Guide to the Papers of Sir Edward Burnett Tylor (as filmed by the AJCP)



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Created: 2019

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Series Box 6 (1 and 2). Correspondence, 18 February 1878 - 6 December 1902

filmed selectively

Rev. G. Brown, Sydney, 22 April 1882 (File B 11)

Replies to EBT's letter, re language question in New Britain, Mr Pratt suitable person to take on Comparative Dictionary of Polynesian.

P.E. Cheal, Auckland NZ., 13 September 1901 (File C 11)

Sending EBT two newspaper cuttings re maori carvings.

R.H. Codrington, 9 June 1884 - 6 December 1902 (File C 12-15)

Re Fijian word, 9 June 1884 (Item)
Sending EBT his ms, 1 March 1890 (Item)
C's view on totemism, 14 May 1898 (Item)
Melanesian practices re naming children, 6 February 1902 (Item)

J. Dawson, Glasgow, 21 July 1882 (File D 2)

Re Australian aborigines and message sticks. (drawing mentioned not now in collection).

Sir John Evans, Hemel Hampstead, 18 February 1878 (File E 3)

Enclosing letter from Mr Hayter re stone circle near Mt Elephant in Australia and cutting from Illustrated Australian News 9/4/1877

A. Fornander, Hawaii, 24 April 1880 (File F 4)

Re Hawaiian game- 'Konane' with a sketch of the board played on...

A. Fornander, Hawaii, 31 January 1881 (File F 5)

Reply to EBT and more details of 'Konane'. Defence of the views expressed in his book Polynesian Race.

Series. Letters from Rev. Lorimer Fison, 6 June 1879 - 22 July 1899

filmed selectively

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 6 June 1879 (File Fison 1)

The EBT-Fison correspondence begins with a letter from Major General A. Lane Fox enclosing from EBT to see a letter of 4 August 1878 from Fison. This letter had been sent to Lane Fox by Sir Arthur Gordon and was apparently returned to the latter. Lane Fox's letter discussed personnel problems of the Anthropological Institute. (See letter of Mr Li in L envelope). Attached is a note thought to be in EBT's writing summarising the contents of Fison's letter.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 17 August 1879 (File Fison 2)

Thanking EBT for a letter which has cleared up a misunderstanding about missing correspondence. Describing the background to and problems facing his joint work with A. Howitt. Particulars of some work he has done which might interest EBT. Defence of 'Morgan' against Sir John LeBrock's 'McHennah'. (Fiji)

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 9 November 1879 (File Fison 3)

Discussion of points on which EBT has differed from 'Morgan' view of forthcoming publication of Fison and Howitt's joint work. (Fiji)

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 3 December 1879 (File Fison 4)

Repeat of contents of above misaddressed and may have gone astray. He therefore more or less repeats its contents. (Fiji)

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 16 January 1880 (File Fison 5)

Sending a paper on the customs of 'Mota'. A possible primitive link with freemasonary? The missionary attitude to savage customs. Fijian customs, marriage and succession to the priestly office. (Fiji)

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 18 May 1880 (File Fison 6)

Acknowledging a letter from EBT. A paper of Fison's is to be published. News of the Fison/Howitt book. Praise of Howitt. (Fiji)

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 24 January 1880 (File Fison 7.(2))

Thanking EBJ for his help over publishers. Fison is nervous about the English critiques of his book. A dispute with another Australian anthropologist. Instances of expiration for marriage, regulated by 'class-rule'. Aboriginal marriage customs. (Fiji)

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 1 March 1881 (File Fison 8.(3))

More thanks to EBT. How Fison learned the Fijian language and problems it caused. Discussion of the bull roarer. An enquiries into the 'narrowing' of skulls. Fison defends himself against the charge of 'hitting for hittings sake'. He resists false charges against his mission. Further discoveries of Howitt. List of persons to whom EBT is to send copies of Fison's Burial Customs. (Fiji)

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 30 March 1881 (File Fison 9.(2))

