Guide to the Collections held by the Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch (as filmed by the AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Collection Summary

Suffolk Record Office. Ipswich Branch
Collections held by the Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch (as filmed by the AJCP)
Date Range
16 September 1740 - 1962
Collection Number
116 items
Language of Materials
Australian Joint Copying Project
The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) online portal was created with the assistance of the Australian Public Service Modernisation Fund, 2017-2020. The National Library of Australia gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the other foundation AJCP partners, the State Library of New South Wales and The National Archives of the UK, and all other organisations which supported the work of the AJCP, the world's most extensive collaborative copying project, operating from 1948 to 1997.


Scope and Contents

Various papers relating to transportation to Australia including papers for Susanna Hunt, Martha Giles, Jane Newson.

Address from Mayor of Ipswich to Queen Kafiolani of Hawaii, June 1887.

Account book, orders, correspondence, deeds of charitable gifts and loan details of churchwardens raising money for emigration of parishioners, 1836-1852.

Lecture given by Reverend Dudley on 'The Martyrs of the South Sea Islands', 1878.

Notices and papers advertising emigration ships to Australia, 1840s.

Log book of the ship Merope (Captain George Parkyns) on a voyage to India, China, the Sandwich Islands and California, March 1825 – January. 1827.

Sketches, coastal profiles and maps of the east coast of China, Pescadores Islands and different parts of Formosa, drawn on the voyage of the Merope, 1824.

Address to Lord Stradbroke expressing regret at termination of his office as governor of Victoria, March 1926.

Diary, July – September 1924, kept by Lord Stradbroke on an overland journey by car from Adelaide to Charlotte Waters, Hermannnsburg Mission, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Darwin.

Papers including petitions and accounts relating to emigration for the relief of the poor.

Papers relating to James Lowe,convicted of murder and transported to Australia, 1847.

Papers of the Lorraine Family, 1851-1912. Includes: Newspapers cuttings,William Lorraine's account of his life since leaving England and serving in the Indian Navy (1859), Diary describing voyage on Lord Warden (1877), financial accounts and inventory of effects of William Loraine, correspondence about life in Australia, establishment of a sheep station and the Imperial Navy.

Log book and Journals kept on HMS Centurion on its voyage round the world, September 1740 - June 1744.

Collected notes and journal of Admiral Frederick Doughty during his time on HMS Portland (1851-1854), his visit to Pitcairn Island and Easter Island (1852), HMS Magpie and an account of his early life in Suffolk and travels in Europe.

Correspondence of Greenup Family, 1834-1866. Subjects include: family news, plans to emigrate to Australia, death of Richard Greenup after being stabbed by a criminal lunatic, emigration to Australia.

Wills of Louisa and Matilda Framlingham, 1845-1852.

Papers about Margaret Catchpole, who was transported to Sydney in 1801, collected by Harold Lingwood.

Conditions Governing Access

Available for access.

Conditions Governing Use

Many of the records digitised as part of the AJCP are still in copyright. Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the owner of the original material.

Preferred Citation

Acknowledgement of use of this material should refer to the location of the original material and to the Australian Joint Copying Project.

Items from this collection should include references to the location of the original material and to the AJCP nla.obj number, which serves as the online identifier for the digital copy.

Example: M Series: Journal of Capt. James Cook, 18 February-23 September 1770, British Library Add. MS 27885 (AJCP ref:

Archival History

Material selectively filmed at the Suffolk Record Office, Ispwich Branch, as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project, 1975 (AJCP Reels:M941-M943). Original microfilm digitised as part of the AJCP Online Delivery Project, 2017-2020.

Existence and Location of Originals

Suffolk Record Office - Ispwich Branch, Gatacre Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.

For more information see Suffolk Record Office. []

Existence and Location of Copies

The original AJCP microfilm of the records filmed from this collection is available at the National Library of Australia [] as well as other institutions holding AJCP microfilm.

Finding Aid Notes

This finding aid is a revised online version of the original finding aid prepared by the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP), published by the National Library of Australia in 2019. The original AJCP finding aids were unpublished typescripts or photocopies available from libraries that held copies of the original microfilm.

Dates used in this finding aid refer to the date range of the records selected for filming rather than to the date range of the Series or Files.


Australia; Great Britain


Originally cited in Australian Joint Copying Project Handbook. Part 8: Miscellaneous (M) Series. Third Edition, published 1998. Entry 447, p.174-175. []

Item Descriptions

Fonds. Ipswich Borough Records, 1789 - 1887

6 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Botany Bay, New South Wales; Convicts; Convict ships; Hawaii; Hawaii: Photographs; Hunt, Susana; Ipswich, England; Kafiolani, Queen of Hawaii; Lady Juliana, convict ship; New South Wales; Transportation

Series C/2/9/1. General Quarter Sessions, 1 April 1789 - 9 April 1789

5 items
Subseries C/2/9/11. Miescellanea, 1 April 1789 - 9 April 1789
5 items

Filmed selectively.

