhodes House Library. Oxford, England.

Currently held by the Weston Library, University of Oxford, Oxford.For more information about the collections filmed see Weston Library (

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.

Finding-aid Notes

This finding aid is a revised online version of the original finding aid prepared by the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP), published by the National Library of Australia in 2019. The original AJCP finding aids were unpublished typescripts or photocopies available from libraries that held copies of the original microfilm.

Dates used in this finding aid refer to the date range of the records selected for filming rather than to the date range of the Series or Files.

Advisory Statement

Australian Aboriginal, Maori and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this Finding Aid contains material and descriptive information which may be considered culturally sensitive and may cause distress, including names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now deceased. This Finding Aid contains terms that reflect authors' views or those of the historical period, but which may not be considered appropriate today. While the information may not reflect current understanding, it is provided in an historical context.


Originally cited in Australian Joint Copying Project Handbook. Part 8: Miscellaneous (M) Series. Third Edition, published 1998. Entry 384, p146.

Item Descriptions

Fonds MSS. Brit.Emp. S.444. Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, 1834 - 1837

5 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119


Anti-slavery movement; Buxton, Sir Thomas F.; Convicts; Flinders Island, Tasmania; Indigenous Australians; Indigenous Australians: forced settlement; Maoris; Politicians: Great Britain; Tasmania; Tasmania: Indigneous Australians

Biographical / Historical

Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton (1786-1845), 1st Baronet (created 1840), was educated at a school in Greenwich and Trinity College, Dublin. His mother and wife were both Quakers and he was strongly influenced by Quakers such as Elizabeth Fry and Joseph Gurney. Buxton was a member of the House of Commons (1818-37). He was one of the founders of the Anti-Slavery Society (1823) and led the parliamentary campaign for the abolition of slavery in the colonies, which finally achieved success in 1833. He continued to work for the abolition of the African slave trade and the better treatment of ex-slaves in the West Indies.

Family letters, June 1837 (File Vol.2)

1 item

Filmed selectively.

Buxton to J.J. Gurney, 25 June 1837 (Item ff.131-38)

Reasons for standing for Parliament; problem of slavery in India; report of Aborigines Committee just in time to forestall settlement in New Zealand.

Miscellaneous correspondence, February 1836 (File Vol.3)

1 item

Filmed selectively.

Buxton to T.J. Busby, 13 February 1836 (Item ff.70-71)

Inquires about effect on natives of British settlement in New Zealand; Buxton's claim against Agricultural Society of N.S.W. (copy).

Abolition of slavery, January 1834 - July 1834 (File Vol.12)

3 items

Filmed selectively.

Buxton to W. Forster, 18 January 1834 (Item ff.152-53)

Inquires about health of son; revival of interest in treatment of natives by Christian Governments; requests information from N.S.W. (copy).

Report in Morning Chronicle on motion of Buxton on condition of natives in colonies, 2 July 1834 (Item f.206)
Votes and Proceedings, 2 July 1834 (Item f.208)

Referring to motion by Buxton calling for papers on condition of natives in South Africa, Australia, Canada and British Guiana and address to King calling for Royal Instructions to Governors on protection of native rights.

Abolition of slavery, September 1834 - 1835 (File Vol.13)

5 items

Filmed selectively.

J. Stephen to Buxton, 4 November 1834 (Item ff.258-66)

Use of Colonial Office frank for letters to Australia and New Zealand; need for tariffs to discriminate against imports from slave-owning countries.

Col. G. Arthur to Buxton, 18 September 1834 (Item ff.356-60)

Settlement of Tasmanian Indigenous Australians on Flinders Island; offer to Government to establish post of Protector of Natives; education of Indigenous Australians; ignorance of convicts; inquiry by J. Backhouse and G.W. Walker. (copy).

Report in Plymouth Journal on expedition into interior of Van Diemen's Land led by Col. G. Arthur (Item f.360 a)
J. Backhouse (Hobart) to Buxton, 22 October 1834 (Item ff.366-71)

Need for Crown land policy; irrelevence of laws made in England to colonies; need to restrain use of spirits; impending journey to Sydney. (copy).

J. Backhouse to Buxton, [1835] (Item ff.411-14)

Possible extinction of Indigenous Australians on Flinders Island; persecution by settlers in Van Diemen's Land. (copy).