Sending EBT some MSS of Mr Codrington work, which Fison has annotated. The value of his work. More information about 'narrow skull' people. The frizzly hair of Fijians. The bow as a weapon among the Melanesians. The avoidance of familiarity between relatives by marriage in Fiji. A case in point. A Mission meeting attended by over 200 men, using many dialects. Instances of the Fijians imaginative powers. More praise of Mr Codrington.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 14 April 1881 (File Fison 10)

(Fiji) Fison's paper on Burial Customs has been issued and he thanks E.B.T. for copies. Mention of a critical review of Fison and Howitt's book in The Saturday Review.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 23 May 1881 (File Fison 11)

(Fiji) A note on a new word Fison has learned to be added to Codrington's list. Fison modestly admits his slight knowledge.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 15 July 1881 (File Fison 12)

(Fiji) Thanking E.B.T. for his review of 'our work' in the Academy...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 30 July 1881 (File Fison 13)

(Fiji) Asking E.B.T. to make certain alterations in the Codrington papers previously sent to him. Thanks to E.B.T. for his review, and defence against the criticism of others, particularly Mc Lennan...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 12 August 1881 (File Fison 14)

(Fiji) Sending E.B.T. 31 Fijian tables. A description of kites flown in Rotuma

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 13 August 1881 (File Fison 15 (2))

Thanking E.B.T. for the gift of a copy of his Anthropology. He has sent E.B.T. a number of Fijian riddles, and now quotes another one. A children's vocabulary for counting from 1 to 10.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 23 September 1881 (File Fison 16)

(Fiji) Acknowledging a letter from E.B.T. and thanking him for the trouble he had taken over 'my Land Tenure'...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 26 September 1881 (File Fison 17.(2))

More thanks to E.B.T. for help over the land Tenure papers. Further discussion of the record to be put together out of extracts from Fison's letters...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 27 September 1881 (File Fison 18.(2))

(Fiji) Details of the letters Fison has written recently to E.B.T...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 7 November 1881 (File Fison 19)

(Fiji) Sending E.B.T. a rough sketch of a tribal Sacred Enclosure...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 20 December 1881 (File Fison 20)

(Fiji) Fison is taking his family on a trip to Australia...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 3 March 1882 (File Fison 21.(2))

(Melbourne) Written after arrival in Australia. His plans for the future. The need to fine another job will keep him out of scientific work in future...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 8 March 1882 (File Fison 22)

(Melbourne) Fison has just returned from a visit to Howitt, bringing back a lot of material...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 18 April 1882 (File Fison 23)

(Melbourne) More efforts to get a nose-flute for E.B.T...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 23 August 1882 (File Fison 24.(2))

(Fiji) A disappointment about a nose-flute. Fison has no reason to believe that there are any relics of a higher culture, among the Australians...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 3 October 1882 (File Fison 25)

(Fiji) Sending E.B.T. a nose-flute and revised instructions on playing it...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 27 December 1882 (File Fison 26)

(Fiji) Howitt and his programme of work. He is now the 'acknowledged Great Medicine Man'...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 26 January 1883 (File Fison 27.(3))

(Fiji) Discussion of the practice of avoidance of the father-in-law and mother-in-law, and the distinction between the two...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 14 April 1883 (File Fison 28)

(Fiji) Another disappointment about a nose-flute...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 13 January 1883 (File Fison 29)

Sending a water colour sketch of a 'Stone Enclosure'. Continuing enquiries into the secret Nanga ceremony, the initiation of young men into the tribe...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 26 July 1883 (File Fison 30.(2))

(Fiji) Congratulating E.B.T. and the University, on his appointment to Oxford...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 17 August 1883 (File Fison 31.(3))

(Fiji) Mingled praise and criticism of Sir H. Maine's 'work' sent by E.B.T. Maine has misunderstood the 'savage' mind and heart...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 30 August 1883 (File Fison 32)

(Fiji) Details of the specimens sent to E.B.T., including a Nanga trumpet...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 18 February 1884 (File Fison 33)

(Melbourne) Fison has moved to Australia and has been very pp-? (sic) a nervous breakdown...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 17 May 1884 (File Fison 34)

(Melbourne) Details of specimens sent or to be sent to E.B.T...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 28 February 1885 (File Fison 35.(2))