Archival History

Component Identifier previously C1/2/29

Papers regarding transportation of Susana Hunt, 1 April 1789 - 9 April 1789 (File 5)
5 items
Contract between Ipswich Corporation and William Richards for the conveyance of Susanna Hunt, wife of John Hunt, to Botany Bay, 1 April 1789 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Hunt had been convicted of grand larceny and was sentenced to transportation for seven years.

Bond by William Richards and George Aitkin (Deptford) in £80 to carry out contract, 2 April 1789 (Item)
William Richards (Walworth) to keeper of Ipswich Gaol, encloses cond, 9 April 1789 (Item)
William Richards to George Aitkin (Lady Juliana), 4 April 1789 (Item)

Instructs him to receive one female convict from Suffolk.

Receipt given to Robert Gaid for transfer of Susanna Hunt on board Lady Juliana, 4 April 1789 (Item)

Subseries C1/3/12. Illuminated address from Mayor, aldermen and burgesses of Ipswich to Queen Kafiolani of Hawaii (photograph), 7 June 1887

Fonds FB 78. Polstead Parish Records, 1833

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Convicts; Transportation; Bastardy

Series G. Overseers records, 10 May 1833

1 item
Subseries G8. Bastardy, 10 May 1833
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Bastardy maintenance order, 10 May 1833 (File G8/22)

Order to John Hull, labourer of Polstead, to pay 5 shillings for maintenance of bastard child of Sarah Stow, wife of William Stow, now under sentence of transportation.

Fonds FB 95. St Matthew's (Ipswich) Parish Records, 1814 - 1962

2 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


New South Wales; Transportation

Series E. Churchwardens, 1942 - 1962

1 item
Day book, 1942 - 1962 (File E2/2)
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Certificate of death of Stephen Henry Daniels, 1942 - 1962 (Item)

With four statements of dividends of New South Wales 4 percent stock.

Series G. Overseers, 1 September 1814

1 item
Subseries G5. Removal orders, 1 September 1814
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Removal order, 1 September 1814 (File G5/202)

Order to churchwardens and overseers of parish of Gravesend, Kent, to remove Martha Giles, wife of Isaac Giles, under sentence of transportation, to parish of St Matthew's, Ipswich.

Fonds FB 104. St Mary Elms (Ipswich) Parish Records, 1833

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.

Series L. Charities, May 1833

1 item
Smyth's Almhouses, 6 May 1833 (File L1)
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Draft Instructions, 6 May 1833 (Item L1/45)

Draft instructions concerning receipts of dividends on old South Sea annuities standing in the names of respective ministers of parish of St Mary Elms.

Fonds. Thrandeston Parish Records, 1836

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Accounts; Emigration and immigration

Series E. Churchwardens, 1836

1 item
Account book, 1836 (File E1/1)
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Notice for the parish of Thrandeston to raise money for emigration, 1836 (Item)

Fonds FB 128. Yaxley Parish Records, 1852

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Emigration and immigration; Loans

Series G. Records of Overseers, 9 October 1852

1 item
Emigration, 9 October 1852 (File G12)
1 item
Loan, 9 October 1852 (Item G12/1)

Loan of £200 and interest from Public Works Loan Commissioners to churchwardens and overseers of parish of Yaxley for defraying expenses of parishioners who had emigrated to new colonies

Fonds FB 131. Wortham Parish Records, 1844 - 1850

2 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Emigration and immigration

Series G. Records of Overseers, 28 March 1844 - 22 November 1850

2 items
Emigration, 28 March 1844 - 22 November 1850 (File G9)
2 items

Filmed selectively.

Order from Guardians of the Poor, 28 March 1844 (Item G9/1)

Order from Guardians of the Poor to churchwardens and overseers authorising rate to raise sums of £14 to defray emigration of poor persons.

Order from Guardians of the Poor, 22 November 1850 (Item G9/2)

Order from Guardians of the Poor to churchwardens and overseers authorising rate to raise sum of £10 to be expended for the emigration of Charles Ruddock.

Fonds FB 135. Eye Parish Records, 1889 - 1915

2 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.



Series L. Records of Charities, 1889 - 1915

2 items
Lawton Gift, 1889 - 1915 (File L3)
2 items

Filmed selectively.

Deed of gift, 15 January 1889 (Item L3/1)

Deed of gift of £363.12.9 from Frances Lawton (Needham Market), William Lawton (George Town, Tasmania) and Sarah Kempley (London) to rector and churchwardens of parish of Eye for purchase of £2.15.0 per cent Consolidated Stock in trust for the poor of the parish of Eye to be known as Lawton charity.