Abolition of slavery, July 1835 - January 1836 (File Vol.14)

3 items

Filmed selectively.

Letter in Whitehaven Herald and Cumberland Advertiser, 14 July 1835 (Item ff.70-73)

On the removal of Tasmanian Indigenous Australians to Flinders Island.

Buxton to J. Stephen, 9 January 1836 (Item ff.302-3)

Recommends Brown, proceeding to Australia as Commissioner of Emigration, for post of Protector of Natives; overjoyed at decision of Lord Glenelg to send out Protectors. (copy).

Buxton to Col. R. Torrens, 27 January 1836 (Item ff.361)

Papers on emigration; aversion to all emigration because of harm to native populations. (copy)

Fonds MSS. Brit. Emp.s.451. Papers of Henry Labouchere, 1855 - 1857

14 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119


Anglican Church: Australia; Anglican Church: New Zealand; Great Britain: colonial office; Labouchere, Henry; Politicians: Great Britain; Politics: Great Britain; Selwyn, G.A., Bishop

Biographical / Historical

Henry Labouchere (1789-1869), 1st Baron Taunton (created 1859), who came from a Huguenot family, was educated at Winchester College and Christ Church, Oxford. He was a member of the House of Commons from 1826 to 1859. He held junior offices in the ministries of Lord Grey and Lord Melbourne and was President of the Board of Trade (1839-1841, 1847-1852), Chief Secretary for Ireland (1846-1847), and Secretary of State for the Colonies in the government of Lord Palmerston (1855-1858).

G.C. Lewis to Labouchere, 3 December 1855 (Item ff.8-15v)

Payment of salaries of governors from Imperial revenue; criticises Colonial Office argument on need for governor to be independent of majority of House of Assembly.

R. Lowe to Labouchere, 26 December 1855 (Item ff.25-28)

Papers on Synodical action of Church in Canada and Australia; refers to strange act of Synod of Bishops in Sydney in 1850.

Bishop C. Perry (Torquay) to Labouchere, 3 January 1856 (Item ff.29-30v)

Returns amended memorial; hopes to resolve much-disputed question.

Lord Cranworth to Labouchere, 10 January 1856 (Item ff.34-36)

Considers provision on Church affairs in Victoria Bill to be ultra vires; believes it should still receive Royal Assent.

E. Coleridge to Labouchere, 27 January [1856] (Item ff.44r-v)

Forwards letter from New Zealand; effort of Bishop G.A. Selwyn to quieten tribes at Taranaki.

H. Merivale to Labouchere, 28 January 1856 (Item ff.46-47)

Despatches to Victoria and Canada on appointment of Bishops.

Lord Cranworth to Labouchere, 30 January 1856 (Item ff.48-49)

Draft despatch to Victoria on Church question.

Labouchere to Lord Cranworth, 4 April 1856 (Item ff.52-53v)

Request of Swainson in New Zealand to be Q.C.

Lord Cranworth to Labouchere, 4 April 1856 (Item ff.54-55v)

Unable to comply with request of Swainson.

J. Wilson to Lord Palmerston, 19 May 1856 (Item ff.64-65)

Withdrawal by Labouchere of offer of Governorship of Victoria on personal grounds; resigns position in Treasury. (copy).

J. Wilson to Labouchere, 20 May 1856 (Item ff.68r-69v)

Sends copy of letter to Lord Palmerston.

An Act for constitution of a Council of Diocese of Melbourne (copy), 18 May 1857 (Item f.109)

An Act for convening and holding Assembly of United Church of England in Victoria (copy), 5 June 1857 (Item ff.113r-v)

Bishop C. Perry (Melbourne) to Labouchere, 14 July 1857 (Item ff.114-117v)

Praises appointment of Sir Henry Barkly as Governor of Victoria; death of Lady Barkly; recommends appointment for C.La Trobe; his services to Victoria; meetings of Church Assembly.

Fonds MSS. Africa.t.7. Papers of Sir Richard Bourke, 1826 - 1836

3 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119


Bourke, Sir Richard; Burton, W., Judge; Convicts; Darling, Sir Ralph; Governors: Australia ; Great Britain: colonial office; Indigenous Australians; Trade: Australia

Biographical / Historical

Sir Richard Bourke (1777-1855) was born in Dublin and educated at Westminster School and Oxford University. He enlisted in the Grenadier Guards in 1798 and saw active service in the Netherlands, South America and Spain. He was promoted to the rank of Colonel in 1814 and Major-General in 1825. In 1825 he was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Eastern District of Cape Colony and after Lord Charles Somerset departed in 1826 Bourke became acting governor of the whole colony. He returned to England in 1828 and in 1831 was appointed governor of New South Wales. He left Sydney in 1837 and spent his remaining years on his estates in Ireland.