Fison has received copies of various Fison/Howitt papers, some with serious misprints...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 4 December 1886 (File Fison 36.(4))

Fison is still unwell, and has not written for a long time...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 5 March 1887 (File Fison 37)

(Melbourne) Fison has had a letter from E.B.T. introducing 'Mr Spencer'. (? Baldwin Spencer)...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 3 November 1887 (File Fison 38)

(Sydney) A paper of 'Danks' on Marriage Customs...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 23 November 1887 (File Fison 39.(2))

(Flemington) Fison has paid a visit to Howitt to discuss the paper on the Dieri tribe, and thinks very highly of it. Marriage customs among the Dieri...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 2 June 1888 (File Fison 40.(4))

(Melbourne) E.B.T. has made an enquiry on a point relating to sons-in-law and fathers-in-law which Fison has referred to Howitt, whose reply is enclosed in original...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 4 May 1889 (File Fison 41)

(Melbourne) Fison has received E.B.T.'s paper on The Method of Investigating the Development of Institutions. He and Howitt have both failed to understand its diagrams...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 29 September 1893 (File Fison 42.(2))

(Melbourne) A visit from Mr S.F. Peal of Assam. Marriage customs among head-hunters. Mr Peal is 'an invaluable man'...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 18 October 1893(?) (File Fison 43.(2))

(Melbourne) A further reference to E.B.T.' paper on 'The Method of Investigating etc etc.'...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 30 April 1894 (File Fison 44.(3))

(Melbourne) Fison has had an invitation to the British Association meeting at Oxford. He had declined, but 'Spencer' and others are insisting that he goes...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 31 August 1894 (File Fison 45)

(Ipswich) Fison has reached England, and is arranging to go and stay a day or two with the Tylors.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 19 October 1894 (File Fison 46)

(On board ship) On his way back to Australia. A brief letter of thanks.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 6 December 1894 (File Fison 47.(3))

(Melbourne) Clearing up a number of points which came up in his discussions with E.B.T....

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 5 August 1895 (File Fison 48)

(Melbourne) Congratulating E.B.T. on his appointment to a Chair. He has heard that Anthropology has been made one of the University courses, and would like details of the arrangements. He and Howitt are considering a new edition of their book...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, undated (File Fison 49)

Undated half sheet headed 'memo' in Fison's handwriting. References to Fijian words, tabus among certain tribes, and the meaning of certain terms relating to Land Tenure.

Rev. Lorimer Fison (File Fison 50)

One and a half sheets of an unidentified letter, on tissue paper and barely legible.

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 13 May 1885 - 6 April 1886 (File Fison H 1-2)

A. Hale Perat Malaya...

Rev. Lorimer Fison, 1884-07-27, 1884-08-14, 1886-12-30 (File Fison H-P 1-3)

A. Hale to Prof. Prestwich...

Benjamin Harrison (Ightham Kent): Re an 'Australian Miner', 22 July 1899 (File Fison No. 7)

Benjamin Harrison (Ightham Kent):Re two men travelling in Australia, 22 June 1899 (File Fison No. 8)

Series. Letters from A.W. Howitt, 22 October 1881 - 21 December 1901

Filmed selectively.

A.W. Howitt, 22 October 1881 (File Howitt 1)

(London) A letter from Howitt's sister (Mrs Watts) enquiring on her brothers behalf about the 'Institution Ethnographique' of Paris. He has not yet succeeded in getting a particular specimen for E.B.T.

A.W. Howitt, 21 November 1881 (File Howitt 2)

(Sale, Victoria) Howitt is writing at Fison's suggestion to send a selection from the material he has on the intersexual customs of the Aborigines, to supplement the Fison/Howitt paper entitled From Mother right to Father right...

A.W. Howitt, 4 January 1882 (File Howitt 3)

(Sale) Thanking E.B.T. for having sent him a note on the Ancient Mysteries. It may not be possible to establish any connection between Greek Mysteries, and those of savages. He is planning to organise a Ceremony of Initiation which may cast light...