Account book, 1889 - 1915 (Item L3/2)

Reverend Donald Campbell (Eye). 'Lawton Gift' account with London and Provincial Bank Ltd.

Fonds FB 160. Bacton Parish Records, 17 August 1831

4 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Emigration and immigration; Swan River, Western Australia

Series G. Records of Overseers, 17 August 1831

4 items
Emigration, 17 August 1831 (File G6)
3 items

Filmed selectively.

John Swetman (Gravesend) to Parry (Hope Assurance Office), 12 August [1831] (Item G6/3)

Requests payment of £50 to Mr Bishop.

Receipt for £30 from G. Bishop for passage money for Susan and Theophila Gooch from London to Swan River Colony, 17 August 1831 (Item G6/4)
Note of money received and paid out on account of Mr Gooch (Item G6/5)
Correspondence (File G8)
1 item

Filmed selectively.

[Unknown] to R. Jennings: refers to Gooch, payments, 3 October [n.y.] (Item G8/2)

Fonds FB 217. Old Newton Parish Records, 18 February 1793

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.

Series D. Registration, 18 February 1793

1 item
Register of baptisms and burials, 18 February 1793 (File D1/3)
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Entry for baptism of Valentine Thomas Blomfield, son of Thomas and Mary Blomfield, 18 February 1793 (Item)

Biographical / Historical

Thomas Valentine Blomfield (1793-1857) came to New South Wales with the 48th Regiment in 1817. He left the Army in 1824 and he and his wife Christiana acquired a farm in the Hunter Valley.

Fonds FC 32. Little Bealings Parish Records, 1878

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Dudley, H.T., Rev.

Series N. Miscellaneous, 1878

1 item
Lecture, 1878 (File N2/1)

Reverend H.T. Dudley. Lecture on 'The Martyrs of the South Sea Islands', first delivered at Sedgeley in 1878. (Manuscript, 21p.)

Fonds FC 84. Wingfield Parish Records, 1868

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Alfred, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh; Royal visits

Series C. Records of Clergy, 1868

1 item
Proclamation and forms of prayer, 1868 (File C6/4)

Form of prayer and thanksgiving for the preservation of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh from attack by an assassin in Australia, London

Fonds FC 97. Bedfield Parish Records, 24 May 1832

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Convicts; Transportation

Series G. Records of Overseers, 24 May 1832

1 item
Removal order to convey Jane Newson, wife of Robert Newson, a convict under sentence of transportation, from parish of Holy Trinity, Ely, to parish of Bedfield, 24 May 1832 (File G5/10)

Fonds FC 105. Brandeston Parish Records, 24 May 1837 - 1844

1 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.


Emigration and immigration; New Zealand; Plomesgate Union

Series G. Records of Overseers, 24 May 1837 - 1844

1 items
Plomesgate Union: Bundle, 24 May 1837 - 1844 (File G7/1)
4 items

Filmed selectively.

Printed bond for money raised by rate for purposes of emigration, 24 May 1837 (Item 2)
Printed bond on poor rates for purposes of emigration, n.d. (Item 4)
Printed forms for notice of meeting, resolution for borrowing money, and certificate to Poor Law Commissioners for adoption of emigration scheme, n.d. (Item 6)
Marshall and Co., emigration agents, Cornhill, London. Prospectus for emigration to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India (printed), 1844 (Item 10)

Fonds 124. Halesworth Parish Records, 1824 - 1845

9 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M941.

Component identifier previously FC184


China; Emigration and immigration; Exploration: maritime; Formosa; India; Merope (ship); Paintings, Drawings and Prints: China; Parkyns, G.; Poor Law Commission; Sydney, New South Wales ; Taiwan; Women: Emigration

Series G. Records of the Overseers of the Poor, 1831 - 1845

6 items
Overseers Papers, 1843 - 1844 (File G1/15)
4 items

Filmed selectively.

Blything Union. Order of the Poor Law Commission to make rate to open an Emigration Fund account, 1844 (Item 6-7)

With a bank receipt for £75.

Notice of Messrs. Carter and Bonus (London), c. 1843 (Item 8)

Seeking young women as emigrants to Australia (printed).

Notice of Messrs. Carter and bonus, in conjunction with Messrs. John Gore and Co. and Robert Brooks, 1843 - 1844 (Item 9)

Giving dates of sailings of emigrant ships, with details of provisions supplied, wages for selected trades in Sydney and Port Phillip. (printed).

Blything Union. Printed emigration circular, with 5 names added in manuscript, 1844 (Item 10)
Overseers Papers, 5 February 1845 - 20 February 1845 (File G1/16)
2 items

Filmed selectively.

Harry White (Blything Union) to churchwardens and overseers of Halesworth, 5 February 1845 (Item 26)

Application by George Curtis for assistance to join his father in Australia.

[Benjamin Nuyman?] (Halesworth) to Harry White, 20 February 1845 (Item 27)

Vestry meeting resolved that no expenses of George Curtis should be paid from poor rate.