Letterbook, October 1826 - August 1828 (File 2)

2 items

Filmed selectively.

Bourke (Cape Town) to Gen. R. Darling, 4 October 1826 (Item f.26)

Export of Cape wine and brandies to N.S.W. in return for wheat and possibly timber.

Bourke to Gen. R. Darling, 5 August 1828 (Item ff.160-161)

Recommends tickets of leave for Hottentot convict David Sturman and Irish convict.

Letters from Bourke, January 1836 (File 3)

1 item

Filmed selectively.

Bourke (Parramatta) to son Richard Bourke, 31 January 1836 (Item ff.183-84v)

Manuscript by Judge W. Burton on Cape Colony in response to pamphlets attacking Bourke; notice of pamphlets in Sydney press; House of Commons Committee investigating treatment of natives.

Letters to Bourke, June 1829 - January 1836 (File 8)

15 items

Filmed selectively.

Sir Herbert Taylor to Bourke, 20 June 1829 (Item ff.9-10v)

Possible appointment as Governor of New Brunswick.

Sir George Murray to Bourke, 30 June 1829 (Item ff.11-13)

Claims of Bourke to a colonial appointment.

Sir Herbert Taylor to Bourke, 9 November 1829 (Item ff.15-16v)

No vacancy at Nova Scotia; doubts there is prejudice against Bourke in Colonial Office.

Lord Goderich to Bourke, 23 December 1830 (Item ff.17-18)

Promises appointment when opportunity arises.

Judge W. Burton (Cape Town) to Bourke, 8 June 1831 (Item ff.27-28v)

Seeks support for appointment as Chief Justice.

T. Pringle to Bourke, 9 July 1831 (Item ff.29-30)

Case of convict D. Sturman; cost of passage from N.S.W. to Cape Colony.

Judge W. Burton to Bourke, 27 November 1831 (Item ff.33-36v)

Congratulations on appointment to N.S.W., marriage of Bourke's daughter; Cape affairs; Orders in Council on slaves; colonial appointments.

Sir Lowry Cole (Cape Town) to Bourke, 3 January 1832 (Item ff.37-41v)

Forwards address from Cape Town merchants congratulating Bourke on appointment; recommend import into N.S.W. of Cape wine and spirits on more favourable terms; introduces Ebden.

Sir Lowry Cole to Bourke, February 1832 (Item ff.42-44)

Introduces Wilson emigrating to N.S.W., Consolidated Slave Ordinance.

Judge W. Burton to Bourke, 16 August 1832 (Item ff.47-48v)

Sympathy on death of wife; offer of Judgeship at N.S.W., legal affairs at Cape Town.

Borchardo (Cape Town) to Bourke, 10 October 1832 (Item ff.49-53)

Sympathy on death of wife; transfer of Judge W. Burton to N.S.W., Order in Council on slavery; expansion of settlement towards Natal; Cape wine.

Judge W. Burton (Sydney) to Bourke, 1 December 1834 (Item ff.59-62v)

Discusses letter of T. Pringle on Cape affairs; appointment of an Acting Chief Justice in N.S.W.

Judge W. Burton to Bourke, 5 November 1835 (Item ff.71-72)

Pamphlet on Cape affairs. (faint).

Judge W. Burton to Bourke, 5 November 1835 (Item ff.74-75)

Pamphlet on Cape affairs.

Judge W. Burton to R. Bourke (London), 29 January 1836 (Item ff.76-77v)

Observations on impudent pamphlet reflecting on Bourke's principles of government; legal training.