A.W. Howitt, 5 January 1882 (File Howitt 4)

(London) Another note from Mrs Watts covering materials Howitt has asked her to forward She had been asked to go through the Ms to clarify Howitt's handwriting and offers to read proof's if required.

A.W. Howitt, 22 June 1882 (File Howitt 5)

(Sale) Sending E.B.T. a paper on the Australian Class System. He is continuing to collect specimens.

A.W. Howitt, 23 August 1882 (File Howitt 6(2))

Howitt is sending some 'fire drills' and now describes the method of use...

A.W. Howitt, 30 December 1882 (File Howitt 7)

Sending the paper referred to in No. 7 (sic) for the Anthropological Institute. He has several other papers in hand. He is about to send a parcel of specimens...

A.W. Howitt, 13 March 1883 (File Howitt 8(2))

Details of Mr Paler and his paper, and E.B.T.'s request for information about message sticks has been passed on to him...

A.W. Howitt, 4 January 1883 (File Howitt 9)

(Sale) Howitt is gratified by E.B.T's approval of his paper on the Class System. He hopes a visit he has made will clear up much aboue Initiation Ceremonies. He learned much at a ceremony he attended and gives some particulars. Details of a Turndun he has sent...

A.W. Howitt, 25 June 1883 (File Howitt 10)

(Sale) Details of the specimens being sent to E.B.T. (Bull roarers, Message Sticks, Diere net)...

A.W. Howitt, 8 August 1883 (File Howitt 11)

(Sale) Sending a collection of message sticks, and one message totem. Details are given with two rough pen and ink sketches.

A.W. Howitt, 22 October 1883 (File Howitt 12)

(Sale) Sending E.B.T. the Fison/Howitt paper which compares the Attic and Australian tribes. (?The Deme and the Horde)...

A.W. Howitt, 21 February 1884 (File Howitt 13)

(Sale) Howitt has attended an Initiation Ceremony and notes a number of details...

A.W. Howitt, 14 April 1884 (File Howitt 14(2))

(Sale) Sending two Turnduns with a detailed description. Also a Gule-Wil, one of the things used to bewitch an enemy...

A.W. Howitt, 21 March 1885 (File Howitt 15)

(Sale) Howitt has been told of his election as a Corresponding Member of the Institute and expresses his gratitude. He reports that Fison is better, but still unable to do ethnological work

A.W. Howitt, 21 February 1888 (File Howitt 16)

(Sale) Sending a paper on Message Sticks and two Sticks named in it...

A.W. Howitt, 20 April 1888 (File Howitt 17)

Thanking E.B.T. for having read the paper on Australian Systems at the Institute...

A.W. Howitt, 15 May 1888 (File Howitt 18)

(Sale) Further discussion of the relations between a man and his wife's people. Details of the 'ball play'...

A.W. Howitt, 31 May 1888 (File Howitt 19)

(Sale) Sending two further pieces of information about marriage customs, supplied by correspondents

A.W. Howitt, 20 May 1888 (File Howitt 20)

Sending three photographs taken in the Australian Alps region...

A.W. Howitt, 21 September 1888 (File Howitt 21)

(Sale) Howitt is taking steps to infirm his views about descent from the mother and the father, contrary to the views of Curr and Frazer, and Gason...

A.W. Howitt, 26 September 1888 (File Howitt 22)

(Sale) Writing further to No.21 above to ask E.B.T. to communicate the results of his enquiries about descent among the Dieri to the Anthropological Institute

A.W. Howitt, 28 January 1889 (File Howitt 23)

(Sale) Sending the Dieri paper...

A.W. Howitt, 2 May 1890 (File Howitt 24)

(Melbourne) Howitt has been appointed Secretary for Mines, and writes on Departmental paper. His time is more than fully occupied and anthropological work has to be given up. He will go on trying to get information for E.B.T. Particularly on the 'Tasmanian' questions

A.W. Howitt, 1 September 1890 (File Howitt 25)

(Melbourne) He has managed to get very little information about Tasmanian stone implements, but will keep trying...