Overseers Papers, 1831 - 1845 (File G1/20)
3 items

Filmed selectively.

Circulars from Poor Law Commission, 1836 (Item)

Concerning expenditure of the poor rate and accounts to be kept by overseers.

Accounts for Blything Union: showing expenditure, 1831-1834; 1838-1841 (Item)
Report of Halesworth Finance Committee on examination of accounts of several officers of the parish, 1844 - 1845 (Item)
Overseers Papers, 1845 (File G1/22)
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Blything Union. Notice of meeting to consent to raising money for emigration purposes (printed), 1845 (Item 2)

Series G2. Correspondence, July 1831

1 item

Filmed selectively.

Circular from J.J. Hopward, Shipping and Foreign Agency Service (London), July 1831 (File G2/27)

Concerning emigration of paupers.

Series G8. Emigration, 12 March 1831

1 item

Filmed selectively.

Circular from Fowler and Tunnicliffe (Liverpool): concerning emigration, 12 March 1831 (File G8/2)

Series N. Miscellaneous papers, 1824 - 1830

3 items
Log book, 13 March 1825 - 18 January 1827 (File N1/8)

Log book of the ship Merope (Captain George Parkyns) on a voyage to India, China, the Sandwich Islands and California.

Sketches and coastal profiles, 1824 (File N1/9)

George Parkyns. Sketches, coastal profiles and maps of the east coast of China, Pescadores Islands and different parts of Formosa, drawn on the voyage of the Merope.

List and accounts of the crew of the Merope, 1829 - 1830 (File N1/10)

Fonds 144. Sotherton Parish Records, 25 April 1836

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M942.

Component Identifier previously FC 187.


Accounts; Emigration and immigration

Series E. Records of Churchwardens, 25 April 1836

1 item
Churchwardens account Book, 25 April 1836 (File E1/1)
1 item

Filmed selectively.

Memorandum concerning emigration of George Fisher, his wife and two children, and a bastard child of his wife, to Van Diemen's Land, 25 April 1836 (Item)

Fonds FK3/1. Tacket Street Congregational Church, 4 November 1880 - 22 September 1884

3 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M942.


New Zealand

Series 4. Deeds, 4 November 1880 - 22 September 1884

3 items

Filmed selectively.

Will of Charles Coe of New Handsworth, 4 November 1880 (File 4/1)

With bequests to his niece, nephew and daughter, with a reference to £500 in New Zealand Loan (copy).

Affidavit of C.J. Orton, solicitor, concerning will of Charles Coe, 21 August 1884 (File 4/2)
Order in High Court of Justice (Probate): regarding goods of Charles Coe, 22 September 1884 (File 4/3)

Fonds HA 11. Family and estate records of the Rous Family of Henham Park, 1830 - 25 March 1926

22 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M942.


Adelaide; Alice Springs; Amelia Thomson (ship); Australia: visits to; Brisbane; Camden (ship); Canton (ship); Darwin; Flax; Governors and Governors Generals: Victoria; Lowe, James; Missions and missionaries; Poor Law; Rockhampton; Rous, George E.J.M., 3rd Earl of Stradbroke; Society for the Reform of Colonial Governments; Welch, Thomas; Women: emigration

Biographical / Historical

John Rous of Henham, Suffolk, was created a baronet in 1660. Sir John Rous, 6th Baronet, was created Earl of Stradbroke in 1821. John Rous, 2nd Earl of Stradbroke, was Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk from 1844 to 1886. George Rous (1862-1947), 3rd Earl of Stradbroke, commanded the 3rd East Anglian Brigade in World War I and was governor of Victoria from 1920 to 1926.

Series A15. Family and personal papers: 3rd Earl of Stradbroke, 24 July 1924 - 25 March 1926

2 items

Filmed selectively.

Address, 25 March 1926 (File 9)

Address from the Mayor, Aldermen, Councillors and citizens of Melbourne to Lord Stradbroke expressing regret at the termination of his office as governor of Victoria.

Diary, 24 July 1924 - 13 September 1924 (File 13)

Diary, kept by Lord Stradbroke on an overland journey by car from Adelaide to Charlotte Waters, Hermannnsburg Mission, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Darwin. His party included Lady Stradbroke, Herbert Basedow, Henry Dutton, Professor William Osborne and Vilhjamur Stefansson. On the return journey they drove to Daly River, Katherine and Brunette Downs Station and then east to Urandangi, Winton, Rockhampton, Bundaberg and Brisbane.

The writing is faint in places and the legibility varies.

Series B. Local and Official, 1830 - 8 March 1926

20 items
General, 1830 - 8 June 1896 (File B1)
8 items

Filmed selectively.