Fonds MSS.Australia.r.1. Manuscript of A.J.Cutlack, 1875

1 item

Archival history

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119


Cutlack, A.J.; Goldfields: Australia; Indigenous Australians; Lady Bowen (ship); Leichhardt (ship); New South Wales; Queensland

A.J. Cutlack, 'Four years in Queensland and New South Wales' (264 pp), 1875 (File)

Biographical / Historical

Cutlack deserted ship at Brisbane in November 1870 and worked on Queensland sugar and cotton plantations; journeyed to Toowoomba and Roma; worked as a carriage painter at Condamine and as steward on coastal steamer Lady Bowen, took part in expedition on Leichhardt to form settlement at Endeavour River in 1873, visited Melbourne, Sydney and Queensland goldfields. The manuscript contains descriptive material on the history of Queensland, life and habits of Queenslanders, Indigenous Australians, birds, beasts and reptiles, as well as autobiographical accounts of his travels.

Fonds MSS. Australia.r.2. Diary of Ebenezer Hunt, 1852 - 1853

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119


Emigrant voyages; Goldfields: Victoria; Hunt, Ebenezer; Lady Eveline (ship); Melbourne, Victoria; Ship conditions

Diary of voyage from Plymouth to Melbourne on Lady Eveline (142 pp), 7 July 1852 - 12 March 1853 (File)

Very detailed account of voyage, referring to storms, health of passengers, activities of crew, church services. The second half of the diary deals with life in Victoria, including quarantine, attempts of seamen to desert ship, impressions of Melbourne (November 1852), journey to Forest Creek diggings, experiences at goldfields, return to Melbourne, attempts to find work as clerk in merchant house.

Fonds MSS.Australia.r.3. Diary of Alfred Joy, 1853 - 1854

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119


Emigrant voyages; Joy, Alfred; Melbourne, Victori a; Ship conditions; Thomas Harrison (ship)

Diary of a voyage from Gravesend to Melbourne on Thomas Harrison (typescript, 26 pp), 25 April 1853 - 29 June 1854 (File)

The diary contains brief entries referring to voyage, visit to Lisbon, storm, arrival at Melbourne (September 1853), purchase of land at North Melbourne; Oxford acquaintances, fishing, social events.

Fonds MSS. Australia.s.1. Letterbook of J.R. Phillips, 1850 - 1855

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119


Albany, Western Australia; Convicts; Indigenous Australians; Phillips, J.R.; Western Australia; Western Australia: Indigenous Australians

Letterbook of J.R. Phillips (156 pp), October 1850 - June 1855 (File)

Copies of letters to C. Piesse, T. Yule, W. Sandford, Rev.J.R. Wollaston, G. Stone, J.Wittenoom (Albany), Capt. G. Henderson, H.Camfield (Albany) and others from Sub-Guardian of Aborigines at Albany. They refer to the arrest of Indigenous Australians, aboriginal gatherings, offences by natives, travels, decisions of Bench of Magistrates, visits of foreign ships, employment of natives in whale fishery, purchase of horses for police arrests of escaped convicts, monthly police reports.

Fonds MSS.Australia.s.2. Australian Miscellaneous Papers (35 ff.), 1800 - 1870

5 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2119

Capt. Philip Gidley King (Sydney) to Lord Mornington, 9 May 1800 (Item ff.1-3)

Arrival in N.S.W., seeks assistance in preventing export of spirits from India to N.S.W., (photocopy and typescript).

T.P. Pratt (Bath) to Rev. W. Buckland, 15 April 1839 (Item ff.4-5)

Financial dealings with a settler in N.S.W.; initial outlay redeemed in 10-12 years.

St. Hubert (?). Manuscript entitled 'Foreign and colonial stations of British Empire: Van Diemen's Land' (Item ff.6-24)

Based on experience in 1830s, includes account of voyage, impressions of Hobart, lack of defences, military forces, impressions of Launceston, topography and resources, sports, Port Arthur, prospects of colony, treatment of Indigenous Australians.

J.P. Webber (Paterson River, N.S.W.) to Lord Strangford, 25 February 1831 (Item ff.25-27)

Thanks for help in obtaining selection; dire consequences of cessation of transportation; need for more assignment; employment by settlers far more conducive to reform than Government establishments. (typescript)

Account of voyage from Gravesend to Brisbane on Storm King, October 1869 - January 1870 (Item ff.28-35)

Written partly in verse. (typescript).

Fonds MSS. Australia. s.3. Reminiscences of George D. O'Byrne, n.d.

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reels M2119-M2120.