A.W. Howitt, 1 December 1890 (File Howitt 26)

(Melbourne) Still no success about stone implements. He has read Roth's book which E.B.T. sent him: and has also read and agrees with E.B.T.'s paper on Assyrian Winged figures...

A.W. Howitt, 30 March 1894 (File Howitt 27)

(Melbourne) He is trying to obtain information as an enquiry from E.B.T. on 'Batami'...

A.W. Howitt, 5 May 1894 (File Howitt 28)

(Melbourne) Details of his efforts to get information about 'Baiami'...

A.W. Howitt, 22 July 1894 (File Howitt 29(2))

(Melbourne) Discussion of 'Baiami' and criticism of Ridley's views. Details of the verb 'Baia'

A.W. Howitt, 29 September 1894 (File Howitt 30)

(Melbourne) Howitt is glad to hear how successful Fison has been in England...

A.W. Howitt, 18 June 1896 (File Howitt 31)

(Melbourne) Howitt has become Commissioner of Audit, which he describes as 'the top of the tree'. Nevertheless, Fison and he are work-on a re-writing of their book. They will have to set matters right in respect of a number of those of different views, including (the late) Curr, Westermarck, Matthew, and Frazer...

A.W. Howitt, 12 June 1897 (File Howitt 32)

(Melbourne) Howitt has not been able to do anything for E.B.T. about stone implements. His correspondents have been swallowed up in the Mining Boom, and the mining men have no interest in anything but gold...

A.W. Howitt, 6 July 1899 (File Howitt 33)

(Melbourne) Replying to two of E.B.T.'s letters...

A.W. Howitt, 4 September 1899 (File Howitt 34)

Providing information about Dieri beliefs in response to an enquiry from E.B.T....

A.W. Howitt, 7 September 1899 (File Howitt 35)

(Melbourne) News that Spencer and Gillen are planning another expedition...

A.W. Howitt, 15 August 1899 (File Howitt 36)

A typed letter (9 sheets) from Howitt probably to Andrew Lang...

'Notes and labels on bull-roarers' (File Howitt 37)

A paper (apparently not in E.B.T.'s writing) headed 'Notes and labels on bull-roarers', containing pen and ink sketches of bull-roarers, numbered and with references to the dates of Howitt's letters in which they are mentioned. This was probably prepared for the use of the Museum. On the reverse is a suggested label for this collection, in E.B.T. writing.

A.W. Howitt (File Howitt 38)

Three pages of rough notes in E.B.T.'s writing. Two pages (incomplete) appear to be a draft of a book review. The third is rough notes on certain items in the Museum

N.J. Knowles, 18 December 1898 (File Howitt K.4)

Making a comparison of Tasmanian and Irish Stone age specimens.

Lady A. Low, 21 December 1901 (File Howitt L.3)

Asking for information on divining rods from Malay Peninsular, and enclosing a page of a letter from Mr H. Clifford.

Series A. A. Lang, 16 April 1886 - 16 September 1906

Dated Letters, 16 April 1886 - 2 November 1903 (File I)

Filmed selectively

London, 16 April 1886 (Item No.2)

A book being written by Atkinson 'My New Caledonian Cousin'.

London, 18 April 1894 (Item No.3)

Thanks E.B.T. for 'Tasmania'.

St. Andrews. Discussion of meaning of Australian aboriginal words, 4 December 1898 (Item No.8)
St. Andrews. A.L. would like to write a serious study of Australian creeds, 6 December 1898 (Item No.9)
London. A.L. received note on Arunta religion which will upset Spencer and Gillen, 19 October1903(?) (Item No.13)
London. A.L. sent the original of above in German to Spencer in Melbourne, 28 October 1903 (Item No.14)
London. References to work of Strehlow in Australia, 2 November 1903 (Item No.15)
St. Andrews. Further references to Strehlow, criticism of Howitt and Gillen, 13 January(?)1904(?) (Item No.16)

Undated/Uncertain Letters (File II)

Filmed selectively

Asks E.B.T.'s advice on books on God of Australians, 6 January(?) 1884 or 1885 (Item No.19)

Miscellaneous Documents, 7 November 1898 - 16 September 1906 (File III)

Filmed selectively

Two sheets headed 'Baby Making' re the Arunta (Item No.27)
Manuscript re work of Spencer and Siebert in connection with Arunta (Not in A.L.'s handwriting.) (3p.) (Item No.29)
J.P. Moir, Hobart, 7 November 1898 - 3 September 1905 (Item M. 8 and 9)

Sending E.B.T. some Tasmanian stone specimens.