Petition in support of emigration for the relief of the poor (copy), c.1830 (Item 5/3)

Petition from three hundreds of Newport Bucks to House of Commons in support of emigration for the relief of the poor (copy)

Captain George Harris. Observations on the introduction and cultivation in Ireland of New Zealand flax, phormium tenax, and other fibrous plants as substitutes for hemp and flax (printed, 2pp), 5 January 1833 (Item 7/2)
Society for Reform of Colonial Government. The aims of the Society (printed), n.d. (Item 13/12)
Thomas Welch (Cheltenham) to Lord Stradbroke, 30 December 1845 (Item 15/10)

His hopes of appointment as judge at Port Phillip.

S. Walcott (Colonial Land and Emigration Office) to Blything Board of Guardians, 16 March 1847 (Item 18/16)

Emigration of young single women with children.

Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law. Report of the committee on colonial and navigational laws, as to the colonial judgeships, with respect to the removal of the judges, London (11pp), 1847 (Item 18/24)
Agent General for Queensland, London. Handbill concerning emigration to Queensland, n.d. (Item 23/22)
Devitt and Moore, London. Two handbills for Devitt and Moore's Australian Line, 8 June 1896 (Item 23/24)

Devitt and Moore, London. Two handbills for Devitt and Moore's Australian Line, ocean training ships for officers and premiums for midshipmen and apprentices, with a covering letter to Lady Stradbroke

Poor Law, 6 October 1835 - 20 April 1874 (File B5)
10 items

Filmed selectively.

Notice of the Committee for Promoting Emigration of Females to the Australian Colonies (printed), 1836 (Item 4/1)
Advertisement for ship Camden embarking from Gravesend for Sydney (printed), 18 February [1836] (Item 4/2)
John Marshall. Scheme for victualling female emigrants on the voyage to Australia (printed), n.d. (Item 4/3)

John Marshall, agent to the Emigration Committee. Scheme for victualling female emigrants on the voyage to Australia (printed)

Papers presented to the House of Commons Emigration Committee, 4 March 1836 (Item 4/4)

Concerning emigration to the Australian colonies (12pp).

Poster announcing departure of ship Amelia Thomson leaving Gravesend for Van Diemen's Land, 28 April 1836 (Item 4/5)
Circular: wages in Van Diemen's Land, February 1836 (Item 4/6)

Circular from Emigration Department, Colonial Office, concerning wages in Van Diemen's Land

Extracts from letters from John Sullivan, surgeon superintendent on emigrant ship Canton, 6 October 1835 (Item 4/7)

addressed to chairman of the Emigration Committee

John Marshall (Australian Emigration Office) to Lord Stradbroke, 25 February 1836 (Item 4/8)

Particulars of ship Launceston to be despatched to Van Diemen's Land.

Circular from Silver and Co. (London and Liverpool), 9 August 1848 (Item 8)

With list of clothes and other necessities for emigrants to Australia and New Zealand.

Robert Logsdon (London) to Lady Stradbroke, 20 April 1874 (Item 18)

Publication of report on emigration to foreign countries.

Australian Papers, 11 March 1846 - 28 January 1850 (File B21/1)
9 items

Bundle of papers concerning James Lowe

Sir Charles FitzRoy (Sydney) to Lord Stradbroke, 1 April 1847 (Item)

Report of Sir Alfred Stephen on trial of Lowe.

James Lowe (Hobart) to Lord Stradbroke: seeks his liberty, 15 December 1849 (Item)
Testimonials of character of James Lowe, March 1849 - April 1849 (Item)
Cutting from Sydney Morning Herald on trial of James Lowe for shooting with intent to murder, 11 March 1846 (Item)
Sir Alfred Stephen to Colonial Secretary: trial of James Lowe and sentence of 15 years transportation, 30 August 1847 (Item)
James Lowe (Hobart) to Lord Stradbroke, 20 August 1849 (Item)
James Lowe (Hobart) to Captain McLean, 16 November 1849 (Item)

Requests a certificate stating that Lowe had never been tried or convicted for an offence since his arrival in New South Wales in 1838, except for case in 1846, as Colonial Secretary had claimed he was convicted on three occasions.

James Lowe (Hobart) to Lord Stradbroke: possible restitution, 28 January 1850 (Item)
Cover for letter addressed to James Lowe, 12 January 1850 (Item)
Newspaper, 8 March 1926 (File 5)
1 item
Sun News-Pictorial (Melbourne), 8 March 1926 (Item)

With articles and photographs on departure of Lord and Lady Stradbroke from Melbourne.

Fonds HA 28. Rope Family of Blaxhall, 10 August 1842 - 9 December 1842

3 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M942.


Emigration and immigration; Hobart, Tasmania; Sir Charles Napier (ship); Tasmania: immigration to; Webber, Charles S.

Biographical / Historical

The Rope Family were merchants and shipowners. In about 1827 George Rope entered the service of his uncle, George Mingay of Orford, and they later became partners.