Convicts; Emigrant voyages; Goldfields: Victoria; Golden Era (ship); Lady Eveline (ship); Melbourne, Australia; O'Byrne, G.D.; Transportation: Convicts

Biographical / Historical

George O'Byrne (b.1832) first came to Australia as a seaman on the convict ship Tory. He returned as a passenger on Lady Eveline in 1852 and on Golden Era in 1856. He returned to England in 1872.

George D. O'Byrne. 'Reminiscences of my three voyages to Australia and sixteen years experience as a gold miner on the principal fields of Victoria' (typescript, 146 pp.), n.d. (File)

His reminiscences, written in the late 1880s, describes the voyage, impressions of Melbourne, Forest Creek diggings, work in hotels in Collingwood and Wangaratta. There are also papers entitled 'The goldfields of Victoria in 1851 and the modus operandi of obtaining gold from alluvial and quartz' (16 pp.) and 'The Stowaway' (25 pp.)

Fonds MSS. Australian.s.12. Australian mortgages, conveyances and deeds, 1854 - 1886

7 items

Filmed selectively.

Archival history

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2120


Accounts, mortgarges and deeds; Estates and wills; Leslie, George; Personal papers; Tasmanian Main Line Railway Co

Deeds and correspondence of George F. Leslie of Sydney, 1854 - 1860 (File 1)

Includes agreement with P.D. Anderson concerning partnership in cattle station at Moreton Bay (1854) and correspondence concerning management of his Australian interests following his death.

(13 ff.)

Certificates, 1855 - 1866 (File 7)

Marriage certificate of John and Penelope Harris of Ballarat (1855), death certificate of Penelope Harris (1856), and assignment and correspondence of John Harris 1862-1866. (19 ff.)

Australian mortgages, conveyances and deeds, September 1877 - February 1885 (File 8)

4 items
Will of Mary V. Harvey of Melbourne and certificate of probate (3p., large), 26 September 1877 (Item A)

Biographical / Historical

Mary V. Harvey (d.1874)

Certificate of probate of Edwin A. Reeves of Sandhurst, Victoria, (1p.), 23 December 1878 (Item B)

Biographical / Historical

Edwin A. Reeves (d.1872)

Certificate of probate of Martin Kenrick of Penrith, N.S.W., (1p.), 19 July 1883 (Item C)

Biographical / Historical

Martin Kenrick (d.1864)

Will of John H. Ware of Melbourne and certificate of probate, (2p.), 20 February 1885 (Item D)

Biographical / Historical

John H. Ware (d.1884)

Australian mortgages, conveyances and deeds, December 1864 - November 1886 (File 10)

8 items
Will of James Norton of Sydney and certificate of probate (5pp., large), 24 December 1864 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

James Norton (d.1862)

Will of Frederick Jones of Adelaide and Dunedin (3pp., large) (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Frederick Jones (d. 1874)

Will of Andrew Bonar of Bowen and Brisbane and certificate of probate (2pp., large), 18 September 1875 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Andrew Bonar (d.1874)

Will of John A. Bonar of Bowen and Brisbane (1p.), 20 June 1873 (Item)
Will of Douglas Burrell of Sydney and certificate of probate (2pp., large), 1 November 1876 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Douglas Burrell (d. 1873)

Certificate of probate of Ella E. Oldaker of Torquay, Tasmania (1p.), 8 November 1876 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Ella E. Oldaker (d.1875)

Agreement between (i) Thomas H. Browne of Sydney, (ii) Richard W. Coppinger and Mary Coppinger of Portsmouth, (iii) Thomas Donovan of London, 29 January 1884 (Item)

Concerning property derived from estate of John Browne (10pp.)

Will of Ann Hargrave of Sydney and certificate of probate (2pp.), 11 November 1886 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Ann Hargrave (d. 1885)

Will and codicil of Emma Barry of Melbourne and certificate of probate (3pp., large), 13 April 1871 (File 11)

Biographical / Historical

Emma Barry (d. 1869)

Documents concerning Tasmanian Main Line Railway Company (c.350pp.), 1872 - 1881 (File 13)

Biographical / Historical

The Company entered into an agreement with the Tasmanian Government in 1871 to construct a railway between Hobart and Launceston. It instituted a suit against the Government to compel payment of interest and monies alleged to be payable for breach of the contract. In 1879 the Tasmanian Supreme Court appointed two Commissioners to hear evidence in London relating to the case. The papers appear to have been assembled by T. Cobb, one of the Commissioners. They include extracts from minutes of Board meetings 1872-75, contracts, financial papers, and other exhibits, correspondence, including letter of instructions from Tasmanian Solicitor-General, and evidence of the Commission, 1879-1880.