H.L. Roth, Halifax, 16 September 1906 (Item R. 10.)

Criticisms of Gregory's Dead Heart of Australia...

Series. Letters from W.W. Skeat, 26 January 1899 - 23 October 1904

Filmed selectively

W.W. Skeat, 26 January 1899 (File Skeat 3)

(Cambridge) Enquiring about the possibility of a grant from the Oxford University Museum in support of the expedition to Malaya which he is accompanying. A contribution of £50 would satisfy him.

W.W. Skeat, 29 January 1899 (File Skeat 4)

(Cambridge) More about the expedition to Malaya. Warning E.B.T. that specimens obtained must come to Cambridge in the first instance...

W.W. Skeat, 6 February 1899 (File Skeat 5)

(Cambridge) Writing to say that shortage of time before departure will not allow him to go ahead with getting formal agreement to the proposed conditions...

W.W. Skeat, 4 March 1901 (File Skeat 6(2))

(Cambridge) Sending E.B.T. his notes on the Malay Divining Rod.

W.W. Skeat, 19 November 1901 (File Skeat 7)

(Cambridge) Thanking E.B.T. for a note and his 'generosity'...

W.W. Skeat, 8 January 1902 (File Skeat 8)

(Cambridge) Supporting E.B.T. in his view about the Divining Rod, as against that of 'A.L.' (? Andrew Lang), who is described as a Demon's Advocate.

Letters from W.W. Skeat, 23 October 1904 (File Skeat 9)

(Cambridge) Thanking E.B.T. for having agreed to write an introduction to his book, and suggesting chapters and passages E.B.T. could usefully read with a view to working out parallels.

Series. Letters from Sir B. Spencer, 23 May 1889 - 10 August 1906

Filmed selectively

Sir B. Spencer, 23 May 1889 (File Spencer 12(2))

(Melbourne) The need to arrange some help for Fison...

Sir B. Spencer, 15 March 1898 (File Spencer 13)

(Melbourne) Thanking E.B.T. for having contacted Messurs. MacMillans about the Spencer/Griffin book.

Sir B. Spencer, 19 February 1899 (File Spencer 14(3))

(Melbourne) References to a M.S. by Miss Howitt and the difficulties in getting it published...

Sir B. Spencer, 28 April 1899 (File Spencer 15)

(Melbourne) B.S. has sent for the Pitt Rivers Collection some Churinga of the Arunta tribe. A white man has been travelling through the centre of Australia, 'stealing' the stores of Churinga which Spencer and Gillen had left undoubted...

Sir B. Spencer, 5 September 1900 (File Spencer 16(2))

(Melbourne) Thanking E.B.T. for help in getting B.S. the opportunity to visit Northern Australia...

Sir B. Spencer, 7 April 1901 (File Spencer 17)

(Central Australia) Reporting that the expedition is on its way North. Useful work has been done with 'phonograph' and 'cinematograph'.

Sir B. Spencer, 17 June 1901 (File Spencer 18)

Another report while travelling North. Work is at present going on among the Kaitish tribe. Good photographic.

Sir B. Spencer, 10 August 1906 (File Spencer 19(2))

(Melbourne) B.S. is glad to hear that E.B.T. is producing a new book...

Major W.E. Taunton, 22 September 1898 (File T.1)

Giving some specimens of words from native dialects of Australians.

F.F. Tuckett, Bristol, 17 August 1891 (File T.6)

Discussion, objects he had seen in Australia.

F.F. Tuckett, Hobart, 13 February 1895 (File T.7)

On a trip to Australia and New Zealand and reports on commissions E.B.T. had given him.

W.L. Williamson, Tasmania, 16 October 1894 (File W.8)

Sending flints.
