Guide to the Records of Stanbrook Abbey (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2018

Online Items

Series 1. Letters of Archbishop J.B. Polding, 1847

Printed circular,signed by Archbishop J.B. Polding (File (i))

Requesting donations for an Australian seminary and books and vestments for the Australian mission, to which is added an undated letter from Polding to the Abbess of Stanbrook, Dame Scholastica Gregson, acknowledging gifts.

Archbishop J.B. Polding (Dublin) to Rev. B. Barber, 10 August 1847 (File (ii))

Plans to establish Benedictine convent in N.S.W.; offer of Dame Magdalen le Clerc to emigrate. (copy).

Archbishop J.B. Polding (Liverpool) to Dame Scholastica Gregson, 6 Oct. [1847] (File (iii))

Consolation on loss of Dame Magdalen.

Series 2. Farewell letter of Dame Magdalen le Clerc, 1847

Dame Magdalen to Dame Scholastica Gregson and Sisters of Stanbrook Abbey, [1847] (File)

Departure for Australia; gratitude for kindness and edification received in years at Stanbrook.

Series 3. Letters of Dame Magdalen le Clerc (transcribed), 1848 - 1874

Dame Magdalen (Parramatta) to Dame Scholastica Gregson and other members of Stanbrook Abbey (32 letters), 1848 - 1874 (File)

The letters, a few of which are incomplete, refer to the establishment of the convent (Subiaco) at Parramatta; the house and gardens; the convent school; novices; Archbishop J.B. Polding; Bishop C.H. Davis; Dr H.G. Gregory; Dame Walburge Wallis; the Benedictine monastery at Sydney; English news; services and festivals; mutual friends; requests for books; daily routine; Elizabeth Sconce; the death of Bishop Davis (1854); efforts to recruit novices; arrival of three sisters from Princethorpe Priory (1856); receipt of gifts; return of Dr H.G. Gregor to England; attacks on Archbishop Polding in Freeman's Journal; education of Catholic children in N.S.W.; news from Princethorpe Prior the constitution of the convent; embroidery; the destruction of St. Mary's Cathedral (1865); Golden Jubilee celebrations (1869); music; reconstruction of Cathedral.

Series 4. Letters of Dame Magdalen le Clerc, (untranscribed), Undated

Dame Magdalen (Parramatta) to Dame Scholastica Gregson and other membe of Stanbrook Abbey (9 letters), undated (File)

The letters, some of which are incomplete, refer to English news; Archbishop J.B. Polding; Dr H.G. Gregory; lay brothers at Subiaco; the convent farm; novices; the deaths of Dame Scholastica Gregory (1850) and Bishop C.H. Davis (1854); receipt of gifts; Dame Walburge Wallis; death of Mary Egan in wreck of Dunbar (1857).

Series 5. Letter of Bishop C.H. Davis, 10 September 1849

Bishop C.H. Davis (Sydney) to his mother, 10 September 1849 (File)

Miraculous recovery from grave illness. (copy).

Series 6. Letters of Archbishop J.B. Polding, 1855

Archbishop J.B. Polding (Rome) to Dame Scholastica Gregson, 15 January 1855 (File (i))

Meeting of bishops at Rome; use of Australian gold in Papal medals; efforts to create St. Bede a Doctor of the Church.

Archbishop J.B. Polding (Liverpool) to Dame Scholastica Gregson, [11 June 1855] (File (ii))

Journey from Rome; avalanche at Mt Gothard; seasickness.

Archbishop J.B. Polding (Liverpool) to Dame Scholastica Gregson, 22 Oct. [1855] (File (iii))

Difficulty in parting from English friends; spiritual advice.

Series 7. Letter of Bishop J.B. Serra, 1 May [1860]

Bishop J.B. Serra (London) to Dr Heptonstall, 1 May [1860] (File)

Thanks for picture of Stanbrook Abbey; Serra's visit to Stanbrook.