Australian mortgages, conveyances and deeds, May 1871 - March 1875 (File 15)

2 items
Will of Robert Harrison of Adelaide and certificate of probate (2pp.), 10 May 1871 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Robert Harrison (d. 1869)

Certificate of probate of William H. Palmer of Young, N.S.W. (1p.), 20 March 1875 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

William H.Palmer (d. 1873)

Fonds MSS. N.Z.r.1. Letters of David Burn, 1849 - 1863

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2120


Burn, David; Burton, W., Judge; Constitutions: New Zealand; Grey, Sir George, Governor; Maori; Maori Messenger; Maori Wars; New Zealand; New Zealander; Stanley, Edward, Capt.; Transportation: Convicts

Biographical / Historical

David Burn (1799-1875), who was born in Scotland, sailed to Van Diemen's Land in 1826. He purchased land near New Norfolk. He wrote a number of pamphlets and articles on the colony, including an account of his journey with Sir John and Lady Franklin to the west coast in 1842. In 1846 he moved to New Zealand, where he edited the Maori Messenger (1849, 1855-63) and the New Zealand Herald (1864-65).

Letters of David Burn to Serle (24pp.), 1849 - 1863 (File)

Written from Auckland, the letters refer to Burn's work as editor of Maori Messenger and New Zealander, Capt. E. Stanley, Sir George Grey, theatre, gallery, operas, relations with Maoris, lack of rural development in New Zealand, 1845-46 Maori War, evils of convict transportation, New Zealand Constitution (1850), military colonisation of Waikato.

Fonds MSS. N.Z.s.1. New Zealand Miscellaneous Papers (13pp.), 1844 - 1867

4 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2120


Constitutions: New Zealand; Labouchere, Henry; Maori; New Zealand

Land grant to George De Blaquiere of one acre in town of Alexander East, Province of Auckland, 29 March 1867 (Item f.1)

E. Wakefield (Blois) to J. Backhouse (York), 17 July 1844 (Item ff.2-3)

Book by Backhouse; self-serving missionaries in New Zealand; murder of son; seeks material for account of New Zealand settlement; Maori race rapidly becoming extinct.

H. Merivale to J. Ball, 17 July 1858 (Item ff.4-11)

Memorandum for H. Labouchere on New Zealand Local Government Bill.

H. Labouchere to McGregor, 11 February 1856 (Item ff.12-13)

Returns petition; any alteration in New Zealand Constitution would be premature.

Fonds MSS. N.Z.s.5. New Zealand wills and conveyances, 1861 - 1882

4 items

Filmed selectively.

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reels M2120-M2121.


Accounts, mortgages and deeds; Land grants: New Zealand; New Zealand; Taranaki Steel Iron Co. Ltd

Declaration of trust, agreement, cheques, receipts and correspondence concerning Taranaki Steel Iron Co. Ltd., (44pp.), 1861 - 1865 (Item 1)

Conveyance of land in Eden Street, Oamaru, from Robert Holland and E.J. Holland (London) to John Allan (Oamaru), (3pp.), 15 November 1875 (Item 3)

Certificate of probate of Rev. Jean A. Leon (d.1878) of Hawkes Bay. (2 ff.), 29 August 1882 (Item 4)

Royal grant of land at Tahawai, Province of Auckland, to Joseph Straw of Cheltenham (2pp., copy), 8 September 1881 (Item 6)

Fonds MSS. N.Z.s.6. Journal of New Zealand sheep station, 1861 - 1872

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2121

Journal of a sheep station in the Canterbury district of New Zealand (183 ff.), 18 May 1861 - 9 May 1872 (File)

The entries in the first year record briefly the farmer's activities. The rest of the volume is a financial journal, recording food, clothing, implements and other stores issued to employees and some other transactions.

Fonds MSS.Pacific.s.2-12. Papers of Robert H. Codrington, 1867 - 1887

8 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP reels M2121-M2122.