Series 50/23/7. Correspondence, 10 August 1842 - 9 December 1842

3 items

Filmed selectively.

Charles Webber (Isle of Wight) to George Mingay (London), 10 August [1842] (File)

Pilot is about to leave emigrant ship Sir George Napier.

Charles Webber (Plymouth) to George Mingay, 17 August 1842 (File)

Bad weather in the Channel; his situation as medical officer on the emigrant ship.

Charles Webber (Hobart) to George Mingay (Orford), 9 December 1842 (File)

Hospitality received in the colony; voyage and arrival at Hobart.

Fonds HA 61. Loraine Family of Bramford Hall, 1851 - 1913

14 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reels M942-M943.


Accounts; Bathurst, New South Wales; Christchurch, New Zealand; Gold and Goldfields: New South Wales; Hamilton, Hugh; Hamilton, James; Loraine, Sir Lambton; Loraine, William C.; Lord Warden (ship); Naval officers; Ophir, New South Wales; Royal Navy

Biographical / Historical

Sir Lambton Loraine (1838-1917), 11th Baronet (succeeded 1852), served in the Royal Navy from 1852 to 1889, retiring with the rank of Rear-Admiral. His brother William Charles Loraine (1841-1877) served in the Indian naval and civil services.

Series 436. Papers kept by Frederica Broke, December 1851 - 1913

14 items

Filmed selectively.

Wife of Sir Lambton Loraine

Cutting from Morning Herald, 25 December 1851 (File 330)

With an account by Captain Erskine of his excursion to the Victorian goldfields with Hugh Hamilton, Walter Leslie and Lieutenant Pollard.

Hugh Hamilton (Ophir, NSW) to his sister Anna Maria Broke, 1852-01-26; 1852-03-26 (File 345)

His life in Australia since his arrival in 1841; work on land in Illawarra, Bathurst and the Lachlan River; misadventures running stock on a property at Kirconnel; his appointment as Assistant Gold Commissioner at Ophir.

James Hamilton (Christchurch) to his sister Anna Horton, 29 March 1860 (File 346)

Anna's marriage; establishment of a sheep station in Otago; his friend Andrew Bonar.

William C. Loraine. Account of his life since leaving England in 1856 and serving in the Indian Navy, 1859 (47p.) (File 357)

At the end of the volume are weather notes made by Loraine on the ship Lord Warden on a voyage from London to Melbourne, February to March 1877.

William C. Loraine. Diary, 1 January 1877 - 24 February 1877 (File 360)

Describing the first part of the voyage of the Lord Warden which left Tilbury on 6 February.

Account of William C. Loraine with Ransom, Bouverie and Co. (London), 1870 - 1878 (File 368)

Statements, cheques, cheque stubs and passbooks, 1870-1877, and cheques signed by Sir Lambton Loraine as sole executor, 1877-1878.

Agreement between William C. Loraine and Charles Birch, 29 January 1877 (File 372)

For Birch to serve as manservant on the voyage to Australia and for two years thereafter.

Inventory of the effects of William C. Loraine sold by auction on the Lord Warden, and some sent home, 12 April 1877 - 18 April 1877 (File 373)
Sir Lambton Loraine (London) to his brother 'Charlie', 8 June 1877; 5 July 1877 (File 374)
Inventories of effects of W.C. Loraine, 1876 - 1877 (File 375)

Accounts of legal transactions for late W.C. Loraine forwarded from Australia, letters to Sir Lambton Loraine from Immigration Agent and Curator of the Estates of Deceased Persons, Melbourne, 1877-1878.

J.I. Monteath (London, Belfast, Teignmouth) to Sir Lambton Loraine: effects of W.C. Loraine in India. (8 letters), 1877 - 1879 (File 378)
Correspondence of Sir Lambton Loraine and newspaper cuttings concerning the proposed new flag for the Commonwealth of Australia, 1900 - 1901 (File 1100)
British Empire Review, February 1912; April 1909 (File 1101)

With a letter from Sir Lambton Loraine on an Imperial Navy, his paper 'Future naval strength' (April 1909), and newspaper cuttings on the Navy and Empire.

Copies of letters of Sir Lambton Loraine on his proposals for an Imperial Navy, 1908 - 1913 (File 1102)

With replies from Austen Chamberlain, C. Freeman Murray, Graham Horton-Smith, John Graham, Henry Knox, C. Brodribb, Lord Roberts, Sir William White, Sir Arthur Bigge, Lord Milner, Sir Harry Rawson, Lord Charles Beresford, Alfred Deakin (Melbourne), Lord Plunkett (Wellington), Lord Knollys and others. The correspondents include Lord Brassey, Arthur Balfour and R. Muirhead Collins.

Fonds HA 67. Papers of Keppel Family, Earl of Albemarle, 16 September 1740 - 14 June 1744

4 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M943.


