Guide to the Papers of the Wilson family (as filmed by AJCP)



National Library of Australia View Catalogue Record

Created: 2019

Online Items

Series 1. Letterbook of John Wilson (83 pp.), April 1823 - December 1824

Letters written in Sydney by John Wilson to his brother Captain William Wilson (Hobart), his parents John and Barbara Wilson (Banff, Scotland), his sister Jane Wilson (Banff), Rev. William Allardyce (Banff), William Allardyce (Hobart), J. Ogilvie (Hobart) and Walter Bethune (Hobart). They refer to the departure of Captain Wilson from Sydney, shipping arrivals and departures, the weather, financial transactions, the shipment of wheat, requests for clothes and other items, Wilson's employment in the Commissariat Department in Sydney and his relations with William Wemyss, the deputy commissary general, economic conditions in Sydney, convict society, dances, the discoveries of John Oxley at Moreton Bay, mutual friends, family news, the marriage of Jane Wilson, and Captain Wilson's return to Hobart (August 1824)...

Series 2. Notebook of James Wilson, 1828 - 1830

A small notebook containing very brief entries recording Wilson's voyage from Banff to Sunderland on the brig Sisters (Sept. 1828), from Sunderland to London on the Devoren (Oct. 1828) and from London to Hobart on the Devoren (16 July-25 Dec. 1829). It also records a voyage from Hobart to the South Seas whaler (1 June-3 Oct. 1830).

Series 3. Letters from Jane Wilson to William and James Wilson, 1824 - 1834

Letters from Jane Wilson, later Jane Craigie, to her brothers in Australia, written from Banff, Scotland, and Midnapore, Fort William (Calcutta) and Barrackpore, India. (11 letters)

Series 4. Letters from John and Barbara Wilson to William and James Wilson, 1827 - 1849

The letters were written by John Wilson in Banff and London (1827-1830) and Barbara Wilson in Banff (1827-1849) to their sons William Wilson (1827-1835) and James Wilson (1830-1849). They refer to family news, mutual friends, shipping movements, cargoes and financial transactions.

Series 5. Letters from Deborah Wilson to James Wilson, 1851 - 1852

Letters from Deborah Wilson in Hobart to her husband James Wilson in Melbourne (Dec. 1851-Aug. 1852) referring to Hobart news, the receipt of gold from her brother William Degraves, horses, their children, the wreck of a steamer at King Island, her sadness at her separation from James and her wish that she and the children join him in Melbourne. (4 letters)

Series 6. Papers of Sir James Wilson, 1835 - 1880

The papers include; correspondence inwards and outward of Sir James Wilson; commissions of appointment of Wilson as member of Executive Council of Tasmania; draft speeches, portrait photograph of Wilson; accounts and governemnt papers...

Series 7. Miscellaneous papers of the Wilson Family, 1814 - 1894

The papers consist of correspondence, letters of introduction, legal documents, German documents relating to the Devoren, verse and printed items including programs for the Hobart Regatta (1 December 1838, 12 December 1876, 1st February 1879) and Newtown Races (17 March 1841)...

Series 8. Correspondence of the Allardyce Family, c. 1828-1850

The Wilson and Allardyce families were related. The Allardyce Family were based in Aberdeenshire. William and Claud Allardyce emigrated to Van Diemen's Land at about the same time as William and James Wilson settled in the colony...

Series 9. Histories of the Wilson and Degraves families, 1935 - 1944

The two typescript volumes, with manuscript amendments, were probably written by Ada Wilson, the daughter of Sir James Wilson. The first typescript (93pp) mainly deals with the Degraves Family, including Deborah Degraves who married James Wilson. The second typescript (67pp) deals with the Wilson Family, in particular Sir James Wilson.