Series 8. Letter of Dame Scholastica Gregson, 20 November 1861

Dame Scholastica Gregson (Stanbrook) to [unknown], 20 November 1861 (File)

Relations between Princethorpe Priory and Stanbrook Abbey; Australian Mission.

Series 9. Papers concerning Abbot H.G. Gregory, 19 September 1861 - 27 April 1862

Dame Scholastica Gregson to [Archbishop J.B. Polding], 19 September 1861 (File (i))

Misrepresentation of Dr H.G. Gregory; suggests petition be drawn up in Australia to be presented to Holy See.

Dame Scholastica Gregson to Benedictine President, 3 October 1861 (File (ii))

Remarks by Australian priests about banishment of Dr H.G. Grego: from Sydney; opposition centred in England rather than Australia Gregory's ill-health. (draft).

Dame Scholatica Gregson to Rev. F. Kenny, 27 April 1862 (File (iii))

Depart of Dr H.G. Gregory from Stanbrook; improvement in his health; hopes he will return to Australia.

Dame Scholastica Gregson to [unknown], [1862] (File (iv))

Parting words of Dr H.G. Gregory; requests letter be sent to Rome on his behalf. (draft).

Series 10. Letter of Father E. Athy, 22 August 1867

Father E. Athy to [unknown], 22 August 1867 (File)

Voyage to Australia with Archbishop J.B. Polding; enthusiastic reception in Sydney. (Very poor condition).

Series 11. Letters concerning visit of Dame Mary Walburge Wallis to England, 1875 - 14 December 1876

Dame Mary Walburge Wallis (Parramatta) to Dame Gertrude Dubois, 1875 (File (i))

Visitation by Archbishop R.B. Vaughan.

Archbishop R.B. Vaughan (Sydney) to Dame Gertrude Dubois, 9 March 1876 (File (ii))

Visit of Mother Mary Walburge to England; need for postulants or novices; progress of Roman Catholic Church in N.S.W.

Dame Gertrude Dubois (Stanbrook) to Archbishop R.B. Vaughan, 14 December 1876 (File (iii))

Visit of Mother Mary Walburge; her qualities; difficulty of finding English recruits for Parramatta.

Series 12. Letters of Archbishop W.B. Ullathorne, (copies), 5 May 1874 - 26 December 1887

Archbishop W.B. Ullathorne (Birmingham) to Kate Merewether, 5 May 1874 (File (i))

Sends printed letter from Jubilarians to Archbishop J.B. Polding; support of Archbishop R.B. Vaughan for Polding; erection of new sees in Victoria. (copy).

Archbishop W.B. Ullathorne to Kate Merewether, 24 December 1884 (File (ii))

Recovery from illness; meeting with J. Henniker Heaton; Heaton' book Australian dates and men of the time; Sir Richard Bourke; Bishop R. Willson. (copy).

Archbishop W.B. Ullathorne to Kate Merewether, 14 April 1887 (File (iii))

Illness; article for Dublin Review on Bishop R. Willson. (copy).

Archbishop W.B. Ullathorne to Kate Merewether, 26 December 1887 (File (iv))

Resignation as Archbishop of Birmingham; article on Bishop R. Willson. (copy).

Series 13. Letter from Princethorpe Abbey, 30 July [1878]

Sister Mary Editha (Princethorpe) to Dame Gertrude Dubois, 30 July [1878] (File)

Illness of Dame Magdalen le Clerc; deaths of Archbishop J.B. Polding and Dr H.G. Gregory.

Series 14. Letter of Sister Marie des Anges, 1856 - 21 September 1890

Sister Marie des Anges (Princethorpe) to Dame Benedicta Anstey, 21 September 1890 (File)

Account of establishment of Subiaco Convent; Dame Magdalen le Clerc and Dame Scholastica Gregory; selection by Archbishop J.B. Polding of Sister Marie des Anges and two other Princethorpe nuns in 1856; return to England in 1861. (French)

Account of voyage of the Princethorpe nuns to Australia in (4pp), 1856 (File)