Anson, George, 1st Baron; Centurion, HMS (ship); Keppel, Augustus, 1st Viscount; Royal Navy: voyages

Biographical / Historical

Augustus Keppel (1725-1786), 1st Viscount Keppel (created 1782) was the son of Willem van Keppel, 2nd Earl of Albemarle. He joined the Navy in 1735 and in 1740-1744 sailed on HMS Centurion, commanded by Captain George Anson, when it circumnavigated the world. Promoted to the rank of Rear-Admiral in 1762, at various times he commanded the Mediterranean, North American and Channel fleets.

Series 461. Albemarle Manuscripts, 16 September 1740 - 14 June 1744

4 items

Filmed selectively.

Stores and provisions demanded by Commodore G. Anson from the Chief Mandarin of the Province of Canton (2pp), 18 December 1742 (File 461/22)
Augustus Keppel. Log book kept on board HMS Centurion, commanded by Commodore George Anson, on its voyage round the world, 16 September 1740 - 14 June 1744 (File 461/228)

At the end of the volume is a description of the land on the coast of Mexico (2pp) and a list of differences of longitude (2pp).

Augustus Keppel. Journal of HMS Centurion on its voyage round the world, 19 September 1740 - 19 September 1741 (File 461/229)
Augustus Keppel. Journal of HMS Centurion on its voyage round the world, 18 September 1741 - 7 May 1742 (File 461/230)

Fonds HA 75. Papers of Admiral Frederick Doughty of Theberton Hall, 1848 - April 1873

2 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M943.


Doughty, Frederic P., Admiral; Genealogy and genealogies; Magpie, HMS (ship); Naval officers; Portland, HMS (ship)

Biographical / Historical

Frederic Doughty (1834-1892) entered the Royal Navy in 1847. He served on the Pacific Station in 1850-1854 and in 1870-1874 commanded HMS Magpie on the East Indies Station. He commanded HMS Constance on the Pacific Station in 1882-1886.

Series A1. 'Land Marks': collected notes made by Doughty from time to time in notebooks, 1848 - 1870

They include notes on HMS Portland on the Pacific Station (1851-1854), his visit to Pitcairn Island and Easter Island (1852), Mr Nobbs the pastor of Pitcairn (1853), HMS Magpie on the East Indies Station (1870-).

Series. Private journal, April 1872 - April 1873

Private journal with an account of his mother's early life, his birth at Bedfield Farm, Suffolk, his childhood and schooling, friends and neighbours in Suffolk and travels in England and Europe. It includes family trees. It extends to about 1860, but there are only brief references to his naval career. (142pp)

Fonds HA 157. Papers of Greenup Family, 5 November 1834 - 7 November 1866

11 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M943.


Emigration and immigration; Greenup, Richard; Marsh, W.; Parramatta, New South Wales; Sydney, New South Wales

Biographical / Historical

Richard Greenup (1803-1866) studied medicine at Cambridge University and then practised at Salisbury. He married Jane Brodie in 1837. They migrated to Sydney in 1850 and in 1852 he became medical superintendent of the Lunatic and Invalid Establishment at Parramatta.

Series 4. Correspondence of William Marsh Greenup, 2 June 1835 - 22 July 1836

3 items

Filmed selectively.

Richard Greenup (Salisbury) to his brother William Greenup, 2 June 1835 (File 4/4)

Improvement of the estate at Cucuta; family news; his plan to emigrate to Australia.

Richard Greenup to William Greenup, 5 November 1835 (File 4/5)

Business and family news; if he migrates he will go to South Australia or Van Diemen's Land.

Richard Greenup to William Greenup, 22 July 1836 (File 4/6)

Family news; if he emigrates he will go to Australia.

Series 8. Papers of Francis Lloyd and his family, 5 November 1834 - 7 November 1866

8 items

Filmed selectively.

Richard Greenup (Salisbury) to Francis Lloyd, 5 November 1834 (File 8/12)

Possibility of emigrating to South Australia.

Richard Greenup to Francis Lloyd: general and family news, refers to emigration, 25 January 1841 (File 8/44)
Jane Greenup (Parramatta) to Francis Lloyd, 22 July 1866 (File 8/47)

Death of Richard Greenup, stabbed by a criminal lunatic; requests help with insurance and other matters in England.

Jane Greenup to Francis Lloyd: sends registrar's certificate of death and other documents, 21 August 1866 (File 8/48)
Instructions as to a claim under insurance policy: Dr Richard Greenup, n.d. (File 8/49)
Cutting from Sydney Morning Herald on the inquest on the death of Dr R. Greenup, Parramatta, 21 July 1866 (File 8/50)
Elizabeth Greenup to Francis Lloyd, 7 November 1866 (File 8/51)

Marriage of her brother Richard Greenup and Jane at Salisbury, 22 June 1837.