Related Materials

Other papers of Rev. R.H. Codrington have been copied by the AJCP on reels M993-M994 (


Anglican Church: Melanesia; Codrington, Robert H., Rev.; Fiji; Melanesian Mission; Missions and missionaries: Pacific Islands; Mota Island, New Hebrides; New Hebrides; Solomon Islands; Solomon Islands: missions

Biographical / Historical

Robert Henry Codrington (1830-1922) was educated at Charterhouse and Wadham College, Oxford, and was ordained an Anglican priest in 1857. He worked for several years in New Zealand and in 1865 joined the Melanesian Mission under Bishop John Patteson. From 1867 to 1888 he mostly lived on Norfolk Island. He was in charge of the Mission School and an authority on Melanesian languages and culture, producing many grammars and his books The Melanesian languages (1885) and The Melanesians: studies in their anthropology and folklore (1891). In his later years he lived in Chichester.

Series MSS. Pacific.s. 2. Diaries of Robert H. Codrington (165pp.), October 1869 - September 1883

5 items
Diary of a visit to Mota (8pp.), 5 October 1869 - 20 October 1869 (File)
Diary of a voyage to Solomon Islands (30pp.), 8 July 1872 - 19 August 1872 (File)
Diary of a voyage to Solomon Islands (55pp.), 3 May 1875 - 11 July 1875 (File)
Account of a voyage on Southern Cross to New Hebrides and Solomon Islands (45pp.), 12 July 1882 - September 1882 (File)
Diary of a voyage to Queensland, East Indies, Ceylon and Suez (27pp.), April 1883 - September 1883 (File)

Series MSS. Pacific. s.3. Sketchbook of Robert H. Codrington, May 1883 - July 1883

1 item
Sketchbook of Robert H. Codrington (11pp.), May 1883 - July 1883 (File)

Pen sketches of Hong Kong, Annam, Saigon, Buitenzorg, Singapore, Kandy, Egypt.

Series MSS. Pacific. s.4. Letters of Robert H. Codrington (218pp.), 1867 - 1887

1 item
Letters of Robert H. Codrington (218pp.), 1867 - 1887 (File)

Letters are mainly 1867-1877. Written to members of his family, the letters were written from Auckland, Norfolk Island, Mota and Adelaide. They refer to Codrington's arrival at Norfolk Island (1867), Bishop J.C. Patteson, Sir William Martin, education of boys from Solomon Islands, crops, Pitcairn Islanders, holidays in New Zealand and Australia, English news, epidemics, visit of Duke of Edinburgh (1869), Pacific cruises, labour trade, progress of pupils, Tichborne Case, murder of Bishop Patteson (1871), retaliation by H.M.S. Rosaria, Codrington's unwillingness to accept Bishopric of Melanesia, Bishop G.A. Selwyn, Bishop J.R. Selwyn, Melanesian languages, translations, anthropological collections, plans for return to England (1887).

Series MSS.Pacific.s.5. Letters to Robert H. Codrington (340pp.), 1876 - 1884

1 item
Letters from natives of Melanesia to Robert H. Codrington (340pp.), 1876 - 1884 (File)

NB. Pagination is erratic, no p.208.

Written in various Melanesian languages from natives at Norfolk Island, Fiji, Mota and other Pacific islands. A few of the letters were written to Mrs. Colenso.

Fonds MSS. Pacific. s.41. Letters of Vernon Lee Walker, 1878 - 1887

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M2122


Fiji; New Caledonia; New Hebrides; Walker, Vernon

Biographical / Historical

Vernon Lee Walker (d. 21 Dec 1887), who was born in Wolverhampton, was the son of an iron merchant. He migrated to Australia in 1875 and lived in Melbourne, where he was employed by his brother, Howard Walker. In 1883 the brothers settled in Noumea and engaged in the Pacific trade. He was based at Malekula and was planning to form an Australian-New Hebrides Company. He was murdered on Pentecost Island while on a yam-collecting cruise.

Letters of Vernon Lee Walker to his mother (52pp.), 1878 - 1887 (File)

Written from Melbourne, Sydney and Noumea, the letters refer to a visit to Fiji (1878), impressions of Suva, meeting with King Cakobau, visit to New Caledonia (1882), work for brother Howard Walker, life in New Caledonia (1884-87), daily routine, trading trips to New Hebrides, savagery of natives, life on schooner, fever. The final letter, from Howard Walker (Mallicola), describes the murder of Vernon Lee Walker by natives at Pentecost Island on 21 December 1887 and plans for revenge expedition.