W. Marsh (Sydney) to Francis Lloyd, 16 July 1841 (File 8/83)

Settled in New England in northern New South Wales; splendid country ideal for sheep; prices.

Fonds HA 178. Records deposited by Sole Sawbridge and Co. of London, 14 August 1845 - 26 January 1852

2 items

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M943.


Bloomfield Family

Series HA178/2. Papers of Bloomfield Family of Redham, 14 August 1845 - 26 January 1852

2 items
Subseries 3. Wills, 14 August 1845 - 26 January 1852
2 items

Filmed selectively.

Will of Louisa Edwards of Framlingham, Suffolk, 14 August 1845 (File 3/39)

Including bequest of £2000 to her brother Thomas Valentine Bloomfield of Denham Court, New South Wales.

Will of Matilda Stanford of Framlingham, Suffolk, 26 January 1852 (File 3/40)

Including a bequest of £300 to her brother Thomas Valentine Bloomfield of Denham Court, New South Wales.

Note: The baptismal record of Thomas Valentine Bloomfield is listed on page 7.

Fonds HA 213. Papers of Harold Lingwood of Martlesham, 20 June 1804 - March 1954

19 items

Filmed Selectively.

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M943.


Convicts; Catchpole, Margaret; Endeavour, HMS (ship); Firth, Walter; Lingwood, Harold R.; Transportation

Biographical / Historical

In the preface to his biography, Lingwood refers to his long interest in Margaret Catchpole (who was transported to Sydney in 1801), the articles he contributed to the East Anglian Weekly Times, the earlier books on Catchpole by Reverend. Richard Cobbold (1845) and G.B. Barton (1924), and his interest in providing the Suffolk background to Catchpole's life.

Harold R. Lingwood Homespun heroine: portrait of Margaret Catchpole (typescript, 246p.) (File 1)

Pictures of HMS Endeavour, Sydney Cove in 1788, the First Fleet at Botany Bay, and a shipboard scene (File 2)

Reverend F.J. Foakes Jackson (Englewood, New Jersey) to [unknown], 25 March 1928 (File 4)

Letters of Margaret Catchpole; Richard Cobbold.

Correspondence of Lingwood with O.B. McCarthy (London), February 1954 - March 1954 (File 5)

Concerning queries by T.D. Mutch in Sydney about Margaret Catchpole (3 letters).

Notice of performance of the play Margaret Catchpole by Walter Frith, 6 October 1910 (File 8)

To be performed by Laurence Irving and Mabel Hackney.

Notice of performance of the play Margaret Catchpole by Mary Austin, 6 March 1922 (File 9)

To be performed by Mary Austin and Company, Lyceum Theatre, Ipswich.

G.W.M. Reynolds. Margaret Catchpole, London Journal (2p.), n.d. (File)

Margaret Catchpole (Sydney) to her aunt and uncle, Anne and William Howes (photocopy), 20 June 1804 (File 20)

Margaret Catchpole (Sydney) to Elizabeth Cobbold (photocopy), 25 May 1807 (File 21)

Margaret Catchpole (Richmond) to Elizabeth Cobbold (photocopy), 8 October 1809 (File 22)

Margaret Catchpole (Richmond) to Elizabeth Cobbold, 1 September 1811 (File 23)

Postcard of Brandeston, Scots Hole, where Margaret Catchpole lived with her uncle, n.d. (File 26)

Photograph of Old Manor House, St Margaret's, n.d. (File 27)

Photograph of 'The Cliff', n.d. (File 28)

Margaret Catchpole to John Cobbold (photocopy), 1 September 1811 (File 30)

Photograph of the Margaret Catchpole Inn, Ipswich, n.d. (File 32)

Photograph of Alnesbairn Priory Farmhouse, n.d. (File 33)

Photograph of Richard Cobbold's imaginary portrait of Margaret Catchpole, n.d. (File 34)

J. Harris. Prints on the theme of Margaret Catchpole, London, 1845 (File 39-45)

Fonds HA 228. Papers of the Donnan Family, 24 February 1915

1 item

Archival History

Originally filmed on AJCP Reel M943.


Donnan, William, Lieut. Col.; Indian Army; Singapore

Biographical / Historical

William Donnan (1867-1919) served in the Army from 1888 to 1916. He became a Captain in the Indian Army in 1899 and was promoted to Major in 1906 and Lieutenant-Colonel in 1914.

Series 1. Lieutenant Colonel William Donnan, 24 February 1915

1 item

Filmed selectively.

William Donnan to his wife Ethel Louisa Donnan, 24 February 1915 (File 1/1/94)

Refers to mutiny in regiment in Singapore and 'spirit of unrest is very much abroad'. The mutiny of 850 sepoys in the 5th Light Infantry against British officers took place in Singapore in February 1915.
